Chapter One
~In An Abandoned City~
Scout had woken up in his room. His head was pounding and he felt like he was going to die. Last night was amazing but terrible at the same time. He sat upwards while grabbing his flask and downed the water that was in it. He was still parched. He got out of bed and opened his door. This wasn't much of a base but then again, they weren't apart of the military.
He seen his allies already awake which was surprising since most of them fell asleep after Scout. DJ Rave walked to scout and handed him a package.
"What's this?" Scout asked, confused.
"It's a package. From the Military. You're the only one who didn't get one since you were asleep." DJ Rave explained.
Scout shrugged and opened it as DJ Rave watched. It was better equipment which included two new pistols with lots of ammo, better armor and new clothes. He walked into his room and changed his clothes and tossed on the armor over it. He looked like a teenager with military equipment. He put on his hat and goggles and walked out of his room.
"You look nice kid. Now, lets get something to eat." DJ Rave stated.
"I am hungry so I guess I'll come with you." Scout followed.
He seen everyone chatting with each other with their new equipment. He noticed DJ was pretty far ahead so he ran up to him. The breakfast area was pretty far from the sleeping area so the had a decent ways to go until they got there.
"Some zombies breached the wall." DJ Rave said into a radio as he looked over the bridge, connecting the two buildings together.
Scout shot the five zombies in the head and DJ gave him a look of surprise. "Never mind. Threat was handled with." They continued walking across the bridge and someone with an ice box on his back, handed them their food.
"The food court just closed. I grabbed you guys some food while I was there though. It's still hot too!" Snowballer exclaimed.
Scout nodded. "Thanks."
Snowballer nodded as he ran across the bridge. The decided to turn back and head to the lounge to eat. They walked and DJ looked at the sky.
"Have you noticed that the sky changed colors? It's a darker blue with a purple haze." DJ Rave explained.
Scout looked up. "That's very strange. Might be a warning of a new threat." Scout suggested.
DJ Rave waved the thought away. "Lets just eat."
Scout opened the door to the lounge and sat in a random chair. He had no idea on what was in the Styrofoam container but it smelled good. He opened it and it was waffles with sausages with maple syrup on top of it all. An amazing breakfast for non-vegans.
He watched as Outlaw turned on the TV and played recorded episodes of random shows. The episode that started playing was an episode of Amazing World Of Gumball. Scout watched as he ate his food, laughing at the out of context parts. When Scout finished his food he heard a few gunshots.
Scout and DJ Rave exchanged looks, thinking it was just a few zombies that had breached the wall again but then more shots were fired. Everyone jumped up and ran out the door. Bounty Hunter jumped above everyone and started wall-running past everyone so he could get there faster. When the small group of backup came, they had seen a horde of dead, walking towards them.
They looked strange since they all had corrupted bits on them. Scout decided to call the "Corrupted" and shot one around five times before one fell to the ground.
"Kill these Corrupted!" Scout yelled as the two D-Jays started playing music. One was playing intense battle music while another one was playing rave music. Bounty Hunter took all of them down with ease and the looked at the next horde of dead that was walking towards them. They were pretty close to the base but they all got into a position.
Outlaw jumped on top of a truck and sat there. Bounty Hunter stood at the front, ready to slash them to bits, The D-Jays set up there booths at each side of the main path to enter the building and everyone else reloaded their guns and pointed them at the entrance. These enemies were new. They had never seen anything like this.
"Those new guys coming towards us seem fast. Don't let them get past!" Scout yelled as he shot one in the head. "How is that still standing?" He asked himself.
They seen a helicopter in the sky then another one. They knew they had to retreat but they didn't want to lose this base. They kept fighting back until they were starting to get overrun. All the towers ran towards the ladders that were hanging from the helicopters and they climbed them while shooting at the dead, grabbing on their ankles.
Scout was the last one to get in a helicopter since he wanted to make sure everyone made it. DJ Rave watched as they flew away from their base and wiped a tear from his eye.
"Man I really liked that base." DJ Rave whined.
"We'll hopefully get a better one from the military." Snowballer commented.
"Indeed you are. We are flying to a base made from the military. A bunker if you will." The pilot reassured.
Everyone cheered when they heard that. DJ Rave had major plans for decorations.
"Also, there will be new people waiting there. New teammates from the past." The pilot mentioned.
Scout perked up. "New teammates? Finally." The Witch gave him a look. "What's wrong with us?"
Scout quickly looked at her. "Nothing. I just wanna meet new people."
"Okay then." Witch muttered.
The rest of the flight to the base was just nonstop bickering about what room belongs to who when they arrive there. All Scout wanted was some peace and quiet. Not like he was going to get that anytime soon...
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