O.3.1 - In Pain Together
Male x male
WARNING: Abusive USSR and UK.
(Nobody POV)
America woke up to the sounds of glasses breaking. He groaned knowing what will happen when he goes down. But there is no escaping it.
The small country carefully goes down the bed and doesn't bother to get changed. He knows he'll have to change again when it gets... messy later. He then went down the stairs carefully, knowing his 'father' would judge the smallest things.
Just as the country expected, his father was standing menacingly, but then he saw who was fearing below him. His eyes widen as his younger sister, Australia, was wincing and crying on the floor, clearly in pain. He knew she couldn't take anymore hits, so in a millisecond's decision, he shouted at Britain.
"NO TAKE ME INSTEAD!!" Britain swiveled his head in a flash, glaring at the sweating American. He hummed. "I see," the older country said menacingly. "So you want me to take you instead of her?" Britain said. Despite it being a question, it seemed more of a decision. America shakingly nodded, bracing for the pain to come.
The Brit immediatley advanced on the American, hitting him hard with his cane once he got close enough. America winced as fell down, his head smashing the ground hard as UK stomped on it. Briton gave no time for the small country to recover, as he repeatedly kicked him toward the wall.
As all of this was happening, his children and wife were cowering in the corners, screaming for him to stop hurting America. But he completely ignored them as he took America by the neck, slamming him against the wall. The country couldn't stop but shed tears as the pain was unbearable, despite him being beaten way too many times before.
The Brit raised his fist, ready to smash it against America's cowering face, only to be stopped by his phone ringing in his pocket. He was fuming as he fumbled around trying to answer it. "You're lucky this time, son," he said, glaring at the American like there was no tomorrow. "But mark my words, I will not stop here," he finished, opening the front door and slamming it close.
The rest immediately went to America to attempt to help him recover. They all wished that this pain would no longer continue, but little do they know...
They aren't the only ones experiencing pain in the neighborhood...
"Ты идиот, чтобы думать, что я окажу тебе милосердие! (You are an idiot to think that I would show you mercy!)" USSR shouted, looking at the Russian below him with no mercy. Russia didn't back down however.
"Я бы предпочел, чтобы ты избил меня, чем моих братьев и сестер, (I would rather that you beat me up than my siblings,)" Russia replied coldly. He knew not to back down and whimper like a child, but rather stand up and fight back. To think that he learned that from the merciless man in front of him. Soviet only scoffed in response.
"Мне плевать ни на кого из вас, (I don't care about any of you,)" he said, punching Russia in the guts. Russia winced at the pain, but he was still standing. Soviet kicked Russia in the shin, then the guts, and only then did he fall down. The commie was fuming as he repeatedly kicked, punched, and bruised his eldest son, cowering underneath him.
But just as the real pain started, did USSR stop beating him up. Russia was confused, despite not giving a fuck about his 'папа'. Soviet noticed his look and surprisingly gave an honest response. "I'm going now since I'm going to a meeting. It's not because I fucking care about you," he said, glaring at the Russian, thinking about how soft his son has become. He blamed everything on the cocky, rich, and adored capitalist pig down the road.
Russia stood up tall, ignoring the pain all over his body. He decided that a walk would be good. He had to clear his mind.
He spent no time at all preparing for everything to go outside. He immediately went out and quickly walked to the park. As he went to his usual spot however, he was surprised to see a familiar American sitting on the bench.
"Америка? (America?)" Russia asks. America looks up to see Russia staring at him with great interest. He smiles earnestly. "Hi Russ," he says, sounding awfully tired. This did not go unnoticed.
"America... are you okay?" the Russian asked, evidently worried with his best friend. The American looked away shamefully. "I... was beaten up again," he replied honestly. He knew he couldn't hide it any longer. It was getting painstakingly obvious. Russia's eyes widen in response.
"You've been beaten?! And again?! Who did this to you?!" Russia said loudly, his worries for the star-spangled country filling up his mind. America chuckled weakly. "It's fine Russ, I've been beaten all my life. This is completely normal to me," he says, trying to make his best friend feel better, but clearly failing.
"Amerika... you should tell me these things. I know how to help. Trust me," the european said, looking at the American's eyes with sorrow. America bit his lip. "I get beaten too. In fact, I just got beaten earlier," Russia continues, hoping this would make the other feel better. It did, but only a tiny bit.
They both chuckled. America looks at Russia with great care.
"Who knew we'd be... in pain together"
Sorry for the slow updates :,D
School is legit getting on my nerves with these exams D,:
welp... still waiting for requests! And also...
I honestly can't believe it! And it only took about 3 weeks for it damn. Thanks ya'll! I really appreciate it :)
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