Three | The New Maid
Ryu's POV
Wook pulled me to a corner of the room when the door opened out of nowhere. My eyes widened the second I saw who it was and was shocked when I realized something. "She's not blind," I thought to myself. "Was she acting this whole time?"
Mudeok slightly opened the door right after entering and was peeking out through the small gap before Wook asked her, "What are you looking at?"
This made her jump in surprise and turned back around while placing the clothing back on to cover her eyes, but it ended up falling back down. For a split second, I noticed something else. Her eyes. Her eyes had a weird, ring-shaped glow in them. It was there but then it went away when Mudeok tried to cover her eyes again. I watched as my brother grabbed her wrist and I knew right away that he saw what I saw, too.
It can't be...
"You..." Wook said with a surprised tone.
I was just about to speak up too but Mudeok had twists her hand around that Wook was holding, and in that short vulnerable moment, she got the upper hand by grabbing the crab leg I cracked from the crab a minute ago and pointing it right at Wook's neck.
"Do not make a sound," She said to him, not noticing that I'm in the room.
"I heard a blind girl recently joined the place. But you can see," my brother replied back, not listening to what Mudeok just said.
Then he added in, "They told me your name. I think it started with a "D" or something."
I glared holes at Wook for what he said and wondered what he was up to.
"Ah... I remember," Wook continued as he gave me a sign using his hands on his side. "Mudeok."
Don't move. Stay right there.
I hear Mudeok sighing as I mentally groaned. "Yes, I am Mudeok," she told him, sounding bitter. "I know what you look like, so if you don't stay quiet until I leave. I will come back and behead you."
My eyes widen at this and I was about to leave the corner but soon we both heard Wook chuckling to himself. "What's so funny?" Mudeok asked in confusion.
Then Wook answered, "Your eyes are beautiful."
This surprised Mudeok making her say, "Cut the nonsense."
"Right. Sorry, only your eyes are beautiful."
That cracked me up that I had to clench my teeth tightly as I eyed my wooden tonfas under the table.
"You must be crazy," the other girl said before she started moving to the table and grabbed a blue pouch that belonged to Wook.
Then I watched as she started running to the other side of the room and opening the window.
"No, you're the one who's crazy," I muttered under my breath as Wook called out to her.
I followed him as he walked to the other side of the room. We both see Mudeok sitting on the edge of the opened window. The second Mudeok saw me, she glared her cold-like eyes and growled at me. I innocently smiled at her and then Wook called out once again.
"Mudeok. Come on. There is not much in there," he taunted and then pulled his overgarment to the side before grabbing an accessory from his belt. "Here. Take this instead."
Then he threw it over to her but when Mudeok tried to catch it in the air, she ended up falling out of the window.
"YAH!" I shouted in shock as both Wook and I ran to the window.
But when we looked down from the second floor, we see Mudeok standing back up, looking at us from a side-glance, and had started to run away with a limp.
"I can't believe you just did that," I whispered to Wook.
He was about to reply back to my comment but then we heard Danggu from behind us.
"What are you two looking at?" Danggu asked with his hands all cleaned.
Wook and I both looked at each other before answering in sync. "Uh? Nothing."
Then Wook picked up the crab leg from the floor and said to our friend, "Danggu... I heard Naksu, the Shadow Assassin, uses Tansu."
The blonde-haired guy chuckled and asked, "What do you know about Tansu?"
"I know enough," Wook answered with a smug look.
"He's been reading the books I borrowed," I added in, earning an innocent smile from my brother.
He exclaimed while playing with the crab leg. "I read it about in my free time."
"You see, Tansu is a type of swordsmanship that only the best mages can learn. You flick energy with a blade just like how you flick water. A single strike is enough to kill someone," Danggu explained
The memory of how Mudeok swiftly moved earlier passed through my eyes as if it was happening again. I looked at Wook and realized he was thinking about her.
"But why do you ask?" Danggu's voice brought me back to reality as I slightly panicked at his question.
Then Wook raised the crab leg and said, "I am just wondering if this crab leg could have killed me."
Danggu looked at him weirdly then at me and I said, "Ah... Wook and I were just talking about my training and had asked me if I would like to learn Tansu after I master Chisu. He ended up joking around with the crab leg afterward."
This made my friend shake his head,believing the lie, before looking at Wook and telling him, "Alright, give it here. Give it to me. I will pick out the meat-" But he gets cut off when Wook suddenly pointed the crab leg at him.
"Y-yah... Listen, Wook. You are aiming at a vital point," Danggu said with worried eyes.
My brother tilted his head as he was deep in thought.
Then Danggu added, "I could die!"
"Yes, she aimed at my vital point in just one go," Wook said to himself, stuck in the memory.
I sighed at this and grabbed my brother's arm before pulling it away from Danggu. "Wook, stop playing around," I scolded him.
But he didn't listen to me and continued talking to himself.
I watched as Wook, who is too amazed by what just happened, turned back to the window and asked, "But why did she roll off then?"
I furrowed my eyebrows and wondered the same thing.
If she is who we think she is, then why didn't she fight back?
