Run to you
Zhan empties another glass of whiskey and taps fingers on it, drawing in the thoughts. his beautiful eyes slowly becomes cloudy because of drink and sadness fills them as he...remembers. everyone around is dancing and having fun but Zhan only thinks about him...that special one. Friends eye him with hesitation and at the end sign pretty girl to start acting. Latter one moves near to him and gently holds Zhan's arm, leaning head on his shoulder
"Why won't we get to know each-other better?" Her voice soft and seducing at the same time, but young man stays dazed and doesn't give any attention "why acting cold? do I look ugly for you?"
"Zhan" friend gently shakes him and smiles "she is talking to you"
"get off damn it" Zhan frees himself and pushes her back quite roughly, he glares at everyone and suddenly throws whiskey bottle to the wall. everyone gets startled in the bar but no one dares to move, as Zhan's expression looks terrifying "I didn't waste my precious time to handle some horny girls. I came because you complained about me being bad friend but..." Zhan deeply breaths in and continues with shaking voice "you keep forcing me, you keep meddling in my business"
"we just..."
"I'm leaving" Zhan takes credit card out from wallet and throws it on the table "it was my treat, spend as much as you want"
"Zhan wait" friend chases after him and begs "stop please, we want only good for you. don't bury yourself alive. you're still very young, you can start over"
"do you even realize your words? you want me to abandon him? my first and only love? you think just hiring some pretty girls is enough to make me forget him?"
"wake up, Yibo is..."
"don't you dare..." Zhan grabs his collar and says through his teeth "don't mention him anymore. I can give up on you all, on everything but not Yibo"
"Really wish you two never met from the beginning. That silly boy only caused you pain, I preferred to see you acting like jerk as before but not suffering this much"
"I really want to beat you up now...but Yibo won't like it. He is only miracle of my life, you're just unable to understand" Zhan leaves with disgusted face and gets in the car, leaning at the back seat. private driver understands without asking and silently drives to his house, while Zhan closes eyes too tightly to stop tears from falling. he hates remembering that atmosphere, that clingy touches and even drink, he used to love before. how come absolutely everything became too disturbing and unfamiliar after meeting him...the boy who changed his whole life and personality.
"we've arrived" he hears low voice and gets off, walking to the gate. butler meets him at the door and moves hands forward, taking Zhan's jacket "you're back sir"
"how was young master's day? did he eat well? what about his mood?"
"he always sir, waiting for you" he bows politely and leaves after Zhan lets him to go to sleep. Zhan walks up on the stairs and goes through long corridor, until reaching tiny room at the end. something fluffy touches his legs and he stops noticing dog lying at the door. latter one looks up to the owner and lowly whimpers, tapping paws on the floor. it's eyes filled with sadness and tail unmoved. Zhan just ignores pet and steps over, entering the darkened room. only curtain, which slightly moves lets little light to peek from outside and fall on the bed. young, sleeping boy shivers and tiny smile shakes his lips, making Zhan's heart flutter. he quietly removes clothes and carefully lays down next to him. Zhan wants to hug, but fears his cold body startles Yibo and stays away, just watching his lovely face
"you're late gege" suddenly he talks out and opens sleepy eyes, smiling at him "did you meet your friends?"
"I'm sorry"
"for what?"
"I run to you as fast as possible, but still was late. you had to sleep without me"
"it isn't like I'm scolding you" Yibo giggles and opens his arms, inviting Zhan for embrace. latter one falls into them and buries his face into Yibo's chest, letting happy sound out. his waist is tightly hugged and hair kissed softly, filling him with warmth of love "you smell different, like drink and...women"
"they tried to throw some girls to me"
"have you ever think of..."
"never" Zhan cuts him and raises head, drawing into Yibo's tearing eyes "no one, no one can replace you"
"still, you deserve more. go out and have fun with others, don't lock yourself in this tiny room like me. gege you know, I only want your happiness"
"who said I'm not? you know what makes me happiest? after exhausting day, coming back here and finding sweet home into your arms. warmth of your body and sound of your heartbeat, there is nothing more precious for me"
"do you love me this much?" Yibo holds his chin and moves face closer, until their lips touches. it's soft peck at first, but touches becomes hungry as he finds remaining taste of whiskey very sexy and forces Zhan to part his lips widely. latter one roughly pulls Yibo's hair back and leaves moan into his mouth, he runs both hand under his shirt and rubs the skin until he lowly whimpers
"I love, I cherish, I adore" Zhan keeps whispering, until Yibo sobs out and pushes him back
"how can you...when I'm this disgusting"
"Yibo, how can you say that?"
"there is nothing left from the boy you met before, I'm just shade of old Yibo"
"did I only fall in love with your face? with your body and appearance? you're way too more than just this Yibo, you're such a pure and beautiful soul"
"I'm sorry... for not staying safe for you" Yibo whispers and moves stare to window "it's dark in here, can you move curtain?"
"no, I'm scared. Light will tear us apart, it's going to take you away from me"
"that day when we met, it was so bright and sunny" Yibo smiles at memories and clings into Zhan more "do you remember gege? such a beautiful day it was"
"drive as fast as possible, I'm getting late for very serious meeting" Zhan complains to driver and sighs from discomfort, looking down at his watch "I use tinted windows and sun still bothering me, so annoying"
"may I ask sir? why do you love darkness?"
"so we can stay invisible"
"you're usually surrounded by countless people, how is it possible?"
