Chapter Seven | One Jang in Pain, One Jang in Trouble
Ryu's POV
Something was wrong and it was not the Soul Shifter that tried to take my energy. But me.
A few seconds after the Soul Shifter wrapped his hand around my throat, something in me came out. A strong source of energy in a fiery, red color blasted out of me and hits the Soul Shifter sending him across the courtyard where Yul was with his two swords out. I immediately fell to the ground as I couldn't feel my legs. I felt alright but something feels off.
I hear words in the background as my hearing became fuzzy. Everything and everyone around me felt distant. I see Yul fighting the Soul Shifter and in a matter of seconds had stabbed our enemy in the heart in front of everyone. Once the Soul Shifter died and turned fully into a stone, everyone's focus went back to me. My friends and Wook ran to my side to help me up as I still couldn't feel my legs.
"Are you okay, Ryu?" Wook asked as Danggu placed my arm on his shoulder while his arm around my waist for support.
Then Choyeon stood in front of me and said, "You shouldn't have gone after the Soul Shifter like that! What kind of reunion is this?"
I half-heartedly smiled at that and shook my head. Then I looked over at Wook and replied back, "I'm okay. I just can't feel my legs."
"It must be from the shock and how you almost lost your energy," Yul said as he gave his swords away to a nearby mage, "Why don't you head over to Sejukwon while we sort out the problem here in Songrim. I can go with you if you want."
"I..." I shut my mouth when my eyes landed on Wook then on Mudeok who for a few seconds was looking at me in worry.
Then I shook my head and told Yul, "It's alright. I should stay here since Wook's here, too."
My three friends gave me an unsure look at my decision but they didn't go against it. In this kind of situation, I would rather stay wherever Wook is, and they know that very well.
We've all then gathered in another area of Songrim where it's much more private from the public eye. A meeting with Choyeon and Master Park then started when Wook and I showed up. I can now feel my legs but I still felt out of it. Wook even told me that I looked pale and should have gone to Sejukwon instead of being here. But he only said that to cover up the fact on why I stayed behind with everyone.
"We thank you for your great help," Master Park said as the female mages of Jinyowon showed up and stood behind Choyeon.
"I am sure that one day we will ask for your help too," Choyeon replied back with a smile and a short bow.
Then Master Heo joined in. "I see that Daeho's four families have all gathered here," he said with a warm, proud smile and his hands up on both sides. "I heard you are all called the Four Seasons. Seeing them all together makes me happy."
"We used to gather often," Danggu pointed out, "but it is our first time since Wook and Choyeon called off their wedding."
I quickly punched Danggu's side for blurting that out while everyone grimaced at the hard truth. "Too much information, Danggu," I said with a small, fake laugh while Danggu grabbed his painful side.
"You little..!" Master Heo called out as he glared at the blonde mage.
"By the way, I told them to prepare some tea in the reception room," Yul informed Master Park.
Master Park nodded his head, grateful for Yul's cut-in, and then he looked over at Choyeon and said, "Come and join us, my Lady."
The two Masters then started to walk to where the reception room is but before Master Park left he pinched his nephew's arm and gave me a gentle, warm smile while saying, "Ryu, my advise for you is to head to Sejukwon before it gets even late."
"Don't worry about me, Master Park," I said, sending a smile his way, "I'll be alright."
Then he nodded his head and continued on to the reception room. Wook and I were about to follow right after when we both heard Choyeon say, "You were here as well."
We all turned back to see Choyeon looking at Wook. "I heard you were kicked out of Gisan," she continued.
"Ah... You should stop keeping track of what I am doing," Wook told her with his arms crossed over his chest.
Choyeon looked to the side with an irritated face before adding, "Everyone was talking about how you got kicked out yet again. I just happened to hear it."
"I see," Wook said, not convinced. Then he looked over at Yul and Danggu. "Our precious guest here seems uncomfortable around me, so let me excuse myself. Let's go, Ryu."
I looked between my cousin and friends before I turned around to start walking back to the Training Center but the second I moved my right leg, I winced and clenched my fists. I watched as Wook was already halfway from where I am and just let him be. He needs to get Mudeok out of here anyways and with me around, it will just slow him down. So I called out to him, "I'll stay instead! I need to go to Sejukwon, too!"
Wook got the message and waved at me before leaving.
"What a scumbag," Choyeon muttered under her breath as Danggu helped me to stand properly.
I sighed at that and then I told everyone, "Let's just go. I need to sit down really badly."
Danggu gave me a worried look as we both started to walk to where the reception room is at. Yul followed as he stood beside me in case I lose my balance. Then Choyeon followed right after.
