07 ✧ 나재민
Na Jaemin's POV
I woke up on Saturday morning to the sound of groaning coming from a top bunk on the other side of the room.
"What the fuck?" Haechan cursed at the person above him, his voice croaky. "Shut the fuck up my head hurts."
"Who's that?" Mark mumbled, rubbing his eye. "Jisung are you making that noise?"
"Hyung I'm dying." Jisung cried out. "Why do people drink!?"
From what I know Mark, Chenle and I didn't really drink at all, Renjun and Jeno had a bit but not enough to make them drunk... Haechan had quite a lot, and Jisung.. well.... let's say he won't be drinking for a long time.
"Man I need a piss." Jeno shuffled his way out of his covers, almost banging his head on the bunk.
"Wait for me I'm coming too." Renjun croaked, sliding down the ladder leading to his top bunk.
"What the fuck?" A foreign voice grumbled. "Why is my dorm so loud?" Seven pairs of eyes suddenly widened with shock, and I hurriedly stood up off my bed in shock, looking up to the top bunk. Then she popped her head up.
"Ow shit." She cursed, banging her head on the ceiling.
"Holy shit Areum!?" We all cried out, making her jump out of her skin.
"Wait.. why the fuck am I up high?" She spoke slowly, but then she opened her eyes and looked round.
"Wait. This isn't my room." She whispered. "WAIT WHY AM I HERE!?"
"LIKE FUCK WE KNOW!" I yelled back.
"YOU SLEPT HERE!?" Mark screamed.
"STOP FUCKING YELLING!" Both Jisung and Haechan cried, holding their heads in pain.
I couldn't help but notice her smudged makeup, tangled hair, and she'd slept in her dress, but the jacket I gave her to cover herself had fallen to her elbows. Obviously clothes move around when you sleep.
"Areum lie the fuck back down your tit is poking out." Renjun squealed.
"Stop lying you asshole I slept in my bra." She retorted, swiftly readjusting her dress. I looked back down at my bed as soon as I noticed, I do not need this shit this early in the morning.
Suddenly the door handle twisted down, and in a flash I saw Areum duck under the covers, the sides of the bed covering her completely. The door opened, revealing Hoseok.
"Hey guys, time to get up." He smiled. "It's half nine. I let you all lie in a bit today."
"We're just getting ready to wash up." Mark smiled, but Hoseok's eyes suddenly looked to the top of my bunk.
"Is someone up there?" He asked.
"No." I replied instantly.
"But I swear I just saw it move."
"You're just seeing things." Chenle smiled.
"But it looks like something's under the covers?" Hoseok mumbled, walking over.
"Don't look under there!" I suddenly jumped up, blocking the elder.
"What? Why?" He smiled.
"Well, I- err..." I stuttered. Think goddammit!
"It's where Jaemin keeps his cum towels." Haechan spoke up, leaving everyone - including myself and Hoseok - speechless. My mouth was wide, and I glared at Haechan who was lying on his bottom bunk on his side, gesturing for me to roll with it.
"Haechan!" I cried out. "Is this fucking expose Jaemin day!?" Of course it wasn't true, but I guess it was kind of a good idea to stop him going up there.
Hoseok suddenly burst into a fit of laughter, along with the rest of DREAM, but my laugh was a little forced I have to admit.
"Ahaha alright then, I won't peek." Hoseok giggled. "Just make sure you're all down for breakfast because it closes at half ten, and I can't have you dirty guys missing meals!" And with that he left the room, causing us all to let out a huge sigh.
But at that moment a hand reached out from the top bunk, finger and thumb pinching nothing more than a white towel.
"I think I'm gonna fucking puke." Areum gagged, dropping the towel onto the floor. The dorm erupted with laughter, except I was rushing to convince Areum that it was just a lie.
"Areum you need to leave." Jeno spoke up. "How are we gonna get you out of here? The hallways will be too crowded with guys getting ready for you to just run out."
"Ooh I know." Mark spoke up. "Who's strong enough to carry Areum?"
