Chapter 4
Are you one of them girls
That peels off the Bud Light label
Just might run a pool table
Roll your eyes if I call you an angel
Ain't you one of them girls
I ask you to dance, you say no
Just to see how far I'll go
Your song comes on and your eyes close
That's when I know, yeah
You got your heart on lockdown
Got a wall I gotta knock down
Kinda wanna do a shot now
Come on, now
And you one of them girls that ain't tryna meet nobody
You're just here for the party
If I'm wrong, then stop me, yeah
You're one of them girls that ain't handin' out your number
You like to make us want ya
You like to make us wonder
If you're one of them girls
Ryan had really annoyed me. He was rude and obnoxious, obviously drunk, but I wasn't about to excuse him. Everyone kept telling me he's really a nice guy, but for some reason, he had taken an instant dislike to me or something. I really didn't care. The feeling was mutual.
He was still glaring daggers at me as I continued to talk to Alex. Was the problem Alex? Or just me? Despite it all, I was having a great time. I was making friends, I was socializing. I was being me. I felt like I could actually breathe again.
Alex was very attentive. I liked him. I know I said I had no desire to meet someone, but I definitely wouldn't mind getting to know him better. He was so sweet, offering to fix me a plate of food, he made sure I always had something to drink in my hand and made sure I had sunscreen on so I wouldn't get burnt. I began hoping that maybe he just might ask me out, and if so, I might just say yes.
Courtney had taken several photos and tagged everyone that was here on Instagram. After, I began getting follow requests from everyone, even from Ryan. I accepted them all. This was a fun group of people, and I actually felt like I belonged here. The guys (most of them anyway) were funny and friendly. The girls were all nice and welcoming. Everyone was relaxed and it was so far removed from my life in Louisiana of stuffy cocktail parties and boring fund raisers, and even worse, medical conferences.
The sun was just starting to set over a beautiful North Carolina evening. The sky was muted shades of pink, purple and gold. I was exactly where I wanted to be. It was everything I expected. I laughed as I splashed in the pool with Alex. The more time I spent with him, the more I liked him. He was a lot of fun. He was flirty, but sweet at the same time. Super cute, but not full of himself. Unlike someone else, who's name shall not be mentioned. Someone who was still glaring at me. Glaring at me and Alex. What the hell was his problem.
I took the last sip of the water from the bottle in my hand, and made a face. I had only had one, maybe two beers, and was mostly sipping on water. I was tired of water. I had enough water. Was I the only one not drinking? "I think I could use a real drink." I said to Alex, as I was about to climb out of the pool to make my way to the makeshift bar that had been set up. Of course Ryan was there, still watching me, sipping on a glass filled with amber liquid.
"Hey Blaney, why don't you get this pretty lady a drink." Alex called out to Ryan.
"So, what ya drinking? Wine? White Claw?" He smirked. Was he judging me? No way was I letting him continue to get under my skin.
"Actually, I prefer whiskey." I replied, eying the bottle by his side.
"Hmmm. A whiskey girl. Can you actually hold your liquor?" He poured a glass and handed it to me, then poured another for himself.
I took a long swallow from the glass, relishing the burn of the smooth whiskey down my throat and into the pit of my stomach.
"I'm a Cajun girl. We drink whiskey for breakfast." I downed the remaining contents and set the glass down with a thud. "Can you hold yours?" I met the challenge in his blue eyes and nodded my head at the empty glas, indicating I was ready for a refill.
A collective chorus of "oohs" echoed around us. Whatever this guy dished out, I was ready for it.
"Was that a challenge Samantha? I've been at it for hours. You've got some catching up to do." I hated how he put emphasis on my name.
"Yes, that was a challenge, and it's Sam, so you better start pouring." I said boldly, feeling my confidence already beginning to soar after just that one drink.
He had already pissed me off from his snide comments earlier, then he insulted my school. Now here he was engaging me in a drinking contest. It was obvious that he was pretty drunk by the time I had shown up, so this should be a pretty easy victory.
"I'll call you Sam if you can actually hold your liquor. Deal?"
Frankly, I didn't really care what he called me, I just wanted to wipe the cocky smirk off of his face. His fucking perfect face.
"Deal. You look like a lightweight anyway." I matched his smirk. Relishing the cheers and laughter around us.
