jack's pov
"why do you keep doing this?" i whispered into my phone, as siena was fast asleep beside me.
i pulled my hand down my face in frustration, "...yes, i know but you can't just tell them everything, i'd be sent down for—....hello?".
"who-who are you talking to?" siena suddenly spoke, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes and i quickly settled my phone down.
"oh, just a friend. it's nothing" i assured then soothed down her hair. "sleep well?".
"yes, really well" she chuckled and i smiled, as she sat up a little to scan her eyes around the room. "what time is it?".
siena's eyes widened at my answer, "already?".
she got out of the bed and picked up her phone that was sitting on the floor with her dress. i watched her click the home button and saw the lock screen filled with a bunch of notifications.
"shit" she quietly cursed.
"what's wrong?" i wondered, but she hastily got out of the bed and started re-dressing. "siena?".
"my parents - they've been trying to reach me all morning, my phone must have been on silent and they want me home now".
"i thought that they let you stay over at tiana's house?" i inquired.
"yeah, but tiana just messaged me saying that my mom called her mom".
i got out of bed too and pulled on the nearest shirt, "okay, i'll take you".
she collected her things and threw on one of my jumpers, so that her parents wouldn't also be mad at the way she was dressed last night.
i tried my best to catch up with her as she hurried downstairs, but we paused in the hallway when my dad stood in the doorway of the kitchen. he had a coffee mug in one hand and a newspaper in the other.
"oh, uh, hello, mr gilinsky. nice to see you again" siena awkwardly spoke.
he furrowed his brows in confusion, "you too, siena. does your father know you're here?".
", and i'd be really grateful if you didn't tell him" she held my hands together and begged.
he sipped his coffee then cleared his throat, "jack, can i speak to you for a second?".
i huffed and handed siena my keys, "here, wait in my car. i'll be two minutes".
my dad waited until siena had shut the front door behind her before speaking.
"jack, what do you think you're doing?" he questioned, settling his coffee down.
i narrowed my eyes, "what do you mean?".
"sleeping with mr edwards' daughter wasn't part of your deal to work with him" he loudly whispered, pulling me further into the kitchen by my arm.
"it's not like that," i yanked out of his hold. "i actually like her".
"i don't care, that's going to be the last time that she stays the night here" he ordered as if he had the final word, but i was nowhere near finished.
"you're joking, right?".
"what if her father finds out, huh? he is very protective, so my job could be on the line and you know for a fact that it took me ages to secure something as great as—".
"i know!" i interrupted his lecture. "but he won't, okay and even if he does, i'll take care of it".
he instantly shook his head, "no, i don't want you to take care of it, i want you to listen to me for once and do as you're told".
"i am not going to stop seeing siena, i don't care what you say" i told him, making my way to the front door.
"jack, we are not finished!" he followed me and called out.
"yeah, well i am" i finalised and shut the door loudly behind me.
siena's pov
jack's car eventually pulled up outside my house and i instantly saw my dad march out of the front door like he'd been watching through the window the entire time.
i took a deep breathe as i stepped out of the car.
"where have you been, young lady?!" my dad yelled out as i shut the door behind me.
"i can explain," i tried to say.
"you!" he pointed straight at jack. "where did you take her?".
"dad, wait, it's not his fault" i attempted to speak, before he harshly grabbed onto jack's shirt and pushed him against his car.
"where has my daughter been all night? did she sleep at your house?!".
"no! stop!" i begged, as i tried to pull jack out of his hold.
he finally let go and pointed his finger back in jack's face, "i can get you in trouble for this! for taking advantage of an eighteen year old girl!".
"advantage?!" jack exclaimed.
"i never want to see you on my property ever again, son!".
"dad!" i spoke up, unable to believe how drastic he was being.
"you hear me?! and you stay away from my daughter too!".
jack immediately came closer, "mr edwards, you can't do that, okay. i care about siena, i would never do anything to—".
"save it, you're fired and as for your father, i'll be in contact" my dad informed.
"but this is our fault, this has nothing to do with mr gilinsky" i attempted to explain since the last thing jack wanted was for his dad's job to get affected by us.
"you! do not get a say in this" he told me, taking held of my arm and pulling me with him towards the house without any hesitation.
when the door closed behind us, my mother hurried in from the kitchen.
"siena, where an earth have you been?" she questioned. "we've been worried sick and don't even say tiana or avery's house, because i spoke to their parents already".
my dad rubbed the stubble on his chin, "she was with jack, mr gilinsky's son" he almost muttered.
"i knew that something was going on between you two, you've been spending an awful lot of time together. i should have said something".
"did you sleep the night at his house?" my dad interrogated, as they both stood before me and i cautiously nodded my head. "did you have sex?".
"that's none of your business!".
"did he force you? if he did, we can march right down to that police—".
"no! he didn't force me, okay" i cut him off. "i wanted it, it-it was our decision".
i know that jack and i didn't exactly have sex, but i definitely wasn't going to tell my parents what we actually did last night.
"we need to get you checked out" my mom hastily suggested.
i pushed my hair back at how much they were exaggerating, "you're honestly just jumping to conclusions, i'm eighteen, i'm allowed to do what i want".
"not while you're under this roof, you're not. you know what? you're grounded" my dad concluded and i scoffed at the childish punishment.
"no phone," he said, snatching it out of my hand. "i'm going to take away your laptop, disconnect your tv".
i firmly folded my arms across my chest, acting as if i didn't care.
"you no longer have car privileges - you can only leave this house for school and cello practice, then you come straight back" he added.
"wait, that's not fair!" i attempted to argue.
"that's not fair? what's not fair is you sneaking around behind our backs with my employee's son".
i shook my head, then took a deep breathe to try and keep it together.
"look, i like jack, so much that it scares me and i know that you want me to be with kyle, but that's never going to happen. that was in the past, i—".
"siena, we don't want to hear it" my mother interrupted. "i can't believe that you would disobey us like this".
my eyebrows knitted together, "okay fine, tell me what the real issue is of me being with jack?"
they both stared at me with their lips pressed together, clearly taken aback by my question.
"is it because he's not as wealthy, he's not from this neighbourhood, he's one year older than me or is it because he doesn't play freaking polo?" i began to interrogate.
"he is not right for you and you know it" my dad sternly said.
"what? so someone who takes time out of his week to come and help the man who pays his dad's cheques, someone who understands me and finally makes me feel like i can be myself around someone?".
for the second time, they were both silent and stared at me blankly.
"see, you both don't even have a fucking legitimate answer" i said under my breathe.
"siena!" my mother gasped at my choice of words.
"not letting me see jack is all because you just never want your own daughter to be happy!".
"i am not having this conversation with you right now, young lady. first, you lie to us, sneak around and stay the night at a boy's house and now, you're swearing at your mother and i?".
"you're not even giving me a chance to talk and let you guys understand where i'm—".
"you lost all your chances when you decided to lie to us, now go to your room" my mother ordered.
i stared at them both to check if they were being serious, then shook my head when i realised.
"i swear to god, i hate you both" i snarled and didn't hesitate to hurry straight to my room, so they couldn't get in another word.
next chapter will be better so i'm excited and it should be posted soon
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