Chap 7
Pulling up to the wine tasting place I had no idea existed, leave it to Fin to find one. The whole ride was a bit awkward do to the silence that was deafening between the three of us. Matt was staring out the window kind of distant and Kyle was barely making any noise in the backseat I was sort of questioning if he was really back there. Parking the car I got out needed some air for the two and jogged up to Jazz who seemed to be on speaking terms with me now since yesterday.
“Hey babe” she said wrapping me up in a warm hug.
“Hey, I’m sorry hun I wasn’t there for you in Paris.” She shrugged.
“I really wanted you there” I wince and hugged her tighter.
“I would have been there but I was having the worst week ever when this happened. My phone fell in the toilet, and then there was a mail thief…” Jazz stared up at me with an awed expression.
“Well damn” I nodded.
“Yep.. But defiantly next time though.” she smiled and hooked out arms together walking up to the building.
“You know Finney plans on getting us all trashed tonight.” Jazz laughed as we caught up with the group.
“I know”
I saw Kyle and Matt standing a few feet apart from each other when we came up to the door. Matt looked over at me and strode over taking my hand. I smiled up at him and gripped his hand tightly. He gave me a genuine smile and it warmed my heart to see it, he was so beautiful and funny and just an all-around nice guy, the things that really attracted me to him. How I wish I could just scream out ‘I LOVE YOU!’ but I couldn’t, not because I didn’t want him, oh I did! I just couldn’t get them out, the words wouldn’t form on my tongue like I wanted them to and I knew the reason… he stood a few feet from me looking as handsome as the day I first saw him. Why he had to come now pissed me off but it wasn’t his fault he forgot about me. I bet if he remembered we both wouldn’t be in this situation.
It was only a couple of minutes ago that we had that moment; that connection that I knew could never excel further than I wanted it to. Kyle hates me... the real Kyle and I knew when he finally remembered everything he’d kill me for taking advantage of him like that. But there was no way for me to get that moment out of my mind, how time seemed to stop and it was just the two of us. The way his beautiful grey eyes darkened with his sleeping wolf somewhere in there. And the tingles’ against my skin was just a torturous reminder he was off limits.
God not to mention his sexy earthy scent with a small hint of lavender I found mouthwatering. Shaking my head I pushed all things about Kyle out of my mind… or tried to. Tonight I was going to focus on wine and friends! The gang walked into the place, it had a cozy restaurant feel to it with lightly dimmed lights but what made it a wine place was the rows and rows of wine bottles set up against the walls.
“Hello welcome to our free wine tasting” a woman said handing us all a piece of paper. “This is our menu of the different types of brands all under their own categories, so find which one fits you and feel free to explore beyond your norm, kay.” she smiled kindly before going to the next visitors.
The place wasn’t so crowded so I followed Finney, Logan, Gab and Jace since they were the wine experts. I know that you’re probably thinking ‘You’re a bartender Levi, you should know this stuff!’ sadly I don’t know much about wine. I’m more of a liquor and beer man, so all eight of us lined up at a selection of white wine each grabbing a glass as the man in front of us described the making process of it and the flavors blah, blah, blah let’s just get it down my gullet. Fin must be thinking the same with the eye roll she gave me in agreement, we brought the glass up to our mouths sipping it experimentally, it had a fruity flavor, pretty good. So with that I gulped it down along with Fin and the others.
The man in front of us stared with wide eyes,
“That’s some good stuff man.” Finny said past the burn of the alcohol. “Were gunna move on stud, thanks!” the man watched us leave, astonished.
About five or six stands later our whole group was trashed, well besides Kyle and myself. Alcohol didn’t affect us all that much unless it was meant for werewolves than we’d be pretty f*cked up right about now. I watched Jazz stumble around the room with some poor sap at her side keeping her from falling on her face. Let me tell you what happens when my friends get drunk.
Jazz was an overly nice social drunk, she giggled and wanted to talk with everyone in a ten mile radius. Matt he liked to sing, loudly, Gab was the fun drunk, he came up with the stupidest stuff to do and it usually ended up with him hurt himself after jumping off something high, while Logan like to argue with everyone no matter what they were talking about, it was amusing to him to piss or frustrate people off. Then oh let’s not forget Fin and Jace, those two were the touch feely type drunks, sex on the brain; Like right now they were in the corner eating each other’s faces off.
I shook my head at all of them, keeping them all in my sights while sitting at a table with Kyle and sipping at a yummy glass of wine, I might just buy this bottle. Glancing over I saw Kyle doing the same.
“Are they always like this” he asked suddenly and I shrugged.
“Only when they have alcohol in their system” I snickered.
“Weird” he muttered.
“What?” he looked down at the almost empty glass in his hand.
“That I don’t feel anything from this. From the looks of it, it makes you act crazy but I feel fine.” Then he looked at me with a questionably look. “You too, you’re not acting like them either.”
“I guess we have a better tolerance then them.” I lied. He frowned, and I knew he wasn’t convinced.
“I guess”
The small silence between us was ruined by a loud wailing note from a familiar voice. I closed my eyes, oh god no. I begged but I wasn’t so lucky ‘yep were getting kicked out of this place for sure.’ I grumbled to myself as Matt began to sing in his usual loud drunk tone. He was an amazing singer sober but ones he’s had a few drinks all that talent goes out the window. I closed my eyes and slammed back the rest of my wine.
“Levi?” Kyle said.
“How are we going to get them home, they can’t drive like this” my eyes snapped open.
“You have a very serious point there” I sighed.
