Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Seventeen
A/N: Two updates in a week *dabs*!! As I have been sucked back into mikayuu hell, I am hellbent on finishing this story (even though I've irritated myself to no end that there is hardly any Mika and Yuu interaction.... but that's coming next chapter! Yay!) I want to write some other mikayuu fics as well, perhaps a Miraculous Ladybug x Owari no Seraph crossover? :)
Sorry that this may have mistakes - I'm super tired and in a lot of pain after a rollerblading incident I got into yesterday so I didn't feel like proofreading.
Yuu stared at himself in the reflection of his bedroom mirror as three servants doted on his outfit, shouting at each other to make last-minute adjustments to his attire. He sucked in a breath and stood statue still, knowing the less he complained, the faster the nonconsensual poking and prodding of his body would stop.
"We have to get his hemline straight!" One complained, a needle in hand and a spool of black thread in the other.
Yuu bit his tongue, holding back a comment about how just like him, it would never be straight, deciding it was too distasteful (but would be downright hilarious to see the shocked expression of the old ladies).
After what felt like hours of them twisting him different ways and getting pricked by needles every thirty seconds - he muttered quite a few obscenities, something a prince would never be caught dead saying, under his breath throughout the process - the seamstresses finally left him alone to make his grand entrance to the ceremony.
Tonight was the evening of Yuu's practice coronation. As he fluffed and tucked his hair with his fingers, he could hear various family members gathering in the foyer of the castle. Shinoa would be there too, as the Ichinoses and Hiragis would be solidifying wedding plans after the practice.
Let's just say, Yuu was not looking forward to seeing her after basically ditching her at her own birthday celebration. Hopefully she was too drunk at the time to remember what he did.
When his hair wasn't looking like a tangled mess anymore and was to his satisfaction, Yuu crossed the room to the quintessential piece to his ensemble: his royal crown.
It was a heavy crown; real gold, which hurt his head to wear. Luckily, it was just for show and he wouldn't have to wear it all the time, only for the coronation and when he publicly greeted the citizens of Drelacia on special occasions. Yuu didn't understand how King Ichinose could wear it all the time, between eating dinner, studying in his office, or doing whatever else he did; it just seemed so egregious. Not to mention impractical.
The case was locked with a special key Yuu kept in a sewn-in pocket of his diary, which he promptly retrieved beforehand. Shiori-san bowed slightly before taking the pillow that held the crown for him and then led him out the door. Yuu tucked the key into his tuxedo pocket and followed her, feeling a weight set on his shoulders when he saw Shinoa at the bottom of the spiral staircase.
Her hair was let down, a difference from her usual braided-bow updo. She was wearing a renaissance-style dress, with an intricate, handsewn design on the sleeves and chest - most likely handspun gold thread in the detailing - and a flowy pink skirt. Real pearls were sewn to the swishy fabric of the skirt and sparkled when she walked. She had a scarf draped around her arms, a sheer slip of fabric that matched the pendant Yuu gave her for her birthday.
Beaming, she could hardly contain her excitement to see him. She even cracked a toothy smile and waved at him, earning a nasty look from her father. Composing herself, she cupped one hand over the other and watched expectantly as he took tentative steps down the staircase.
As if he was being controlled like a marionette, Yuu felt himself grab Shinoa's hand and delicately place a kiss atop the glove, earning a small giggle from her. Though, Yuu only did it because her parents were watching, and upon greeting them, they regarded him with fondness, which put him at ease.
The coronation itself was a disaster, however, considering he kept fucking things up and couldn't do anything right.
First it was the way he walked, of all things. His mother actually had the nerve to tell him he walked too weirdly and needed to "compose himself" after yelling about his terrible posture and swaggering walk.
Next came his shaking hands. Yuu nearly dropped the crown twice because he kept shaking; Shinoa was looking at him with sultry, half-lidded eyes, and the thought of his conversation with Mika kept resurfacing any time he touched the sparkling jewels of the crown. It almost felt like he was betraying Mika every time he touched it, like it was a physical reminder of who he was and how he couldn't pretend to be two different people forever. For some reason, King Ichinose thought Yuu couldn't possibly be nervous about the idea of being crowned prince and the official heir of the throne of an entire country, and told him he needed to pull himself together.
The pressure was way too much to bear, but Yuu kept walking forward, up the steps to the raised stage in the front of the ballroom, biting the inside of his cheek to keep from saying something he'd regret later.
The archbishop of the country's federal church stood in front of him, dressed in his fancy attire. His hat, which was bigger than two of Yuu's heads, somehow stayed put on his head as he reached for the crown.
Yuu got on one knee and dipped his head down in respect, staring at his shoelaces and only half-listening to the speech the archbishop would have to give during the ceremony. He only caught a couple words - Ichinose and prince - and his mind wandered throughout the rest of it, wondering if Mika would show up to the ceremony. It was an event open to the public, and anyone who could score a ticket was elated to be allowed into the royal castle, being in the same four walls as the royal family.
