2K!? AHH THIS IS SO NICE TO COME BACK TO AFTER SO MUCH WORK AND IM MAKING PROGRESS, I HAD THIS CHAPTER SAVED AS A DRAFT FROM BEFORE BUT COULDNT FIND THE TIME TO UPLOAD IT AND NOW I COME TO WATTPAD AND YAY!! I'm currently passing all of classes so far (let's hope it stays that way lolol) and then I have an exam this Thursday that I need to not fail on in order to pass ughhh I cri every time T-T but sorry for the rant, and thank you for the support, here's the chapter!!
I gulped at her sudden words as she gazed at me.
"Wh-what?" I choked out as she pouted and sat in front of me.
"You," she pointed at me. "Don't love me and I can't figure out why," she fell back as I felt my throat tighten.
I didn't do that.
But then again, I didn't worry over a queen as much as I did with her. Neither did my blood boil as much as it does when she's extra lovey with Arashi. I haven't had the strange urge to always call Princess Yona as my princess either, it was something that just clicked with Queen Y/N.
But, woah.
Did I actually love her?
"I mean come on!" She groaned as she pulled on her hair slightly. "Every man falls for me and I mean it's usually for my money, my looks, or my name. Something among those lines because they're more shallow than the glasses I used to break all the time at my kingdom. Like what is your issue?" She sat up to stare at me again.
I didn't even know what to respond to her with her sudden outburst.
"I've never been captivated with someone's eyes as much as I have been with yours."
Before her comment could fully settle in, her own eyes widened at what she had said.
"Nor have I talked all lovey dovey with something that isn't the mirror."
As she continued on, it made me think about her ego.
Was she just like this when she was drunk? Because she isn't actually ever like this.
"So you like my eyes?" Was all that I ended up saying.
"I think I actually sort of kinda love them. Bows and arrows, I think I might even fall in love wit- ARASHI!" She squealed as she turned around to face the sleeping bodyguard who sat up in an instant.
"Yes, queen!" He saluted even with his eyes half closed.
Bless his poor soul for putting up with her.
But then again, he was in love with her.
Sighing, I leaned back as I ran a hand through my hair, Y/N's gaze coming back to me.
"Yes?" I raised an eyebrow as I was irritated with her not completing what she was going to say only to end up bringing up her bodyguard again.
"Do you have guests coming?"
"Wh- No, what guests?" I asked as I leaned forward.
"I think people are coming this way, about four to be exact," she stared at me as my own eyes widened.
I focused on the vibrations of the ground under us as I noticed she was right.
How could she tell even in that state?
I couldn't even tell being sober.
But then again, I wasn't trained like royalty is.
Well, except for Princess Yona.
"What's on your mind?" She sat back at ease as she gave no care for the intruders heading our way.
"The princess," I said honestly as that was the last thing on my mind.
Scrunching her nose up, she crossed her arms and turned the other way.
"What?" I looked at her as she huffed and only scooted further from me.
"Nothing. I'm just going to give the guests a visit," she stood as she wobbled to the door.
"In that condition?" I shot up as I saw her bodyguard sleeping again next to princess.
"What's wrong with my condition? Do you want to put me in a hospital or something?" She blinked at me before scurrying out the door, closing it after her.
Rushing out behind her, I didn't make it far as I recognized the 'intruders'.
The four dragons.
Also, the reason of my misery.
Ya know, besides the queen.
The drunk queen.
"Ooh, what do we have here?" Droopy eyes said as queen had crashed into his chest.
Blinking up at him, she stepped back, looking at all of them before yanking all of their hair.
"Why so long?" She noted as she petted squirrel boy's mask.
"Ouchie!" Oldie whined as he rubbed his head and turned to her. "You must be the queen!"
"Yeah, I am. Bow down because you're talking to your highness you filthy peasants," she sneered at them as they stepped back, shocked.
I would have been.
And I was.
For like half a second before I realized she was drunk.
"DID YA SEE THE LOOK ON THEIR FACE!?" She roared with laughter as she turned to me, pointing at the frustrating four. "Phew, that was painful to do. I'm sorry guys, I was just pulling your le- or your hair, get it? Because I just pulled your hair but still pulled your leg at the same time? Like metapho-"
"Yeah, we're going back inside," I pulled on queen's hand as I walked her in with me. "You guys can come, or not. I'd prefer the second," I called out as they all happily followed in.
"Stealing the pretty lady for yourself, eyyy?" Droopy eyes leaned towards me as I scowled at him.
"Awe, he called me pretty!" Queen chirped as she faced him.
"Didn't you say that you already knew you have killer beauty?" I turned to her as she raised an eyebrow.
"I never said that, but thanks, I know," she scoffed as she flipped her hair dramatically, making sure to get it to hit my face.
"Ahh, how romantic you are, my queen," I breathed out through annoyance as she went to hold Ao.
"You named the squirrel blue because you're the blue dragon, that's brilliant!" She cooed at mask boy as she held the squirrel.
"Really? Because the princess wasn't too fond of her name," white freak arm boy chuckled as queen turned to him.
"Woah, you have actual claws!" She stared at his hand as he proudly held it up.
"Of course! Though they have no match for yo-"
"For her stunning beauty, we get it, we get it. Thanks for pointing out the obvious several times," I grunted as I pulled queen away from them.
"Seems like someone's jeeeeeaaaa-"
"Don't even try it," I jabbed an elbow into foot freak's side as he cut himself off with a grunt.
"Hak, that wasn't very nice," queen pouted at me as she pointed at the freak four. "Apologize to them! Aren't they you and Yona and Yun's friends?" She said as I turned to face her.
"I never said they were my friends," I clarified.
"That's mean, Ha-"
Before the foot freak fool could continue, someone called out to queen as I closed my eyes with a sigh.
Here we go again.
Welp, back to drowning in work since I have about 45 assignments to do and about one to two weeks to get them all done ahhh the misery BUT THANK YOU FOR THE 2K AHH YAYAY!! I'll also try to stay consistent with the updates but this month is a bit harder on me so I apologize beforehand T-T
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