Chap 19
I watched as Levi was thrown back with the force of the blow to his chest I was stunned. Quick on my feet I charged at the coward and went straight for the kill shot; the throat and ripped it out viciously. He hurt my Pack Alpha’s mate. I ran back towards Levi whining, my ears pinned back in sorrow before lifting my head to howl a mournful tone.
What was happening? Why were the only people who I cared about or referred to as my pack drifting from me! I licked at Levi’s cheek as he gasped for breath. His brown eyes slowly shifted towards mine and held them for only a moment before closing.
No! No! No!
Both of Kyle and Levi lay motionless next to each other and I felt the pain of loss coming too close. The fast stomp of footsteps had me whirling around with my teeth bared ready to protect them with my life. When the man we traveled with ran up to us I quieted down quickly as he went to check them. I paced behind him watching his every move and also the demon woman in leather.
“We have to get him to the compound healer fast.” The man said lifting Levi in his arms and turned towards the woman who donned on her gloves with leisurely grace.
“What do I care?” she shrugged still standing a good distance away. The man growled and the woman suddenly screamed dropping to her knees her hand clutching her head in pain.
“Fine!” she shouted growling in pain and it caused a shiver of terror to run down my spine to my tail. The hackles of my fur were raised as she recovered and came to stand next to Kyle. Her kind would never touch him again and I charged at her my canines bared as I growled dangerously low. I made a stance over Kyle’s body and lowered my head in a defensive manner, ears perched low in my head in warning.
She backed away warily, her black eyes never leaving mine as I warned her off my Pack Alpha.
“Whoa what’s up with him?” she questioned and I huffed.
“He doesn’t trust you and for good reason Nadia.” He looked impatiently at me.
“Pup I need you to back down or your friend is going to die.” It was a simple statement and I struggled with the decision to let the woman’s filthy hands touch my Pack Alpha or risk the chance of letting his mate die. It only took me a moment, he would never recover if I let Levi die so I reluctantly backed away and watched her lift him.
Levi’s wheezing was getting worse and I whimpered as I ran beside them.
‘Hold on Levi, just hold on!’
A few minutes of running felt like an eternity as we reached a large fenced off land and a house in the distance. We were suddenly surrounded by wolves as they rushed us.
“Let us in, we need a healer; the boy doesn’t have much longer.” The man holding Levi demanded with such a dominant tone the other wolves bowed and let him pass through the gates. The moment we stepped on the wolves’ territory the woman dropped Kyle unceremoniously to the ground and turned to flee. She was so fast I barely caught her movements as she flew past us all back in the woods. The man holding Levi turned just as she disappeared and cursed. Whining I trotted over to Kyle’s body and nudged him to wake.
“Someone pick him up and show him to a room while I take this one to the infirmary.” He rushed off but not before yelling back at the rest of the wolves.
“And get her!”
The whip smacked against my skin once more but something was different. Something was wrong. The dark haired demon woman began to disappear and I got a feeling of Levi. Though he was far from me I felt his pain not mine. I felt him starting to drift from me. I hissed at the sting in my wrist.
Glancing up at my bound wrist I saw no new marks to cause the pain I felt. This was like a sharp slice running across my skin. My wolf was begging and whine ferociously in my head suddenly. He has been like my salvation. He took most the beating I received every day, pushing me back to protect me and taking the worse. It was becoming harder on him mentally and I could feel the feral savage nature in him rising every day, demanding to get free and rip the woman apart. He was going to have breakdown with all this punishment they were putting us through and me along with him.
The next few weeks I felt sad and distracted from the world I had been dragged into. I was tempted to end it all. My wolf didn’t surface after the weird feeling from that day. He just continued to wrap me in his mental protection. This particular day, my tormenter was doing an extra ordinary job at causing me pain when a sudden chill rushed though me and my wolf howled mournfully. All I felt was a seeping emptiness fill me and I knew then what happened.
