Ch.1 - Work of Art
They were in a private club. Namjoon wanted to see old friend of his and he dragged Jimin with him. He had no idea why, since Namjoon's friends and Jimin didn't have anything in common, but as he had nothing better to do so he came along. He was bursting from energy. It was the type of energy that he could not release in gym or dancing practice. It was the need. He was restless, like a wild cat in the cage.
He was also curious to see that secret club. He had no idea how Namjoon knew about this place, but then again, it's Namjoon and he knows a lot of things, even those you don't expect him to know.
The building was so elegant and big. He must have drive by it a thousand of times and he had no idea what's inside. Jimin wondered how much he doesn't know about his own city. And yet, they were there, entering the building, where the butler waited at the door, welcoming them and after checking their name on the list, he called a valet to take them to see Master Jihwan.
"Master Jihwan, what the hell?" - Jimin thought as he was led to the elevator. The valet pressed second button bellow. Jimin was confused. He had no idea, that this building had a lower part. The elevator door opened and they stepped out in a small room where the security and two girls stood. They already knew their names and offer to take their jackets. Since it was warm autumn evening and they had dressed light, they were rushed instead into the club itself. Jimin blinked in a surprise. The floor, the ceiling and walls were black, with purple and white lights, white leather furniture and glass tables. Silk white drapes hang over the archway of the secluded lounges, while triangular mirrors hung everywhere, on the ceiling and walls, creating the illusion that the room was huge. Jimin loved it.
The place was filled with people. Jimin saw few familiar faces here and there. It seems some other Idols and celebrities knew about this place as well. He wondered how didn't he heard about his club yet and whether or not the rest of his Hyungs knew about it too.
They were led to the one lounge archway where one man sat with a girl under his arm, obviously flirting with her. But when the man noticed them walking towards him, he said something to the girl, who then rose and left.
-Ah you were always the one for the fashionable aesthetics Hyung. - Namjoon spoke to a man who stood up to greet them. He was tall and handsome, like some famous actor. His body was so attractive, filled with muscles. Kookie might be like this in a few years if he continue with gym, Jimin thought.
-Well, you know I always loved beautiful things. - He said and his eyes fell on Jimin. His eyes shined and his smirk grew wide. Namjoon cleared his throat when the saw that gleam.
-Jihwan, this is Park Jimin. Jiminie, this is one of mine eldest friends Kang Jihwan.
Namjoon introduced and the men bowed to each other, smiling.
-So, what brings you here? Don't get me wrong, I am so glad you came. I was quite surprised when I heard from you this morning. You were lucky I was here tonight.
- Can't a guy come to see his old friend once in a while?
- I haven't seen you for ages you rogue. And stop saying I'm old! - Jihwan spoke and Namjoon laughed hugging the man tightly.
- You look awesome Hyung! I am sorry for not coming sooner, but you know what it is with us, we barely have time for ourselves now days. - He released him and Jihwan placed one of his hands affectionately on the back of Namjoon's neck.
-I know. I follow the news Joon, you became not only famous, but legends.
Namjoon blushed at his words, shaking his head. His dimples were visible as he protruded his chin trying not to smile.
-Oh please don't, we are far away from legends. - Namjoon said shyly, Jihwan smiled and placed his hand on Namjoon's back.
-I have told you before Joon, I knew you will succeed, from the day one, now look at you. Look at you both. - His eyes came to rest on Jimin's again. - Both of you, together with other five will be remembered as one of the biggest Korean group in history. The Americans are crazy for you. It's just the matter of time when the rest of the world would be as well. - He turned slightly and motioned them to sit on the lounge.
-Come, have a seat and let's catch up. How is Yoongi? I haven't seen that spitfire for a long time.
They all laughed at that.
The music was good and Jimin could barely sit still. His body was aching to dance, but he wasn't about to do it alone, so he shifted now and then, listening partly to Namjoon and Jihwan's talk, while having a beer and looking at the people few steps bellow. That's when he saw him - the man. He was dressed all in white, with gold bracelets and rings on his fingers. His hair was long and fall freely almost to his waist. The contrast of his black hair to his fair skin was bringing out his beauty even more and Jimin's breath hitched in his throat. He was so beautiful, vintage and so unique between all of those modern looking people.
He walked graciously in and out of Jimin's view so that he had to crane his neck to see him. He pouted slightly while checking his list and scrabble something on it. The employees came to him from time to time. It seemed like he is in charge, giving them orders, on which they hurriedly complied. He raised his head, trying to remember something, eyes squinting lightly, while biting his lower lip slightly. He did that so seductively that Jimin tensed even more, biting his lip as well and shifting in his seat, trying to get comfortable.
-Jiminah. Are you ok? You seemed distracted. - Jihwan spoke, eyeing him.
-Oh, I'm fine. I just need to use the bathroom.
-Oh, down the hall, third door to the left.
He rose up and went down.
-He is even more beautiful in person. - Jihwan said following him with his gaze, until he disappeared around the corner. Namjoon was looking at his friend with a smirk on his face.
-Yes he is. Do you like him?
Jihwan laughed charmingly.
-Oh his face is so tempting, body nice but so tensed. I like them more elegant, preferably with the vagina, but hey, he has a very nice booty.
Namjoon laughed this time.
-You will never change Hyung.
-Why should I? I have a lot of fun as I am now. - He smiled at the younger man again.
-Tell me Joon, what really brings you here? - Jihwan asked and Namjoon sighed deeply.
-It's Jiminie.
-What's with him?
-I am worried about him. He works way too much and rest very little.
-I'm sad to hear that, but what's that had to do with me?
-He said he can't sleep properly. We make sure he eats enough, but he is filled with this overpowering energy that seems to have a total grip on him.
-That's not an overpowering energy Joon, that's called being horny as fuck.
-Hyung, I'm serious. - Namjoon said with a laugh.
-So I'm I. He is way too tensed and no, I don't mean overworked tension, although there is that as well by the look of it, but the sexual one as well. Does he fucking someone?
-Damit Hyung, do you have to be so...vulgar?
-Oh please, spare me your sensitive ears Joon, I know you are even worst than me. "Expensive girl", oh yes, I will never forget that one. No matter how much BigHit tries to censure everything you speak and do.
Namjoon chuckled embarrassingly.
-Well that's true, but still, be a little more refined.
-If you want the refined, you came to the wrong person, although I am fabulous. Like that kid of yours, what was his name? V, yes, he has some serious style man. I love it.
-I'll make sure to tell him, he will appreciate it. - Namjoon promised.
-Seriously now Joon, how could I help the kid?
-Well, Hyung, I've heard that this club had so much to offer.
Jihwan look at him, eyebrows raised high.
-My, my, did you now?
-Mhm, and I know you have "something" that could ease up his tension.
-I don't think smoking hookah will help him at all and I don't do business with drugs.
His voice was stern, but relaxed. - What the boy needs is a good fucking.
