Zhan quickly takes two towel and runs to the dark room, hesitating at the door. Yibo is sitting on the bed, lowering head. wet basketball shirt is tightly pressed against his firm chest and rain drops falls from his long hair. Zhan wonders how can boy look this tiny, strong, soft and attractive at the same time. he causes too many different emotions, which Zhan struggles to fit in his heart. that feeling of holding him tightly, Yibo fluttering like bird in his arms still makes his his heart beat crazy. how is he supposed to act? his cold shield gonna fall as soon as Yibo makes eye contact. Zhan finally awakes himself and walks closer, wrapping towel around Yibo's head "dry your hair and get in the bed. it seems like everyone is at the home, so I can't let you out for taking shower"
"it's ok, I barely catch cold" loud sneeze follows his words and Zhan chuckles, taking place next to him
"oh sure" not minding his denial Zhan grabs Yibo's shirt and slowly removes it, covering his body with blanket. Yibo turns into pouting baby, trying to stop him "I can do it by myself, you're wet too"
"maybe that was nicest experience of my life, so I won't mind getting sick. I don't usually do silly things like that"
"I'm fun to be around"
"we'll see"
"so...are you letting me to stay here?"
"seems so" Zhan gets under the blanket too, leaning at the wall. he makes sure their shoulders touching and this closeness pours such a warmth into his body and soul "this feels weird"
"right? so awkward" Yibo laughs, but there is noticeable nervousness in his voice "sitting next to each-other in the dark room while raining outside. so close, that I can hear sound of your heartbeat"
"no way, I don't have a heart"
"is that possible?" Yibo looks up at him with widen, puppy eyes and Zhan gulps down "everyone has heart to live but...not everyone gets chance to use it for love"
"you're silly"
"I can be right? I'm talking to my friend" not getting reply, Yibo's voice saddens "maybe I'm acting out of my character, maybe I'm forgetting who you're and who I'm but..."
"what exactly are we?"
"who? two man with totally different background, age, personality. two man without any chance to stand on the same level, to have equality in anything. I don't even know how we came to this point"
"you think so high of me" Zhan shakes head and looks around "don't you stand above me? you have talent, dream, goal, family, friends. you being alone now doesn't mean that it's end, good things are still awaiting but me..."
"you can have all it too. at least I'm here, next to you"
"you heard what my brother said before right?"
"so what?"
"I'm this disgusting, still you..."
"just because they think so? don't give worth to someone's words, who don't value you. you just haven't met that person who loves you the way you're"
"what about you? can you be..." Zhan bites on the tongue realizing what he was going to say and clears his throat "have you met one?"
"if I have lover? actually I'm still in the process of knowing myself better"
"You mean...your sexual preference?"
"Yes. As "normal" boy, I always thought that I was supposed to like only girls. I had one relationship but it didn't work out, no matter how much I tried. If it makes you force yourself, that means it was never love right? I should work naturally"
"Did you..." Zhan struggles to keep talking, but Yibo understands without listening the question
"We only kissed, it was enough to stop. actually quite painful experience, because I hurt her without meaning it. I have too much going in my life, that romance is totally unnecessary" Yibo goes silent and Zhan remembers all their moments together. maybe he is the same as that girl? maybe it's just Yibo being nice and caring to everyone? but that tension in the shower, that soft gaze and longing in his eyes...was it all Zhan's imagination? maybe he is just love starved? "what are you thinking about?" Yibo's voice startles him and changes the position, laying down on the bed
"you're right, being in love is total headache"
"not that what I mean. you need to be ready, capable for taking responsibility. you should give enough time, enough care, so relationship can stay stable. don't you agree? what am I even trying to prove?" silence remains in the room and Yibo looks down, finding Zhan sleeping already "seriously? you have that huge, comfy bed Mr Xiao Zhan and still stealing my tiny place? oh right, this is your house and your room I'm talking nonsense" younger one leans closer and little blush runs on his face "your eyes has such a fine line, even looks too beautiful. don't hate yourself please, just smile and you can outshine all the stars in the sky. I didn't have courage to thank you before Zhan, maybe because I was on the edge of crying? maybe I didn't wanna humiliate myself more? about my feelings? I'm just confused and scared. I think there is something special between us, but what if it's only my imagination? why would you like me? isn't our relationship doomed since the beginning?" Yibo lies as far as possible, but their bodies still touching "sorry, I can trust you with my life, but not with my heart yet. I can be best friend but gonna take time"
Zhan wakes up in the empty bed and lil smile shakes his lips, thinking how peaceful last night sleep was. he gently moves hands on the pillow and hugs it, experiencing unfamiliar feeling "it still smells like Yibo, so sweet and refreshing. so things like this really exist? you can just go emotional about someone's scent? I found it so cheesy in the romantic dramas's me being so weird now. no, that kiddo is very dangerous for me" Zhan shakes head like willing to throw annoying thoughts out and gets off from the bed.
driver opens car door for him, after Zhan leaves house and keeps looking at him with curiosity. Zhan frowns with annoyance and directly asks "just go on, if you get something to ask"
"you look healthier today, I'm just pleased boss"
"nonsense. anyway...did Yibo leave?'
