We were sitting in the room while they were talking I wasn't listening I just sat there but I was wrighting down everything said
"(Y/n)!"the professor said
"Uh yes"I said
"Your a maiden aren't you"he said
"Uh I think so that's what crow said"I said
"You have the relic of recantation and power exchange"he said
"Not one me"I said
"I'm sorry I know you all traveled a lon way I'll do whatever I can do to help"he said
"Come in kidos"he said drunk
"So what do we do now"Nora said
"You four head to the house I need a drink "he said
"Why is he always drunk or drinking?"I asked ruby
"No clue"she said
Time skip
"We got to the house and someone knocked on the door
"Can I help you"jaune said
"Yeah is there a ruby rose here"he said he was so cute
"Why"Nora said getting up
"Well"he said
"I found him"crow said
"I think her uncle use some help"he said as crow laid on the couch
"Can't a girl read her comics in peace"ruby said
"That's the same way I feel but with manga"I said reading death note
"Uncle crow did you get drunk again"she said
"Maybe"he said
"You have silver eyes "the kid said
"Who are you"she said
"Well uhh my name is oscar pine but you probably know me as proffessor ozpin"he said
"Nope don't believe it"I said
"Hr told me to say learn some
Manners"Oscar said
"Okay I believe you know"I said
"Wait but what should we call him"ruby said
"What about professor oscar"Nora suggested
"Yeah that sounds good"ruby said
"Hey can I just say something that lion heart guy was a horrible liar I checked the bugs and wore cameras I but in his clothes while he wasn't looking turns out he found the spring maiden and was working with Salem I have the recording but it's alittle blurry but I do have the voice recording"I said
"Wow your serious"ruby said
"Yup"said playing the recording
"But I think before we go attacking we should act like there our friends so we can hopefully get more info on this Salem and maybe I could get my sisters friend illia to place a bug in the white fang headquarters or something"I said
"Jaune your no longer are strategiest (y/n) is"ruby said
"No it's okay in just here to help since I'm a part of team rnjr!"I said
"So what do we do know"ruby said
"You know how I was walking around the professors office well I was placing camreas when it looked like I was looking at paintings and I placed bugs in all his items "I said
"Wow wait what if he placed some in are room"she said
"I got rid of all the bugs and cameras I even went thru the place with air and water it was so easy and it worked "I said
I looked up shocked
"The leader of the white fang sienna was just killed by Adam tatrous he is now the leader"I said like someone was controlling my thoughts
"How do you know that"ruby said
"No clue"I said
"Maybe it's because she is a maiden and sienna is a fox like her but not a two tailed one"crow said
"Can't I recantate her?"I said
"If you try"crow said
"I'll call my sister"I said going into another room and dialed my sisters number
"Sis I need you to bring me the body of the white fangs master sienna she was killed by Adam send it in the mail or whatever you can"I said
"Okay "she said
Time skip
The body of the white fangs master came in the mail and I took it inside and started to heal her
A couple hours later she woke up gasping for air
The others were around me
"Y you brought me back from the dead"she said
"Yup"I said
She bowed
"I may ask you this why are you surrounded by humans"she said
"There cool there my friends but I warn you if you hurt them I can kill you just as easily as Adam did my name is (y/n) belladonna"I said
"How did you know"she said
"Welp I'm the nine tailed fox maiden"I said
"Y y your the creator of us Faunus's your shorter than I imageded"she said
"Hey I'm not that short in a reincarnation of her so don't be rude I'm not that short"I said sadly
"I am sorry ma'am"she said
"I am giving you some orders as the creator of the faunus race I am not allowing you to harm the humans and you must help us bring peace"
"Is he possessed he is so weird"ruby and Nora said
"Come on guys calm down imagen how he feels"I said and they all backed away
"Thanks"he said
"It's just I've never really met a huntsmen and huntresses before"oscar said
"Awww it's okay"I said cutely
"Well we never met a person with two souls except (y/n)"ruby said
"Hi "I said
He laughed a little
"Mind showing us your little parlor trick kid"crow said
"Yeah okay just so you know I'll still be here"he said as something happened
"It is so good to see you again Students"he said as ozpin
"Nope he is possessed by the creepy professor that follows ruby around!"I said
"Wait what just happened"jaune said
"Wait professor ozpin"ren said
"Correct and though I may be the one speaking and though I may be the one speaking,oscar is still present mentally"he said
"This is way to creepy for me"I said
"Calm down ma'am"sienna said
"He's merely handed over the control so to speak in afraid this all must be very perplexing "professor ozpin said
"And crazy and bizzare and just really kind of hard to believe overall"Nora said
Then he chuckled witch I'm questioning if I should be creeped out or think it adorable
