epilogue: part one
jack's pov +
"so, mr gilinsky. i'm detective grey" a tall, slim man, possibly in his thirties, pulled out the chair and sat down in front of me in the interrogation room.
i stared behind him at the one-way glass, knowing very well that other officers were standing behind it watching my every move and listening to my every word.
"mr gilinsky's my father" i corrected. "it's just jack".
detective grey narrowed his eyes at my correction before shaking it off.
"okay, jack" he replied, flipping open a file. "nineteen year old male, grew up in california, dropped out of high school at the age of sixteen, got his first criminal record at the age of sixteen for theft and illegal drugs, home has previously been raided for illegal drugs".
i shrugged, struggling to find the point of reading out my file as if i didn't already know what i had or had not done.
"and of course, here you are again. but now for two accounts of homicide, one account of manslaughter and also for kidnapping an eighteen year old girl. all true?".
i nodded without any hesitation. i just hope that siena will co-operate the same and say what i told her to.
"jack, you've done this before" grey sighed and scratched his stubble. "i need you to say yes or no for the tape. all true?".
i leant slightly forward to the recorder, "yes".
"now, we'll discuss the other cases after this. but let's start with siena edwards - how did you two meet, how long have you known one another and for what sick reason did you keep her away from her family for almost two weeks?".
i scratched the back of my neck before speaking, "her dad is my dad's boss. i would come to her house to help him do some diy, then eventually siena and i started to become closer".
"as in dating?".
"yeah, i guess so".
"it's yes or no, son".
i nodded, "yes".
"and then can you explain how you both ended up in nevada?" he questioned.
"i-i forced her to come with me, and told her that she couldn't leave" i lied. "i scared her into doing everything and she had absolutely nothing to do with it".
detective grey chuckled and looked back at the one way glass with a smirk, "you're being awfully honest, jack".
"well, isn't that what you want?".
"definitely, but i'm just saying that those words flowed out a little too quickly. almost like they were rehearsed".
i opened my clasped hands with confusion, "but it's the truth".
he studied me, aiming to see if an eye would twitch, a nose would wrinkle or a sweat would break but i was determined to keep this lie up for siena's sake so nothing could break me.
"okay" he pushed the chair back and stood. "that will be all for now".
"wait, what about siena?" i quietly inquired. "are you pressing charges on her?".
"why do you care?" he scoffed.
i slouched down in my seat and shrugged my shoulders as detective grey collected back up my files.
"i will never understand teenage love" he muttered. "but miss edwards' charges is something that my colleagues will decide".
i nodded at his words, allowing him to leave the room and me handcuffed to the metal table - the only other object in this stone, cold, room but me.
siena's pov +
being silent hasn't always be my speciality but when it comes to protecting the boy that i love i'd rather say nothing at all than lie and point all the blame on him.
"miss edwards" the female detective - janet morgan began. she's been trying to get me to talk for ten minutes now but i wasn't budging.
"you're going to have to talk to us, so we can help you" she gave me a warm smile that i simply folded my arms tighter to.
morgan sighed and checked her watch, "what happened over the past week or so?...did jack tell you to keep quiet?...did he hurt you in any way? force you to do anything you didn't want to?".
i immediately frowned at her words, "jack loves me. he cares about me and he would never do that to me. ever".
"so what did he do to you?" she inquired but i returned to my right to remain silent once again. "siena, the sooner you tell us, the better".
"so what's the better then?" i wondered.
detective morgan intertwined her hands together in thought, "well one, we can both go home after this long day and two, if necessary, mr gilinsky will be charged with whatever harm he caused to you".
"for the last time, jack didn't hurt me" i sternly repeated.
"siena, i get it" she interjected. "you're a teenaged girl - good grades, great upbringing and you fell in love with a bad boy. it was so exciting and thrilling".
i scoffed at her attempt to level with me and removed our eye contact, finding interest in the flashing light on the interrogation recorder.
"but then you eventually realised that you never quite asked him why he was so hostile, or asked to see the side of him that you actually turned out to be afraid of".
i glanced at her eyes that hid behind her terrible blonde bangs, "you don't know anything about me" i muttered.