After the coronation practice - fit with forced smiles and waves Yuu did to the small crowd of nobility that showed up to watch - came the wedding practice, which made Yuu's heart sink to his stomach, because fuck, Shinoa was approaching him with that stupid smile of hers and he could feel himself feeling more guilty by the second. The royal crown was taken by one of the servants to be locked away once again, and that was the last Yuu saw of that painful nightmare of a headpiece.
"Now," Queen Kaori directed from her plush seat on the stage, "Princess Shinoa, if you would please, move to the end of the hall. We'll practice the entrance ceremony."
"Cue the music!" King Ichinose boomed.
The orchestra began to play the classic marriage ceremony chords, with the piano quickly jumping in with the happy melody. Yuu fidgeted in his spot, the crown being the only thing grounding him, stopping him from running away. He felt the looming stares of the king and queen, intimidating and powerful as Shinoa turned the corner, pausing for emphasis before striding down the aisle. A servant must've given her a bouquet of flowers, because she gripped a beautiful ensemble of delicate ivory roses in her hands.
It was a cruel reminder that their wedding was approaching rapidly; the date, Yuu recalled, was the week after his eighteenth birthday, which was in about a month. His hands clenched at his sides, the realization setting in he had only a few more weeks.
The practice whisked by in a blur, a terrifying, soul-crushing blur. Yuu wanted nothing more than to take off in a run out of the ballroom and into his escape room, where he could hide from the frightening stares and too-high expectations set upon him. Shinoa seemed to be enjoying herself, however, because all the attention was turned on her the moment anyone spotted her pendant. The conversation went as follows:
1. A noble Yuu didn't know the name of but probably should remember: Oh, Princess Shinoa, that is the most [insert luxuriously posh adjective here] necklace I have ever laid eyes on!
2. Shinoa, practically bouncing from excitement: Oh, thank you, you're too kind! My fiancé here, Yuichiro Ichinose, graciously gave it to me for my eighteenth birthday! Isn't it just divine?
3. Noble: He's going to make an excellent husband! And a wonderful king as well!
4. Shinoa and the ass-kissing noble titter with laughter, causing Yuu to either tune them out, silently retch, or do a mixture of both.
All in all, the night is boring and stressful and all the attention Shinoa was getting for that stupid pendant was seriously getting under his skin. It was is mother who made the comment, gushing about how the pendant really brought out her eyes (Yuu silently disagreed as she said this, considering it rivaled the aquamarine shade of Mika's eyes, and fuck, it was not the time to be thinking about him) that sent him over the edge.
After downing two (or was it three?) glasses of champagne to get him through the night, he managed to make it through the evening without strangling anyone. It was obvious that Yuu was immensely relieved to hear the clock strike midnight, signifying the end of the practice.
He barely managed to get through thanking the guests with his fake smiles and forced compliments, but the worst was kissing Shinoa goodbye. Yuu had never been bothered so much by the taste of tacky strawberry lip gloss, and surprised himself by exhaling a breath he hadn't realized he was holding when the she disappeared behind the door with her family.
"Well!" King Ichinose smiled proudly, cupping a hand on Yuu's shoulder, "I would say that was a massive success, huh, son?"
Yuu forced himself to look into the eyes of the man he called his father and muster a nod. "Certainly so, father. I await the day of our marriage with bated breath."
"That's my boy!" King Ichinose's laughter bounced around the vast ceilings of the foyer, echoing loudly in his ears. Someday, Yuichiro, the entire southern region of Drelacia will belong to you. A castle for you and your beloved is already in the works of being built; surely it will fit to the standards of Drelacia's future prince."
Yuu gulped slowly, staring at his shined shoes. "I cannot wait," He lied through his teeth, forcing a smile that seemed to please his parents. "I have more homework that must be done for my lessons at the Royal Academy tomorrow, so if you will excuse me, I will be turning in for the night."
"Have a good night's rest, Yuichiro," King Ichinose patted his shoulder. "Remember, we're traveling to the city this weekend for my campaign speech. I want all three of us to be well-rested for the event."
Yuu had forgotten about the speech. His father was looking to be re-elected as the chairman of the country's government. Out of all the kingdoms in the country, the king who is elected has the most power. King Ichinose knew of the loyalty of his subjects, but still wanted to make a great impression on any skeptical voters before the voting season commenced. He nodded stiffly, bowing his head out of respect before slowly ascending the staircase. His parents' voices echoed in the spacious room, amiably discussing the events of the practice and gushing about "how well Shinoa and Yuu would rule Southern Drelacia together".
Having moved out of earshot of them, Yuu allowed himself to snort at their comment in disgust and rush towards his bedroom like his life depended on it. His door slammed behind him, giving him a few moment's peace before Shiori-san returned from her break. He felt himself immediately relax, allowing himself to melt into the whitewashed wood of the door and breath a heavy sigh of relief.
Peace and quiet, he smiled to himself in the dark.