It took an hour rounding up the gang and getting them in their cars while I held on to all there keys I had to call Matt’s band mates for help each taking one of my friends car to take them home while one other band mate followed behind each car. I thought it be best if Matt went to his place because he’s not the nicest person with a hangover and I didn’t want Kyle to witness Mattzilla in the morning.
It was midnight when we had everyone home safe and sound and my bed was calling my name. I climbed out of my car and walked to my door with Kyle behind me. I grabbed the knob ready to put my key in the slot when I twisted it slightly and it opened. I stiffened, opening the door. I remember locking that… or did I? Warily I flipped on the lights and pup sat at the doorway wagging his tail and shot over to Kyle jumping on him in excitement. I looked down at the wolf, well if someone did try to brake in I bet they had a hell of a surprise didn’t they. I glanced around and nothing seemed to be out of place, I subtly took a sniff of the air but only got the normal scents all besides Kyle and the wolf so I shrugged and placed the bottle of white wine I bought in the fridge. Turning towards the couch I went over to make it back up for him putting the pillow in place and threw the sheet down tucking it in the couch.
“You don’t have to do that” Kyle voiced behind me making me jump at the sudden noise. I glanced at him over my shoulder and smiled still grabbing the blanket off the back of the couch to tuck that in to.
“Already done” I shrugged. I couldn’t help myself but want to help him out a little. He smiled gently and I realized it was the first smile I’d seen since this morning. He sat down sighing,
“So that was Matt” he said running a hand through his hair and I felt my nerves start up. I sank down next to him.
“Yep” I breathed unable to look at him, was it bad it feel guilty flaunting a boyfriend in front of your oblivious mate?
“H-he’s nice?” he muttered softly sounding more like a question than a statement. This caused me to snap my head in his direction.
“You like him?” I asked in awe. Kyle just shrugged,
“I really don’t have a say in it, so it doesn’t matter if I like him or not.” he said matter-factly but I sensed the underlining displeasure. So he didn’t like him. I felt myself soften at this; this all wasn’t fair to him. I wanted to reach out and touch him, to sooth away any discomfort or anger but I held back. As my eyes wandered over his handsome face I noticed a discoloration in his temple. Instinctually I lent closer and reach out unaware of what I was doing in my moment of concern as my fingers ran down a long ridged white scar that contrasted against his tan skin. Kyle went stiff, hissing though clenched teeth.
Abruptly he caught my hand in a swift motion turning to face me all in one move. I gasped at how quick he was, and how close our faces were. I stared at him with wide eyes, my heart pounding against my chest like a tattoo. The sparks flew between us till they no longer tingled but burned with delicious heat. Kyle’s eyes were dark as a midnight sky and the room became tense with a suffocating scent of mixed emotions but the one that stood out the most was lust and arousal. The pup whined and trotted out of the room with his head low and tail between his legs.
I should be scared right now but my wolf was practically bouncing up and down screaming ‘MATE’ in my head till it made my ears ring. My body was too weak to use any commonsense at the minute.
“What is this” he hisses huskily breathing hard. His wine scented breath washed over my face and my eye practically rolled in the back of my head.
“I-I” I didn’t know what to say. He tilted his head and pressed closer to me till I was laying back up against the couch armrest with his heaver muscular body over mine. We were pressed together in place that had me leaking.
“K-Kyle” I whimpered. His head dipped down into my neck and his nose caressed the sensitive skin there. I heard him inhale loudly taking in my scent and I thought I might rip the shirt from his back right then. He was unconsciously memorizing my smell. His hand raked though my hair gripping it hard to yank my head back to give him more access. I whined but complied, he may not know it but he was considerably stronger than me and I didn’t want to wake up any of those sleeping dominant traits right now.
His chest rumbled with a low sexy growl, his napping wolf was coming to the surface now and from the wagging of my own wolf’s tail he couldn’t wait.
“Damn you smell good” Kyle groaned nipping at my neck. I bucked wantonly against him thrashing from the crazy feeling he was giving me.
This was so wrong! But so right!!
Again he yanked at my hair and I yelped which only made him moan in pleasure. Then I felt something wet and warm run up from the collar of my shirt to my ear.
“Ahh!” I moaned withering under him from the sparks his tongue made on my heated skin.
I shouldn’t be doing this!
‘Yes you should!’ my wolf growled and whimpered in delight.
My fingers stroked down his well-defined chest and I dug my nails in when he went to lick me again.
“I want to pound the f*ck out of you right now.” he growled in my ear he was nibbling on.
Oh god I have to get out of here.
He was moving his head closer to my face and I knew that he was planning on kissing me. I felt like a bucket of ice had been dumped on me.
Matt, I couldn’t do this to him he didn’t deserve this and with that though I found the strength (not much mind you) and pushed Kyle off the best I could.
“We have to stop” I gasped rushing out from under his hot weight and onto the floor. Kyle growled deeply from the couch, his eyes dark with lust and his wolf fighting to get out and to mate with me. I gulped jumping to my feet before I lost my never and ran down the hall to my room and closed the door locking it swiftly behind me. I sank to the floor gasping for breath; damn I can still smell his arousal from here.
With a heavy heart I rested my head back against the door and sighed. Here I was running from something I always wanted, my mate, only to have to run away because none of it was true. It was kind of bitter sweet, I finally had him all to myself but it really isn’t him.
The only real thing that was stopping me was the question I kept asking myself.
‘If he suddenly remembered everything, would he still feel this way or would he just runaway again?’
So I know I made you guys wait for a long time, I’ve been pretty busy lately so I thought I would make it up to you with two chapters and a little Kyle and Levi action. (*wink wink*) hope you like. Love you my PRITTIES!!
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