i chucked the two bags underneath my bed and dropped down on top of my bedsheets, pulling my hands through my hair.
i let out a loud sigh as the only thing on my mind now was my mom, and how different things would be if she was still here.
but that was the last thing that i wanted to be thinking about, so i took my phone out of my pocket and searched for siena's number in my contacts list.
i cleared my throat, "hey" i spoke after the call stop ringing and rested my free hand beneath my head.
"are you calling to apologise?".
"apologise for what?".
"for running out on me at the froyo place" she reminded.
"oh, yeah. sorry about that, i just really needed to sort something out" i vaguely told her.
she exhaled and took a long pause, "okay, whatever. it's fine, i get it" siena thankfully accepted until i sighed whilst we both breathed down the phone.
"jack, what's wrong?" she suddenly asked. "you seem a little, i don't know, off".
i licked my lips, "how?".
"well for one, when i asked if you called to apologise, i'd expect you to make some sarcastic or cocky comment" she chuckled and i lightly did too.
"i don't know, i guess it's because my dad's just being a dick today".
she huffed, "i am way too familiar with those".
"with what? dad's being annoying or dicks?" i raised my eyebrows, before siena laughed through the phone and i could only imagine her rolling her eyes right now.
"with dad's being annoying, idiot" she giggled. "but what did he do any ways?".
"it's a long story, but let's just say that he hasn't been very good at compromising with me ever since my mom died".
i shut my eyes and face palmed, once i realised that i've never mentioned to siena, the fact that i lost my mom when i was fifteen.
"oh. i'm...i'm sorry. i never knew" she softly apologised.
"shit" i quietly muttered, pulling my fingers through my hair.
i hate having people feel pity for me, because that's all i ever experienced between the ages of fifteen to sixteen.
so it's easier to just not meet new people. because new people means more people, who i will have to eventually explain all of my past to.
but with siena, i feel like i have no choice. she definitely someone that i'm not planning on getting rid of anytime soon so i'll have to tell her the truth one day - about everything actually.
just not yet.
"are you okay?" she questioned, though i thought that i didn't curse loud enough for her to hear.
"yeah, i just remembered something that i have to do" i responded, sitting up on my bed.
"oh, now?" her voice evidently sounded disappointed.
"no, it can wait. i mean, i'd rather sit here and say something unbelievably cocky just so that i can hear a sassy remark from you" i admitted.
"so you're this annoying on purpose?".
"only to pleasure you, baby girl".
i laid back down and began listening to siena enjoyably complain about me giving her a pet name, whilst also wishing that she knew the full story.
siena's pov
as i stood in my walk-in wardrobe, trying to find an outfit for tonight's party, my phone suddenly rang in my pocket.
i smiled at the caller id, but tried to hide it as i placed the phone to my ear.
"hey, are you busy?" jack asked, whilst i pushed past clothing on hangers.
"well, i was wondering if you want to hang out..." he trailed off and i furrowed my brows.
"how comes?" i questioned again, his small laughter filling my ears.
"i just want to come over and see you" he admitted, making my stomach abrupt with butterflies.
"well, i've got a party later".
"and how will you sneak out without my assistance tonight?" he chuckled.
"i'll figure something out, but i guess i can just come to yours because my dad's here".
"what do you think we're planning to do, siena edwards?" i could just picture the smirk across his lips right now.
"ugh, shut up" i shook my head with a giggle and made my way downstairs to where my dad sat in the living room, surrounded by paper work.
"dad, can jack please come over?" i asked, hovering by the entrance.
he lowered his glasses, "jack gilinsky?".
i nodded my head.
"oh, well i don't have any work for him today" he explained, flicking through the papers on the table.
i bit my lip, "i know, me and him just want to hang out".
"oh, i never knew that you two were friends" my dad narrowed his eyes. "but i guess, it will be okay".
i smiled at him, then turned to leave with the phone back to my ear.
"sorted" i told jack.
