Chapter 14
Roman put on his jacket and looked to Virgil"maybe you should get dressed,people don't usually go out like that."
Virgil nodded then grabbed his beanie off the counter and floated away,Roman sighed I feel bad about this...
Virgil then floated back in the room,he wore a light purple shirt with his patched up jacket and ripped jeans.(so his canon sanders sides outfit with his beanie)
On his head was his beanie that covered his ears,Roman smiled"people also don't float,even if we're gonna be in my car you can't float."Virgil nodded and stood on the ground making him a head shorter then Roman.
Virgil's tail wagged behind him as he waited for Roman to open the door,Roman stared at Virgil's obvious to notice tail.
"Maybe you should hide your tail too?"Virgil looked at his tail"oh!how do I do that?"Roman thought for a moment"stuff it down your pants?"Virgil nodded"ok!"
Virgil circled around in place till he grabbed his tail"got it!"Virgil then attempted to hide his tail like Roman had said,his tail slithered out his grip"ugh!"
Roman smiled softly"do you need some help?"Virgil nodded"just to keep it still?"Roman nodded and walked to Virgil and gently grabbed his tail"am I hurting you?"Virgil shook his head"you're fine."
Virgil then hid his tail successfully"yes!"he turned around in place"does it look good?"Roman nodded"you look fantastic!"Roman then walked to the door"do you have your inhaler?"Virgil nodded"yes."he said exasperated.
Virgil looked out the car window like a excited puppy as he watched people on the streets"I thought all humans were the same."Roman shook his head"lots of people are different in many ways."
Virgil smiled and saw a store with a big ice cream cone,he gasped"what's that!?"Roman looked to the store"it's the ice cream place."Virgil turned to Roman"can we go?"
"No Virgil,we have to stay in the car."Virgil rested his head on the edge of Roman's seat"please???"he whined don't look at him don't look at him don't-
Roman looked to Virgil who was giving big puppy dog eyes that could even compete with Patton,and he's a dog!
Roman sighed"fine,but you have to behave."Roman parked the car as Virgil cheered,Roman got out he car and opened Virgil's door.
Virgil got out and looked up at Roman,Roman smiled and adjusted Virgil's beanie"there,let's go inside."Roman then turned and began to walk to the door.
Virgil caught up and put his hand in Roman's making the taller one blush"u-um..Virgil?"Virgil looked to their hands and blushed"oh,is this bad?on the TV best friends did this all the time."
Roman laughed through the pain of pretty much being friend zoned"no,it's fine."Roman then walked into the store,Virgil awed at the options.
"What would you like Virge?"Roman asked,two teen girls at a table looked to them.
Virgil looked to the options"hmm..what do you like?"Roman smiled"I like chocolate,but you don't have to get that."one teen girl then spoke up"you're talking to that guy as if he's 5,is he a really tall baby?"her friend laughed.
Virgil looked to them obviously hurt"aww,is the baby gonna cry?"the other teased,Roman looked to Virgil I can't let this happen to him,he can't help it!
"Hey,were you girls ever taught manners?"Roman growled"were you ever taught to teach a adult like a adult?"Virgil looked to the floor babies are supposed to be super naive,am I a baby like they say?
"He doesn't understand,back off."Roman said"so...he's autistic or something?"(god that hurts to write)
Roman then lost it they can't call my storm cloud a baby then call him autistic just because he doesn't understand!Roman walked over to the table.
"You listen here you bitches,Virgil is not can't assume that on a fucking human being!"he growled making the girls look a bit scared"and he's not a baby,he's a beautiful,funny,kind,adult!"
Virgil looked up from the floor beautiful means pretty...I'm pretty?i'm a pretty adult?Roman sighed and walked back to Virgil after giving the girls a ear full making them leave.
"Are you ok?"Virgil nodded"I-I'm beautiful?"Roman blushed"um,oh look!"a man walked up to the counter"what would you like?"
"Umm,v-vanilla?"Virgil said,new to this word"and chocolate for me."
(Here ye go!)
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