Crystal Gems and Remnant
In Beach City, Steven and the Crystal Gems are constructing a drill to stop the Cluster. Our story begins with the near completion of the mechanism.
"Are you guys taking another break?" Peridot complained, looking at the Crystal Gems.
"Yeah. We've been working on the drill for an hour straight," Steven said,
"But the Cluster isn't going to wait extra to compensate for our breaks," Peridot said.
"Peridot, a few breaks aren't wrong. We're already almost done with the drill anyways," Pearl said, smiling.
"What else do we need for the drill?" Amethyst asked.
"We just need some sort of navigation system..." Peridot said.
"There's always the gem base on the moon..." Pearl suggested.
"Well how do you suppose we get there?" Amethyst asked curiously. Steven thought for a moment.
"How about Lion! He can get us there!" He suggested. Lion yawned.
"No no no, I refuse to mount that...creature!" Peridot complained, though Steven dragged her over to him anyways.
"Is everyone ready?" Garnet asked. Aside from Peridot's grumbling, the others nodded. Lion lazily stood, yawning.
"C'mon Lion, we gotta get to the moon...or else no more naps!" Steven said. Lion, greatly treasuring his naps, tried to shake himself awake. He then roared and opened up a portal, running through it. Steven and the gems held on tight as they jumped through the portal.
Lion landed them in a patch of grass in a forest, knocking his head against a rock. The gems fell off from the impact and all warily stood up.
"This doesn't look like the moon..." Amethyst said, glancing around.
"I don't know what happened! Maybe Lion was tired and picked the wrong portal...?" Steven said, shrugging.
"Good job. Thanks for wasting our time," Peridot complained.
"Well we can't really do anything until Lion wakes up," Pearl said, looking at the sky. It was pitch dark out with a shattered moon hovering above them along with the millions of stars.
"What happened to the moon???" Steven asked, starting to worry. Peridot glanced up.
"Whatever happened to it, I don't want to know. How much longer is that creature going to be dazed?" She asked. Garnet shrugged and Peridot grumbled.
"I'm going to find either shelter or maybe even civilization. You clods can come if you want," She said, running off.
"Get back here you little twerp!" Pearl yelled, following close behind.
"We can stay here with Lion," Garnet said, smiling at Steven. Amethyst sat down, yawning.
"This is gonna be boooooring..." She said. Steven then couldn't help but keep worrying.
"What if Pearl and Peridot get lost? What if we never get back??"
"Sh, it's alright. We promised Rose we'd keep you safe, and that's what we intend to do," Garnet said, though hearing a branch break. Amethyst got back on her feet and summoned her whip as Garnet equipped her gauntlets. Grimm rushed towards the group, mainly wolf-like and warthog-like creatures with white armor on.
"Get ready!" Garnet said, readying a punch.
It didn't take long for Peridot to find Vale, looking around the area.
"Log Date, 7 13 2. Thanks to Steven, we're stuck in some foreign world...seems developed enough. I was able to break away from those clods and now I'm in search for assistance. If I'm lucky, perhaps I can find a way to contact Yellow Diamond..." She rambled, holding her little tape recorder. She soon came across a tower, looking up at it.
"Let's start here..." She said, walking inside and accidentally bumping into an orange-haired girl.
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