Namjoon clucked at the word. Even though they all curse sometimes, his mind automatically cringed at the bad world, as if they were in front of the camera.
-Yes, I know, but the thing is more complicated than that.
-I see. So does he "beep" something?
Namjoon burst our laughing at Jihwan's mock attempt of censuring his own word, with the audible "beep".
-Oh please Hyung, I take it back, don't be refined be yourself. Everything is better than this.
-What you do not like it? Pff, you are hard man to please Joon. I give up.
Namjoon took a breath to calm him self from laughter.
-Oh Hyung I did missed you. - Jihwan raised his glass in salute, before drinking it down and motion for a waiter to bring them another as Namjoon spoke.
-I wish I could come here often, but if the word comes out that we visit this place often...
-What? It's a respectable club. What are you saying?
-You know what Hyung. There were rumors that this club offers more "special" service to their clients than the regular VIP membership.
-My my, what did you heard?
-There is a word that this club provides the best hook ups.
-Is it?
-You tell me Hyung. Is it so or did I come to the wrong place?
-Do you need a hook up Joon? I thought you can have any girl or boy you want.
Namjoon stayed serious.
-I'm I at the wrong place Hyung?
-Well Joon, look around, this place is filled with handsome people. If hook up is what you are after feel free to mingle.
-Hyung. - Namjoon spoke with such seriousness, that the smile on Jihwan's face slackened. He sized Namjoon up, trying to read the young man. He then chuckled and spoke.
-You smart fucker. Alright, I'll take the bait. Say it is true, what do you need my "special" services for?
-Oh Hyung, no matter how handsome you are I know you didn't gain such generous patronage from those high seats CEOs fuckers alone.
Jihwan smacked his arm playfully.
-That's more like it! Does that brain of yours ever get you into trouble?
Namjoon laughed.
-You have no idea how much Hyung.
Jihwan chuckled.
-Alright, but just so I make myself clear here. This is not a brothel Joon, I don't have whores here.
-I didn't say you do.
-Good, because I don't. My club employees are quite oblivious of that. My other "special" employees are more special friends than employees. There are here for fun first and foremost.
-And you pay them well.
-I pay them excellently. That and the heavy contract, ensures their silence and they are not complaining. If everything stays hushed, I'm safe. Plus I don't need any marketing, when all the idols, CEOs and politicians come here for relax treatment without fear of being exposed.
-You are a dangerous man Hyung.
-Yes I am. And you are lucky that I like you and trust you, otherwise we wouldn't been having this conversation.
-Oh I am touched Hyung. - Namjoon touched his heart in teasing manner and Jihwan smacked his hand yet again.
-Enough, tell me... Jimin? - Namjoon grew serious at that.
-Yes right, Jiminie, I don't think so. He can't relax enough. Taehyung said that Jimin had occasional hand and blowjobs, but nothing else.
-Man that's not enough.
-I know. But you know our schedules are packed heavily and whenever we have certain company... - Namjoon raised his eyebrows to emphasize the word company. - He always leaves the room alone.
-Is he gay?
-I don't know for sure. He likes women, like a lot. He always got flustered and playful when they are around, but I do believe there could be some experience with men as well, but I'm not certain.
-Do you think some of my "special" friends could be of help?
-I don't know. He can't relax enough with "professional" personal.
-Then they are not professional enough.
-No, trust me, they are. All of the women are very skilled and great at acting.
-Maybe that's a problem, they are women.
-I don't know. It's just not working for him. I think... I think he needs a connection, a certain level of intimacy.
-Oh Joon, this isn't a dating place.
-I know, I know, and I'm not implying that. One day he will find someone to love, but for now he needs something, so he won't go crazy.
-He needs a total relaxation. He is way to tensed man.
-I know. I feel like he is going to burst and kill or rape anyone that crossed his path.
-Now that would be quite a site to see. - Jihwan laughed as his eyes caught on Jimin, who just came into view downstairs. He bumped on a man in white. He stuttered an apology and bowed to him deeply, before he made his escape. The man's eyes gleamed as they followed him.
Jihwan's brows cleared at that moment. Sure, why not, he works wonders, Jihwan thought.
-I think I have just a thing for him Joon. - He said and Namjoon's smile grew wide.
-Yes, and he is even better than my "special" friends. He is my personal friend, your friend is lucky, especially because he is eyeing him entire evening.
-Will he do it?
-Oh yes, he loves beautiful and cute things. Jimin would be safe in his hands and he will enjoy it very much. He might teach him a thing or two.
-I'm not so sure...maybe Jiminie won't like it. - Namjoon said, but Jihwan just waved his hand dismissively.
-You came for help, then trust me...observe and see for yourself.
-Fine...fine. - Namjoon raised his hands in surrender. - Do you, by any chance, have some female friend for me as well? - Namjoon's dimples showed, looking down into his hands, suddenly shy. Jihwan looked at him wonderingly.
-You know, after all this years and all that manly things you pull off, I still marvel how adorably shy you can be Joony.
-Oh fuck, stop it, please. - Namjoon covered his face in embarrassment.
Jihwan raised an eyebrow and started to laugh. - Censures gone to hell, finally!
They laughed together and Jihwan murmured to Namjoon, just when Jimin reached them and took his seat, next to Namjoon again. - Oh I'll find you suitable fun Joon, don't worry.
Namjoon chuckled.
-I knew you would.
Jimin missed that exchange, because he was too flustered to pay attention to anything right now. He reached up for his beer and gulped the rest of his it in one go. He was flushed, but he tried to look casual. He didn't fool them, but they played along. One move of Jihwan's hand and another beer came quickly for Jimin, who hasn't even noticed the gesture. His mind was in a swirl. He remembered how he gasped when he saw him up close, all of a sudden. He was even more beautiful than he previously thought. Tall and beautiful, his skin was perfect and porcelain white. His long dark hair was like a silk, touching his waist wonderfully and his eyes, at first looked dreamy as they hid the sharpness of the stare that dig deep into his soul, emanating power. He smelled wonderfully. Jimin felt aroused by his presence, which never happen to him, not like this anyway.
Jimin took another beer and tried to take smaller gulps, casting a glance at the man, who continued with his work, speaking something to one of the waiters there.
Jihwan called their waiter, who approached, and after listening to Jihwan's quiet orders, nodded and left to do as he was bid. He went to the man in white and said something to him. Jimin saw him turn his head, meeting Jihwan's eyes and nodding slightly. He gave his tablet to his colleague and walk towards them. His movements were light and flexible, yet his aura screamed domination. Jimin was flabbergasted of how he managed to pull that off? How could someone who look so gentle and almost floats as he walks to spread such respectful and strong aura? Jimin gasped quietly, as his eyes grew wide at his approach, he was perfect. The man came and slip next to Jihwan, who automatically went to touch him. He placed his hand slightly at the back of man's waist, smiling warmly to him.
-Ruu gorgeous let me introduce you to my two guests and very good friends, Namjoon and Jimin.
