siena's pov
i pulled my car into the driveway after coming back from school, and narrowed my eyes at the person sitting on my doorstep.
i turned off the engine and suddenly became really hesitant to step out of the car, since my school uniform isn't really my best attire.
"what are you doing here?" i asked, pulling my backpack further up my shoulder.
jack stood up and dusted off his trousers, "your dad said that i was supposed to come here for half 3, so here i am and he isn't".
"well, he's at work and he should be on his way now any ways" i informed, then unlocked the front door. i glanced behind me and jack hadn't moved from the step.
"are you coming in or not?" i asked and he quickly followed, shutting the door behind him.
"nice outfit" he smirked and i rolled my eyes.
"shut up. i've got to go get changed, so just help yourself to whatever" i brushed off, then walked up the staircase to my room.
jack's pov
siena said i could help myself to whatever i wanted, so obviously i raided their fridge and decided to make myself a sandwich from as much as i could find.
my fridge at home is pretty much empty all the time, so this is basically a luxury to me right now.
i took a bite of the finished sandwich, in awe by the taste, and left the kitchen.
but as if on cue, siena came down the stairs and i gulped the chewed food in my mouth, as i took in her changed outfit.
"what?" she furrowed her brows as she reached the last step.
i cleared my throat, but it was more of a cough to distract away how much i was staring at her. "nothing, it's just that it's hard to recognise you without the nun uniform".
"ha-ha, very funny" she sarcastically answered, until she took the sandwich from the plate in my hand and took a small bite.
"you know, there's a thing called asking?".
"not if it came from my fridge, there's isn't" she spoke with her mouth slightly full. i smirked once i noticed mustard on the corner of her mouth, and she looked at me questioningly.
i reached out, wiping it away with the edge of my thumb as she watched my every movement up until i licked it off.
"was that supposed to be sexy?" she raised her brow.
"of course" i stated and she nodded her head with her lips pursed. "well, was it?" i asked, but she just chuckled and went past me to look in the mirror by the door.
she fixed her make-up and i still stood holding a sandwich in one hand, and subtly elevating my eyes up and down her body.
she glanced at me briefly, letting out a small snicker and rolling her eyes.
"take a picture - trust me, it'll definitely last longer" siena told me and i awkwardly scratched the back of neck, not knowing whether to continue standing here and wait for her to leave, or to just go and sit back in the kitchen.
a loud car beep interrupted my thoughts and she looked out of the small window, seeming like her friends had arrived.
"okay, you're probably still going to be here when i come back and i don't want my dad to see me in these clothes, so i'm gonna need to text you" she said and i cocked my eyebrow.
"is this just your excuse to wanting my number?".
"no dumbass, here" she handed me her phone and i created a new contact to type my number in.
she gave me a small glare once she read what i saved my name as, then placed her phone into her back pocket.
"right, don't break anything, someone should be home soon and once again, don't break anything" i gave her a thumbs up, as she opened the front door then waved her off before she left me alone in her huge home.
a car pulled up on the road outside of siena's house and i slowly stopped sawing a piece of wood in the garage.
i squinted over the car, seeing siena step out alongside an unfamiliar guy with dark hair.
she was wearing a hoodie that was way too big for her over her top, and i assumed that she was doing so to hide what she really wearing from her dad.
but he seemed like a regular visitor since her dad didn't seem to mind him holding onto her waist and leading her inside the house.
"uh mr edwards, i think we're running out of nails, but i remember seeing some inside the house. should i go and get them?" i quickly said..
"yes, go ahead" he agreed without looking up from a list of instructions that he was attempting to read.
i left the garage and entered through the front door, wondering whether siena and that guy went upstairs. but then i saw them exit the kitchen, so i began searching through a nearby box for more nails.
"who is that?" i heard the guy whisper.
"oh, that's jack. he's just here to clean the garage and build things for my dad" .
"so, he's basically the help?" the guy responded and i began wondering if the idiot even knew what the definition of whispering was.
"no, he's not just the help" siena told him. "he's actually a pretty nice guy and you could learn a thing or two from him".
i smiled to myself at her comment and went back outside, when i found the new pack of nails that i didn't even really need to begin with.
hours went by of constant drilling and sawing and hammering and lifting boxes, and i was starting to become distracted by every little thing i saw.
first i was focused on the warning labels on the items around me, then suddenly on siena walking that asshole back to his car.
they'd been upstairs for ages and the whole time i was wondering what they could possibly be doing.
they stood face to face and i wished that i was just close enough to hear what they were saying, but that was the least of my problems when he caressed her cheek and slowly kissed her lips.
i clenched my jaw and happened to concentrate much easier on what i was doing, now that i had no interest in catching another glimpse at the scene before me.
i began hammering a nail into a piece of wood and managed to get it secure in just a few hits, since my body was quickly boiling up.
"aw, look at those two" mr edwards suddenly spoke. "that kyle is a great young man".
i licked my lips at kyle continuing to pull siena closer to him, "really?".
"yes. don't tell siena this, but kyle's parents and i are pretty keen on them two tying the knot, when they are old enough".
i unintentionally smirked, "you mean get married?".
"yeah, our families are close as can be so it would be very beneficial" he added as kyle gave siena a quick peck on the cheek, then got into his car and drove away.
"i'm just going to go and get some water" i told mr edwards, and followed after siena who walked back inside her house.
"so, when's the big day?" i said and she paused on the steps, then also came into the kitchen.
"excuse me?".
"you and kyle, is it?" i chugged down my water. "i heard your set on marrying the guy".
she sighed, "what did my dad tell you?".
"actually, the real question is how come you didn't even mention that you had a boyfriend?".
"he's not my boyfriend" she chocked up a laugh.
"but you two kissed".
she walked closer, "um, no. he kissed me, it was practically just for show for my dad. okay, it's a long story".
my jaw slowly unclenched, "so you're not together?".
"no, not since sophomore year" siena shrugged and i subtly exhaled.
"okay, well good" i said, going past her to leave.
"good?" she called out and i turned back.
"yeah, he's a douche any ways".
"and how could you be so sure?" she folded her arms.
"calling people who want to gain a little extra cash "the help" sounds pretty douchey to me".
she bit down on her bottom lip, "you heard that?".
"clearly" i assured. "but i also heard you defending me, so thanks".
she smiled warmly, "well, you are my dad's employee's son" she said and i chuckled at her humour.
"but wait, why are you so concerned about kyle any ways?" siena asked and my heart happened to skip multiple beats at the question.
"because," i began. "'s always been a duty of mine to protect my dad's boss' daughters from douche bag boys".
humour has always been my only defence in situations like this, but it turned out pretty well since she ended up laughing.
"you're an idiot" she playfully nudged me, then took an apple from a bowl before exiting the kitchen.
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