"what?" i recalled, allowing him to climb through the window.
"just us two, let's go anywhere and see how it works out, then for all we know, it could be a permanent thing" he hastily explained.
jack was quite breathlessly that i couldn't even tell if it was because he'd been running or if he was just so caught up in the moment.
he narrowed his eyes, "you told me that you were still up for it and that you'd do anything to go away".
"i know, but i don't want you to do this just because of me and my unreasonable parents" i said. "i want you to want to go too".
"i do, i promise. i mean, i hate this hell hole too" jack chuckled and i eventually did the same. " what do you say?".
i was completely taken aback at how genuine the look in his eyes were that i couldn't help but immediately nod my head.
he smiled with a sense of relief before i quickly found my duffel bag and started to pack some clothes and necessities as quietly as possible.
minutes past and i was dressed, and almost ready to go. even though we were planning to travel lightly, i looked around the room for anything that i couldn't just leave, until i remembered.
"jack, what about money? do we have enough?" i questioned.
"i have a bunch of savings from work and from your dad, we'll ration" he shrugged, sitting on the end of my bed.
"no, i can't let you do that. that's your money, you worked for it".
i thought to myself for a few seconds then bent down to look underneath my bed for an old box of mine. i pulled it out and revealed a bunch of twenty dollar bills that i had once saved up from pocket money.
i began counting it and it only reached up to $60. i knew very well that it wouldn't be enough, because we have no clue of where we're going and what we might just need to buy.
but knowing that i shouldn't have, i made my way to one of the books on my shelf and took out an envelope that was stashed behind it.
"my dad hides a bunch of cash in every room to be smart with burglars or whatever" i explained to jack.
i opened the envelope and revealed almost two thousand dollars.
jack stepped forward, "are you sure you want to take that?".
i hesitated for a while, staring at the many hundred dollar and fifty dollar bills in my hands.
"it's been stashed there for months, i doubt my dad will miss it" i eventually told, packing it safely into my backpack and zipping it up.
my head shot up to my bedroom door opening, as isabella rubbed her sleepy eyes and came in with her teddy tight in her arms.
she glanced at jack, then the packed bags on my bed and then me with my shoes on, ready to leave.
"w-what's going on?" she asked.
"siena, we've got to go" jack gently tugged on my arm.
i looked back at my seven year old sister, knowing very well that i'd have to give her some sort of explanation to not seeing her big sister tomorrow morning, and the next.
i walked over to her and crouched down, "it's okay, issy. i'm just going away for a while".
"how long is a while?" she clutched her teddy closer to her chest.
i sadly sighed at her confused face, since i couldn't even present her with a real time frame.
"just...just a week" i lied. "but i'll be home soon, okay? just please don't tell mom and dad that i went with jack, promise?".
isabella looked over my shoulder at jack waiting for me by the window and he gave her a warm smile, before she lifted her pinky finger.
i hooked mine around hers and kissed it.
"i promise" she told me and i smiled as a small tear began to escape my eye.
i hugged her tightly and kissed her head, "i love you, now go back to bed".
i allowed her to turn around and leave the room first, hoping that she'd remember this tomorrow and not think that she was dreaming.
i stood and wiped my eyes, as jack came closer to embrace me into a tight hug.
"she won't hate you for this," he ensured. "she's smart for seven, she'll understand".
i nodded and pulled away from him, wiping my eyes one last time.
i threw my backpack over my shoulder whilst jack carried my duffel bag and he opened the window to let us both climb out, and down to his car.
after driving for about an hour, jack and i decided to drive to a low budget motel for the night, because it was getting late and in the morning, we'll be able to discuss our plans and continue.
jack had gone out to the car to get something five minutes ago and i was resting my arms on the rim of the wide-open window in our room.
i was letting the breeze hit my face, whilst staying deep in my thoughts since there wasn't much of a view from here.
i glanced over my shoulder once i heard the door open. jack came in and gave me a smile, which i lightly returned before going back to staring at god knows what.
"i can't believe we're actually doing this" i spoke up.
i felt jack arms wrap around my waist from behind before he leant his chin on my shoulder.
"well from those texts and phone calls, he knew that it was time" he said.
"yeah, just picture this - you and me, travelling around, free from all the drama with our parents—".
"what do you think they'll say when they see that i'm not there in the morning?" i quietly cut him off.
he sighed deeply, "well, i know for a fact that your parents with freak. my dad won't give a shit".
"that's not true" i replied, shaking my head.
"no, it is" jack disagreed. "but i can't blame him, i haven't exactly been the son of the year lately".
i turned around to look up at him, playing with the hem of his shirt, "he still loves you though".
"yeah, because he has to. i mean, i hate leaving him alone after everything, but i can't hold myself back just because of him".
i nodded my head at his words until he gestured towards the bed, "come on, let's go to sleep".
after changing into something more comfortable, i got into the covers alongside jack, who instantly, and gladly put his arm around me and pulled me closer.
the lights were off and i was facing away from jack, so he couldn't tell that i was nowhere close to falling asleep.
i just keep feeling like i'm punishing isabella by leaving. she's only seven and know that jack said she was smart, but i just pray that she realises that this whole thing has nothing to do with her.
instead, i'd rather her realise that it's my parents that i'm sick of and i hope that they don't drive her away like they did to me.
after convincing myself multiple times that my sister will be okay, i began wondering where jack and i will be a week from now.
i mean, i know that we're waking up early to think of some sort of plan, but what if we can't?
i nervously bit down on my bottom lip, "jack? are you still awake?".
"yeah. what's up?" he gently rubbed my side.
"we'll be okay, right? we're not crazy for just getting up and running away?".
"no" he answered. "we weren't happy back home, we're doing this for our sake. in fact, i think it was the right thing to do".
i thought about what he said and tried my best to shake off my thoughts.
"yeah. you know what? you're right, i don't know what i'm saying" i lightly chuckled.
"it's just because it's the first day, you'll feel more relaxed tomorrow. i promise" jack assured and silently, i agreed then decided to close my eyes and try to actually get some sleep.
really excited for the rest of this story because i have so much ideas
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