“Mate” my wolf cried.
Levi was gone, and I broke.
‘He couldn’t be.’ I said sorrowfully.
I had to go find him; I had to get out of here!
I shot out up then in a deadly crouch, gasping from breath as I wildly looked around for the evil woman in black but instead I found a comfy room where I sat on a bed with white blankets. I’d never seen this room before. Was it another trick from that bitch, trying to make me feel Stockholm syndrome or something? Cautiously I climbed off the bed and tip toed towards the door. Gingerly I opened it a crack and peeked through.
I then got a strong whiff of wolves, lots of them. There was no way I was back in that torture camp, I was in unknown wolf territory which caused wolf’s hackles to raise in hostility, did that bitch trade me to a pack of wolves or something? Stealthily I walked out of the room and tried to find the exit, I didn’t have time for another capture I needed to find my mate. I needed to see if he was ok.
I peeked around the corner and saw a set of stairs leading down and followed them swiftly, rushing towards the front door and flung it open only to run into a male who was making his way inside. Out of instinct my wolf rose close to the surface and I growled at him ferociously, my canines extending to match my ferocity.
“WHOA!” he exclaimed jumping out of my way as I ran for freedom. For the first time I felt the frigid wind on my face as I noticed snow falling. My eyes hastily ran over the perimeter and all I saw was a fast expansion of land covered in white.
“Where the hell am I?!” I scowled twisting in a circle till I stopped a figure rushing towards me. I froze and glared at it. I made out a wolf at full speed heading my way and I tensed ready to fight as we collided. I gave of a series of growls while the wolf whined in submission showing his belly to me and I stopped.
“Lakota?” I recognized the white fur and yellow eyes immediately. He gave me a wolfish smile and licked my face. I couldn’t help but laugh.
“Alright, what is this place?” I asked him. He didn’t answer, couldn’t answer of course.
“Safe” I quickly got to my feet and glared at our intruder. He was dressed in black with a heavy white coat.
“Who are you” I said none to friendly. The guy smiled in amusement.
“Well aren’t you a peach” his sarcasm didn’t help my mood any as I growled. “My name is Cyrus, and you’re staying in my father’s territory till your mate recovers” my head snapped up in alarm.
“Recovers?” my mate was here and hurt? “What the hell are you talking about.” I stepped closer to him in intimidation.
“You don’t remember?” Cyrus frowned at me. “We’ve been waiting for you to wake up for going on three weeks now. You mate asked me to help you guys when you were on the run from those hunters. You were shot and I help heal you. We were making our way here to keep you save as you slept when we were ambushed by hunters and Levi suffered a bullet to the chest. We-” He paused then and Lakota whines ducking his head and hiding his muzzle under his paws.
“What?!” I demanded in fear as my heart dropped. He was shot in the chest? Oh god!
“We almost lost him to the silver poisoning but luckily he’s strong and pulled through.” the man told me and I felt myself being drawn towards the house. He was alive. My wolf rejoiced at the news. We both thought he was dead when we escaped out prison but how did we end up here? How did end up with him to this place?
The man came closer to me and I stepped back tensing my body in wariness. This caused him to pause and watch me carefully as I eyed him suspiciously, my heart pounded with distress at his proximity now. He was to close; I didn’t like it, not at all. I must have had a wild look in my eyes because he rose his hands up in peace and back up a few paces. His thoughtful expression changed to one of understanding.
“No one’s going to hurt you here Kyle. This is a sanctuary to those like you.” he softened his voice trying to coax the savage distrust of my wolf, he was warning me to keep our distance of others and I was alright with it. He trusts no one but Lakota at the moment since we were in the same boat; suffering the same fate till we saved one another.
When I didn’t say anything to him he looked over at the house silently with a soft look.
“Would you like to see Levi?” the tension in my body slowly dissipated at the mention of my mates name and warmth spread throughout my blood. Yes, yes I want to see him, I want to hold him, touch him reassure myself he was alive and well.