He took a shot, then poured one for me. "Drink up princess."
I downed my shot and slammed the glass down and gave him my sweetest smile. "I could do this all night pretty boy." More roars of laughter from the small crowd gathered around us. He had the audacity to look surprised by my statement, and I loved it.
Although I did go to LSU for an education, while there I attended enough parties to know I could more than hold my liquor. I also knew I needed to sip on water in between the alcohol. That was a mistake I learned the hard way, and never made again. Keeping hydrated was the key.
I think it was five, or maybe six shots later, my head began to feel a bit fuzzy.
"Your hair is starting to get frizzy tiger princess" He slurred. "Do you want my hat?"
Tiger princess? That was cute. I began to laugh hysterically. Tiger princess. Fuzzy head, frizzy hair. For some reason, everything was just really funny.
"I don't care." I waved my hand nonchalantly, and pulled a hair tie from my wrist, wound up my long hair into a messy bun and secured it with the hair tie. "You're stalling. Are you giving up already?" I pointed to his empty glass.
"Nope. I'm just waiting on you, tiger girl." He tossed back another shot. Okay. He switched out princess for girl. Whatever. I still found it hilarious. Yep. I was buzzing really good.
"Keep em coming racer boy." I taunted. Everyone continued to cheer us on.
By now I had lost count of the number of shots. The first bottle was empty and we had drank at least three fourths of a second one. I was seeing two Ryan's. Fuck. That's two Ryan's too many.
I was drunk, but had not reached the point of falling down, puking my guts up drunk, so that was a good thing. Thankfully. I think I had proved my point.
"Impressive. You're quite the girl Sam." He said, and I could hear the respect in his voice, even though his words were heavily slurred. Awww. That was nice. He kept up his end of the bargain and called me Sam. Then, he leaned over and kissed me. I certainly was not expecting that.
Fuck it. I kissed him back. Yes I did. Maybe it was my drunkenness. Of course it was my drunkenness. I didn't even like him, but I couldn't ignore that he was attractive as hell. Even if he was an ass.
His lips were soft, but strong and firm and my own lips yielded against his, allowing his tongue to lick into my mouth. My head was spinning, and I doubted it was due to just the alcohol.
Why was kissing him so damn good? Why the hell did I want to keep kissing him? Maybe more than just kiss him? Maybe I was even drunker than I thought because I was enjoying it way too much. Judging by all the hooting and hollering from the others, they were enjoying our little show too. I guess we had put on quite a little spectacle.
When he pulled away, I was breathless, and more than just a little aroused. I was also a little sorry that it was over with.
"I guess I really shouldn't be surprised that you can drink. You are an LSU girl after all. I'm sure you had a lot of practice." So much for wiping the cocky smirk off of his face, maybe I could just punch it instead.
And just like that, he ruined it. He just couldn't keep his damn mouth shut. So what if it was the best kiss of my life. How pathetic was my life? Chalk it up to a momentary lapse in judgement. A drunken mistake. Temporary insanity due to being blinded by his good looks.
"Fuck you Blaney." I snapped.
"That can be arranged." He grinned.
I stepped up to him, making sure my body rubbed against his. With one hand I brushed against his crotch, the other, I stroked his jawline. "You wish pretty boy." I flashed my own sultry grin before turning my back and jumping into the pool. I hated that the pool was heated because I really needed to cool myself off.
The chorus of laughter didn't affect me quite as it had earlier. I faked a laugh, but that's all it was...fake. Nothing was that funny to me anymore. I was pissed.
Chase swam up next to me. "He's really not a bad guy. He actually one of the best guys I know. I promise, he's usually not like this." Chase tried to explain.
"I'm sorry if I made a spectacle of myself." I apologized, feeling my buzz begin to fade away. Starting to feel like the weak, meek Sam who needed to be reprimanded.
"Hell no. Don't apologize. You are a badass Sam. That was entertaining as hell. I think you just got under Ryan's skin. He doesn't know quite what to make of you. I love him like a brother, but it's about damn time a woman put him in his place." Chase laughed.
Chase's little pep talk made me feel better. I couldn't help but be a little glad that I was getting under Ryan's skin because he sure as hell had gotten under mine.
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