05 ✧ 전아름
Jeon Areum's POV
It was Friday night, the night of the party. I grabbed my bag, filled it with everything I needed to get ready and made my way to the boys half of the dorms. I told Jisung and Chenle to wait for me at either end of the hallway; we were group calling and they'd tell me when the coast was clear so I could run to their room to get ready. Technically no girls are allowed in the boys half and vice versa, which is why I needed them to keep watch.
Ah, that's right. The dorms. DREAM share a dorm in the boys half and me myself and I have a room in the girls half. I told the workers here I had no girl friends and wanted to sleep in DREAM's dorm but they said no, even though there are four bunks in that room so there is technically a spare bed for me to sleep on but nooOOoOoo I'm a girl and I can't possibly sleep with seven gay guys who probably sleep with each other anyway-
I mean what? nothing I didn't say anything what.
I walked in the room, Jisung closing the door behind him and Mark letting out a yelp as he forgot to put his shirt on when he got out the shower.
"Oh shush we're all friends here." I laughed, honestly not caring I was about to get changed with seven guys. Well, I don't really see them as 'guys', more like brothers. About half of them are just as comfortable around me as I am with them but the other half just freak, one of them being Mark.
"But wait Areum why did you come so early?" Jeno asked. "The party isn't for like two hours yet, and that's if we arrive in time."
"I forgot to tell you that it takes a girl like fifty years to get ready whOOPS." I sighed. "Now you get to watch me apply like twenty layers of makeup on my face to hide my imperfections yey."
"Oh shush Areum what imperfections you're perfect~" Haechan teased in his 'you're doing great sweetie' voice.
"But how come you're spending so long on getting ready today?" Renjun peered down from the top bunk. "You never put makeup on."
"Because we're going to a partyyyy." I smirked. "We have to look good."
"More like someone wants to get laid~" Jisung whispered, snickering to himself. That rewarded him a harsh kick in the stomach from me.
"But wait aren't you and Jaemin still grounded." Mark spoke up. "You're still gonna go?"
"Of course." I replied. "Why else would I sneak to the boys dorm to get ready?"
"And how are we gonna leave here without people noticing?" Jeno asked, folding his arms.
"We'll climb out the window." I told them simply. "Your window is conveniently placed leading onto the first floor roof which is next to a tree we can climb down."
"You're climbing down a tree in this?" Chenle had been rummaging through my duffel bag unbeknownst to me, and pulled out the skimpy black dress I put in my bag, holding it up by his fingertips.
"Oh my god Areum no." Jaemin spoke, as he stood up off his bunk. "There's no way in hell you're wearing that." I turned to my right, looking at Jaemin's shocked expression with an small but unnoticeable smirk on my face.
"Sorry mum." I replied, applying my foundation in the mirror. "I haven't got anything else."
"Look how low the neckline goes!" Renjun yelled.
"Are you sure that's not a top?" Jisung questioned, taking it off Chenle and holding it against himself. "This won't even cover my dick."
"That's because it's not meant to cover your dick you asshole." I replied, snatching it off him and throwing it on top of my bag.
"Areum you'll get harassed in that dress." Jaemin faced me, utter determination written across his face, but my concentration was on the mirror in front of me. "Do you at least have a jacket? Your dress has no sleeves!" He sauntered over to his side of the wardrobe, looking through piles of clothes. I'm not gonna lie, but Jaemin acting like an overprotective boyfriend is kinda hot.
Yeah, I kinda figured out about his small crush on me. I've known for quite a while now. Well, it's still only just my thoughts - I haven't spoken to anyone about it - but I'm not stupid enough not to recognise when someone takes an interest in me. Not to be that person, but it happens a lot in my case, especially with my ehh... confidence, around the opposite sex. However, the difference between Jaemin and all the other boys who have tried to get with me is the fact that Jaemin is one of my closest friends ever, and has the purest of intentions.
Never in my life would I play with his feelings or lead him on, and I haven't mentioned anything because I don't want to hurt his feelings. He doesn't look at me in that way like others do, he doesn't judge me or call me a slut, and he's never tried anything on me either. He's doing me no harm, so I've decided not to say anything. I also don't want to go out with him out of sympathy or just to see if I like it, because what if I don't? He'll just end up being even more hurt and I'd hate that. Also, getting in a relationship would probably mess up the dynamics of our group, since I have called them all brothers before.
"No sleeves!? Oh my god you'll freeze!" Mark cried, snapping me back out of my thoughts. "You do know it's winter right."