"Carry me?" Areum asked.
"Jaemin will." Renjun pointed at me, and everyone just seemingly agreed.
"Okay," Mark began. "Let's wrap Areum in our bedsheets and say we're going to wash them, walk out with her and then BAM."
Yep that's right, we do our own washing here at the orphanage.
"Ew wait haven't you guys slept in this for like three months?" Areum questioned.
"I washed mine three weeks ago so it's still relatively clean." Chenle smiled.
"His is probably the cleanest." I mumbled, looking up at Areum's bunk.
"You're all disgusting." She grumbled, climbing down from the top bunk.
Our plan was in action. Areum has got dressed in the clothes she left here last night, wiped off her heavily smudged makeup and shoved everything in her bag which Chenle said he'd carry. We then proceeded to wrap Areum in Chenle's bedding.
"We're all insane." I mumbled, watching as Jeno and Renjun wrapped her up like a mummy whilst Mark and Chenle stripped everyone's beds of their sheets, shoving Haechan and Jisung off their mattresses. I then picked Areum up bridal style, her making sounds of worry as she could neither see nor hold on to me for support.
"Drop me and you die." Areum growled at me, and I hummed a response, pretending to give way and she nearly screamed, a simple "Fuck you" coming from inside the sheet.
"Tuck your legs in." Renjun ordered.
"How the fuck Renjun?" She retorted, accidentally kicking my shoulder as she tried. "Shit sorry." Chenle placed some more of his bedding on top of Areum in an attempt to cover the fact that it looked like I was carrying a dead body, then everyone else picked up their bedding, Chenle carrying mine.
"Let's go DREAM!" Mark smiled, leading the way as we walked down to the orphanage laundromat.
We got there, making sure the coast was clear before putting Areum down on the floor and letting her wiggle out of the sheets.
"Fuck me I couldn't even breathe in there." She squeaked, standing up off the floor. I gestured to the hickey on her neck as it was showing, and the girl quickly covered it with her hair.
"I'm gonna run back to my dorm." She smiled, taking her bag off Chenle. "Thank you dreamies, I'll be off."
"See you in a bit." We all smiled, proceeding to wash our bedding.
We all met up again at breakfast, and I'd noticed that Areum had covered her mark with makeup. Mark couldn't hang out with us after breakfast though because he and all the third years have a study session at school since he's doing exams soon. The seven of us went and sat in the common room, just talking and hanging out, plus we were waiting for Chenle's possible adoptees to arrive.
"I wonder how Wanna One are doing.." Areum mumbled, glancing over at Jinyoung, Daewhi and Guanlin who were sat at a table in the same room, Jinyoung holding his head in his hands and resting his elbows on the table.
"Probably shit since he doesn't have a Noona that pretends she's on her period to get pain killers for the huge headache he probably has." Jisung giggled, crossing his legs and sipping his water like the true queen he is.
"And that's the tea sister." Haechan added, also perfectly fine because of Areum's bargaining skills.
"I'm keeping the rest of those pills though." She told us. "I think I'm due on my period soon."
"Ew. Gross." Chenle shuddered, also sipping on his drink.
"I can't believe the nurse thought I was telling the truth when I said I get pain for seven days straight." She mumbled.
"How long do you get pain for?" I asked, genuinely intrigued about how the female body works.
"Just two days, I'm kinda lucky." She replied, and everyone's mouths dropped.
"THAT's lucky?" Renjun gasped. "Is it like non-stop?"
"It comes in waves." She replied. "I just take a pain reliever and I can't really feel much."
"And don't you bleed on your period?" Jeno also asked.
"A lot." She replied, and we all shuddered this time. "I bleed for around five days."
"FIVE DAYS STRAIGHT!?" We all cried out, eyes wide and mouths agape.
"Umm... Yeah." She replied, taken aback slightly.
"Even when you sleep?"
"And this happens once a month?"
"Did you guys never listen in Biology?" She asked, causing us to laugh.
