Ch.2 - Blind me with Silk
-I made a mess. – Jimin huffed and walk round the room in circles. Ruu waited patiently for the young man to continue telling what's been bothering him. Jimin had called him this evening, asking if he could come. Ruu had other plans, but the young man sounded desperate for some talk, that Ruu already started shifting his plans in his head, so he could make room for Jimin. Now Ruu sat in his white silk pajama, his long black hair was tied to an artistic knot at the back leaving some strands out to fall freely almost to his waist.
He looked magnificent and his aura was emanating security and calmness, and even though Jimin visibly relax when he entered Ruu's apartment, he was still on the edge.
-I wasn't in the mood lately... - Jimin spoke, his voice trembling with tiredness and irritation. - Just...constant practicing and trips...and they are driving me insane....
-Who? – Ruu asked.
-Taehyung and Jungkook! They are menace, both blinded...they are darling fools, I love them to bits, but they are blind fools...completely oblivious!
-I presume Taehyung didn't do anything we talked about the previous time you were here?
-Of course not... He and Kook continued to ogle each other and have that seemingly meaningless touches that means everything really and they are jealous constantly, but they don't do shit to do anything or talk and...
-Are you talking about Tae and Kook, or are you talking about yourself and your two Hyungs? – Ruu interrupted Jimin's tirade. Jimin stopped in his tracks, shocked. His wide eyes looked at the beautiful dark haired man that was sitting relaxingly on the sofa among tons of fluffy cushions and pillows.
-I'm not...This isn't about me Hyung... it's about them...I... - Jimin stuttered, but Ruu waved his hand.
-Never said you made a mess. What did you do?
Jimin shifted uncomfortably.
-I might yell at them. – He answered, bowing his head in embarrassment. He reminded Ruu of a young boy, rather than adult man. He was so adorable.
-Might? – Ruu asked raising one of his eyebrows.
-Well...yeah... they...They were nervous, fighting over stupidest things, all because Kook got jealous over Minho Hyung paying Tae some attention on the Golden Disk Awards three nights ago. I mean, Tae is handsome and friendly, but there is nothing between him and Minho Hyung... It will be like someone would accuse me on flirting with Taemin Hyung, which I'm not... I truly am not!
Jimin was breathless and Ruu sensed that there is much more to that story than Kook's jealously.
-Was someone one else jealous of you and Taemin? – Ruu asked and Jimin's eyes went even wider. don't know...maybe...
-That's a lot of yeses and no's and maybes... Did you had to justify yourself to your Hyungs? the Hell did you know that? – Jimin asked bewildered. Ruu smiled.
-You just told me...I just read between the lines. So, did you?
Jimin thought for a second before answering.
-It was Suga Hyung. He...he told me not to be so obvious and stop drooling over him. I froze, I thought he meant Hobi Hyung, you know...but he then look at me, dead serious and told me to stop making fool of myself over Taemin Hyung. I was speechless. I never hurt me so much that he would thought that of me, when... when...
-When you have feelings for him instead. – Ruu added, feeling sorry about the man. Jimin nodded looking so broken at the moment, that Ruu sighed and spread his arms.
-Come dear one.
Jimin flung into his embrace, burying his face in crook of Ruu's neck, shaking slightly, but trying not to cry. Ruu stroke his hair and his back in the gentle movements, breathing slowly and deeply. Jimin soon relaxed, Ruu's scent itself brought the comfort the young man needed so much.
-How could I ever tell him that he is the one I want when he thinks that of me, that I'm hurling myself in Taemin Hyung path, craving for attention and drooling, as he said?
-I think we both know Jiminie that it's the pure jealously and his sharp tongue that made him speak that way to you. – Ruu said matter of fact.
Jimin raised his head slightly to look at his Hyung.
-Jealous? Suga Hyung? I think you are mistaking Hyung. – Jimin said incredulously.
-Oh I don't think I am. – Ruu said looking at him calmly with certainty. – You are very easy person to like Jiminie. A lot of people want to be your friend and even more of them find you beautiful. Suga is the man who knows what he wants, but he often lacks the conviction to act upon his own emotions. He hides behind his rough mask. He protects himself from possible pain, restraining himself from feeling the happiness, because he thinks he doesn't deserve it. I think he still have trouble believing that all of your success is true and that he would wake up any moment, or realize that he lost everything in a second. He likes you Jimin, but he thinks that you are way too good for him, so he doesn't act upon his feelings, but keep it all inside.
Jimin starred at Ruu, unblinkingly.
-You speak like you know him Hyung.
-I do in a way. I'm familiar with his type. He is one closed man and the only one who could get him out would probably be you, so do try it.
-What about Hobi Hyung? – Jimin asked, looking at his Hyung's beautiful face.
-He seems different, harder to read. Hoseok is driven by passion, as much as I could gathered from your stories and from around.