-Hello, it's pleasure to meet you, I'm Ruu. - He spoke and Jimin almost froze. Even the voice this man had was perfect, silken. It possessed gentle depth, pleasant to hear, it reminded him of Taehyung's voice when he sang. The note was similar, but also so different at the same time. Ruu's eyes that looked at him again, in combination with his voice did something to Jimin, which made him squirm on his seat, feeling too warm suddenly. He could feel his cheeks go red as he bowed at him again.
-I am sorry again for bumping into you just now. - He said and Ruu smiled beautifully. Jimin's forgot how to breathe. Why does he feel this way? He was in company of others, gorgeous men surely, even though Ruu possessed quite androgenic beauty, Jimin wasn't sure exactly what it is. He only knew that this man had his full attention. There was something about him that shouted mystery, danger, friendliness and seduction, all in one.
-That's alright Jimin-sshi.
Jihwan smile at him and turn to the other two, still holding his arm around his waist. Jimin's eyed them. Are they together, he wondered, but was soon cleared up by Jihwan.
-He is my dearest friend.
-And yet you boss me around. -He teased.
-Only when it's necessary to show off. You know it's your domain, you rule here. - He said, kissing his cheek affectionately, but strangely intimate. Jimin's wide eyes grew wider. This demonstration of affection man to man publicly was too much for Jimin, who get scolded almost everyday if he cross the line with the skin ship with his members. Evan Namjoon pursed his lips at that. He too was somewhat surprised, although he hid it better. Neither Jihwan nor Ruu looked embarrassed by it. What's more, they looked completely at ease. Ruu's hand went to Jihwan's knee to pat him.
-It's good thing I do, otherwise there will be chaos. - Jihwan smiled even wider at his words, his eyes were filled with such affection, that Jimin felt a pang of jealousy. He didn't understand the feeling he was having, but he wanted this kind of intimacy with someone. He was thinking about certain person, when Jihwan spoke.
-We met three years ago, through a common friend. He just moved from Busan. - Jimin raised his eyes at that. Busan was his hometown. - We clicked instantly and he is my dearest friend ever since. I called him to help me with the business. He is genius. Everything goes through his fingers and he knows all my dirty secrets. - Jihwan continued.
-I know more that I wished I did. -He said and Jihwan laughed. Namjoon never saw his Hyung like that. He was always seducing beautiful women, but this man, Ruu was very beautiful. Jihwan who was famous flirt and straight, could never resist the beauty, so naturally was drawn to this gorgeous man in front of them. Jihwan was enchanted by him, everyone was, Namjoon included. He took one glance at Jiminie and almost chuckle. The boy was so lost.
They all talked for a while, well except Jimin. He kept his silence, observing Ruu quietly. His brows furrowed when Jihwan whispered something in Ruu's ear. He turned his head slightly on the side, moving his hair with it with his hand, while Jihwan breath caressed his neck. Jimin wondered yet again if there is something between them. The way he is holding him close and Ruu's hand on his knee, there must be. He felt Namjoon shifted as well, while watching those two. Jimin followed his eyes and saw what he was looking at Ruu's lips. He was biting them slightly, to suppress a smirk on his lips. It seems whatever Jihwan was telling him, entertained Ruu very much. Jimin bit his lip in annoyance and grew even more tensed.
-You seemed a little tensed Jimin-sshi. - Ruu spoke, casting his eyes on Jimin and he flinched, releasing his lip, only to smile nervously.
-I'm fine. And please, call me Jimin. - He hurriedly reassured him and Ruu beamed.
-You do look a little tensed Jiminie. - Namjoon said with a smirk, he knew exactly how Jimin felt at this moment. The tour and obligations, didn't give them enough time for themselves and Jimin can't remember the last time he had sex. He was so tensed. Sure, their company could provide sex partners, but they were all professionals, hired to give pleasure, with no emotions. Jimin could never relax sufficiently enough to enjoy it, like the rest of them do. He wished he could be laid-back as Tae and Hobi, who never had problem to enjoy sex with different people. Or Jin and Namjoon, who, each, had few affairs on their own now and then, whenever they go to Japan or America, usually after the concert. Suga is the most secretive of them, no one ever knew where and when or with whom he was, he never tells. Jimin always had a weak spot for this particular Hyung and even though they were not as close as to share their sex stories, Jimin knew Yoongi had his fair share of partners.
Kook was awkward like him, when it comes to intimacy with unknown people, but since their company didn't allowed them to date, the chance for having something more deeper and romantic than plain sex, was impossible, even though the hired partners were very good actors, Jimin could still see through them. He needed the emotion, to feel wanted, but for himself, not as an Idol. Jungkook was similar, he keeps his feelings locked, but deep down, he crave for the love, that's why he grew so attached to Taehyung. Tae is beautiful, Jimin will admit that instantly, but it's more to Tae, layers after layers that make him great and Jimin loved his best friend very much because of it. Jungkook was always shy, a bit too much and Tae reached out to him and grabbed his hand to pull him out. He never let go off it and Kookie was his from that moment, only Tae don't know yet, even though it was obvious to everyone else. Even their Army knew, but to Taehyung, who sees and observes many things, when Kookie is in question, he is darling fool, blinded by his own emotions towards the boy. Now Jungkook is close with Jimin as well, but they never managed to see each other anything rather than brothers, not even a slightest. Jimin knew that their maknae was a virgin still, waiting for the one particular person to notice him at last.
Tae was another matter and even though Jimin and he had fun in the past, experimenting with touches and kisses and later on with everything else involving hands and tongues, they were only friends. Sure Jimin would kill for Taehyung and he knew the other will do the same for him, but except the strong love and closeness, there is no romance. They were soulmates in many ways, not as love partners, but more as a lifetime best friends.
Jimin wondered if he should interfere between his two closest friends and bring them to the point of acknowledging their emotions towards one another finally. Or should he say away and observe. The other option seems too difficult, because it seriously tests Jimin's patience. Tae was shameless sometimes, saying or doing something without thinking, out of pure need, but he was always careful not to cross the line too much or to offend. And Jungkookie's jealousy was always visible whenever Tae was too close with other people, rather than their Hyungs. Their closeness was something Jimin wanted very much. He was a little surprised when he first saw the signs of their attraction, but pretty soon he was supporting it very much. Gay man in Korea had difficult time and Jimin personally wanted to shout at all the haters to go screw themselves. He couldn't imagine two better persons than his TaeTae and Kookie and their Hyungs. He believed that people should love whomever they choose and he couldn't imagine anyone more perfect for Tae than Kookie and vice versa. In Jimin's mind no woman could change that. Tae and Kookie just fit...perfectly. They just have to see it themselves, and find the courage they are lacking to step that line of friendship.
With the work and the life they led it would be difficult as Hell, but hell they do deserve some happiness as well, they are human beings, who craves love and support just like anyone else. Jimin desired to be so utterly free and open towards someone, to put down all the walls and just feel bliss and enjoyment. He wanted for someone to see the real him and to love him just as he is, no masks, no holding up.
