welcome to the center of the multiverse
Zero(aka me):* scrolling through universes * lets see which would be a good candidate hmmmm my hero academia or high school dxd only if the readers want it I'll do a separate book ah here we go rwby that would be a good one * snaps my fingers *
At beacon
Yang: come on guys I'm sure it ain't that bad
Weiss: yang that idiot destroyed our dorm with your bike !
Yang: it's much of a deal
Weiss:* looks at her *
Ruby:* has her scroll out While looking at a pic of her and y/n *
Yang:* looks at ruby * what's wrong sis
Ruby: it's just today is the day he went missing
Blake: who went missing
Yang:* sighs * you see we had a childhood friend name y/n he was older then me by one year but one day he just disappeared without a trace
Weiss: well I could see why he disappeared
Ruby: what is that supposed to mean
Blake:* rolls eyes but see light coming towards them * guys
Rwy: yeah ?
Blake:* points to the light only to completely covered by it *
Ruby: blake !
* Timeskip by laziness *
As everyone was teleported to a theater room
Ruby: where are we !
Yang: I don't know rubes
Roman: look at what we have here isn't it little red and her group
Rwby: roman ! * Gets the weapons ready *
Glynda: children let us handle this
Salem: well look who here
Ozpin: I can say the same thing
?????: That's enough * makes all of their weapons disappear *
Ruby: crescent rose ! Nooooooo!
Ironwood* looks up to the ceiling to see where the voice came from * who are you
????:* drops down *
( art by me along with it being my persona
I go by many names but mostly Zero
Ozpin: well young zero where are we
One I'm like five billion years old and second your in a theater between multiple realities aka The multiverse
Salem: so your telling us that the multiverse theory is real
Correct Salem
Ruby: " um Mr zero ? Why do you have your face covered "
Well ruby it's for people don't see my face plus it's a highly advanced helmet/mask
Ironwood: how advanced
Anyway find a seat while I start setting things up disappears into codes
They would proceed to find seats
" hmmm it appears where missing a couple people give me a second "
A couple seconds later
Another portal would open up showing three people
Ruby & yang: " Dad! " they would run up and hug him
Tai: " woah hey girls " he would say hugging them back
Raven would just roll her eyes before walking away
Qrow would walk over to them smiling " hey you two "
Ruby: " uncle qrow ! " she would say using her semblance to quickly hug him " did you miss me ?! "
He would give a playful smile " nope "
" touching but I still have two more people to bring here and well I managed to pull some strings happy late birthday ruby & yang " they would turn to look at me confused as another portal opens up
" my little rose is that you ? " The rest of team strq eyes would eyes widen along with ruby and yang before quickly turning to look to see who just spoke
( i couldn't find the artist's name but this Doesn't belong to me )
RYQT: " mom! Summer! "
They would rushed to hug her
Ah reunions always a good timehing to see anyway get to your seats I'm gonna start it
They nod before finding their seat
Universe: toy story 1
Hey readers who should y/n be
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