"YOU DID WHAT?!" I exclaimed out loud the second Wook and I was heading out of Chwiseonryu.
Wook chuckled and said, "I bought the servant, and in less than an hour, she'll show up at our place."
I looked over at Danggu, making sure he wouldn't hear one single bit of what I'll say next, and was relieved when I see him talking to Joowol.
I faced my brother and started to hit his arm repeatedly before saying, "You. Are. Absolutely. Mad!"
"Ow! Ow! OW!" Wook started to rub his arm after and glared at me.
Then he whispered, "You saw it, too. Those blue marks!"
"So? You can't be serious right now... Don't tell me you think that Mudeok is... Naksu!"
"Why not? It's possible."
"But those blue marks only appear over their heart like a bruise. That's what Master Heo taught me and Yul recently."
"Ah, so you already saw Naksu's body?"
That shut me up. I shouldn't have shared that.
I sighed and checked on Danggu again.
"If she is Naksu, then having her as our maid isn't a good idea. What if she kills you the second she figures out that you know she isn't Mudeok?" I asked worriedly.
"She wouldn't," Wook answered confidently.
I raised an eyebrow at him and asked, "How sure are you?"
"You saw her earlier. If she was going to kill me, then she would have done it already."
He's right. If she was Naksu, he would have been- No, we both would have been dead by now.
"Alright, fine," I said, giving in. "But you will have to explain this to Maidservant Kim."
Wook smiled at me. "No worries, I'll take responsibility for it all. Just have my back?"
I shook my head at him before saying, "I'll always have your back, lazy ass."
"She's here!"
That was what Wook has been saying for the past hour.
I already saw her the second our servants came back after hearing a report about my brother's accessory being sold at a trading store. They were carrying Mudeok to a maid's room just when I was about to go look for Maidservant Kim to ask her about fixing up my training clothes since some parts were ripped recently... thanks to Danggu that it is. But Maidservant Kim became busy taking care of Mudeok so I decided to save it for later.
I was accompanied by Wook the entire time after and was forced to listen to him planning out what he was going to do to the poor, new maid. I was starting to regret visiting my home and staying with Wook just to make sure Mudeok wouldn't cause any harm to him. But the more I sit and listen to my brother, the less worried I get for him and the more worry I get for Mudeok. If switching souls became a problem for Naksu, then there must be something wrong now that she's in Mudeok's body. Whatever it is, I came up with a theory that sh's harmless to me, Wook, and everyone else, or that is probably what I am hoping and expecting.
"She's here..." Wook once again said and started to sit with this weird pose from where he is at.
"I need something to clean my eyes with," I muttered under my breath before the door to Wook's room.
Mudeok, who is now dressed in a maid's uniform, walked into the room and stood in the middle before bowing and saying, "Young Master, Young Miss. Thank you so much for saving my life and bringing me here."
Then she bowed again and I turned to look over at Wook, who nodded his head and said, "It just took a few men to drag you here," and looked over at her, "I am disappointed."
"Pfft... Disappointed?" I thought to myself quietly as I continued to watch the scene unfold in front of me.
"I know it was rude of me to threaten you with a crab leg," Mudeok spoke up. "But I hope you will put that behind you."
"You sound a lot more polite now," Wook pointed out.
Mudeok's eyes widened with determination as she told both of us, "I will serve both of you right!"
"Fine, you do that," Wook said with another nod.
Then he looked at me and added, "You must be busy, Ryu. Thank you for checking up on me. You can go now."
I raised an eyebrow at him and he slightly nodded his head to the door. I mentally groaned with my lips in a thin line before standing up and facing Mudeok.
"It's nice to see you again, Mudeok. Please take good care of my brother for me. If he bothers you, you can definitely talk to me about that," I said before eyeing Wook. "I'll make sure to scold him if he gives you too many difficult tasks."
"Oh, thank you, Young Miss!" Mudeok replied back with a forced smile. "You're too kind."
I smiled back at Mudeok before leaving my brother's room. Then the second I closed the door I heard my brother ordering Mudeok to get him some water. "There goes the start of torturing an assassin in the body of a maid," I muttered under my breath before shaking my head and walking to the study room.
Good luck to both of you then...
I finally found Maidservant Kim after reading a few pages of the book that Yul borrowed for me. I mentioned to her about my training clothes and she immediately got some of the lower servants to fetch the sewing kit. Maidservant Kim and I then catch up.
It's been a month since I last visited the Jang Residence and talked to Wook and I's mother-figure. I'm very grateful to her as she had to take care of two babies after the death of my parents and Aunt Dohwa, and then the disappearance of Uncle Kang. I've always said how thankful I am and treated Maidservant Kim to good food, tasty desserts, and fun outings in every moment I could.
After all... She is all that Wook and I have as our guardian.
"I am still surprised the Young Master brought home a girl," Maidservant Kim exclaimed as she placed her teacup down on the table.
I giggled at the change of topic. "Even though she's a maid?" I asked, earning a soft smile from the older woman.
"It's not like every day he brings home a girl though," I added before sipping my tea.
"But it's been 6 months since Young Master left and on the day he comes back, he bought a servant from a Gisaeng House. I'm just worried that others would talk bad about this."