Now, however, Jimin was far more than calm and relaxed. Only recently did he start to have serious troubles with himself and his desires. His Hyungs could not help him with any advice, nor that Jimin would ask them in the first place, but they knew something was on. Jin and Namjoon observed him more than once. He was constantly tensed and horny and would lash out at someone over the stupidest things, which was so unlike him that naturally Jin noticed and told Namjoon. Those two are seriously acting as parents sometimes, Jimin wanted to scream. They tried to talk to him, but he just kept telling them that he is tired and that he cannot sleep very well. It better to think he overexert himself than he was horny as fuck. They would probably try to hook him up with some woman for the night and Jimin didn't want that, not one bit.
He had no idea though of why did they come here in the first place, but Jimin hoped it got nothing to do with him. It was a strange club, but Jimin liked it. It was closed kind of night club, with something else on the top floors. Jimin thought it must be the VIP lounges. He was pulled out of his thoughts by Ruu.
-Namjoon tells me you are excellent dancer Jimin. Care to dance with me?
Jimin gaped at him, not speaking for a few moments, until Namjoon nudged him with his elbow.
-Yes, yes I do! Yes. -He answered quickly and almost jumped from his seat.
Ruu laughed sensually. Jimin felt warmth from the sound. What the hell is happening to him, he kept asking himself in his mind, but he got no answer.
-Cool, let's go then. - Ruu stood up and held a hand for Jimin to grasp, which he did, after he brushed his sweaty palms on his jeans.
They went down to the podium, which was full with dancing paople. "Zipper" from Jason Derulo was on and the song just made their hips roll. Jimin was on his terrain now. Dancing was in his blood, the place where he felt the most relaxed. Ruu smiled at him, watching him dance and then... and then... Wow, he could dance, Jimin was transfixed. He moved that body so fine, that Jimin had very hard time not to imagine him in more intimate environment. Pretty soon they were in each other's space, dancing close, all awkwardness forgotten. The great thing about dancing is that pull people together, one way or another. The attraction between them was very strong, their hands were on each other, fitting perfectly with the song, teasing. Other people were now watching them, some in pure admiration another with shyness. Still two man dancing so hotly, hips sliding against one another as they move their bodies in the rhythm of the music was strangely arousing sight to see and they looked so hot together. Jimin should have known that Jihwan wouldn't let just anyone enter the club. Here everyone who admires beauty and passion are welcomed. Jimin just feel in love even more with this club and Ruu was just a perfect bonus to it all. Jimin couldn't help himself, he pull him closer while he leaned his back on his chest. Ruu was head taller than Jimin, but it didn't look awkward at all. When you know how to dance, everything seems perfect.
Ruu turned towards Jimin, his hand reach out to gently pull his fingertips at the back of Jimin's neck, making him shudder. Jimin licked his plump lips and starred hungrily at the taller man. He pulled him even tighter and Ruu drew him so close, Jimin could smell his breath. It smelled on something sweet and Jimin had to fight to urge not to bring his lips closer to taste it. Ruu however leaned in and whispered in his ear.
-Come with me. Let's have another drink, just the two of us.
His voice sent hot flushes down Jimin's body and he was ready to do whatever Ruu wanted.
Grabbing his hand, he pulled him towards the elevators. Jimin cast a look at the lounge. Namjoon and Jihwan still sat on and he saw Namjoon smirked and winked at him, turning towards grinning Jihwan, who raised the glass in salute. This was planned, Jimin thought.
Soon they reached the upper levels and went down the long hall. There were rooms on each side with numbers on it. Was this the hotel, he wondered? They stopped in front of the room 9 and he took out the key card from his pocket and unlocked the room. It looked awesome.
There was the Jacuzzi and a huge royal bed. Everything was in golden beige and white. Jimin was in awe. When he gazed through the window he realized they were far more up than he previously thought. The view of the Seoul was incredible.
-Wow. - He whispered.
-Yes, the view is amazing.
He felt his breath on his neck, he was so close and suddenly, Jimin didn't know why, but he felt nervous. He became aware of his presence, it was multiplied by ten. He was so calm and mysterious. His eyes were looking at him calmly. Jimin felt like his soul was read so easily, he wanted to hide, but he didn't have where, so he shifted uncomfortably, all his dance floor confidence gone. Ruu's narrowed eyes twinkled mischievously and one corner of his lip turned up, creating the wonderful crescent shape dimple on the corner of his mouth. Jimin's eyes marvelled at her elegance and beauty and yet somehow, he felt nervous.
-Come now Jiminah, I won't hurt you. I won't do anything you don't want me to. - He said and turned to walk slowly towards the bar to pour them a drink. Handing him the glass he sat comfortable on the chair near the bed.
-Please, make yourself comfortable. You can choose another chair, but the bed is really comfortable, so I recommend that.
-I'm a bit confused... - Jimin started. - Of what we are doing here...
-We are having a drink and a chat. Did you want something else? - He asked smirking.
Jimin shuddered and went on reassuring him that he didn't, even though that's exactly what he thought when they were in the elevator. His mind was set on it when he was leading him from the dance floor and into the elevator, but somewhere between the floors he started doubting his desire and lost the grip of his courage. He obviously sensed that since his presence changed.
He was gorgeous, what the Hell was wrong with him? He already questioned himself countless times. He was attracted to men as well as women and even though he had been through the basics with Tae, this man, Ruu, was something much, much more serious. He looks like the kind of person who knows exactly what he is doing, like someone in charge and Jimin, even though he loved to tease, also loved to let himself go towards the experienced lover. Not that he was able to do that for some time. Not since...
-Take the bed Jiminah. - He said calmly and quietly, but his voice held such of authority that Jimin found himself going to the bed and fixing the pillows one on top of another before he lay on it. Ruu was right, the bed was truly comfortable. He made a small sigh of relief.
-Better? - Ruu asked. Jimin hummed in answer.
-Oh yes. - He took a sip of his drink and that was good too.
-You seem stressed a lot. Why is that? - He asked and Jimin looked at him seriously.
-Is this like a séance? - Jimin asked and he just smiled.
-Do you want it to be?
-No... I don't want it... - He said slowly.
-Then it isn't...but I'm here if you want to talk. - He said, taking a small sip of his own drink. - We are just chatting.
-What did Jihwan Hyung told you back there? And why did they smile knowingly, when we went to the elevators? - Jimin asked suddenly.
-Oh, he told me to help you relax a bit, that you are tensed and trust me honey, you are.
-So what? He told you that I need to get laid so you took me to the room? - Jimin felt annoyed. Ruu laughed.
-More of less... - His eyes gleamed while he looked at Jimin's beauty. - Jihwan certainly hoped that you would relax efficiently enough, but he never suggested that and that's not my line of work here. He has other "special" friends who work that kind of thing. I'm here more of a...mental relaxation...and somewhat physical, since I'm told to have truly golden fingers.
