Aight so first...
- wings are big (more focused on flying)
- claws are small but sharper than usual
- horns are small, but can be used as a
weapon (like a bull's horns)
- has extra goat horns that circles around her ears in a counter-clockwise motion (left-right) with the tip ending at the front
- Long and thin tail, with grass and mushrooms on it (the mushrooms can emit a sleeping gas or the prey's favorite smell, baiting them to the sharp claws that await their blood)
- Green fire
- Good grass, ground, and forest camouflage
- Horrible winter camo
- Is an alpha, despite being a female
(im so sorry for the pic being sidewards, theres nothing I can do 😭)
She used to be the daughter of an alpha, making her the next in line (due to her being the eldest). However, due to a fatal illness, her mother died, leaving the three of them alone, having to lead the group.
They did not do very well, as a few years later, the eldest (America) and the youngest (Confederate) start a civil war in their tribe, leaving the middle child (Canada) trapped in the crossfire. But soon, Dixie fell ill from a more severe version of the illness their mother had. They realize that it has no cure, and the only way to eliminate the illness, is to kill the person holding it; which is what America did. This led to him winning the war and the rest of the tribe in confusion.
America did her best to lead the rest, having only failed once, on a horrible night.
On this night, Britain, who isn't a dragon, found the tribe and captured it, stealing America and Canada for his own. Once they were captured, they were lead to a huge mansion, something they could only dream of. They were left to do maiden work, only being able to eat once they have finished their duties. This went on and on until Britain came back with two new children:
Australia and New Zealand. Despite the empire having lots of caretakers that could babysit the two youngsters, he decided to put America and Canada for the job. He thought this would be a pain for them, but it happened to be the exact opposite. The two loved taking care of the toddlers, especially America. Soon however, this was cut short when Britaib caught wind of it. America was therefore punished, being locked in his room with only one meal a day, and absolutely no sunlight.
It's very reasonable that he hated Britain for this. At this point, she is around 15, which denotes a rebellious age. She proves this when she broke out of her room and stabbed Britain in his right arm leaving him to bleed to death. One thing she didn't realize, after 3 years of being trapped, that her sister, Australia, was also locked up in her own room like her. They both celebrated independence and proved to Britain that they were more powerful than he gave them credit for.
3 years later, and Britain learns from his ways. He treated them good and well, leaving them very happy. He also sent them to an academy, a special academy for dragons like him.
- large wings (more focused as a shell/shield to block attacks)
- large claws, more blunt (more painful death)
- Large horns, can be used for escaping choke holds
- thick and long tail, can be used for capturing prey and squeezing the prey dead, if they don't die to the spikes first.
- has wolf like teeth
- pale white fire
- Good winter camouflage
- Horrible camo in any other area
- Is a male alpha
He had a wonderful but spoiled life. His father always thought of him as the best child, treating him better amongst the rest. But when Russia learned of this, he tried to protect his siblings, leaving his father in rage. Russia gathered his closest siblings (they were the kindest among the rest of them, who were bratty): Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, and Estonia.
The four of them struggled. They lived in a small hut they made in the wild, the forest having been stuck in perpetual winter for years. By the time Russia was 15, he grew very strong, the other tribes fearing his presence. His siblings were also very powerful, leaving them to be in peace and never hunted. When Russia turned 18, he recieved an invitation to a special academy for dragons. He and Ukraine accepted, the rest of the family tagging along. They ended up staying in a cabin in the city, where a humble deer named Finland, gave them a house to live in.
Aight I think I'm done.
(this is literally 800 words and its just planning and backstory shat like wtf my brain go like brrrr today)
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