"When have they not talk behind our backs, Dojoo?"
Maidservant Kim looked at me with her gentle, warm eyes and reached out, taking my hand into hers.
"You are all that Wook has left, and he to you. I've been taking care of you both since you two were born. You both grew up without your parents, and such rumors just had to spread around that you two were cursed by the Heavens."
"You worry too much," I stated calmly, making her slightly pout.
Then Maidservant Kim said, "That is because I care about you two very much. I love you both with all of my heart."
I smiled at that and stood up. I walked over to her side and hugged her while saying, "You know, Wook and I think of you as our mother. You've always been there and will always be there. If you're sad, then we're both sad. If you're happy, then we're happy, too."
"Aigoo, you've grown up really well, Ryu," Maidservant Kim said with a sniff.
I looked down at her and asked, "Are you crying?"
"No, I just have something in my nose..."
I laughed and hugged her tighter. "We love you very much, Dojoo."
"I love you both, too," Maidservant Kim replied as she patted my hand with hers.
The next day, I stood beside Wook as we both stared at the picture of his mother. Maidservant Kim was there with us in the old room of Uncle Kang. It has been a while since we last came here. It's late in the evening and I saw Wook and Maidservant Kim walking down the hallway to the Southern area of the Jang Residence. This place has been off-limits since the day my uncle disappeared. No one but the three of us could enter.
It was quiet and slightly dark at the farthest part of the study. This is where we are right now. A painted picture of my aunt, Wook's mother, is hung on the wall in front of us. Its paint was fading but we can still see the beauty of Lady Dohwa. Stories about her being the most beautiful woman in Daeho were true.
"Maybe it's because your father's room is always empty, but it never seems dusty," Maidservant Kim spoke up after a few minutes of silence. "I wonder when he will return."
Then I joined in softly, "The colors in your mother's portrait are starting to fade away."
"We should call a painter to repaint the colors," Maidservant Kim added as I nodded in agreement.
Then we both looked at Wook. Maidservant Kim then looked at me and nodded her head before leaving the study. I sighed and wrapped my arm around Wook's as I lean on his shoulder.
"She's beautiful," I whispered as we both stared at the painting once again.
A memory from many years ago when were teens passed through my eyes and I realized that Wook must be reminiscing a painful past memory. I mentally sighed as I closed my eyes and welcomed it.
"I memorized all the books you told me to read. Now, teach me how to practice spells, just like how you taught Yul, Danggu, and Ryu," 13-year-old Wook spoke up in the middle of the Songrim.
I looked at my brother from where I am standing and bit my bottom lip. It had started to snow outside and Wook had asked for an audience with Master Park and everyone else at Songrim. I remember being called out of the library with Yul by Danggu and the second I heard my brother's name, I ran out of the library and over to the Main Hall where I see Wook standing in front of Songrim's entrance with Maidservant Kim behind him.
Soon Master Park showed up.
Yul, Danggu, and I were then told to stay and watch from the side, and so we did. But seeing Wook with desperate eyes made me feel horrible.
Master Park had one of the mages give Wook his father's sword. "That sword belongs to your father. Take it out."
I knew where this was going and I wanted to stop it from happening, but Wook took the sword and we all heard him say, "Due to the spell that has been cast on me, I am unable to take out a sword that has a spell on it."
Then Master Park exclaimed, "You cannot even take out your own father's sword. How do you expect to learn spells?"
"Why can you not open my gate of energy so I can practice casting spells?" Wook asked as I see him on the verge of anger and disappointment.
"I... I cannot do that." I looked at Master Park and clenched my fists.
"Then find me another master," Wook said, his voice almost wavering.
"No master can do that," Master Park replied back. "No one in Daeho will be able to go against your father and open your gate of energy."
My brother took a step forward and asked, "Then are you saying I will never have the ability to practice spells?"
"That was the fate given to you by your father."
Wook had lost it. He threw the sword down to the ground and shouted, "Why?!"
Then he looked back at Master Park and continued, "Why would he decide my own fate? No one even considers him as my true father anyway! "
I took a step forward but Yul stopped me. He grabbed my hand, making me look at him. Then he shooked his head.
"Don't," he mouthed.
I crossed my eyebrows in frustration and looked back at Wook. "I will find someone," he said with determination. "A master who will open my gate of energy and teach me how to practice spells. I will find someone. Then I will take that sword and break it in two."
Wook then kicked the sword and walked away.
I opened my eyes the second the memory faded and I looked away from the painting before looking at Wook.
"Don't let it get to you, Wook," I said making him look at me.
"Do you think I'll ever get to open my gate of energy?" He asked, his voice becoming soft.
I gently smiled at him and nodded my head. "I don't think. I believe."
- end of chapter 3 -
Word Count: 3162
not yet edited.
🌼 a/n:
Y'all am I the only one who thinks that Mudeok (the body and not Naksu herself) is Jin Choyeon's older sister, aka Buyeon, that went missing years ago?
Anyways who saw ep 8 last night? Lol I still have to watch it 💀 so no spoilers in the comment section- 🤡 I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter oof. The next chapter will be out tomorrow!!
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