"Oh and (y/n) oscar thinks your cute"ozpin said
"It's good to see you children still have your sense of humor I know you've all been through tremendous hardship already I'm sorry"ozpin said
"Why are you sorry it's not your fault"i said
"It's all my fault I told you once that I made more mistakes than any man,women,and child in this planet and I wasn't exaggerating i'm cursed for thousands of years I've walked the surface of remnantliving dying and reincarnating in the body of a like minded soul the professor ozpin you all met was not my first form and clearly wasn't my last it's an extraordinarily strenuous process on everyone involved"ozpin said
"So who what are you"jaune said
"I am the combination of countless men who've spent their lives trying to protect the people of remnant with every rebirth my soul is eventually merged with another and I am changed but my memories stay with me this curse was bestowed upon me by the gods because I failed to stop Salem in the past but we must stop her now "he said
"And how do we do that"I said
"We start by ensuring the safety of the relic of knowledge and find the relic of reincarnation"he said
"How so we do that?"I said
"Well first you brought the white fang leader back from the dead so that's a start
"This is perfect we were stuck at a dead end but now we can take this cute little boy ozpim to lion heart and have him set things straight "Nora said
"But it's going to be hard since lion heart is working with Salem"I said
"Why are you assuming that"ozpin said
"I didn't trust him so I put cameras in his office and bugs in his clothes and got all the info I need for now"I said
"Please don't call me that"I pin said
"But oscar is so cute!"I said hugging him
"Were not sure that's the best idea"crow said
Nora groaned and sat down
"By I thought the head masters all took there orders from you"ren said
"That was the intention four lieutenants I can trust during times of reincarnation but once crow told me about your meeting with Leonardo he isn't just behaving irrationally he's disobeying specific instructions I had left him something's wrong I don't want to jump to conclusions but if what
(y/n) found out is true only the people in this room should know I paired with Oscar"he said
The. They talked about plans that I didn't get (and I'm to lazy to wright)
Then the table broke
"Lets all go to sleep after ruby takes a bath because she smells"I said
(By the way if you watched no game no life sienna is going to act alittle like jibril)
"Hey!"ruby said
Time skip
"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry"oscar said then was punched by ruby
"Why didn't you tell me"oscar said
"He is so cute!"I said hugging him
"Not bad miss rose but oscar doesn't have the years of training that you do or I do"ozpin said
"Eww"I said backing up
"Oh well maybe we should take a break"ruby said
"You are so screwed I'll fight you ozpin"I said
He started to thro punched and I dodged every one the punched him up on the gut then teleported up and kicked him making a crater
"That was fun!"I said sitting down
Then ozpin turned to oscar
"Are you okay oscar"I said
"I feel like you broke every bone in my body"he said
"Once you learn aura maybe you can use semblance"I said
"Semblance?"oscar said
"You know like your very own super power (y/n) has more than one Ruby's makes her super fast electricity makes me stronger ren can mask emotions and jaune can uh um hmm "Nora said
"I can't do anything"he said
"Jaunes like you he hasn't found his semblance yet but we all know he will and you will too"ruby said pulling oscar to jaune
Then they all started talking
"Don't worry mr.arc your journey is far from over"ozpin said he said said some speech
"Okay enough with the friend ship speech lets all get some rest that means oscar needs to come back"I said
We went inside and I called Blake
"Hey blake guess what o brought the leader of the white fang back to life"I said
"Wow"Blake said
"Oh and ozpin's back!"I said
"What?"Blake said
"Oh and there is a cute little kid named Oscar that's possessed oh and were in haven"I said
"Were working on a potition and we need help"she said
"don't worry I'm on my way"I said
Time skip
I got to the menagerie
"Hi sis just leave it to me"I said
"Is that her"one faunus said
"It can't be she was dead"another said
"Hello faunus my name is (y/n) belladonna I am the reincarnation of the nine tailed fox maiden I have brought sienna the last white fang leader back from the dead she was killed by Adam"I said as sienna came ahead
"Everyone everything this woman says is true she is the nine tailed fox maiden she will show any of you if you please but she needs your help"sienna said
"I need your help to save haven anyone that wants to can go to my family anyone that doesn't will not be Blamed for anything that happens the choose is yours follow my family and finally live in peace or coware behind the shadow of the white fang and be blind if there evil
You can come and help us fight and finally walk along side humans and being equals or you can trust that murderer Adam who killed his own leader
The choose is yours"I said
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