He smiled playfully. - Tell me Jiminah, don't you want me?
Jimin gulped and look at his drink nervously. He licked his dry lips and mumbled.
-I don't know...
He placed her drink down on the table, raised from the chair and went towards the bed. Jimin tensed, but he told him to scoot down a bit so he can sit behind him. Jimin forgot how to breathe. Ruu's presence was so overwhelming and he was shaking.
-Relax Jiminah, nothing big will happen. - His voice was still calm and pleasant, but so near his ear that he felt tingles down his spine. It only emphasized when he felt his soft, but strong fingers on his hair, gently massaging his scalp. The tension only lasted for a few seconds, because suddenly he felt a huge pleasant feeling sending waves of relaxation down his entire body. He closed his eyes, enjoying immensely, humming slightly at his touch.
He worked in silence, massaging his head and pulling on his hair gently. Jimin was still, breathing evenly and deeply. Ruu moved his fingers on his neck, kneading not so hard, but just right on Jimin's neck muscles that were in the serious need for attention. He took his time, relaxing the younger man completely.
-Are you enjoying Jiminah? - He asked and the latter hummed in respond.
-Take off your shirt so I could get to the rest of your back?
Jimin opened his eyes at that and craned his neck to look the man. Ruu stared at him calmly.
-Take...your Jiminah. - He said slowly and Jimin felt the heaviness of his words. Oh this man was dangerous, but why did he felt so safe in his arms? The instinct for danger kicked in, but his body wanted to stay under his touch. He found himself taking off his shirt and went lying on his stomach on the towel the man just placed on the other side of the bed. He went to the cabinet, taking some bottle of oil. Ruu rubbed oil between his hands, spreading it equally, warming it up and it smelled beautifully. Jimin shuddered when Ruu's hands touched his bare back, but he almost moaned loudly when he started moving them in small circles.
-Oh you truly have the golden hands. - Jimin murmured and Ruu chuckled.
-Oh don't I know that. - He chimed and went on working. The time has passed, Jimin didn't know how much and he found himself obeying everything he gently asked of him. Soon he was in his underwear and Ruu went on working his thighs and rest of his legs and his hands. And pretty soon after that, he was completely naked, arching his butt under Ruu's expert touch as Ruu admired the perfect curve of Jimin's butt. He went on massaging the tight tissue of his cheeks, making it wobble slightly. The sight was truly arousing. Jimin on the other hand never felt so worked up like he did now, never before allowing himself to moan in front of a stranger so eagerly and buckle under their touch. He should feel ashamed, Jimin knew, but he didn't...he didn't feel anything, but enjoyment and lust.
-Ah... - He arched again, his body twitching. His nerves reacted at the touch.
-Jimiah, what do you want? - Ruu asked, running his nails gently at his buttocks.
-More... - He moaned. - I want....m-more...
Ruu slid his finger across Jimin's rim and Jimin groaned. Ruu bit his lip to stop his own moan. This was not about him, but Jimin.
-Do you want this? - Ruu asked.
-Oh God yes....yes...more...please... - Jimin moaned in the pillow.
And Ruu complied wordlessly. Jimin has been finger pleasured before, he and Tae tried a lot of things, even this, but he was never able to bring him into this kind of state like this man did, with only his fingers inside him, massaging his prostate first slowly, then with more force and speed as his breathing and moaning grew higher and louder. There was something in Ruu's aura that made Jimin trust him completely. He felt that he was in good hands and each touch of that sensitive nerve made his body convulse with wave after wave of fire, burning in the pit of his stomach. All that extra energy that was suffocating him, reached it's high, when Ruu used his other hand to run his nails along Jimin's spine all the way up to the base of his neck and than entangled his fingers in latter's hair, tugging at it and scratching. Jimin was shaking, his muscles trembled and he almost cried into the pillow he buried his face in it. It was too much. Ruu's fingers continued to abuse his prostate with quick and deliberate touches that he felt near fainting. He lost his voice for a moment or two in silent scream that gathered inside his throat as he continued gasping for air, eyes rolling at the back of his head as he clenched his muscles around man's fingers, wanting to pull them in deeper. Ruu nearly cursed at the pull. He imagined the intensity and tightness of Jimin's hole around his cock and he nearly groaned. The thing about Ruu was that even when he gives pleasure, he gives 100% to that person and don't take anything in return. He put his desire behind and concentrates all of his attention on the gorgeous man laid in front of him.
-Oh my God! - Jimin gasped. The fiery energy he felt in his stomach and his chest erupted hard in a scream when the orgasm hit him. He came untouched for the first time in his life, spurting his seeds on the crumpled towel that was under him. With his muscles convulsing still, he laid there panting for a moment of two, trying to calm down his heartbeat and took control over his sight, since he turned blind for a few moments. He never felt the orgasm so powerful. He was so tired, having no strength within himself to move from his own cum. But he felt Ruu's gentle hands on him after a few moments, turning him over and Jimin complied. He saw Ruu standing above him with wet towel in his hands and smiled tiredly, but happily at him. Ruu cleaned him up thoroughly and after removing the stained towel from the bed, he covered him with the duvet.
-Did you enjoy that Jiminah? - Ruu asked and Jimin's smile widened.
-Oh yes...yes I did...
-Good, do you need something else or would you prefer to sleep now? It's alright if you do. I'll notify Namjoon that you are resting and you can use the club car to take you home when you wake up.
Jimin nodded. He has no energy to get up and go home at the moment.
-Hyung...-He called quietly. - Could you... stay...? - He asked and Ruu smiled softly nodding.
-What do you want me to do? Don't you want to sleep?
-Oh I do, but...Can you scratch my hair, until I fall asleep? Please. - He asked shyly and Ruu's smiled even softer and watching him adoringly, nodded again.
He sat next to him on the bed and moved Jimin's head to lie on his chest so he could scratch his head again, while hugging him gently. Jimin relaxed completely and enjoy this after care very much. He can't remember the last time he was so relaxed.
Even though he was sleepy, Jimin wanted to talk. The trust he felt in Ruu's company was strange, but pleasant. He was never so at ease with people he just met, but Ruu...Ruu was certainly something else. He trusted him like he knew him for years, instead hours. He felt like he can tell him everything. So he told him about his hardships, about how he struggle with own criticism and self-doubt and why he is always tensed and can't seemed to relax when they have "company" or when he flirts with some girl or so...
-Tell me Jiminie, have you ever been with the man before? - He asked and Jimin thought about it seriously. Of course he was. Tae is a man, but even though they were close, they never had sex. There were girls yes. He fucked women before, but never men. So he told Ruu everything. Both he and Tae were attracted to both sexes and they discovered that last year or so in one of theirs long midnight talks, when the rest of the band members slept. They don't really remember how they got to that subject anyway, but they ended up joking of whom they would fuck in the group. Jimin told Tae that Hobi Hyung is one of the members that Jimin would be powerless to refuse and let him do as he please.
