Chapter 3
She's somebody's problem, somebody's goodbye
Somebody's last call number that they can't find
Somebody's best day, somebody's worst night
Somebody's reason for leavin' on the porch light
Thinkin' 'bout them tan lines and I'm thinkin' damn, I'd
Love to drown in them heartbreaker blue eyes
Shе's somebody's problem and somebody's problеm's
About to be mine
About to be mine
Ryan's POV
"You heard from Brooke?" Chase asked me, and I felt a prickle, or maybe it was a chill pass up my spine.
"No. I don't really expect to either. She's moved on. Living her Hollywood dream. Screwing a producer." I replied, taking a sip of beer to wash down the bitter taste in my mouth.
"I hate to say I told you so, but..." Chase started to say.
"Then don't say it." I cut him off, feeling annoyed.
"I told you so." He smirked. That fucker.
"Feel better now?" I asked.
"Are you ever gonna learn man. Lexie leaves you for Nashville, then Brooke leaves you for LA. Maybe you should find a real girl. Someone who doesn't have big dreams of fame and fortune. Someone who is content with living out in the middle of nowhere. Someone who can embrace the NASCAR lifestyle." Chase said.
"Like you found with Courtney?" I said, trying to contain my hint of jealousy. Chase was so lucky. He had snagged a hottie who had it all. A former NFL cheerleader of all things. She had the looks, yet she also had the heart of a small town girl. They had met when she began working at Hendrick Motorsports, and their relationship grew when she became his PR. She was sweet, supportive and loved NASCAR. More than that though, she loved him. She didn't give a damn that he was Chase Elliott, Most popular driver. Son of the legendary Bill Elliott. She loved Chase Elliott the man.
"Exactly. You're never gonna find that when you're constantly chasing actresses, singers and Instagram models."
I knew he was right, but how the hell else was I supposed to meet anyone? How do you find the right person who wanted to be with you for you? Certainly not from the fangirls that were constantly sliding into my DM's. Was I really ready for all of that anyway? I was having a good time right? Of course I was. I wasn't heartbroken over Brooke and Lexie chasing their dreams. More disappointed than anything. It was times like this though that I envied Chase for what he had found with Courtney.
I took another long swallow from my beer bottle, my eyes finding Courtney, who had just walked out of the house. She wasn't alone. Whoa!
"Who is that?" I asked Chase, eying the smoking hot brunette deep in conversation with Courtney.
Chase let out a deep chuckle. "Court's cousin Sam from Louisiana. She's staying with us for a few days."
"So what's her story?" I asked, curious.
"She's a little uptight at first, but once she loosens up, she's cool. Going through a little bit of a crisis. Quit her job then caught her fiancé cheating. So she's here now."
"Sticking around?" I asked.
"No clue. I know she looks like your type, but don't even think about it." Chase said in a slight warning tone.
Indeed she did look very much like my type. Slightly above average height, killer body with a tight ass. Slim curves I could get lost in for days, all emphasized by a hot pink bikini that left very little to the imagination. Why did Chase sound so protective of her? Telling me to not even think about it. Too much baggage perhaps? My type always looked like that and came with too much baggage. Maybe I just needed a new type. Maybe a blonde? Redhead maybe? Then I watched her take off her sunglasses and push them to the top of her head. Damn, I was a sucker for baby blue eyes.
I watched her for a little while. I was torn. Just based on observation alone, she gave off an air of aloofness. A bit of a touch-me-not attitude. Chase said she came across as uptight at first, but cool once she loosened up. Maybe I could loosen her up.
"I said don't even think about it Ryan. Just be nice to her, but don't hit on her. She's dealing with a lot of shit." Chase said in that same warning tone. He clearly knew what I was thinking.
"I'm always nice." I grinned back at him.
Sam's POV
"This is Ryan Blaney, also known as YRB. Ryan, I'd like you to meet my cousin Sam." Courtney said with a perky tone in her voice.
Ryan was about my age. Not too much taller than me with a slim build and well defined muscles. Two tattoos adorned his chest and his leg was covered in tattoos from what I could see coming from the bottom of his swim trunks, to below his knee. Was that Star Wars? He had crazy, curly brown hair worn slightly long and stubble covered his cheeks, jawline and upper lip. He lowered his aviator shades revealing a pair of gorgeous ocean blue eyes and eyelashes that should be illegal on a guy. Fuck! He was hot. Not my type at all as I preferred the more clean cut look. Still, he looked like he'd be a good time, and I immediately chided myself for that thought.
His eyes raked up and down my body, causing me to become flushed from the heat penetrating from his intense gaze. Finally, he looked into my eyes, and I felt my cheeks heat up even more. This was so not fair. Just when I decided that I was maybe going to swear off men for a while, fate intervened and placed this gorgeous specimen right in front of me.