Chenle's possible adoptees came sooner than we had hoped, and we all ended up taking them on a tour of the orphanage. We figured that if we were mean they might want to remove him from the toxic surroundings, so instead we were all strangely nice to each other and made sure Chenle emphasised how much he loved the orphanage and all his friends and how he'd be sad if he left and such. Did it work? No. They were adamant on adopting him, and said that the next time they'd visit they'd adopt him for sure.
"Fuck sake." Haechan sighed, leaning against the wall. "That was so painful and it didn't even work."
"Fucking tell me about it." Areum sighed, crouching down on the floor. "You know when you have to cleanse your vocabulary with holy water, but your whole fucking vocabulary is just curse words? That was me."
"Yeah you hardly said a word." Jeno laughed. "It was so strange."
"Honestly, what are we gonna do now that Chenle is gonna get adopted?" I asked everyone.
"Maybe we should just run away." Renjun mumbled, voices dropping a little. "They said they were coming next week right?"
"Wait are you being serious?" Chenle whispered, glancing around.
"Entirely." Areum stood up off the floor. "We should."
"But can we survive out there by ourselves?" Jeno asked. "What would we do?"
"Fuck knows." Areum sighed. "But it's worth a shot right?"
"We're all technically adults anyway." Haechan added. "Well, most of us."
"What time does Mark-hyung get back?" Jisung asked, changing the subject after a short pause.
"In like five minutes." I replied, glancing at the clock on the wall.
"Should we go get lunch?" Renjun spoke up, and we all agreed.
"I'm just gonna go to my room really quick." Areum told us. "I'll be down in a bit, wait for me in the cafeteria."
The six of us were sat in the cafeteria, snacking on bits when a familiar figure with an unfamiliar lack of charisma sat down next to us.
"Hey guys." We looked up and saw Mark with a tray in his hands, his smile was bright but the look in his eyes expressed pain. Then we noticed the cuts and bruises on his face.
"Oh my god Mark what happened!?" We all exclaimed, staring at his split lip and his beginning-to-bruise eye, as well as the scrapes on his elbows. It was clear he'd been to the nurse, since the injuries had been cleaned up, but they still looked painful as hell.
"Oh, nothing." He laughed slightly. "Some guys in my year just got a little rough at break and I just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time." He wouldn't look at us, instead glancing down at his food and digging in. Mark was always like this, as the leader of DREAM he didn't like letting us know when he was hurt.
"Was it Jihoon?" I asked, already knowing the answer, and he nodded silently, not looking up from his food that he wasn't eating. I clenched my fist around the chopsticks I was holding, before slamming it down on the table. "The fucking bastard has the nerve to-"
"Why would it be Jihoon?" Chenle asked, him and Renjun seeming to be the only two not ready to punch the shit out of the bastard.
"Last night.. I spilt my drink on him." I told them, trying not to get Areum involved.
"Is that all?" Renjun asked.
"On his crotch." I added.
"And then said that he came in front of the majority of the people at the party."
"Oh shit."
"That's no excuse to beat up Mark though." Jeno butted in, just as angry as me. "He did fuck all, Jihoon has no right to do that."
"It- it was his friend too." Mark added. "W-Woojin and Jihoon did it."
"Park Woojin?" Haechan confirmed, and Mark nodded. We needed nothing more, suddenly standing up and glaring right at their table. There they were, the five of them sat on the other end of the cafeteria, laughing as if they didn't just beat up our best friend.
Me, Jeno, Haechan and Jisung stormed over, swiftly followed by Renjun and Chenle who weren't so enthusiastic about fights but were willing to stick up for their friend, then Mark himself. We stormed over, and when I got there I threw Jihoon's food on the floor, smashing the plate and sending porcelain everywhere, silencing most of the cafeteria.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing asshole?" I looked down at Jihoon, knowing full well my beef was with him, I'll let Jeno deal with Woojin.
"I think I should be the one asking you that." Jihoon replied, standing up. "Wanna offer me an explanation."