-What about Suga Hyung? - Tae asked. Jimin shuddered suddenly, but not unpleasantly.
-Oh, Suga Hyung scares me a little. - Tae giggled quietly at Jimin's confession.
-Yeah, he is a bit scary, but hot though, especially when he rap.
Jimin had to agree on that. His Hyung did look magnificent while rapping, all three of rappers did. But there is something edgy about Suga Hyung that drove Jimin's thoughts to this Hyung especially, even more that Hobi Hyung, but he was not ready to admit that to Tae yet. Jimin respected and admired all of his Hyungs, but with Suga Hyung there was something much deeper, and darker lurking inside his chest. He felt nervous when he was near Suga Hyung, attraction bound with fear. He confused him back then, but he was always so closed and serious that Jimin never knew whether or not Suga liked him or not. Hoseok Hyung on other hand was a serious teaser and Jimin was often confused with his burst of affection and touches in brotherly fashion in one moment and the heated caress of his hands, confident flirting and wicked smiles in the next. His stares though, when there is that glint in them, were the most unnerving. They made Jimin feel things in his groin, his heart flutter in his chest, while his face would usually grow flustered. If Suga Hyung was confusing, then Hoseok Hyung were complete enigma to Jimin.
-What was it like to kiss Hobi Hyung? - Jimin asked suddenly and Tae look at him, round eyes, licking his lips on impulse.
-It was weird...but...only because there were cameras and you were making fun of us, but... it left me with desire for more. Not on that moment mind you, but later on. I wanted to kiss him again, to kiss a man...again. I felt excited to the idea. I could feel the stubble of his beard scratching my lips, even though he shaved that morning, but I felt them never the less, since Suga Hyung pressed our faces together hard. I do believe though, that his lips are soft, they certainly looked so to me. - Jimin was looking at him with complete attention.
-Anyway after that he kind of...change...towards me. He grew more protective over me, but at the same time I could feel he's been pulling a bit away. I don't know how to explain. I don't think he found it uncomfortable, but he might think that I would find it so, I don't know.... - Tae grew silent after that. Jimin thought about it and Tae was right, Hobi did change a bit. He changed towards Jimin as well. Earlier he loved to pinch his cheeks and tickle him, but after, Jimin felt his eyes lingered on his body more often and he saw that strange gleam in his eyes for the first time. It freaked out Jimin completely when he came to him and put both of his hands on his face and drew nearer. Jimin asked what he was doing and moved away from him a bit harshly. He was sorry for his reaction afterwards, but Hobi just laughed humorously and play everything as joke. Jimin was furious that he played him so and let it slip this time, but as he saw his glare two or three times more, Jimin wasn't so sure.
-He teases me sometimes, Hobi Hyung. - Jimin says, but I don't think he means serious. He...his presence is just
-Overpowering? - Tae offered.
-Yeah. - Jimin agreed. - Sometimes, when he gets so close to me, you know how he is, when he stare you in the eyes and draw his face so close to yours? - Tae nodded. - Sometimes I think he will kiss me, but he never do.
-You want him to though. - Tae said, it was not a question. Tae knew, he always understood. They call him thick and childish, but there is nothing stupid about TaeTae. Tae just put effort on the things he liked and the mundane things bored him, so he paid the least heed.
-Oh yes I do, but I'm afraid he will never try that again. - Jimin said, bowing his head slightly in disappointment.
-Why don't you kiss him?
-Don't speak nonsense Tae. I can't do that. - Jimin hissed and Tae chuckled.
-Then tease him...flirt with along his game and wait.
Yup, Tae was smart. He will punch anyone in the face if it says otherwise.
-What would I do without you? - He asked jokingly, making Taehyung laugh quietly.
-You will be bored, that's for sure.
-You are right about that. Jin Hyung and Kookie are funny, but they are not darling idiot like you.
-Screw you. - Tae laughed at his, he knew that Jimin adored him.
They sat in silence for a while when Jimin remembered that Tae didn't tell him his band member preference so he asked him about it. Tae thought carefully, gnawing on his lower lip. He took a deep breath and exhale.
-You won't laugh, won't you? - He asked suddenly, eyes worried. Jimin's brows furrowed as she chuckled.
-Of course not it Jin Hyung?
-What? No... why would you think it's Jin Hyung? - Tae asked in disbelief.
-I don't know, he seems like the type who loves to boss around, but he is caring and affectionate, all the things you love and need.
-He is great and I do like him a lot, but no. It's...It's Kookie.
-What?! - Jimin almost shrieked, but Tae put his hand on his friend mouth so he won't wake up the Hyungs.
-Are you insane? Do you want Hyungs to wake up? - Tae hissed quietly, his deep voice dangerously low as he starred at Jimin. Jimin removed his friend's hand from his mouth and said quietly.
-Sorry...but... Kookie...he...he is a baby Tae.
-He is seventeen and he is more mature than you and I ever were in his age.
-Tae darling seriously, he is still more mature than you. - That earned a punch on his shoulder, Jimin winced.
-Alright, I'm joking...jeez...but seriously Tae, Kookie? Our little Kookie?
-Have you seen the way he looked with that ruffled hair and in those tight black jeans and that red and black stripped and ripped sweater? He looked hot as fuck.
Jimin giggled at that.
-Fuck Tae, I've never heard you speak like that. But yeah, alright, I'll admit Kookie looked very good for the shooting of the video. He was cute. - Jimin agreed.
-He looked hot cute, hot and I had serious time to not stare at him all the time. Fuck, my hands itched to touch him.
-Is that's why you smacked and rub my butt with such a passion? Damn it and here I thought you like my booty.
They covered their hands over their mouths to muffle the sound of laughter that erupted a few moments after Tae's comical and appalled expression. Jimin burst out laughing, having Tae joining him instantly after.
Once they calmed down, they went silent again, lying on the floor breathing deeply.
-Can I kiss you?
Tae raised himself on his elbow to look at Jimin.
-You want to - He asked and Jimin turned his head to look at him.
-I...I never kissed a man before. want me to...? - Tae asked breathlessly. already kissed Hobi Hyung, you know what it's like yeah?
-Well...kiss me? Just to see what it's like... - His friend eyed him seriously for a brief moments, when Jimin added weakly. - Please Tae.
How could he resist him? Tae was never able to do so. So he rolled towards Jimin, who still laid on his back and hovered over him. Tae kissed him gently and slowly, a simple touch of the lips. It ended quickly, but it left Jimin breathless.
-That was...weird. - Jimin said slowly.
-Weird? Seriously Jiminah?
-Good weird, I promise...It was good weird. - Jimin quickly reassured him.
-It was different than kissing girls. Their skin is gentle and their lips are soft and they smell sweetly...
-Do you trying to tell me I don't smell sweetly as well? - Tae asked jokingly.