“He may be sleeping right now but he’s well for visitors.”
‘YES’ my wolf howled in joy but I back down. Not yet, even though I wanted to so badly I needed a bit of time to process what the hell has happened and why I’m missing a chunk of important details that lead me here.
“No, maybe later” was all I said to him and turned.
“Lakota” I called and walked away with the little wolf trotting behind me.
After convincing Lakota to shift which took like an hour he finally gave in. We were sitting in a barn where the smell of horses was strong but in a way I kind of liked it. It was soothing so I sat in a chair already provided in the corner and wrapped Lakota’s body with a blanket I found hanging, most likely one of the horses. His brown hair was messy and hung over his forehead his strange gold eyes were restless as he watched everything at once. I didn’t blame him for being on edge; we’re in the same in that way. We didn’t trust others, in his case he likes to stay in his wolf form where he was less likely to be harm. After a few more minutes in complete silence all but the sound of stomping hooves and swishing tails I finally got Lakota to talk.
Then he told me what had happened to me and it all came back. He told me how we met that one night when he was told to bring me my food since the women were busy with something. They thought of Lakota as a loyal dog but he only did what they told him to do to stop the constant beatings. He had just turned fifteen a few days before they met, he told me how he had been locked in that place since he was ten and finally gave in to calling them his mistress but it was all a cleaver ruse and that’s when I came up with a plans to use their trust in his submission to our advantage.
A few weeks later we escaped the Syrith dungeon and made a run for it. He also told me that same day as we ran from them as they tried to follow us I slipped off a steep cliff in my desperation to flee and fell, hit my head on a rock at the bottom. He had to find a way down and drag me to safety before they found us. And from then on the moment I woke I forgot everything, who I was, what I was the only thing I remembered was my name. Even my wolf was locked away in my memory loss. Lakota had to help me survive for a whole year till we arrived in LA.
Meaning I lost two years in that retched place. I then remembered all that took place after my arrival, meeting Levi, him giving me a place to stay after the way I had treated him in the past. I hung my head at the memory of my cruelty towards my own mate. I had grown up more than I could say since last I seen Levi at the pack house and I wish I could take it all back and had just accepted him. Be brave like Liam had when he found out his mate was a male. I remember how I detested the idea of Levi being my mate, that I would never have a family and children. But now all I wanted was Levi, I needed him to reassure me that I was safe with him and ask for his forgiveness. And that was part why I was nervous to go to him right now.
Then the night of our first kiss came rushing back and I felt my heart pound harder than it ever had. His scent of apples and pines filled my senses as I relived that smoldering kiss and I felt my wolf and I both stir with arousal. I could envision his long brown hair a tussled mess and his bright brown eyes glaring at me with anger right before they glazed over with lust. His naked skin a subtle flushed pink as our bodies craved the natural mating bond. Our breath heavy and shallow like the air was fading from the confides of his apartment.
I wanted him badly that night and right now it was twice as bad. I shook my head I shouldn’t be think this kind of stuff right now, he was hurt and I was perving over him.
I watched Lakota move around uncomfortably in his human form, knowing he hated it so I let him shift back which he happily did and took off out of the barn to join a group of wolves in the distance who welcomed him with playful jumps and nips.
I guess he likes it here.
‘He’s found pack’ my wolf said and I smiled. After our ordeal with those demon women, my wolf and I had a better understand of each other and a bond that not many other were’s had. He was a friend instead of an inner animal or conscience to me. He was my savor when times were hard and I was his.
I stood then and made my way towards an encloser where a large group of horses were spread out, grazing happily at the hay piles. I leaned forwards with my arms folded over a large pole fence and watched.
Freedom, it was good to finally taste it.
You all have been dying to find out who this little pup Lakota is. Is he a werewolf is he just a regular wolf? Well Ta Da here he is! And the picture on the side is indeed our little pup. -------->
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