-Oh people talk Jiminie, another Idols, people, are not anonymous anymore. You are famous stars now.
Jimin blushed slightly, but Ruu's voice made him look up to gaze into his eyes.
-You can make Hoseok come to you, but you will have to go to Suga, if you want to stop being miserable as you are. I guess that's the real reason why you yelled on Jungkook and Taehyung?
Jimin kissed Ruu's lips at that moment. It was a small peck on the lips, but it was full of emotion and gratitude. Jimin beamed and Ruu chuckled.
-Thank you for that love, I truly enjoyed that, but I'm curious to know what have you yell at them. – Ruu said and Jimin groaned slightly.
-I told them that they are fools, who can't see the truth in front of their eyes. If they just stop being jealous all the time, they would see that they like each other. I yell some other things as well, I don't even remember anymore, but at the end Tae....Tae growled at me, telling me that I should pluck up the courage myself and mind my own business instead of meddling. He is right, I know, but I just snapped. We yelled at each other and Tae rushed at his room, slamming the door shut.
Ruu remembered Taehyung pretty well. Ruu read people with an ease, but the Taehyung was serious enigma to him. His multiply personality pop out as he accommodate them to his liking and occasion. Ruu have seen at least five of them in the single night, which made him curious of what else that young man have in stored.
The evening Jimin came, dragging Taehyung with him was truly interesting night. They sat and talked while drinking and the first hour of the night went comfortable, but pretty soon they skipped to the real reason why they are there.
-Hyung, Jimin says that you might help me with...extra energy that I'm feeling. – Taehyung said, feeling slightly embarrassing, but determent. Ruu just observed him with an interest, when Jimin interjected.
-Hyung, I know I have no right to ask you from it and I will repay you in anyway you want, but Tae is my best friend and he is suffering. I've been trying to do what you did to me, but it just wasn't enough.
-I'm having serious trouble not to rape Jungkook or just take off his sweatpants and impale myself on his dick. – Taehyung said, eyes burning into Ruu, pure desire evident in them as his chest moved faster as his breathing increased. The alcohol increased the level of his heat and Taehyung licked his lips, before gulping visibly. He was aroused.
-Jesus Taehyung! – Jimin exclaimed, shocked by Taehyung's blunt and filthy words. Ruu was unmoved.
-And what do you expect me to do exactly? – Ruu asked Jimin with steady low voice, his eyes dig deep into Taehyungs, who became more and more hot.
-Well...maybe...use your magic fingers? – Jimin asked hopefully. – I told Tae about it, and like I said I tried to do what you did, but it was just not enough. I don't know what you did, but I never felt like that in my life.
Taehyung's tongue darted slightly on the corner of his mouth, shifting slightly as he tried to hide his erection. Ruu didn't miss that. wouldn't be enough... not this time...not with him. – Ruu murmured more to himself, but both of the man heard him. He thought a bit more, deciding what to do, before his calm voice spoke to them this time.
-Take off your clothes and stand next to each other over there. - He pointed to the free space in the middle of the room.
-H-hyung? – Jimin breathed, confusion rising. He exchange the looks with Tae, who was surprised more than confused.
-You want my help don't you? – Both man nodded hurriedly. – Then take off your clothes. – Ruu repeated calmly again, his eyes bore deep into Jimin's now and Jimin felt the rush of heat rising from his belly on his entire body.
They both did as they were told, staying only into their briefs. Ruu tossed the cushions and pillows from the sofa on the floor in the middle they stood, a bit away from the coffee table.
-Come here and kneel on those. – He pointed and both Jimin and Tae throw another glance at one another before they hurried to obey the man's words.
-I'll be right back, don't move from there. Understood? – He looked first one, then the other man on his knees and moved only when they both nodded.
Ruu left them for a few minutes to change his clothes, choosing a silk black kimono and loose silk black pants. Bending down, he retrieved his medium black suitcase that lay under his bed. He rolled it behind him in the living room, dimming the lights in the room and changing the music for something more sensual. Both man stared at him. He was a vision in white, but Ruu in black was something so powerful, that both of them were lost for words.
Ruu opened the case and their eyes widened. All kinds of sex toys and whips and silk were inside. Ruu reached for one small leather whip and stoke it gently, inhaling his leathery smell. Noticing Jimin's and Taehyung's now scared stares, he said, chuckling a little.
-Oh don't worry my dears we will not play with this tonight. – He put the whip back and reached for some silk instead. He reached the kneeling men and crouched in front of them.
-Give me your arms. – He said and both of the men raised their arms for Ruu to inspect. Ruu reached and bind first Jimin's wrists with one long black silk and then stood up, dragging the rest of the silk with him to the ceiling where thick brass hoop hang. Jimin have notice the hoop before, but he had no idea what's it for, until now.