"but i do know that he must have told you something along the lines of covering for him because he said that that's the only way that you two will be together" she continued. "we're not here to judge you, we're just here to help".
i sat up, "fine. you can help me by letting jack and i go. why is it so hard for you people to believe that i willing ran away with my boyfriend because nothing at home was motivating me to stay? everything was falling apart that i just needed to start again with jack. i don't care about that side of him where he happened to make all these mistakes. all i care about is him and he cares about me too".
"are you sure?" morgan asked me, squinting her eyes with what seemed like pity to me. "i mean, you seem like a smart girl. but i've been a detective for many years and come across quite a few cases like this, and most of them end up with young girls in tears after discovering that the boy she fell in love with only cared about clearing his own name or taking her down with him".
"and you think that's what jack will do" i read aloud her thoughts.
"all you have to do is tell us what jack told you, tell us what he did to you and it will all be over".
i found it almost funny that she thought that she could persuade me to give up on jack and spill everything that he confessed to me.
i was holding my ground and i was not going to talk to the point where my words are used as evidence to lock my boyfriend away.
"i'm not saying anything. so you can either let me see my boyfriend or let me go home".
detective morgan let out a deep sigh and stopped the recording, "okay, sure. we'll continue this in the morning".
i exited the interrogation room and into the police station lobby, rubbing my eyes with tire until i spotted a familiar face anxiously sitting on the edge of their seats.
"mom?" i said, causing her to snap her head at me and tearfully cover her mouth.
"oh my baby" she hurried over to me and grabbed me into a tight hug. "my precious, precious, baby".
she kissed my head multiple times then pulled away to scan my body, "are you okay? are-are you hurt?".
this is a side that i've never seen to her before and i didn't know whether it was nice or just creeping me out.
"mom, i'm fine" a smile tried to leave the corner of my mouth.
"i will never let you go ever again, you hear me? ever" she squeezed me into her arms again. "i am so sorry".
i released from her in slight surprise, "you're what?".
"i'm sorry for always being so hard on you, sweetie. your father and i did a lot of thinking when you were gone and we realised that we've been pushing you away" she explained to me. "things aren't the same anymore, you're eighteen, you're grown up and you're capable of making your own decisions. from now on, we promise that things will be different".
tears of relief escaped my eyes as i processed the words that just left my mother's mouth. for years, this is all i've ever wanted - for them to understand me and take time to listen to me every once in a while.
the police station doors burst open, interrupting my mother and i's heartfelt moment.
"where is he?" my dad charged towards us with his tie sat loosely on his neck. "where is that bastard jack because i am telling you now i'm gonna—".
he paused as he stared at me standing before him. my eyes glistened with tears from worrying about my dad hurting jack and from knowing that he finally wants to understand who i am, and not who they want me to be.
"come here" he bought me in and hugged his arms around me, kissing the top of my head. "i'm so glad you're okay, siena".
"i'm sorry for scaring you both" i cried onto his shirt.
"it's okay, we're just happy to see you" my mom smoothed down my hair as i pulled away from my father.
"please don't blame jack for any of this" i looked between them both.
"siena, i cannot just let it go that he took you away from home knowing very well that he's a criminal - we didn't know if you were safe or not" my dad explained.
i just hate how everyone sees jack as some homicidal psycho and i'm stuck in the middle, being the only one who knows who he really is.
i just need to see him. he needs to just explain his reasons behind anything and not put himself in more trouble for "kidnapping me", even if it does mean that i, myself, receive jail time.
i marched over to the front desk and disturbed the officer on the phone, "excuse me? i'm looking for jack gilinsky".
he covered the phone speaker, "he's being questioned".
"that was hours ago - they should be done by—".
the officer ignored my sentence and continued chatting away on the phone, which i'm pretty sure was a personal call rather than an emergency.
taking matter into my own hands, i walked into the hallway that lead to the high crime interview rooms where i knew jack would be held up in.
"hey! you can't go back there" the occupied officer complained at me.
"jack!" i yelled, going past every room and hoping i'd hear him respond. "jack!".
one of the doors behind me soon opened. jack thankfully walked out of it whilst being escorted in handcuffs by an officer.
"jack, what's going on? where are they taking you?" i tried to get to him through the two officers, who were twice my size, pushing me away.
jack didn't even take a second to look back at me or acknowledge me in any way before he was taken through another pair of doors. something just didn't seem right.
this will be a three part epilogue. you're welcome bitches !!🌹
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