Chapter 2: Garden Talk
"How did Tatami do?" King Akui asked the children.
"She was so amazing! She let us create our own stories, she let us play around with our magic-"
Yazo was stopped.
"She brought us outside!" Noelle interrupted.
"Tatami, the princess has said you've done a good job." The king smiled. Tatami's heart fluttered. She was able to see Momo and Shindou again! She bowed and thanked the king for his time.
Momo and Shindou, eavesdropping from the room outside were quietly cheering. Tatami walked outside the room she was in and saw the prince and princess throwing a tiny party.
"Where shall we go first?" Tatami asked.
"Ooh! I have something to tell you two! However, I can't let my father know." Momo whispered. She gave a small pep in her step when she walked and went up to her bedroom.
Her room was the same crimson red it had always been. There was gold in a few places but the room was such a lovely color.
"Whatcha gotta say?" Yo asked. Momo smiled and closed the door. She gave a quiet sigh as she hugged Tatami.
"Woah! You're gonna break my back jumping like that!" Tatami giggled.
"I'm sorry! I can't help it! Sit down!" She squealed. Just as Tatami thought the young princess was maturing, she gets attacked.
Sitting down, Tatami waited for Momo to start. Momo sat down and smiled at the two.
"I fell in love!" She squealed.
"What? How?!" Tatami gasped.
"Well, my family was attending a ceremony with our royal court and on the carriage ride, Bandits chased us down."
Tatami stopped paying attention for a second. She got bored quite quickly with her low attention span. Momo continued to talk and eventually she said, "I was attacked!"
"Wait what?" Tatami asked. "Are you alright? Did you make it?" She just realized how stupid she sounded... "I'm sorry that was stupid..." She giggled.
Momo gave a small laugh. "I was attacked by a bunch of bandits. They didn't hurt my parents but one of them grabbed me and pulled me out. They threw me around like a toy and my father tried to stop them. He even used his magic!" Momo told. Shindou and Tatami gasped dramatically and Momo continued.
"A bandit threw me onto another's horse and attempted to run away. One behind the bandit had eyes like a witch! One eye was blue, the other one was greyer than your soul Yo!" Momo giggled.
The prince rolled his eyes. That was so unnecessarily rude.
"Anyways! I fell off the horse and the witch eyed bandit picked me up. He held me closely and when he looked at me, I fell in love! He returned me to my family and they left. I was enchanted by him!" Momo smiled.
"Oh. We might have to burn him..." Shindou said. Momo shook her head.
"He was wearing a mask and a hood so I may never see him again..." she pouted. Momo hugged Tatami and pouted.
"I can't believe you fell in love with the person who tried to kidnap you. Especially what happened to Ivy. You're so stupid sometimes." Yo said. Momo rolled her eyes.
"I am no such thing Yo!" She yelled, waving her arms. The princess stood up and brushed off her dress. She was annoyed with her cousin for calling her naive, yet she was. She was a fifteen year old girl. She was gonna get her heart broken if she fell for a man like that.
The door opened to reveal Princess Akali. All three of them had to bow to her no matter their status. Tatami was nervous.
"Your father wanted to see you Princess Momo." She said. Tatami stood back up and the princesses left. She was left alone in Momo's room with the prince. She had never been truly alone with him. A butler or a knight was always with him.
As Tatami stood up to leave, Yo told her to sit back down. She had to obey. They sat there, quite awkwardly. They didn't talk or look at each other.
"Do you have anything on your mind? Any requests?"
"Oh... I'm being asked? I'm usually asking you what you want." She snickered a bit. "Well um... I kind of wish I had magic."
"That would make you a bandit since you are not of royal descent." He said.
"True. But, what if I were royal? Or a fairy?! Fairy, sirens, Mermaids, and witches aren't royal and they have magic!"
"Witches get burned. Sirens would kill us first if we tried to kill them, and Fairies and mermaids, we're on good terms." He listed. "I like you just the way you are as well. You're amazing as just a human."
"Yo, you have magic. And you're a human." Tatami raised an eyebrow. They looked each other in the eye and stared for about twenty seconds. Then they started dying of laughter. Sure they were laughing for no reason but it was funny.
Momo was led to the garden by a butler and saw her father. Momo greeted her father and sat down.
"Momo, what happened when we were on that carriage ride?" He asked. His purple eyes were glazed with what looked like tears. Had he been crying earlier?
"You know what I'm talking about. You were almost kidnapped." August said. Momo looked away and thought of what to say.
Momo had to explain what had happened and she wasn't that nervous about telling him. She just had to leave out the part where she fell for the bandit.
"You saw what happened. A bandit returned me. That's really all that happened."
"That doesn't make sense Momo. Why attempt it, only to return you? That's not something a person does." He said. "You are the heir to our kingdom. If I lose you, I dont have anyone left. Not after Ivy died. Your mother and I can't take another heartbreak..."
He had to bring up Iv,her older sister. She had died a while back from bandits. She was held hostage, and when Ivy kept trying to escape the bandits shot her. Momo almost getting kidnapped was horrifying for her dad. She felt horrible for making him feel like he was going to lose another child.
"I know. I understand that you and mother cannot take another loss of a child. I will try and stay safer."
"Thank you. I love you princess." He kissed her cheek and left the garden. Momo smiled.
Her parents weren't very affectionate. Sometimes she thought her parents loved her sister more. That 'I love you' meant so much to her.
"I love you too Father."
(I wrote have of this chapter at 4 in the morning. I'm sick as well lol.)
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