Ruu pulled the silk through the hoop and left it to dangle. He did the same with Taehyung's wrists, binding them in white silk. Ruu loved the duality, the composition of the shades. He loved black and white so he made the fair haired Jimin wear black, while he left the white one for the dark haired Taehyung. When both silk ends were pulled through brass hoop on the ceiling, Ruu pull on them, making their arms rise above their heads, securing the ends on the wall behind him on yet another smaller hoop, that fitted perfectly between the candles and masks that hung there.
Jimin and Taehyung suddenly felt vulnerable and exposed, exchanging the panic looks with one another. Ruu sense their discomfort and placed both of his palms on their faces.
-I will never hurt you, my dear ones. Just give you pleasure.
-Do it. – It saw Taehyung who spoke, the evident bulge in his briefs were screaming to be taken care off. Ruu went to the suitcase again and pull out yet another cloths to match the silk. It was soft. He covered their eyes with it, so they couldn't see anything. The third time he went to the suitcase, he brought with him few things that he will need, before closing it and reaching the men on the floor. Both Jimin and Taehyung couldn't see anything which helped their hearing and smelling senses to become sharper. The instrumental music in the room was low, but still noticeable, and they still could hear clearly the little noises Ruu made, the sound of the bottle lid, soft thud on the floor, sound of silk movements Ruu was making behind them and their own heavy breading.
There was a sharp intake of breath from Taehyung and then deep seductive moan when Ruu's lips touched the nape of the man's neck. Jimin craned his head to the left so he could hear his friend. The situation itself was very arousing and Tae's deep moans fueled Jimin's imagination wild.
Ruu worked Tae's neck with his lips and caressed his back and chest with the tips of his fingers, making the latter moan. He squirm his ass back to Ruu's front, when the man's hand slid dangerously low to Taehyung's groin.
-Let us get rid of those shall we. – Ruu's voice whisper on Taehyung's ear, nipping his earlobe in the process and Jimin could hear the sound of cloth dragging on the skin and Tae trembling body next to his. He then felt Ruu's fingers on his own hips, hooking on the elastic band of his briefs and dragging it down. His erection sprang out and he gasped, waiting in darkness for what's to come.
Ruu's hand slid slowly across his right hip, over his stomach, until it reached his cock, brushing slightly over the tip. Jimin moaned from sensation and buckle his hips for more. Taehyung groaned.
-Ah fuck sound so hot. – Jimin shivered at his friend's words, blushing slightly, but licking his lips and craning his neck towards Ruu as to ask to continue.
-What do you want Jiminie? - Ruu whispered on Jimin's left ear seductively and Jimin' shivered again.
-T-touch me... please. – He breathed and felt Ruu's warm hand around his cock. Jimin arched his ass desperately, bucking into Ruu's hand, but stop immediately when the man's voice warned him to behave.
Ruu stroked them both slowly, putting the right pressure, paying special attention to the heads, kissing their necks in turn and listen to their moans and breathes. They sounded so different. Taehyung's voice was deep and velvety, while Jimin was light and silken.
They begged for more, the sound of flapping skin and heavy breathing were too much for both men to bare. It was even more special for Jimin because he is with Tae and Tae who shared so many things with his best friend, could only imagine himself in this position with him by his side. Ruu played with them a bit further, until he finally reached out for the bottle of organic massaging oil. It smelled like lavender and both man sniffed the air appreciatively, taking some time to catch their breath.
But their break was of short, because no sooner Taehyung took a few desperately needed breaths, he heard Jimin groaning sinfully. Taehyung's cock twitched at the sound.
-Oh Hyung yes... yes...please... - Tae could hear Jimin's breathless sounds and he groaned irritably because he cannot see. Jimin's voice is driving him crazy, he was so hard.
Ruu kept kneading Jimin's butt with one hand, while he made a small rubs on his rim. He slid his hand to Jimin's stomach to keep him in place while pushing the finger of his other hand through the tight ring of muscles. Jimin gasped and moaned loudly, making Tae tugging at the silk growling. Ruu smacked his ass cheek with his free arm and told him to stay still. That made Tae's inner beast even more aroused and he gritted his teeth, trying to calm himself efficiently enough, which proved impossible, since Jimin's lewd sounds was all he could hear.
-Yes Hyung, yes... oh God... there...please...Hyung please. – Jimin begged and Tae could hear the slick sounds on the skin and Jimin. Damn Jimin and his seductive voice, Tae thought. Then the new buzzing sound was introduced suddenly. Jimin screamed, making Tae perk his ear to his left to hear it better.
-Oh my God!!! Oh fuck...fuck... - Jimin sounded wrecked and Tae could feel his cock was leaking on the pillow under him. Shuffling of the fabric and slight air behind him indicated that Ruu moved, but Tae didn't know where. Not until he felt his tongue on his dripping head.
-Oh fuck! – He groaned in the surprise. – Oh fuck...oh it feels so good...oh... - His deep voice echoed in the room and Jimin jerked on his restrains, wanting to see what made his friend moan so, but he couldn't. The bonds were secured and Jimin could only wrap his firsts around it, while the small vibrator kept sending shivers on his prostate, his body convulsing.
