81 - A Poem
"Why don't we have Lady Li Ruyi enlighten us with a poem your majesty?"
I was startled when my name was mentioned.
"Marquess Li of Milong is a well-known scholar and is the Head of Literary. As his daughter, Lady Li must have some talent in poetry"
Looking toward the golden tent, I saw Princess Wu Ting and her mother behind the Empress. While Princess Ting had not said a word, her smiles concerned me. It was the same smile my half-sisters gave before troubles occur.
"First provoke this Prince. Now provoke this Prince's Wang Fei. It seems Wu Jian needs to put more effort in his swords"
Prince Wu Jian went to his feet. His dark eyes held a raging storm.
"Calm yourself Prince Jian" The Empress stopped him before he reached he motioned his men for a sword. "Someone escort Madam Muyang to Prayer Hall. For speaking out of turn, you are to be confined for five days"
"Y_ your majesty_"
The Empress gave both Wu Ting and her mother a warning look. Shrinking back, Wu Ting reluctantly let go of her mother's hand when two eunuchs escorted her mother out. Holding back her tears, she glanced at the Empress who already turned back to her grandson.
"Prince Wu Jian, you can sit down"
But Wu Jian defiantly stood shielding his Wang Fei from everyone's watching eyes. Empress Wenqian was hurt to see her grandson she painstakingly raised, going against her for a woman he barely knew.
"Jian..." The soft voice floated gently like the wind.
Everyone watched as the lovely figure stood and take hold of Prince Wu Jian's sleeve.
"The painting is beautiful..."
Beautiful? Everyone wondered why she would call such a painting beautiful. But there was no falseness in her voice - no lies in those amber eyes. She truly thought the painting was beautiful.
"Can Ruyi take a closer look?"
Wu Jian looked at the small woman, seeing admiration in her eyes as she looked at the painting.
"Jumao" Wu Jian sighed in defeat. "Go with Wang Fei"
Jumao went to Ruyi's side and held up the back of her hand. Quietly, Ruyi placed her hand on top of the elder woman was walked toward the center field where the large painting hung between two wooden posts.
Everyone watched in silence, mesmerized by the sight of the small woman in jade green standing before a deep red painting. Against the scene of blood and death, the woman didn't look afraid. Her eyes took in everything - every detail of the painting. When she lifted a hand to touch the image of a dying soldier, their hearts beat sorrowfully.
"Wang Fei..."
Ruyi withdraw her hand from the painting when a eunuch stepped forward with a tray of ink and brush.
"Wang Fei, it's too cold_"
Jumao rushed to Ruyi side when she suddenly took off her cape.
"It's too heavy..." Ruyi proceed to remove her gloves. "Writing will be difficult with these on..."
Jumao was concerned but did not refute further. Once she had the cape and gloves in hand, she stepped aside. Meanwhile, Ruyi took the brush and dipped it in the black ink before turning back to the painting. Everyone watched in anticipation when she began to write:
May we remember Soldiers of Peace
May They be free from maladies and war
May children remain innocent of death
May mothers hearts always be at ease
May fathers delight in righteousness
May All be well, happy, and peaceful
Placing the brush back on the tray, Ruyi turned to bow toward the Emperor and Empress.
"May your majesty always be well, happy, and peaceful"
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