"I'm talking about different darkness. who said they can see me?" Zhan slightly smiles and looks outside from window "whose people are just shadows, their real self is never visible until..."
"they meet someone special who can read them like poem" realizing he talked too much, Zhan coughs awkwardly and makes strict face again. driver stays quiet and is about to move car after few minutes of traffic jam, but it becomes impossible "didn't you check it beforehand? I warned you already"
"I did but...sorry sir. it may take about half hour. why won't you call for taxi?"
"even having guts to give advises?" Zhan glares at him and gets off from car, signing to other drivers to stop horning "take care of it. building is already near, I'll just cross through the park" Zhan leaves and tries his best to walk as fast as possible, considering to official suit he is wearing. he has to avoid kids and their parents, jumping on his way and protect eyes from strong sunlight. being sure he is already safe, Zhan relaxes but suddenly his legs gets tied with rope. he notices dog running around him and kisses the ground, without even realizing situation. filled with anger Zhan is about to yell, when his hand is hold and someone pulls him up. young boy frees his legs from rope and starts moving hands on his body, trying to remove the dust
"enough, get your hands off from me" Zhan pushes him back, feeling weird embarrassment and tightens fist to calm himself down "you need to train your dog before taking him outside, what is this mess?"
"I'm sorry sir, I'm very sorry" boy repeats and bows nonstop, as his long hair waves into air "Smiley, you apologize too"
"what the" Zhan's eyes widens from surprise, when dog lowers head for few times and slightly taps paw on his feet "do you even know, how much my suit costs? you think this silly show can pay for it?" he moves back and angrily says "so irresponsible"
"actually I don't know" boy finally looks up at him and Zhan gulps down seeing his mocking expression "let me ask, Smiley maybe you know the price"
"are you kidding me? is this a way, you treat senior?"
"we both apologized right? grown up man, dressed in the fancy suit, looking all decent but having nasty personality"
"what about you? maybe school bully, who is missing classes everyday"
"hey grumpy old man, you're wrong about everything, but I don't have time for this useless talk" he frowns and holds the rope, leaving speechless Zhan behind. latter one still can't digest what just happened, but forces himself to move and runs out from park.
was it supposed to be happy or...tragic event of his life? even after many years, Zhan still couldn't answer on this question.
Zhan runs into company with heavy breath and stops at the conference room, trying to tidy himself. secretary walks close to him and awkwardly smiles
"were you enjoying the sunny day sir?"
"let me..." she carefully touches Zhan's hair and removes leaf from it "how this end up there?"
"such a nice day" Zhan mutters angrily and enters the room. everyone is already gathered there and waiting for him "sorry for being late, there was some problems on the way. what kind of matters are we going to discuss today?"
"basketball team, in which we invested before..."
"what about it?"
"everything is going very bad. we're losing one match after another and about to defunct"
"because no one is trying to move their asses and do proper work. That money is nothing for me but it's about my dignity"
"we need new members with high spirit. think we already found someone who can lead our team. he is such a hardworking young man with nice personality"
"really?" Zhan looks around and asks with confusion "where is him?" he isn't done, when suddenly door opens and something rushes in with the speed of light. Zhan feels fluffy touch on his hand and hears familiar voice too
"sorry I met some arrogant idiot on the way and was trying to fix my mood, so..." boy shuts his mouth as soon as his eyes meets Zhan's and coughs "oh we meet again, such a nice surprise"
"what is this brat and his dog doing here?" Zhan strongly hits fist on the table and poor Smiley runs away, hiding behind his owner "since then "everykind" can come in?"
"he is the boy, we're just talking about boss. Wang Yibo, our future team captain"
"so you're the boss" Yibo eyes him and smirks "they already explained situation to me. may I consider the offer if you ask nicely" he stands at Zhan's chair and leans down, bringing their faces together "what do you say?"
"get lost"
"they said you need my help. don't wanna brag, but I'm best in my university. yes, I'm not kid as you thought, but already student" Zhan looks up and finally takes attention at his appearance. boy has small and very nice shaped face, his eyes warm and naughty at the same, lips full and naturally pink colored. he can be called handsome and cute too, thanks to his baby look "done scanning me?"
"I better lose my team, than beg you" Zhan stands up and roughly grabs his arm "don't mess with Xiao Zhan, I can buy your whole university in one second...including you"
"what did you say?"
"maybe you can buy people Xiao Zhan, but not their honest sympathy. in this room..." Yibo looks around and eyes fancy dressed men "is there even one person who likes you?"
"are you done yet?"
"let's go smiley" Yibo lifts his dog up and turns back again before leaving room "even you beg, I won't play in your team" he slams door behind and Zhan almost starts shaking with anger. he glares at partners and murmurs
"how come am I not likable? just you wait little shit"
"I truly hated you then" Zhan messes Yibo's hair and playfully tickles his belly "maybe're right about everything?"
"why I think that you fell in love at first sight? surprisingly smiley liked you from the beginning" Yibo giggles and cups Zhan's face "how could you hate someone adorable like me?"
"nonsense" Zhan fakes frown and rubs their noses together "you're so full of yourself"
"still...don't you regret? I destroyed your life, don't you regret loving me?"
"it belonged to you anyway, maybe since the day we met"
"what if I want to give it back again...will you let me go Zhan?"
Ok! I know, that I have two ongoing stories and both have angst, but still started new one and this gonna be worse 😅 As always I don't know how many chapters I'll write but hope you'll support me sweeties 🥰
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