On his left, Tae kept bucking his hips into Ruu's mouth. His expert tongue kept swirling and making wonders on his cock. Tae was on entirely another level. He felt Ruu's hand brushing his thigh, his mouth letting go of his dick to slide down to his balls to suck them gently. Tae mewled at the sensation. The hand moved under him, sliding a finger on his rim. He massaged it for a while, while sucking him off, before he pushed his finger in. Tae tensed for a moment, but was so wrecked by now that soon he asked for more. Ruu pushed another finger in and curved them towards Tae's stomach, searching for the certain spot. Tae's luscious screams told him he found it, like he knew he would. Ruu smiled and suck the head even more, while moving his fingers inside Tae in steady pace. He gazed over to Jimin and saw that he is close, so he reached and turn off the vibrator, making Jimin slump forward, panting crying for release.
-Hyung please, I ...I can't take it...more...oh fuck Tae, you sound so fucking hot...fuck...Hyung...p-please...let me cum...please... - Jimin rambled incoherently, dangling slightly from his restraints.
-J-Jimin, oh God... Jiminie...aaah... - Tae turn his head towards Jimin, asking for him, wanting to touch him, to help him. Their bodies touched slightly on the side, since they knelt next to each other, but that wasn't enough.
-Tae...I need you Tae...I need....oh oh... - Jimin stopped talking when Ruu's tongue licked on his sensitive buds, sucking it, his fingers still deep inside Taehyung.
-What do you need Jiminie? – Ruu asked between the kisses, reaching behind Jimin to pull out the vibrator from Jimin's clenching hole.
-I need Tae, please Hyung... I need Tae aghhh...
-Fuck Jimin! – Tae growled, completely torn between the high pleasure Ruu was inflicting on his prostate and desire to go to Jimin. He buckled his hip on the side to touch Jimin's. Jimin shuddered and buckled his own hip to meet Tae's.
-You need him how Jiminie? – Ruu's calm silken voice spoke again, licking Jimin's collarbone.
-I want him... aaah...I need him inside me. – Tae groaned at his words, his cock twitching violently, craving for the touch. He gasped suddenly when Ruu's fingers left him.
Ruu reached to turn Jimin slightly to the right, turning his back on Tae.
-Jiminie, be a good boy now and listen to your Hyung, yes? Taehyung you too, understood?
They nodded, wanting to be rewarded. Ruu rose up and went to the hoop on the wall. He untied the silk and went to the kneeling men. Reaching up he dragged their hands down, untying their wrists.
-The blinds stay on.
-Yes. – They both answer in unison.
-Jimin. Bend down on your elbows. – He said and Jimin obeyed, burying his face in the pillows and arching his perfect ass up in the air. Ruu could never stop admiring that masterpiece. He knelt down, pouring some more oil on his hands before sliding two of his fingers in Jimin's hole, making the latter gasped in surprise.
When he was satisfied with the slickness, he wrapped his other hand on Tae's cock, pumping it.
-Do you want to use protection Jimin? I presume both of you are healthy.
-No, I want to feel him...please Hyung.
Ruu hummed and make Taehyung turn to his right as well, facing Jimin's behind.
-Reach out to touch him. - And Taehyung did.
-Oh Jiminie... - He breathed, clinging to his friend and kissing his spine. Jimin melt on the touch for a briefest of seconds, but the need was strong, so he choked.
-Tae...please...I need you...please...
Taehyung felt Ruu's presence behind him and his hands on his hips. Ruu reached towards Taehyungs slick cock and lead him to Jimin's entrance. Jimin was squirming.
-Breathe in Jiminie. – Tae felt Ruu's breath on his ear and then his hips were pushed forward into tight and warm embrace of Jimin. Both of them gasped as Ruu pushed Tae deep inside Jimin.
-Relax Jiminie, breathe. Stay calm Taehyung, you don't want to hurt Jiminie, don't you? – Taehyung shook his head, trying to stay still, letting Jimin adjust to his size. It was their first time.
As soon as Jimin cried for more, Tae carefully pulled out, so only his head was inside and push back in. Jimin felt amazing, tight and warm, Tae felt a lump in his throat.
-Angle yourself a bit Taehyung...yes just like that. – Tae heard Jimin's moans increase in the new angle he was fucking him. Tae increased his pace making Jimin cry for more. That worked so good that Tae was very close. He grabbed Jimin's hips tighter and slammed inside with new fervor.
-Oh my God...Tae... oh.... – Every Jimin's moan and gasp was a music to Taehyung's ears. For a briefest of moments, he imagined Kookie in Jimin's place and nearly came right then and there. But it was unfair to his friend, so he brushed the thought aside and concentrate on Jimin...only on Jimin. Little did he knew that Jimin did exactly the same thing, imagining Hoseok and Suga exchanging behind him, fucking him good. The blind helps you to do exactly that, to ignite the imagination so hard, while you expect the touches and kisses.