Danggu and Yul thought it would be better for me to head on over to Sejukwon instead of staying for tea. So Danggu left me in Yul's care. Like always.
"If I see Wook, I'll tell him that you're on your way to Sejukwon," Danggu told me as he quickly left me and Yul outside.
I sighed at the blonde. "He's head-over-heels for Choyeon," I whispered once he was gone.
Yul chuckled as he suddenly took my hand in his and said, "I still wonder why you liked him when we were kids."
That took me off guard. Both his hand holding mine and the sudden mention of a lie I told him and Wook years ago.
I turned my head to face him and immediately say, "First of all, I lied about liking Danggu to get Wook to shut up. Second, we were kids so that doesn't count. And third, why are you holding my hand?"
Yul looked down at our hands and then looked back at me and smiled like it was no biggie. "For support," he simply told me as I gritted my teeth from blushing. "I can't have you tripping over as we head to Sejukwon."
"He also can't hold you the way Danggu does. That's what he means," the old voice that I silenced years ago came back, "You're comfortable with kinship if it's with Park Danggu as he's like a brother to you. But if it's Seo Yul. It's difficult for you because you're scared that your feelings will be too obvious."
Fucking consciousness. Just shut up.
"And I know that it was a lie," Yul said as we both are walking out of the Training Center and over to his family's clinic.
I furrowed my eyebrows in surprise and asked, "What do you mean? How did you know?"
Yul smiled at me before saying, "When you like someone you don't leave them behind to get scolded by the Masters. You always end up helping without even knowing it."
"I can agree with that... But that's different from liking someone romantically," I exclaimed as we got near our destination.
"How so?"
"If I like someone then I keep it to myself. Even if it means, I'd lose a chance of being with them."
"So even if they ask for your help you won't do it?"
I bit my bottom lip and hesitated before answering, "As I said, I'll keep it to myself."
"Hmm... Did you say that when the Soul Shifter tried to get your energy, something blasted out of you in a fiery red color?" Seo Euiwon asked after checking on my legs.
I nodded my head. "Yes, that's right," I answered with furrowed eyebrows.
The physician from Sejukwon looked at me for a moment making me worry. Then he shook his head and smiled.
"It can't be," he muttered under his breath as he stood up and walked over to the door, checking if anyone was outside.
"Uh, Physician Seo?" I called out, confused about what he was doing.
The middle-aged man then came back and sighed. "Lady Jang, has Master Park or Maidservant Kim ever told you about your ancestors?"
"You mean my grandparents and those before them?"
"Yes, but... Someone specifically from your mother's side."
"My mother's side?"
It stayed quiet right after that and made me even more confused but then something clicked.
Then I asked, "Does this have something to do with whatever energy blasted out of me outside the Training Center?"
"I believe so, Lady Jang," Physician Seo answered with his arms behind his back, "Are you sure you that they never talked to you about anyone from your mother's side?"
I shook my head and replied back simply, "Aside from how my grandparents kicked my mother out? No. Nothing."
Physician Seo was slightly not surprised by my answer. "Alright... If that's so, please don't tell anyone that I told you," he said before he started explaining.
"How did it go?" Yul asked as he helped me walk out of Sejukwon.
I bit my bottom lip unsure of what to tell him. Physician Seo thought that the energy that came out of me was just a failure sign of the Soul Shifter from getting my energy. But he thought wrong after I told him that it wasn't like that. Physician Seo then explained to me about my great by eight times grandfather named, Hwan Geom, who was the original blacksmith of Daeho 200 years ago.
"Master Seo Gyeong was not the only one who mastered Hwansu," Physician Seo said in a hushed voice, "Your ancestor mastered it, too, and created many many swords and different kinds of weapons for every mage. He was the one who made your uncle's sword. Those writings you see on the blade were written by him. Rumors are that those are the Runes of Daeho. It protects the owner of the sword from dark energy."
"How come I'm only hearing about this now?" I asked feeling a little betrayed from being kept in the dark all this time.
Physician Seo then shook his head. "Your ancestor was a great man but was killed right after the Ice Stone was used for Soul Shifting. His sons never continued his legacy in fear that his unfortunate death might curse them, too."
"Do I not have any other relatives aside from the Jang Clan? And Lee Clan? How many sons did Geom have?"
"I believe he had two sons and a daughter. Unfortunately, his two sons passed away a year after Geom died. The eldest died in battle due to the Soul Shifters and the second son died from an illness. The youngest, his daughter lived though. She's your great-great-great grandmother, Hwan Byeol."
