Chapter 5: Safety
(Herooji plz don't kill me-)
So yeah, Momo got them lost and they were eventually found by the woman who tended to the farm animals. She apologized profusely to Todoroki, who didn't seem to care at all.
"Princess, it's fine. It was an honest mistake. Let's just go inside." He said. Momo nodded and refused to look him in the eye. She looked at the ground and walked to the palace with him.
"I just got finished showing everyone around. What would you like me to do now?" She asked Yo with a giggle. He playfully rolled his eyes. Tatami walked with a small glimpse of happiness in her step.
"What I'd like you to do or the sensible thing I want you to do?"
"I wanna hear both now that you said there's two." She giggled. Yo gave a sneaky grin.
"What I think is sensible is for you to retrieve Princess Hollybelle from her chambers."
"Such fancy words. You must have a plan up your sleeves." She called him out.
"Well, you got me there. Guess I gotta shut up now." He laughed and Tatami pouted. She actually wanted to hear what he had to say.
The two walked up flights of stairs to see the princess playing with her dolls. She was playing with Princess Momo's Lady-in-Waiting.
Lady Kyouka was nothing more than Momo's companion. She helped dress the princess and even did what she wanted. In Momo's kingdom, Sozo, Ladies in Waiting were more of a best friend of the princess or the queen. Usually picked by the royal woman herself.
In Lucifenia, Ladies in Waiting were assigned. Tatami was Hollybelle's as the young princess was the only of her two sisters that wanted her. Akali hated her and Noelle was fine with her current one.
Lady Kyouka stood up and bowed to the prince. She shook his hand and left, knowing that her service was no longer needed. Outside, through Hollybelle's window, Yo could see Momo and Shoto walking back. Momo was looking at the ground and looked like a mess.
"Oh dear. Tatami, watch the princess, I need to go talk to Momo." He said. Tatami nodded and sat down.
"Lady Kyouka didn't want to play anymore?"
"She has to tend to Princess Momo, remember? She's her Lady in Waiting." Tatami explained. Hollybelle pouted and went back to playing.
"I dont want to play with these anymore! Can we go to the forest?"
"No princess. I apologize but there are too many guards around the perimeter of the palace. We have to stay here. Would you like to play with Princess Brielle? She's around your age isn't she?"
"She's only an infant! She's like Ekko! No fun! The twins are rude to me and Princess Spencer is weird and old!" She whined.
"Remember, no whining. If you whine I can't give you candy tonight." Tatami said. "I'm pretty sure tea time is today. It's around the corner and the bell should ring any moment now. Let's get you into a new dress." She smiled.
Dressing the princess in a light green dress, she brushed her hair back and placed on a headpiece. It was a small hat that held her hair back, out of her face.
"Let's go now." She smiled sweetly.
They walked down the steps and noticed many of the other nobles in the room. Momo was there, wearing a light blue dress that was the same color as Tatami's eyes.
Tea time was less of a time to sit around and drink tea, more of a meeting where the members of each and every court of the Allie kingdoms came together to address situations.
Hollybelle ran up to her dad, causing a disruption in the service. Tatami's heart sank. She had to collect her, place the princess in her seat, apologize, and leave.
She walked up to grab the princess, filled with embarrassment. Her arms were trembling and everyone could see it. She was wearing such a nice dress as well.
"I- I apologize your Majesty. Princess, come along." She refused to look anyone in the eye, afraid of the different cultures that would take it in a bad way.
"She's a little young for what we are going to discuss, Tatami, what do you think she should do?" Princess Akali asked. She had a smirk on her face as she took a sip of her tea.
"Well, she is only two years of age! She shouldn't be in here if what you plan on saying isn't appropriate. I really shouldn't speak for the King though." She blushed and looked at the ground. Hollybelle giggled a bit.
"What we will be talking about is a bit mature. Tatami, have the princess exit the room. I'll speak with her later."
"I understand. I apologize..."
Yo snickered a bit but it was hardly audible over the whispers. She had to shout at him later.
"Princess you really love to embarrass me, don't you?" She laughed. Hollybelle shook her head. "Let's go outside, ok?"
"Alright!" She giggled.
They walked outside and began their small walk to the stables. Hollybelle had seen the horses and she had a pony of her own. Her tiny pony was a white horse named Vanilla because Hollybelle was an unoriginal two year old.
The stables were filthy and covered in hay. Tatami loved it but the princess was disgusted. Hollybelle left in disgust and Tatami laughed.
"Princess, you know not to run away!" She shouted and walked out to find the child.
The princess screamed and Tatami paused. Hollybelle had her head covered and her eyes shut tight in fear.
A large bear stood directly in front of her, growling and threatening her with its claws. Tatami and walked up to Hollybelle slowly.
Momo had told her you can't outrun a bear before. You aren't supposed to look the beast in the eye, you don't scream, and you definitely do not try and attack it. Tatami ended up telling Hollybelle to stand still and not move until it walked away.
Tea time was only an hour long function and the children weren't allowed to be a part of it after too long. Some of the princes and princesses were able to leave and Yo and Momo walked out to find Tatami and Hollybelle.
Momo blinked, "Well that's new."
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