"Why don't you use your fucking eyes." Jeno growled. Jihoon then began chuckling, alongside Woojin and even Jinyoung at this point. All five of them were stood up, Daewhi hiding at the back.
"Look at these cute little kids." Jihoon laughed. "Those bruises from the other day still look a bit sore ya know." He then pushed my shoulder, glaring at me intimidatingly.
"Fucking fight me you scrawny little bitch." I pushed him back, seeing Woojin step forward out of the corner of my eye.
"Sit back down asshole." Jeno stepped in, pushing him away.
"The fuck are you gonna do?" Woojin snarled back, getting all in his face.
Then Jeno straight up threw his fists straight at Woojin's face. Better now then never I guess. So I did the same to Jihoon, and guess what! All hell broke loose! Well no, that's exaggerating a little. I fought Jihoon, Jeno fought Woojin and Haechan went up against Jinyoung! A crowd started to form around us all, clearly entertained that we were all fighting. The fight only stopped when some workers stepped in, dispersing the crowd and splitting us up, sending us back to our dorms to 'cool off.' The nurse even gave us our own medical equipment since she was 'sick to death of sorting out the same boys time and time again.'
We were in the dorm; Jisung had sent Areum a text telling her we were sent back to the dorms, whilst Chenle and Renjun helped clean up the mess on our faces. Mark tried to help too. Key word: tried.
"Ow that hurts." Haechan whined.
"Oh stop being a pussy." Mark huffed. "If you didn't want to get hurt you shouldn't have got in a fight."
"And we should've let them get away with what they did to you?" Jeno looked over at Mark, Renjun hissing at him to stop moving.
There was suddenly rapid knocking on the door. They were quick and sounded panicked, but we were told to stay in our dorm and not answer the door to anyone during our cool down session. That was the case, until I heard voices.
"Are you okay?" I heard Jihoon and figured he was basically outside of our door. Why the fuck isn't he in his dorm? "What are you doing? Can we talk about last night?" Last night? That can surely only be one person.
I stood up, moving Chenle aside and unlocked the door, receiving stares from the rest of DREAM. When I opened it, I saw a panicked Areum who was close to tears nearly fall on the opening door, Jihoon holding her shoulder looking very confused. Areum shoved Jihoon off her, running past me into the dorm.
"Get lost dick face." I spat at Jihoon, slamming the door in his face and locking it before turning back round to see what was going on. Why is she so upset? I've hardly ever seen her this shaken up before.
"Areum what's going on?" Mark asked, all of us looking confused as Jihoon knocked on the door, calling Areum's name.
"W-We need to leave. Now." She ordered, dropping the bag she was carrying on the floor. "Pack what you can. Clothes, food, money, anything."
"What why?" Jeno asked.
"The police are here." She panted, still terrified. "Hurry!" At this the others scrambled off the beds, shoving what they could into backpacks and duffel bags. I received a glance off Areum, and then the realisation sent shivers down my spine. Holy fuck. The heroin.
We all scrambled around, grabbing all our pocket money, clothes, whatever would fit in the bag. We even took the medical supplies because fuck they looked expensive.
"Are we really doing this?" Mark whimpered, still shoving things into his bag. The whole dorm was full of panic.
"We have no choice." Areum replied, slightly regaining her composure through deep breaths. "Please hurry." The knocking at the door had gotten louder, but the loud thumping of my heart was the only thing I could hear, beating in my eardrums.
"What even happened?" Haechan asked, zipping up his bag.
"I'll explain on the way. We need to go."
"Go where?" Chenle trembled, sliding his backpack on his back, Jihoon shaking the door handle trying to get in. He probably heard us and wants to know what the fuck's going on.
Once everyone was packed we made a break for it out the window, following Areum who lead us out through the gap in the hedge at the back rather than walking by the front. I let everyone go before me, and before crawling through the gap I turned back to look at the orphanage one last time. My eyes landed on the window we climbed out of, and I saw Jihoon run towards it, leaning out. We made eye contact, so I raised my middle finger at the asshole before crawling through the gap.
Here we are. We're running away.
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