"great, give me an hour and i'll be there soon" he informed. "make sure you wear something hot for me".
"do you want me to cancel your invite?" i warned, and he snickered through the speaker.
"you wouldn't" he spoke. "but, i'll see you later, edwards" he said, then hung up the call, letting me get back to finding what to wear for tonight.
once jack came through the front door, he followed behind me to go upstairs, until the sound of my dad's voice put us to a halt.
"jack can be here as long as the both of you stay downstairs" he said and i huffed, turning around to go to the kitchen instead.
"how come he lets you go upstairs with that kyle kid, but not with me?" jack creased his brows as he sat on the bar chair.
"because my dad doesn't trust me with anyone else, but kyle" i explained, getting two glasses from the sink for orange juice.
"well, he needs to learn to because i'm not going anywhere" jack pointed his finger and i smiled, before my eyes diverted to the covered tray of cupcakes on the counter.
"so, would you like to try one of my famous cupcakes?" i asked, passing him his orange juice.
he hesitated, sipping his drink, "are you trying to poison me?".
i drop my shoulder at his joke, then handed him a one of the cupcakes that were perfectly covered in vanilla icing.
he pulled down the case and took a bite, but grimaced a little as he chewed, "wow, these".
"and you can make better?" i folded my arms.
"are we really going to have this challenge?" he raised his brow and instead of answering, i turned around and started finding the ingredients in the cupboards.
soon enough, we were only as far as making the batter - jack convinced me that he was a pro, but we spent five minutes trying to get out egg shells that he dropped into the bowl.
"now, you have to add the sugar" i told and he took the bag, pouring it straight into the bowl. "jack! you have to weigh 110 grams!" i exclaimed.
"i thought i was the one who was supposed to show you how to bake".
"but giving me a sugar rush isn't how you make cupcakes!" i told him.
"it's not even that much, stop exaggerating" jack put his hand into the bag of flour and flicked the small contents at me.
i squealed and looked down at the white stains on my clothing, "did you seriously just do that?".
jack was on the verge of a laughing fit, so i took out some flour too and blew it at his face. i hurried to the other side of the kitchen and chuckled at the mess on jack's face, until he began trying to catch me around the island.
"can you both keep it down in there?" my dad called out, letting jack finally catch up to me.
he grabbed onto my waist in laughter and pulled me towards where he leant back against the counter.
i suppressed my laughter, examining the minimal space between us, as he slowly reached his thumb up and wiped the excess flour from my bottom lip.
my body froze during every movement until jack leant his head closer, attaching his lips to mine for real this time.
i instantly followed his lead and moved my lips in sync, whilst my arms wrapped around his neck and his, migrating to my waist.
i could barely believe that this was happening. i mean a few weeks ago, i toured jack around my house and i yelled at him for being a complete ass, but now we're making out in the middle of my kitchen.
soon enough, his lips detached from mine and diverted to my neck, where jack placed small kisses before beginning to suck lightly.
i bit down on my bottom lip, " dad is just in the next room" i managed to say between my hitched breathing.
"well, he did tell us to keep quiet" he muttered close to my neck, as his hands lowered to my ass.
"but if you keep going...i might not be able to" i admitted, taking in the pleasure that jack's lips were currently giving to me.
but hearing footsteps coming closer to the kitchen, jack and i immediately separated.
he washed something over the sink and i went back to the failed bowl of ingredients on the counter.
"what on earth is going on in here?" my dad took off his reading glasses as he examined us and the kitchen. "okay, i want this place cleaned spotless before your mother arrives home, siena" he ordered.
"yes, dad" i said, taking the bowl to the bin to throw away jack's attempt of cupcakes.
"then i want jack to go home and you to clean yourself up and go and practice for your cello exam" he added and we nodded our heads.
"yes mr edwards, sorry" jack apologised before my dad left us alone to smirk the state of the kitchen and ourselves.
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i am suddenly so motivated to update this story regularly
btw thoughts on what you think jack might be hiding?
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