"I'm going to call you Samantha." He said with a cocky smirk. His tone was challenging and quite flirty, but it just rubbed me the wrong way. The way he said Samantha instantly made me think of Steven and I cringed. He had refused to call me by anything else because Sam was too generic and too masculine sounding for his taste.
"Sam is fine." I gritted my teeth and forced a tight lipped smile.
"Nah. You don't look like a Sam. You're way too hot." Now that really rubbed me the wrong way. Whatever, I thought to myself. So much for him being hot because he was cocky as hell. No thank you. I then decided I didn't want a guy anyway. Not even for a hot hookup. He flashed me a panty dropping grin. He knew he was good looking. He probably expected every girl to just fall at his feet. Not this girl.
I ignored his flirty, sexy smile and turned my back to him and began talking to Courtney, yet I could feel his eyes burning into the back of my skull.
Courtney introduced me to several more people. Some of them were Chase's teammates, others friends of Chase and Courtney. Everyone was very nice and welcoming. Well, almost everyone. I felt myself being drawn to Alex Bowman. Tall, ridiculously cute with beautiful blue grey eyes and a friendly smile. He was sweet and charming with a dry sense of humor and a really sexy accent. I caught Ryan watching me several times, with that same look of lust combined with something that almost looked like disdain on his face. Almost like he was jealous that I was talking to Alex.
"What is his problem?" I asked Courtney, making a head motion towards Ryan.
"Who? Blaney?" She almost looked shocked by my question. I nodded. "I honestly don't know. He's a sweetheart."
I literally snorted. "One minute he looks at me like I'm the bird who just took a shit on his freshly washed car, then the next he's eye fucking me. Sweetheart my ass."
Courtney laughed at my analogy, but then turned serious. "He's usually the nicest guy you'll ever meet. He's going through some bad luck. He's had several bad races recently, and he recently broke up with his girlfriend." She explained.
I rolled my eyes. "Lame excuse. I just got out of a relationship too, and my luck hasn't been great either, but I don't go around acting like an ass to everyone, especially total strangers." At least I hoped I wasn't.
Chase's other teammate, William Byron was also a sweetheart, as was his girlfriend Erin. Both blonde, blue eyed and absolutely adorable together.
"Why does my brother keep staring at you?" Erin commented, she made a slight nod indicating Ryan.
"That's your brother?" I asked, shocked that this sweet girl had an asshole for a brother, although I could now see the resemblance between them.
She giggled. "I love him, even though he sometimes gets on my nerves.Typical big brother. I think he likes you."
I ignored the comment, which was fine because my attention was drawn to another guest that had arrived at Chase and Courtney's backyard.
"Yo! Who's the '68 Mustang up front?" A tall, dark skinned young man with an friendly smile asked, the awe evident in his voice.
"That's mine." I replied with pride.
"That is one sick ride. Hi. I'm Bubba Wallace, and you are?" He said, holding out his hand.
"I'm Sam, Courtney's cousin from Louisiana." I took his hand and lightly shook it awkwardly.
"You mind if I take a look?" He asked.
"Not at all. Let me grab my keys." I replied, walking over to my discarded denim shorts and fished the keys out of my pocket. Several people had followed us out front, including Ryan, and I couldn't miss the look of interest in his eyes as we all eyed my gorgeous, perfectly restored metallic blue Mustang.
I unlocked the door, reached in and popped the hood open. These were all car guys and they were in awe over my "baby."
Ryan let out a long, low whistle as he looked over the engine. "390 cu. in. 4V V-8 engine Four-speed manual transmission. Very nice." He murmured appreciatively.
"My dad's hobby was restoring classic cars. This one was his favorite. It took him over two years to complete it, but he wanted it to be just right." I said wistfully.
"He did a hell of a job. Is he working on anything else?" Ryan asked.
"He passed away seven months ago." I said sadly.
"I'm really sorry to hear that." He said sympathetically, and I could see the sincerity in his eyes. Maybe he wasn't so bad after all.
"Thank you. He knew I loved this car, and he gave it to me when I graduated from college." I smiled at the memory.
"Where did you go to college?" He asked.
"LSU." I replied, with a hint of pride.
"Big party school with the most notoriously obnoxious fans." He snickered. Alright, my first impression was right. He was a jerk.
"It's not just a party school. It's a very good school, and I got an excellent education. Furthermore, the fans are no more obnoxious than any other top tier university." I said defensively.
He held up his hands in mock surrender. "Whoa. Didn't mean to offend you."
"I'm not offended. I just hate when people think LSU is nothing more than frat parties and football. They have outstanding academic programs and are leading many areas in research and development." I snapped.
"I guess that explains the tigers eye tattoo then." He pointed to my right side." I nodded. "It's sexy, although I prefer your pretty blue eyes. Maybe I should call you tiger. You're pretty feisty." He added, then walked off with an unmistakable swagger to his stride.
God he's so full of himself.
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