-Tae, stop playing and kiss me again?
-Why do you need me to...? - Tae began, but was stopped with plump lips on his own again. Jimin was sweet and soft and Tae enjoyed his lips more than he should. They stop the kiss only to look at each other's eyes before Tae dived in again, kissing him more seriously this time. They ended up making out on the floor of their dorm living room at four am, exploring their mouths with their tongues. That's how their experiment began.
Jimin yawned sleepily in Ruu's embrace as he recalled his tale. Whenever he talked about Tae, he felt love and warmth towards the man. He is truly his soulmate and Jimin felt very happy to have him.
-That's a nice way to start a relationship. - Ruu said quietly as his hands played with Jimin's copper hair.
-Oh, we were never together. Tae and I are best friends, we don't see each other romantically. We never had sex, we just...explored our bodies and helped each other whenever we were in need for release.
-They why didn't you go to him? You allowed yourself to become so worked up and tense. Why? - Ruu wanted to know.
-Because it's not each other that we want.
-You desire someone else?
-Mhm... - Jimin hummed. Ruu remained silent, waiting for Jimin to tell him on his own if he wants.
-It's... it's complicated you see... it's...there
-Jiminah you don't have to tell me anything you don't want or find it uncomfortable. - Ruu told him gently, while caressing his temple.
-No, no it's fine... it's's not only one person, you see... it's two.
-I see...well lucky them. - Ruu chimed and Jimin's lips spread into beautiful smile, but quickly faltered before he said.
-But I don't thing neither Hobi Hyung nor Suga Hyung like me like that. I mean, it seems they do sometimes, especially with Hobi Hyung, but then again...
-Maybe you just didn't give them the cause to believe that you are interested in men. Are they interested in men?
-Well...Hobi Hyung he...he act strangely sometimes. He...he has this dark moments, as Tae and I call it. He often played with both of us.
-How so? - Ruu prompt him for more.
-He would talk such seducing things to us, while hugging us or caressing our hand or head or draw himself so near that our faces almost touch and we could see the dark glint in his eyes. I could feel his eyes on me when we practice dancing, or when I wear very tight pants. He would bite his lip and stare me in the mirror or as I pass next to him or he would watch Tae get change or simply sitting or lying, doing nothing and he would look at him with hungry eyes, but it's so fast. He returns his cheerful mask on so fast that first few times I thought I imagined it, but when Tae told me he saw it too, I start to observe carefully and there it was, from time to time...just a glint and it was gone so quickly.
-I think your Hyung have difficulties not to cross that line. Do you want him to?
-God yes I do...He make me feel hot all over.
-And Suga?
-Suga Hyung is so different and yet so similar like Hobi Hyung. I could see the gleam sometimes, but most of the times he is just working and don't like to be bothered. He could be soft with me sometimes, but will grunt when I became too annoying.
Ruu chuckled and they fell into comfortable silence for a while. Wanting to explain himself better, Jimin spoke again.
-They are just...oh... I don't know how to say it. In one moment I crave Yoongi Hyung, I enjoy being in his presence, his accidental touches and the way he is acting around me so softly are making me purr in satisfaction, I want to kiss him silly....and on another there is Hoseok Hyung and he...oh God...his eyes are making me want to strip naked and bend over for him to take me.
Ruu shook in silent laughter, shaking Jimin's head that was on his chest in process.
-Well... Yoongi is certainly seems like a calm, but passionate one...and Hoseok is very passionate and alluring man. I can see why you desire them both. From what you told me, Hoseok is not immune to yours and your friends charms and Suga did rap about making both boys and girls cum from his tongue technology.
Jimin laughed this time. - Oh God, you know about that?
-Everyone who heard the song did and I do love music. I might have heard two or three of your songs...
-That's nice to hear. But each time I hear that song I can't stop thinking about that tongue of his... - They both laugh at this.
-But Hobi Hyung...his...his eyes are making me burn sometimes. I have no idea what am I doing.
-Well no wonder you are tensed. - Ruu said matter-o-fact.
-But I think you might have a bit softer feelings towards Yoongi, hmm? You are certainly lusting for Hoseok, that's for sure...
-That's the thing...I don't know... I'm lusting for both of them and I... love both of them, each on their own way. I can't choose. Oh that feels nice Hyung. - Jimin purr when Ruu's nails scratch Jimin's neck. He tilted his head so Ruu could reach more skin.
Jimin yawned again and Ruu whispered. - Sleep Jiminie...
-I like that nickname...
-Do you mind me using it? - Ruu asked, caressing Jimin still.
-Not at all Hyung. - Jimin's voice was drowsy. - I feel so relaxed and safe with you Hyung...It's strange I know,'s true...I am.
-It's not strange at all. - Ruu was nearly audible. He wasn't sure Jimin heard him or not, but pretty soon deep even breathing came from younger man and Ruu knew that Jimin fell asleep. He carefully removed himself from Jimin's grasp and place his head on the soft pillow, tucked him in and left the room, quietly closing the door behind him.
Downstairs he met Jihwan. Namjoon was nowhere to be seen.
-Did Namjoon left? - Ruu asked and Jihwan raised his eyes and lifted himself from his seat to walk to him.
-He is upstairs, Nyx is taking care of him.
Ruu nodded. - So he is the Daddy type, I'm surprised.
-Daddy type? - Jihwan asked amused.
-Don't pretend that you don't know darling. You visit her often as well and she is excellent at what she do. She knows how to pull out that Daddy kink better than anyone, like a true artist she is. - Ruu mused and Jihwan chuckled.
-How is the little one? Did you use your magic on him? - He asked.
-I just talked to him and give him a massage. - Ruu said indignantly. - He is sleeping now, he was exhausted.
-So you did... - Jihwan placed his arm around Ruu's waist and drew him closer to kiss his temple. - You have no idea, my darling, how magical your touches are and how spellbinding are your words.
-You are talking nonsense. I'm off...tell Namjoon that Jiminie will be staying here for the night. I'll send care tomorrow to take him home after breakfast.
-Jiminie? - Jihwan mused. - Oh, are you on nickname basis now? Should I be jealous? Your magic works faster than I thought.
-Enough with the magic thing. It's barely friendly approach.
Jihwan laughed heartedly.
-Sure it is... you bonded me for life with your friendly approach.
Ruu took an exasperated sigh and shook his head.
-I'm off...good night Jihwan, don't say up too late. - Ruu kissed Jihwan's brow and went down the hall to the elevators. He reached his room and took a shower. It was his fist room when he moved to Seoul to work for Jihwan. With time he was able to purchase his own small cozy apartment that he was quite satisfied with, but every now and then he would stay at the club. Jihwan insisted of him keeping his room in the club and Ruu did.
In the morning he was awoken by his alarm clock. He rose up, took another shower, brush his teeth before using his morning cream on his face. Gentle drops of perfume on the neck, the wrists and the nape was sufficient enough. He dressed neatly and called for the kitchens. He ordered coffee, juice and some breakfast for Jimin and himself, before heading to the room that Jimin occupied for a moment.
