Hell is Cold
//Strong smut will be in the next chapter (this is a pre warning but there will be more warnings in the next chapter.
For those who don't know, my mother in law passed away very drastically in March.
We had to make the difficult decision of pulling the plug because her organs started shutting down.
My grandmother (who I stay and take care of most days and nights) is also progressing in her COPD, which is slowly taking away her ability to breathe....so please understand there may be more errors than usual. I don't have the time or motivation to proof read right now.
If you find any mistakes please point them out and I will correct them! Thanks y'all!//
How'd he get in this situation?
Oh that's right....He agreed to be Russias "fuck buddy" in exchange for protection. Ugh...it's just for now though. Soon he'll make a full recovery, then he can kiss all of this stupid shit goodbye.
For now though, he feels nauseous. He's sitting on a train, right beside Russia. They were headed to his home, which America already knows is quite large. Luckily, all of his little housemates have gone. It should be just the two of them.
Somehow that thought doesn't bring him any comfort either...
Russia's eyes peer over, unnoticeable. He observes the side of Americas face, watching the country lost in his own thoughts. How cute...he really did hate this. Still, how much more fun it would be to destroy his mind. Make America want it, instead of just "doing the deed" so-to-speak. A smirk creeps onto his lips as his eyes shift to the window of the train. The sound of the trains breaks kick in, and it's slowing down. It's not too long before it comes to a stop, and everyone gets off, including the two superpowers.
America follows Russia, until they finally make it to his house. As remembered, it's quite large. Russia starts to unlock the door, and it feels like it's taking forever at this point.
A: "Would you hurry the hell up? I'm freezing my nuts off here!"
Russia lets out a slight chuckle, knowing the house is just as cold, since he didn't like leaving the fireplace on while he was out.
This little fact is quickly realized once they enter the house and America is still very cold.
A: "You know, I'm almost certain this is actually Hell. Hells not hot...it's fucking cold!"
R: "It really is not that cold in he-"
Russia gives America a glare, and it's enough to make America stop his silly antics. The country then starts the fireplace up, and America desperately tries to warm himself up. It would take a while before this large house got warm enough.
R: "Better?"
A: "It's still cold you asshole.."
Russia steps closer, opening his large coat.
R: "If you're really that cold, come in here."
America suddenly feels very embarrassed. How cheesy was this?!
A: "No...I don't want to.."
He mumbles, turning his attention back to the fire.
He doesn't even notice Russia stepping closer, but he does, and he wraps his coat around him anyways. Part of him wanted to flail his arms around and fight him off, but what's the point?
He knows exactly how this nights gonna end...
The question is, why is Russia being so gentle now? He's been so forceful this entire time. Somethings off...
R: "See? Not so bad."
A: "Whatever..."
Russia then dips a hand slowly into both the coats, fishing around until he finds what he's looking for.
He then rubs his finger against Americas nipple, and dear god it's sensitive from the cold. It's so hard he could probably break glass with it!
The sudden friction makes America jolt and groan a bit. More so, out of disgust...but that doesn't stop Russia from continuing to play with it.
A: "That..hurts-"
R: "I'm only warming you up~"
A: "I'd rather freeze..."
Russia lets out a huff through his nose, slightly irritated.
R: "Then, let's try something else. Hm?"
America starts to panic, but before he can even speak, Russia is dragging him to another room.
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