"Hwan Byeol... I feel like I've heard that name before," I thought to myself.
"Lady Jang. What I wanted to tell you is that the energy you talked about... Sounds similar to what Geom did when he fought against the Soul Shifters with Master Seo Gyeong."
I looked at him in confusion before he added, "Hwansu is difficult to master but for someone whose ancestor is Hwan Geom, I would like to think that you can master it with ease. Whatever you did back at the Training Center is closest to what someone can do once they master Hwansu."
"Ryu, are you okay?" Yul asked in worry as he stood in front of me with his hands on my shoulders.
"I... Yeah, I'm okay, Yul. Just tired," I answered with a forced smile.
Yul contemplated on my answer before asking, "Do you want to go back home or stay at Songrim?"
I thought about it and wondered if Wook even left Songrim. He didn't show up earlier at Sejukwon so maybe he didn't. Either way, I still have to go back. I need to find out more about Hwan Geom and most likely there will be books about him just like there are about Master Seo Gyeong.
"I'll stay at Songrim since Wook didn't come by. He's probably still at Jeongjingak," I replied back as Yul took his hands off of my shoulders.
"Okay," was all my friend said before raising his arm out in front of me.
"For support?" I asked with a teasing tone.
Yul chuckled. "It'd be a mess if you suddenly tripped on our way back."
I scrunched up my nose at the image and shook my head before placing my hand on his arm. "Thanks for looking out for me," I said as we started walking.
"...That's what friends are for."
Right. Friends. That's all we ever will be.
When we got back I was about to head on over to Master Park's office and yell at him. But Yul made me stay where I was. He then asked a mage, who was passing by, on why Wook is out in the courtyard and down on his knees. But the second I heard the information, I started to fume in anger again.
"He did what?!" I exclaimed out loud after hearing what trouble Wook got into this time.
"Ryu, calm down," Yul gently said as the mage hurriedly left in fear, "Remember to control that temper of yours."
I glared holes at him and asked, "How can I calm down? Wook's gate of energy isn't open, Yul! What if my cousin gets sick?"
"Do not worry. You know that Master Park wouldn't let it come to that," Yul explained calmly, "He will not punish Wook too long."
I looked at where Wook is at and sighed in worry. "I can't help it, Yul... The last time he was punished, he almost died from the cold."
"I know, Ryu." Yul's voice turned soft as I watched Wook quietly.
Then moments later I see Mudeok carrying a tray with a teapot and teacup. I was surprised that she stayed behind. After all, the problem with the Soul Shifter was already handled by the time Yul and I left so why was she still here?
I can see Mudeok talking to Wook but I couldn't hear a word that she is saying. I sighed in defeat until I saw one of the guards hit Wook in the back. I clenched my fists tightly in irritation until I hear Yul humming my mother's song. I looked at him and was able to calm down even for a little bit. Yul gave me a warm smile as he continued to hum the short song again. I took a deep breath in as I listened and looked back at Wook. It looked like whatever Mudeok had said to Wook was short as she was on her way to where Yul and I are at. The second she saw me, she instantly bowed her head and said, "A cup of tea is allowed for the Young Master, Young Miss."
Then she left.
"I doubt Naksu would just leave that easily..." I thought to myself as Yul helped me to walk to where my cousin is at.
- end of chapter seven -
word count: 2608
not yet edited
🌼 a/n:
Originally this chapter was supposed to show more of Ryu and Yul's friendship and what Ryu thinks of Yul but... hehe I decided to just rewrite the chapter and have the whole Ryul drama in the future chapter/s. 🤧
Finallyyyy, I got to the part about Ryu's ancestors. Great-great-great-great (and 4 more greats) Grandfather Hwan Geom is a character of mine that I made up just for Ryu's background and storyline. Hwan = bright , Geom = blade. 🧡 So if anyone's wondering why you never heard of him in AoS, this is why. 😂✋🏻
Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter!!
- k.
If anyone's confused... Yes, Ryu has feelings for Yul. She just never has the intention of telling him to keep their friendship intact. But this will change sometime later in the story. So grab those tissues whenever you can because Ryu's love life is full-on angst. 💀 Technically, Ryu wasn't going to have a love interest because of Mudeok's Harem... But I keep going back and forth with this whole love interest thing and decided to just keep it to the storyline I made for RoD. SoI hope AoS wouldn't put in any more dramatic twist with Mudeok's Harem. 😭😭😭 Because damn... Wook needs some loving. Lee Jaewook's character in EOY didn't get a chance to be in love so I need his character in AoS to give justice to Baek Kyung. 😅
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