-Oh Yoongi Hyung... - Jimin moaned and Tae snapped his head down towards Jimin. Realizing his mistake, Jimin jerked. – Oh fuck Tae, I didn't mean to... I'm...I'm sorry...oh...
Tae kept fucking him harshly, chuckling lightly. – That's okay Chim....aaaah...fuck... I... I imagined Kookie as well...
They both chuckled at the craziness of the situation they were in. The sound of the skin on skin echoed the room, intertwining with the sensual music in the background. Ruu was silent, sitting on the side, legs crisscrossed, watching them.
-So... I next? Hobi H-hyung? – Taehyung panted, his hips bucking into Jimin. – You know he keeps thrusting h-his hips while....oh fuck...oh... while he dance? L-like this...
He proceed thrusting his hips into Jimin, making the latter lose his mind.
-Oh God...oh my fucking God..oh...
-He won't l-let you... ah...cum for a long time. He would tease you...until you scream...until you beg.
Jimin muffled his screams in the pillow beneath him, arching his back more, trying to engulf Tae as much as he can.
-But... – Taehyung continued. – But I think Yoongi Hyung would be more of the passion o-one... he...oh fuck... he would go deep... - Taehyung went in deep...deeper that he was, his balls smacked Jimin's ass with a loud sound. - ...and...and slow...kissing you and t-touching y-you during the e-entire time... oh...fuck...
Jimin cried from desire, this was too much. Taehyung's deep sensual voice, while he talk in this fashion, fucking him in such matter, made Jimin croaked.
-I want to touch you! Tae...I ...ah..I need to touch you... - Jimin reach back to grab Taehyung's arm, craving the touch.
Tae pulled out instantly, shifting Jimin on his back, until he was between his legs. He found his awaiting hole and pushed in. This new angle was so different and more comfortable. Jimin hooked his legs around Tae's waist, while he pulled him for a kiss. They kissed messily, more with their tongues than lips, but neither of them minded. All that matter is the way Tae kept sliding in and out of Jimin. They were so close. Suddenly both of them felt their blinds removed by Ruu and they blinked in confusion, looking at each other. Taehyung's breath hitched in his throat at the sight of completely wrecked Jimin underneath him.
-Jesus look so beautiful!
That and seeing Tae in all of his glory, skin glistening with sweat, while he pound on his prostate mercilessly drove Jimin to his climax. He came on his belly, his cock arching as it spurts the stream of white liquid in the air.
The sight was too much for Tae as well. The way Jimin screamed and looked as he came, made him shut his eyes, growl ran deep from his throat, as he burry himself into his friend few more times before ejaculating deeply inside.
He fell on Jimin, crushing him, but Jimin didn't mind, he just hugged Tae closer, feeling him inside still, even though he was over sensitive now. They breathe heavily, their bodies covered with sweat and cum.
They heard the ruffling of the silk and they looked up at Ruu, who was standing there with two towels in his hands.
-Once you regain your strength to stand up you can use the shower. I'll reheat what's left of food and we could have a nice cup of tea later on, what do you think?
Jimin only smiled tiredly. – I'm so tired tired - He look at Tae gently, caressing Tae's hair, which lay on his chest. Taehyung nuzzled his head in the crook of Jimin's neck and kissed his skin affectionately.
-Take your are always welcome to stay the night. – Ruu said, leaving the towels on the sofa and going to the kitchen to brew some green tea.
Now, in present time, he sat, cradling his young friend in his lap, while he kept on talking. He was so tensed now, completely different from that young man who lost his virginity to his best friend on his previous visit. Ruu was slightly worried, but he knew that things would worked out, especially with Taehyung. Their bond was too strong and even though it might not be in romantic nature, they certainly had the need to feel each other good and the mutual love and respect made them easy to be naturally close...closer than any two friends should be. Ruu marveled at that, he craved that same level of devotion and closeness with someone. His thoughts went to Jihwan, but he pushed it away instantly, not wanting to make himself dark again. Jiminie needs him now.
-I felt so angry. – Jimin said, continuing with his story and Ruu was glad that he didn't miss anything in his little memory escapade.
-I went for a walk... I even brushed off Hobi Hyung's hand when he touched my shoulder to stop me from leaving... - As if just realizing what he said, Jimin groaned again and bury his face in his hands and Ruu's neck. The muffled words came out from there. - Oh fuck...I brushed it off...Hobi Hyung's...ah fuck fuck...
Ruu made him sit straight and removed his hands from his pretty face. The angry and painful tears ran down his cheeks as he kept rambling.
-Fist Suga Hyung, now Hobi Hyung... and T-Tae is angry at there anything I can do right?! – He looked at Ruu pleadingly, asking for reassurance, for something that could help him ease up the guilt he felt.