He strode over towards his wardrobe, promptly ripping off his stuffy blazer and uncomfortable frilly shirt and tossing them into the wastebasket next to the cherrywood armoire. He stretched out his arms, feeling liberated from the stuffy clothing he's forced to wear on a regular basis. He longed to wear the typical attire of commoners; suspenders, trousers, and unbuttoned collar shirts looked so much more comfortable than ties and multiple layers of itchy clothing each day.
It was then, as he daydreamed about clothing, of all things, when he heard a noise. It was drawn out, a slow creaking sound that was like nails on a chalkboard to Yuu's ears. Immediately on edge, Yuu covered his ears on instinct and whirled around to find what was making the horrible noise.
Or rather, who was making the noise.
Yuu saw the crown first; the person's silhouette, blocked off by the minimal amount of moonlight shining through the window, didn't give him a clear enough picture of the identity of the person currently in his room. Hands dropping to his mouth in shock, he watched, frozen with fear, as the thief tucked the crown under his arm, perched on the windowsill like a cat.
He (at least Yuu assumed they were a he) was dressed like a cat too, in black spandex, rubbery black lace-up boots, a silk black mask, and a hat covering his hair. The thief's face was turned to the side, showing off a long, slightly hooked nose. He tentatively glanced over his shoulder one last time before hopping out of the window.
In the shadows, Yuu wondered if the man had seen him. Due to being frozen from petrification, he couldn't even will himself to move until he heard the rustle of tree branches and the eventual thud of his landing. He rushed over to the window, only seeing a streak of black running towards the woods and out of his line of sight, guarded by the treetops.
Oh my god, he thought to himself. He couldn't stop thinking it, the words were like a broken record in his mind. Oh my god. Oh, god. My parents are going to kill me. Or him, whichever comes first.
Yuu immediately bolted out the door, thundered down the spiral staircase, and into the foyer. He found not only his parents still standing there, but the Hiragi family back in their home, much to his confusion.
"Yuichiro Amane Ichinose!" Queen Kaori explained, disgust evident in her tone. "How dare you come downstairs improperly dressed! And in the presence of guests too!"
Yuu was heaving ragged breaths, trying to catch his breath after practically flying down the staircase. "S-sorry, M-mother," He wheezed, clutching his knees to steady himself. "But there's an emergency."
"Whatever is the matter, Yuichiro-sama?" Shinoa's mother questioned.
"The royal crown," He explained to the curious group, still gasping for air. "It's been stolen. The thief, he... Ran away into the woods. I couldn't stop him. He was too fast..."
King Ichinose's face immediately turned purple with rage, and he shouts for the nearest guards, which are on patrol nearby the front door. "Men!" He commands them. "The castle must immediately go on lockdown! I want all guards to find the culprit immediately! That crown is worth 70 billion yen, and I will not let it fall into the hands of a dirty commoner! Bring that traitor to me at once!"
The guards, pale with fear and intimidation, saluted the king and bowed before rushing off to inform the other guards. It wasn't long before Yuu heard the emergency bell ringing from the bell towers, signifying a disaster was occuring. He hadn't heard the bell since he was six, when Queen Kaori was attacked in her bedroom by a knife-wielding crazy person attempting to murder her. The bell was rusty, and emitted a low, hollow sound that rang in his ears and threatened to give him a shooting headache soon.
Queen Kaori was shrieking now, and Shinoa's mother was attempting to calm her down. Shinoa found his hand amidst the chaos. "Don't worry about it," She whispered into his ear. "The thief will be caught by tonight, and the wedding will proceed like normal."
Yuu swallowed nervously, feeling his hand clam up at the sudden contact. "Y-yeah," He agreed after a pause, looking at anything but her.
Shinoa's family decided to stay the night, knowing it would be safer under protection of their guards than to roam about the city while a thief was on the loose. Hefty preparations were made for the royal family, and Shinoa was situated (thankfully) in a guest room on the opposite side of the house. Yuu led her to her quarters before kissing her cheek delicately and sending her off for the night.
"Goodnight, my love," She smiled genuinely, love sparkling in her eyes.
"Goodnight, Shinoa, Yuu responded softly, turning away because the guilt was too much to bear. He headed back into his room, only to find Shiori-san there, looking panicked. He filled her in on the details, only to get her more worried, and then proceeded to convince her it was fine and that they should both just get some rest.
Yuu fell into bed, a wave of exhaustion overtaking him the moment his head hit his goose-feather pillow. It wasn't long before he heard the light snores of Shiori-san in her small room adjacent to his, and soon enough, amidst the worries and doubts, he found himself drifting off to sleep as well.
Early the next morning, he received the terrible news.
All night, the entire guardsman cavalry searched for the supposed thief, tracking down his trail from his bootprints, but to no avail, the thief had escaped into the night.
He earned his infamous title from the king himself the moment he heard the bad news.
"That damn black cat will pay," King Ichinose growled during breakfast. "Once he's caught, he won't get to see the light of day for the rest of his life."
Dread settled in Yuu's stomach as he picked at his sausage links. The nickname Black Cat set a bad taste in his mouth, and he knew somehow, he hadn't seen the last of the anonymous thief.
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