Chapter 25
Virgil groaned as he looked through the movies"there's nothing interesting!"Virgil sighed.
Roman smiled"sure there is,I mean,how do you know?you haven't watched them."Virgil glared at Roman"I hate when you have a point."Roman chuckled"how about we watch Alladin?"
Virgil looked to the movie DVD"if you say so,but I won't like it."Roman pushed in the DVD and sat next to his storm cloud.
Roman sang along to the songs happily as Virgil listened to him"let's not be too hasty~!"Roman belted out making Virgil smile.
They continued watching as Jasmine was introduced,Virgil listened to her dialogue wow...she's...Virgil shook his head I'm just overthinking what she's saying.
Virgil saw the tiger"Ace!"he exclaimed,Roman smiled"no,that's Rajah."Virgil blushed"oh,h-he looks like a Ace!"he mumbled embarrassed.
Roman gasped"this is the best part!"he said for the millionth time as A whole new world played,Virgil watched Alladin and Jasmine sore over the kingdom that's like me and Ro!Virgil thought with a smile as he leaned his head on Roman's shoulder.
Roman hummed along time the song and mumbled some words though he could do a whole show for the song,Roman petted Virgil's hair making the alien purr and thump his tail on the couch happily.
Patton watched the movie at their feet and sneaked some of their food,just happy being the third wheel(sarcasm 1000)
Roman felt Virgil hold his hand under the blanket they shared and smiled,thanking his lucky stars for Virgil.
Virgil gave a little kitten yawn and smiled contently,snuggling closer to Roman.
Virgil then spoke up"Roman,could we go to Remy's party?"Roman smiled"of course,Mi Amor,anything your heart desires."as long as Remy knows you're no one to flirt with.
Virgil smiled"thank you."Roman watched as Alladin set Genie free,sleep wanting to take him over.
"Ti dewo comba,little comet."he mumbled tiredly"ti dewo comba,Princey."Virgil yawned,never wanting the moment to end.
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