-Jiminie. – Ruu began. – You acted a bit rush and you might say some things that you didn't want to say, but there are your family and your friends, they will forgive you. Taehyung will forgive you, especially if this outburst of yours help thick headed Jungkook to see some things and talk with him.
Ruu cupped Jimin's face and kissed his cheeks, brushing his tears with his lips.
-You told me how Taehyung reacted, what about Jungkook?
-He just stared at us, he didn't say anything. He just gaped at me and Tae and I just rushed out, I don't know what he did next.
Ruu nodded, the gears in his mind working.
-That might be the good thing. – Ruu said.
-Hyung... - Jimin said weakly.
-Yes Jiminie.
-Touch me please. – Jimin pleaded and Ruu was too weak to say no. He kissed him slowly, but with passion and pretty soon he had Jimin naked squirming under him, begging for more.
-You are always so greedy my darling. – Ruu said and Jimin mewled.
-Your fingers Hyung, please... - And Ruu gave him what he craved, making him moan and arch his back whenever Ruu rubbed his sweat spot. Ruu was great at what he was doing. It wasn't his job, it was just something he loved to do whenever he got chance. He enjoyed making people feel good. He always put their needs first and that's why he was quite surprised when Jimin jumped, pulling Ruu's fingers out, and pushed him, back down on the sofa.
-I want to return the favor Hyung. – Jimin said, running his hands down Ruu's thighs.
-You don't have to Jiminie. – Ruu said calmly, but desire was sparkled in his eyes. Jimin saw the glint and smiled wickedly.
-Oh but I want to me, I do...
Ruu marveled at duality of the man. Both he and Taehyung possessed that trait. Only moments ago Jimin was crying and looked like a lost boy and now he was like God of lust itself. Ruu enjoyed the show, for him it was like watching a very interesting play in progress.
Jimin went down and took Ruu's pants off and gasped.
-Are you often forget to wear underwear Hyung? – Jimin asked, arching one of his eyebrows and watching Ruu's semi hard cock.
-I never wear underwear. – He said calmly, watching Jimin processing this information as his cock twitched.
-Fuck Hyung... why are you so irresistible?
Ruu watched Jimin bend down to lick his cock. The few licks and kisses of Jimin's plump lips, made Ruu bit his lips to stop a moan. He failed in keeping quiet when Jimin took him in his mouth whole.
-Oh, that feels so good good...
Jimin basked in the warmth Ruu's body provided, enjoying the sounds his Hyung was making. It gave him pride to know that he was responsible for every breath of pleasure and whimper the man, who's cock he sucked, was making. Feeling that he was near, Ruu stopped him and Jimin obeyed, watching him expectantly.
-Do you want to have sex with me Jiminie? – Those words made Jimin nearly whine from desire. He was so eager. He nodded quickly.
-I do Hyung...I... - He stopped and Ruu cupped his cheek.
-Would you like to fuck me Jiminie? – That made Jimin nearly choke on his own saliva. He coughed, swallowing harshly, teary eyed as he nodded again.
-Come with me. – Ruu rose from the sofa and pull Jimin by his hand. They went into Ruu's bedroom, the place Jimin never saw before.
The bedroom was black and white, stylish and rich décor gave the room simple elegance that suited Ruu's personality perfectly. The bed was spacious and Jimin couldn't wait to mess with tightly spread linen. Ruu reached one of the draws and pulled everything they need.
-I like to be fucked in a special way. – He said to Jimin, who stared at him wordlessly. – I like to be handled in certain way.
Suddenly Jimin felt very nervous. He was quite unexperienced, as he never fucked the man before, even Tae, since Tae said that he wants to give himself to Jungkook. Jimin respected his wish, but that didn't stop Jimin to jump on his friend's cock two more times during their endless promotions and travels.
-But Hyung I never been with the man that.
-Oh but that's why we are here Jiminie, so you can learn.
During that time Namjoon sat in his studio, thinking. He hated when his band members were fighting. The scene between the three maknaes escalated quickly and he failed to catch them all and to talk some sense in them.
Deep down he knew Jimin meant well, both Tae and Kook were oblivious dummies. Everybody knew about their mutual feelings. Their managers even warned Namjoon to keep an eye on them, because they are getting too touchy and some people might misinterpret that in a wrong way. He must protect his band, it's his duty...duty as their leader and as their brother.
He noticed Jimin's behavior. He's been tensed again, but he tried to hide it. The masks fell though as soon as the conflict between the three erupted. Namjoon knew that Tae will be moody again, hiding in his room and keeping his silence. He decided to ask Yoongi to talk to him. He was the only one that could reach to him, besides Jiminie, but since Jimin is, partly, the cause of his silence, Yoongi is the best solution.
