Chapter 41
I'm a twenty gauge shotgun with both barrels blazing
I'm a hundred miles an hour 'round the curve without braking
I'm a herd of wild horses through her bed of daisies
And she'll plant 'em all back again
Per Erin's update, the infield care center doctor was concerned that Ryan's oxygen levels were not coming up as quickly as they liked, despite the fact that they had him on supplemental oxygen. His symptoms were concerning as well, headache, nausea, dizziness and confusion. Although they were hallmark symptoms for carbon monoxide exposure, the fact that he was in multiple crashes during the day, had them worried about the possibility of a concussion, and with the symptoms overlapping, they thought it best he be transported to the hospital for further evaluation and treatment, especially since his oxygen levels were coming up so slowly.
Chase, Courtney, Erin, William and myself all went to the hospital together to wait. Drew, Ryan's PR guy was there. He had brought Ryan's bag with a change of clothes for him. He explained he couldn't stay long because if he missed his flight, he would not be able to get another until the next day. All of this had me thinking maybe it wouldn't be so bad if Ryan and I were working together, especially considering how distracted I had been during the race.
We were waiting for at least a couple of hours. I tried to occupy my mind by doing work, but it was no use, I could not focus.
"Sam, don't worry about the post race coverage stuff, it can wait." William assured me.
"I'm taking care of it. I told you I'd cover for you." Courtney squeezed my hand.
I gave her a weak smile as a sign of thanks, but I still needed some kind of distraction. Courtney filled me in on the outcome of the race, which was eventful to say the least, even though admittedly, I was only half listening.
A doctor stepped into the waiting room and called out to Erin. I hated this. I hated that I had to get information second hand. I guess Ryan had not updated his emergency contacts. He probably never even thought about it, I know I hadn't. I still had Courtney listed as mine. My attention was perked when I heard my name. The doctor had called out to me. Was that good or bad?
"I'm Sam." I said to the doctor.
He smiled. That had to be a good sign right?
"Hi Sam. I'm Dr. Allen. Ryan is asking for you."
"How is he?" I asked.
"He's feeling much better. His oxygen levels are nearly back to normal. We are just waiting on a few more tests, but you can go in and see him. Room 205."
I barely got the words thank you out of my mouth before I was sprinting towards the room.
"Hey beautiful." He grinned at me from the hospital bed, as I burst into the room out of breath. He looked so...normal, other than the I.V. and nasal cannula delivering oxygen, well that and the dreadful hospital gown.
"Are you okay? How are you feeling?" I panted out, still winded.
"I'm fine babe. Are you okay? You sound like you might need some oxygen too." He grinned, pointing to the nasal cannula. Of course he would joke at a time like this.
I sat down next to him, and took a couple of deep breaths, willing my racing heart to slow down.
"How are you feeling?" I asked again.
"Better. Little bit of a headache, but it's getting better." He replied.
I took his hand and gripped it tightly. "I was so worried." Then I started crying. I hate crying, but I guess it was just the relief in me causing the tears to flow. I just didn't want to be that girl who had a meltdown every time her boyfriend, who drove race cars for a living got in a crash.
"It's okay baby. I'm fine." He reassured me, picking up my hand and kissing my knuckles before wiping my tears away.
I willed myself to stop bawling, but it only made me cry harder. I was a blubbering mess right now. "Come here." He moved over in the bed and patted the side. I crawled into it and hung on to him, realizing I actually did need the release that crying gave me. I just hated that he was having to soothe me while he was the one hurt. I should be the one taking care of him. He always took care of me when I was hurt.
When my tears had finally subsided to occasional sniffles, he rubbed my back and kissed my forehead. "Feel better now?"
"No." I laughed a bit. "I should be the strong one taking care of you, not having a meltdown."
"You are strong. One of the strongest people I know. It's okay to fall apart sometimes. You don't have to be strong all the time." Dammit, now I was on the verge of crying again. How was it that he could be so damn sweet and amazing?
"One of the things that was so hard on me was that no one would give me any information. I had to get everything second hand from Erin."
"I'm sorry about that baby. I'm going to fix that. I promise. I guess I just never thought about it."
"I love you." I said, snuggling closer to him, my head on his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat. "Do you need anything?" I asked, trying to do my part in taking care of him.
"Just you." He kissed my forehead again.
"You got me. I'm not going anywhere." I murmured against his chest.
We lay there for several minutes, just taking everything in. My tears had finally dried up, so I'm sure I looked like a hot mess, even though I knew he didn't care how I looked.
"I was doing some thinking. If Drew does end up leaving, and you need a new PR person, I would be open to it. If you still want that." I said a little hesitantly.
"Sam, you don't have to. Although I think it would be great, I know how much you love your job and how much it means to you. You are probably still a little scared, but I promise you I'm fine."
"I know. I actually started thinking about it during the race. I was trying to focus on what Will was doing, but I found myself more focused on you. Thinking I should be in your pit box. I should be listening to your scanner. I should be providing updates on you, not Will. My attention was too divided, and despite being Will's PR person, I was wishing I was yours. Does that sound crazy?"
"Nope. I think it sounds perfect. Does it sound crazy that I want that too? That I want you with me all the time? I know you need your independence, and I completely respect that. I just can't get enough of you. I know how you feel about me being so possessive of you, but that's just how I feel. I love you."
"Not crazy at all. I told you you own me. I'm yours."
"And I'm yours." He said, then planted the softest, sweetest kiss on my lips, that literally made me melt. I was so in love with him.
A knock on the door startled us. The doctor who entered the room smiled at the two of us lying in bed together wrapped in each other's arms. "Mr. Blaney, I got your results back. CT is clear, no concussion. Labs look good. Oxygen levels back to normal. I'll tell the nurse to start getting your discharge papers together. She'll be here in a bit to take out your IV and give you your paperwork. You can remove the oxygen too. After that, you are good to go."
"Thank you doctor." Ryan said, and we both smiled at him.
"Where are my clothes?" Ryan asked.
"I'll have to ask the nurse about your firesuit, but Drew dropped off your bag." I then held up the backpack that Drew had given me.
"Good. Can you hand me some underwear and pants at least. I'm tired of my ass hanging out of this gown."
As I was pulling the clothing out of the bag, a small object was sent flying onto the bed and landing between us. It was a small white velvet box. Instinctively, I reached for it the same time as Ryan, but he was quicker. My heart was in my throat. Is it what I think it is? Hope it is? It could be earrings or a necklace, but what if it wasn't?
I tried to speak but couldn't push past the lump in my throat. The look in his eyes said it all.
"I had so many plans on how I wanted to do this. Ideally, Victory lane would have been the first choice, but if that didn't work out, I was thinking maybe a romantic dinner, or a quiet evening with just the two of us. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined I'd be doing this from a hospital bed." He chuckled.
"Ry." I managed to croak out, and he placed his index finger over my lips shushing me.
"Samantha Claire McCoy, I am so in love with you. So what if we haven't been together all that long, and can't see my life without you in it..."
"Yes." I blurted out. "I want to marry you, I want to spend my life with you and have babies with you and grow old together."
"Babies?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Well, not right away, but maybe in a year or so. I want at least two, maybe three. Who knows. As long as they are with you I will take a houseful."
"They had better be with me." He smirked.
"There is no one else in the world I want to have babies with. Yes Ryan Michael Blaney, I will marry you."
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