"Don't you normally call us the stupid ones?" Jeno asked, causing a few of the boys to laugh.
"Okay, but I didn't know girls could climb trees in six inch stilettos." Chenle sassed, holding up the shoes in his right hand whilst placing his left hand on his hip. He's still looking through my bag?
"The fact that you know what six inch stilettos are really makes me question your sexuality." I replied, and more chuckles erupted from the boys.
"YAAS!" Renjun clapped. "We LOVE a drag queen!"
"Areum did you even think this through?" Haechan asked. "Don't girls get blisters from walking round in heels?"
"Here!" Jaemin smiled innocently, pulling out a black bomber jacket and a pair of Renjun's white vans. "You can borrow my jacket, it's black so it matches your dress, and you and Renjun have the same shoe size so borrow a pair of his shoes."
"Go away Jaemin." I replied, still doing my makeup. "Oh, do me a favour and put the curling iron on please?"
"THAT'S WHAT THAT IS!" Jeno cried out. "I honestly thought it was some strange, futuristic dildo."
"Ew, oh my god." Jisung shuddered. "Jeno whAT the fuck."
"I'm not gonna go if you don't wear the jacket." Jaemin stated. "You're making a big mistake going out like that."
"I agree." Mark added.
"Same." Renjun agreed. "Even though they are my shoes." The entirety of DREAM ended up bullying me into wearing the clothes Jaemin picked out.
"Ugh fine!" I sighed, finishing my makeup. "Is the curling iron ready?"
"Hot and steamy sister." Haechan teased, and we all laughed again.
We kept talking as the boys got ready, and somehow got onto the topic of Chenle's adoption.
"How did it go the other day?" Jaemin asked.
"Well," Chenle mumbled. "I tried to act cold and like I didn't wanna be there, but they still said they were coming back tomorrow to see me again."
"Ugh," I sighed. "We should all just run away together."
"We actually could as well." Mark added. "I have my drivers licence."
"You do?" Jisung asked, sliding on his shirt. "When did you get that?"
"I asked Hoseok to sign me up for lessons on my birthday. It was quite easy to pass the test."
We were pretty much ready to go, cleaning up any signs of a girl being in the dorm before heading off. But before we did, I took off Mark's bow tie and loosened the first two buttons of his shirt.
"That's better." I sighed.
"But won't I get cold?" Mark asked.
"Being cold is better than a bow tie I promise you." I replied. "Let me do a quick check on everyone to make sure we don't embarrass ourselves." Looking around, I fixed Jisung's hair, straightened Jeno's shirt and unzipped Renjun's jacket.
"That's better," I sighed. "Let's get going dreamies~"
"Umm Areum why don't you climb down the tree first?" Jaemin spoke up.
"What? Why?" I asked, tilting my head slightly and looking at his tinted face.
"No reason off you go!" He smiled, ears going slightly red but not much. Strange kid. We got to the bottom of the tree, hiding behind a bush before setting off in the dark.
"You know," I heard a whisper in my ear as we walked along the pavement. "He wanted you to go first so no one looked at your ass when you climb down the tree." Haechan whispered, chuckling slightly. "That in itself must show how protective he is of you. That and the other day in class."
"Yeah, and?" I whispered, we were now slightly trailing behind from the rest of the group. "What are you getting at?"
"You know exactly what I'm on about." He replied, linking his arm with mine. "Just watch this." We sped up, passing at least half the group, including Jaemin, and Haechan leant his head on mine.
"Don't you think I'm adorable~" He asked me cutely, obviously putting it on, but gave my arm a light squeeze.
"No." I laughed at him.
"Really~?" He cooed, unlinking his arm from mine and wrapping it around my shoulder. I sent him a look of questioning, to which he replied with a quick glance behind me. When I turned to look, I noticed Jaemin staring out of the corner of my eye.
"Do you really not find me cute~?" He asked, louder and more whiny than before, and I shrugged his arm off me.
"No way." I replied, and his arms returned back to his pockets as our pace slowed down. We were at the back of the group again.
"You saw that right?" Haechan asked, glancing at me whilst sauntering by my side. "His stare? He's jealous."
"Of what? You?" I dragged out my stupidity in hopes to avoid the conversation.
"Come on Areum~" He teased. "I thought you were sharper than that." And with that he walked off next to Mark, leaving me with my thoughts.
So has that just confirmed my suspicions about Jaemin?
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