Jungkook will be his task. He knew how to handle the maknae pretty well, even though, as it seems, he is in the less need of an assistance. He will wait until tomorrow, feeling that the stubborn Jungkook would have time to reflect during the night and talk calmly in the morning. He will ask him what happened, since it was Tae and him that started the brawl in the first place.
He was worried about Jimin at first. He had no idea where the young fool left. He was ready to go and search for him when he discovered that Jimin left without his phone, until, unexpectedly, he got a massage from, none other, than Ruu. He notify him that Jimin is with him and that he is alright.
Namjoon thought about Ruu. He heard a great things about him from Jimin and his other Hyung. Jihwan trusted the man with his own life and even Nyx adored the man. He smiled gently when he thought of her. His mind raced back on the night he went with Jimin to Jihwan's club.
He sat with Jihwan, drinking and talking. They just saw Jimin, eyes filled with lust as he was pulled by Ruu towards the elevators. He winked at him and smiled.
-You think he will be alright? – He asked Jihwan. The man barked a laugh.
-He will be reborn in his arms, don't worry. Ruu does miracles.
-You admire him? I can see it in your eyes.
-Oh I love him dearly. He is an amazing and unique person. The rare gem in the sea of pebbles. Highly seductive and charming, witty as hell, extremely smart and very dangerous, but I trust him with my own life. Shit, I even think I would give my life for him.
-Damn it Hyung, that's some deep shit.
Jihwan laughed some more.
-It does seem that way, but weirdly is true. I've known him only for a few years, but it feels like I know him all my life. Maybe we were connected in our previous life even, who knows.
Namjoon looked at his Hyung with a slight surprise. Jihwan noticed and smiled at his dongsaeng.
-Don't look so surprised Joonie. I do believe in those things believe it or not.
-I'm just surprised Hyung. You never talked like that before.
-Well people change.
-Do you have...other...kind of feelings for him Hyung? – Namjoon asked carefully and Jihwan didn't answer immediately.
-No...I don't think so. He is certainly beautiful, you saw, but no... I don't see him in that way. I adore him, like I said I trust him entirely, but I don't bend on that side Joonie, it's not that I didn't think about it before though. There are a lot of beautiful man out there and you know that I like beauty, but there is something so special and delicious about pussy, that I can't let go.
Namjoon laughed at Jihwan's words.
-Oh Hyung, you will truly never change.
Jihwan smirked and wanted to retort, when he felt a pair of arms wrap around his neck. He turned and met with a beautiful black woman. He smiled widely.
-Nyx my love, when did you return? – He kissed her cheek that she presented to him and she smiled back.
-Last night. I ached for some good atmosphere, among other things. – He looked at his lips as she spoke those words and Jihwan smiled.
-Love I want you to meet my dear old friend Namjoon. Joonie this is Nyx, my goddess of the night and dearest lady friend. – Namjoon bowed politely and smiled, his dimples showing in sudden shyness.
-Oh my God he is cute. Look at that dimples. – She said on English. Namjoon laughed embarrassingly, covering his hand with his mouth.
-Careful now love, he speaks English fluently. – Jihwan said and her eyebrows rose.
-Is that so? Well I still think he is cute and I love dimples!
This time both man laughed. The moment was interrupted by Namjoon's phone. He excused himself, saying he got to take this and went to find more quiet space to talk.
-He is so cute and handsome, who is he? – Nyx asked and Jihwan looked at her.
-Have you heard of Bangtan Sonyeondan? – He asked and after seeing that she is look at him blankly, he added. – BTS? Ring any bell?
-I heard of them, but I haven't heard any of their songs. You know I don't listen to Kpop honey.
-But you like rap and hip hop.
-They have both, give them a chance, you might like it.
-We'll see...but I could give him a chance. – She murmured, looking the distance, searching for someone with her eyes, while Jihwan eyed her with devilish smile.
-Yeah, you know I'm weak for those cat eyes of yours and if we add a sexy body and kung-fu shit, I'm dripping.
-I love that dirty mouth of yours love. – Jihwan said, pecking her lips quickly.
-Oh I know you do. – She smiled, licking at them seductively, watching Jihwan bit his own to stop his smile from spreading even more.
-You are dangerous minx love.
She laughed this time. They flirted some more, before she asked. – Where is my darling Ruu? I haven't seen him anywhere.
-Oh so is he you've been looking for ever since you sat here. – Jihwan said amused.
-Well of course, he is my loveliest darling. I love him to bits. Where is he?
-He is entertaining our second guest, Namjoon's friend to be exact.
-Oh is he now? – She asked, raising her eyebrows again, smirking.
-Oh yes and the other one is gorgeous.
-Oh damn it, I wish I can watch some dicking.
Jihwan roared with laughter and she just sat there, sipping at her drink that arrived at some time before, looking at the dancing crowd and smiling quite satisfied with herself.
-I missed your twisted and dirty sense of humor love. – Jihwan said, brushing his hair and stretching a little in his seat.