He found him still sleeping, sprawled on the bed. He tossed the duvet somewhere in the night and laid on his stomach in all of his glory, naked and gorgeous. His skin was gentle, but his muscles were clearly visible. Only his ass seemed so wonderfully round and soft. Ruu marveled at the sight. He would be perfect model for some painter or photographer. Jimin was a work of art.
He placed his hand gently on Jimin's head, brushing his hair from his forehead.
-Wake up Jiminie's time for breakfast.
Jimin inhaled slowly, yet deeply before he stretched his strong limbs on the bed, opening his eyes slowly.
-Hyung. - He said and smiled lovingly.
Ruu bend down to kiss his cheek.
-Come, go get shower before food arrives. Let's eat together hmm?
-Oh yes please... - Jimin grinned.
Jimin stood up, completely unashamed of his nakedness and went to the bathroom. After a five minutes the food arrived and Ruu arranged everything satisfactorily. Three minutes later Jimin showed up, wrapped in the bathrobe, his skin still glistened from the water. Ruu who was looking through the window felt arms around his waist and Jimin's head on his back. He inhaled deeply Ruu's scent as he wanted to remember it and murmurs.
-Thank you Hyung...for everything.
Ruu smiled softly, still looking at the busy city outside, caressing Jimin's hands in the process.
-You are welcome darling. Come now, let's eat, the breakfast is getting cold.
They ate and they talked some more. Jimin positively glowed. Ruu admired his beauty and elegance. He was a man, his muscles were toned down, they were not bulky like they were at the beginning on his career, but this suits him even better. His once chubby cheeks were now gone and pure beauty was shown. He was the perfect combination of femininity and masculinity all in one. Jimin was different from Ruu. Ruu have beauty and elegance and more feminine graceful moves, even though he was tall, slender and agile, but Jimin, Jimin had strength and power under his slightly smaller build frame. He was gentle as he was strong. Passionate as he was sweet and adorably cute as he was beautiful. He even ate sweetly. Ruu thought he was looking at the masterpiece. Jimin noticed.
-Hyung, why do you looking me like that? I mean not that I mind, but you have that deep in thought fascinated look in your eyes, so I'm a bit curious. - Jimin aked.
-I just admire your beauty Jiminie. - Ruu said bluntly, causing Jimin to blush instantly. -You have such power, I don't think you are aware of it yet. You are talented and good and that's great, but you possess such beauty in your face and body that I lot of artists would kill to paint or photograph. Then there is your manners and charm, you are smart and courageous as well. You are the piece of art my dear.
Jimin was blushing severely now, but Ruu found him even more charming.
-I think you have everything you need to seduce whomever you want and I don't think Suga nor Hoseok would be hard to catch. After all they are men, they love pretty things and you are truly the prettiest one I've seen in a while.
-Please Hyung stop, I will die from embarrassment. - Jimin covered his face with his hands.
-Jiminie...- Ruu called. - Look at me. Jimin raised his head from his hands to look at the man he respected so much. Jimin knew that they met only last night, but after everything and the vibe Ruu was sharing, Jimin positively adored and respected the man a lot. When he was satisfied that he had Jimin's whole attention, Ruu spoke calmly.
-Don't ever allow somebody else to tell you otherwise Jiminie...don't ever doubt yourself and you capabilities, because you can do everything you want. And if you ever need anyone to talk to, I am here. I'll give you my number, call me anytime.
Jimin's eyes glistened a bit as he was biting his lip, his emotion threatens to pour out, but he blocked them. - Thank y-you s-so much Hyung. - He barely croaked and Ruu nodded.
-Finish your breakfast. Namjoon already called and the car will be waiting for you downstairs, yes?
Jimin nodded and sipped his juice.
They hugged and kissed each other's cheeks before Jimin departed to his dorms.
Ruu enjoyed few minutes of solitude, sitting and sipping hot tea before his work called him. He sighed and rose up to go downstairs.
It's been a while since he saw or heard from Jimin, even though Jimin did call him several times to talk, when he was struggling with his self-criticism and tension. He still kept his emotions hidden from both of his Hyungs and Ruu knew he just needed more time.
He was looking at his schedule for tomorrow when his phone rang. Ruu answered instantly without looking.
-Hyung... - Soft voice spoke and Ruu felt warmth.
-Jiminie darling, how nice to hear your voice.
-Yours too Hyung, it's been a while. I'm sorry I didn't call sooner.
-You were busy, don't apologize for that Jininie. How are you? - Ruu asked and he sensed hesitation on another side.
-I was better, but I'm okay. I'm a bit tensed again.
-That can be fixed... - Ruu said, following the pattern on the book covers laid on his table next to him.
-Hyung are you busy tonight? Can I visit you at the club?
-Oh I'm not working today, but you can come visit me at my apartment if you want? I'll text you an address. Say around eight?
-Yeah, it's perfect. Thank you.
-Don't worry about it Jiminie... It will be good to see you in person again.
-You too. I can't wait, I...I missed you. - Jimin said softly and Ruu knew the feeling. He too grew attached to the copper head angel in the past few months. He's been following his career with outmost care now.
-The feeling is mutual. - He said and felt Jimin smiled on the other side.
-I'll see you later Hyung. - Jimin said.
-Bye bye, Jiminie darling...
The call was ended and Ruu took a deep sigh. He was glad that he could help Jiminie in any way he needed him and if that means long talks and hot tea, he would do that, or if it included multiply orgasms Ruu would do that too. He prepared everything for Jimin's arrival, not expecting anything for himself. That was his charm really. He loved to make people feel good, especially the ones he liked and Jimin was one of them.
And sure at eight o'clock, Jimin knocked on the door and Ruu went to open them. If he was surprised to see two persons standing there instead of one, Ruu didn't show. Jimin's apologetic look spoke volumes as he reached back to the slightly taller person who stood behind him.
-Hyung, I know I should have called and tell you that Tae will come with me as well, but it was sudden decision. Will you mind too much if he join us tonight?
-I won't cause troubles I swear. - Tae said, smiling lightly and Ruu took his time to truly look at him. He was beyond beautiful. In only few years he would be breathtaking. And Ruu loved art.
-There is no problem Jimnie, please come in, you too Taehyung-ssi , welcome. - Ruu swept aside to let them pass. Once they were in, he closed his front door and lock them, you can never be too careful and he loved to be safe.
-Please make yourself at home. I ordered some food, there would be plenty for everyone and seeing your faces, I think first something stronger to drink.
Both of the man smiled and nodded and Ruu went to bring them all a drink.
-Now this will be one long and very interesting night. - He thought and smiled.
Hello, it's me again...I got this idea for a while now, but I'm finally able to explore it and mold it to my liking and I hope you like the first chapter. Ruu is truly a special man and you will learn to love him as I do. Stay tuned for more. 💖
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