-You know Namjoon is here looking for some fun.
-Yeah? – She turned her attention towards Jihwan again.
-Mhm and he is really special to me, so don't be a wild cat like I know you can be.
-Who said anything about me taking the man home?
-You can take him in one of the rooms upstairs. I know you dying to do so ever since you laid your eyes on him.
-I did not! I just told you he is cute. – He said incredulously, acting offended, but failing to fool Jihwan.
-Oh love, we have known each other for quite some time. I know the gleam in your eyes you get when you spot your pray and you start to pout that pretty lips of yours ever so slightly.
-Fuck, you know me too well... - She said and Jihwan smirked, raising her hand to his lips to kiss her wrist.
-He is all yours for tonight love.
Few moments later Namjoon returned and they start talking. Nyx did her magic over blushing Namjoon. Jihwan looked with amusement before his work called him and he excuses himself.
-You know I can tie a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue?
-Really? – Namjoon asked amazed.
-No. – She said smiling. She watched Namjoon bit his lip, when she added. – But I can do some pretty awesome stuff with my tongue.
The way she said that and the look she gave him, made Namjoon's chest heave and he swallowed visibly. The tightness in his pants were uncomfortable and he hoped that Nyx won't notice. Of course she did. Still he pretended it didn't affected him as much.
-I don't know, tying a cherry stem in a knot with a tongue is quite amazing. I doubt you can top that. - He said and she smiled wickedly, leaning to whisper in his ear.
-Let me show you.
Now sitting in his studio, he remembered the things she did to him that night. She was exquisite, long legs, sweet breasts, cute face, ebony skin and naughty brain. Namjoon couldn't resist her. He often thought about her and they even exchange a few messages, but their busy schedules, her modeling career and his work never crossed again after that night, so they haven't saw each other since then. His phone suddenly buzzed and he reach out to see who it is. He felt a jolt of excitement when he saw Nyx message.
-Are you in Seoul?
-Yes I am. It's funny, I was just thinking about you.
-Did you now? When that must be a sign. How about we meet? Are you free now?
-I could be. Where to?
-My hotel room. I'll text you the location. Can't wait to see you.
-Likewise, I'll see you in a half an hour, okay?
Namjoon and rose and went to take a quick shower. He got dressed and was in the middle of putting his cologne when the deep, lazy voice suddenly spoke.
-You have your "I might get lucky" perfume on tonight. – Yoongi's voice spoke from the door, sniffing the air as Namjoon turned to face him.
-Nyx is in town again.
-That black wild cat you've been telling me about? – Yoongi asked and Namjoon nodded. – Well in that case, the perfume will work.
Namjoon smirked, but then grew serious, remembering Tae.
-Hyung, will you talk to Tae please.
-I knew you will ask me to do it, why don't you just...? – Yoongi wanted to ask, but Namjoon cut his words.
-Because you know his moodiness. You two are alike in some ways, both of you have that certain mood that only you two understand. It must be Daegu mood or something.
Yoongi barked a laugh.
-Yeah, it must be. Fine...I'll do it, I might put some sense into that crazy pup.
-Don't be too rough though. I think he's in love.
-Ugh, emotions...the subject I wholeheartedly avoid.
-Now now Hyung, we both know that's not true. I got to go. Thank you for... – He pointed towards Tae's room and Yoongi nodded.
-Sure, sure... go and have fun.
-I shall, thanks. – And with that he left, leaving Yoongi alone in the hall. He leaned on the wall, thinking shortly before he took a huge sigh and went to knock on Taehyung's room.
-Leave me alone please. – There were a muffled sound on other side of the door.
-Taehyungie... - Yoongi called calmly, which had huge effect on Tae.
-Come in Hyungie.
Yoongi entered Tae's room and closed the door behind him. He was met with red teary eyes and he sighed tiredly. Tae raised his arms and made a grubby motions, like a little kid, that he is sometimes and Yoongi sighed deeply once more before going to Tae's needy arms. He sat on Taehyung's bed, back leaned on the wall behind him, while Tae put his head on Yoongi's lap, hugging Yoongi's arm. Yoongi started to pat him on the head and slipping into their Daegu dialect, he asked.
-Okay, so what happened?
Taehyung took a deep sigh, but still haven't speak. Yoongi waited patiently, knowing that Tae will talk in a few moments, as soon as he feels ready. Yoongi shifted them so they both lay in the bed more comfortably, Taehyung hugging Yoongi's waist and buried his face in his Hyung's shirt.
Stroking at his dongsaeng's hair, while he waited for Tae to unburden himself like he always do in this situations, he planted a kiss on Tae's brow, mentally preparing himself for a quite a long night with his little brother.
I hope you enjoyed the second chapter. I know it took me a while to post it, but have patience with me please. Somehow I find this relaxing to write, much more than my previous work, so there's no rush. Take care darlings. 💖
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