"yes, he left for the university"
"take good care of him, so no one finds out that Yibo lives here. it won't take long until I find new place for him. chairman is already hating on me, I can't imagine his reaction about me bringing someone home"
"sure boss, you can have faith in me. your family members spend most time outside, so it won't be hard. oh right, I gave information to the detective and he already started the search"
"good. I need to see that man's face, I need to hear explanations from him. why he acted so righteous in front of me, but agreed on my father's money?"
"do you think there is something suspicious?"
"I have to make sure, because you can never trust my father" Zhan realizes that he said too much and changes the topic "here is my card. go and buy some food, after dropping me off"
"yes, something what young people enjoy eating. you have children, so it won't be hard"
"for Yibo?"
"do I have to explain everything? or do you expect some confession from me?" Zhan yells and driver does his best to hide smile "let's go"
Yibo enters the university and tries to ignore almost everyone's eyes falling on him. some looks curious, some mocking or disgusted and poor boy wishes to just disappear from there. finally noticing friends he makes way towards them, followed by gossip sounds and forces himself to smile
"it's been while, how are you doing?"
"you're finally back. was it that hard to call?"
"I felt humiliated, it was hard to face you. see? everyone around is talking about me and my family"
"so do you expect us to help, comfort? are you really our friend? do us know you Wang Yibo?"
"I'm sorry. let me explain please"
"was anything real about you? did you really need to hide behind fake life? you thought we're going to treat you differently because of being poor?" Yibo stays silent knowing he deserves all of it. nothing can be hidden forever and he had to face reality one day.
"I got here thanks to student grant, surrounded by rich students I was really scared. I just wanted to feel welcomed, no matter how talented, how easy going you are...we poor people can never stand on the same level. this weakness of mine can you forgive it? I really didn't mean to..."
"Sorry but..." Friends look at each-other and then one of them coughs awkwardly, going on "we can't trust you anymore, especially because of your father"
"what about him? say it"
"The son of a criminal..."
"How do you dare" Yibo yells and grabs his collar with anger "my father did nothing wrong, he was falsely accused. Just shut up, when you know nothing. I'm the one who knows him best, I'm the one who trust him the most. I'm bad son, but he was best dad for me" Yibo sobs out and falls down, feeling his knees weakening "you can swear at me, but not him. Please don't mention my dad"
"How can we know that you both aren't crazy about money? He stole while you...we don't even know what kind of relationship you have with that rich man"
"This is...what you're thinking about me? I lied about my status but my personality, my principles was always real. I dared to come here, hoping my friends would stand by my side but how foolish of me"
"Wang Yibo, you need to see principal" suddenly someone calls and Yibo looks at his friends for last time, maybe still waiting for some comfort. Meeting full ignore he sighs and follows student back.
Middle aged woman with strict face signs him to sit down and takes document from drawer. Already guessing the context Yibo shakes the head and signs on it without thinking
"You're fast"
"You know how it works Yibo. What our university cares about the most is reputation. Already everyone found out about your situation so...we had no other choice. All parents worry that you're going to have bad impact on their kids. no one is willing to give you grant anymore"
"So that is why you're taking the chance of graduating from me? That is why you're throwing me out? Just tell me honestly ms principal, did I even do anything wrong? you think this is fair?"
"No you didn't, but life is like this Yibo. Guilty or innocent, majority decides it"
"Guess...I just have to accept reality" Yibo forces himself to smile and gets up, politely bowing to the principal "thanks for everything you did for me until now. I'll take my leave"
Zhan puts bags on the table and is about to talk out, but notices room is empty. After a few seconds he hears hold sobbing sounds and moves curtains away, finding boy there. Yibo is curved up on the window, looking outside. His shoulders is shaking and Zhan stops, feeling uneasy
"Yibo" he whispers and slowly puts hand on boy's head, softening the voice more "get down and let's talk ok?"
"I want to be alone, get out please"
"Not you throwing me out from my own room" Zhan is about to laugh, but Yibo's sad eyes stops him "did you fought with your family again?"
"I have no friends now too, they abandoned me without any worry. They said it was my fault, yes it's true but...they seemed so happy while doing it. Why people love canceling others this much? What is so satisfying about it? Everyone treated me like I was some dirt, can you believe it?"
"I know this doesn't sound original, but they don't deserve you Yibo. You're too good for them"
"No, I'm totally worthless. I'm idiot who still smiled to those assholes. you're right, no one cares"
"Don't talk nonsense" Zhan moves closer and gently touches his thigh "by the way, that fluffy ball you love the most...right smiley where he is?"
"At the shelter, I had to leave him there"
"But why?"
"Do you know that dogs cry too?" Yibo stops as his voice breaks "he cried when I was walking away. Since he was tiny like bean...we've always been together. I'm having hard time to breath without him"
"Why won't you tell me what happened while I was gone?"
"My big family was torn apart. The family I was always proud was destroyed. You can't envy me anymore Xiao Zhan, I have nothing left"
"I can listen"
"My dad was arrested for fraud in the company. Amount of money is too big, we can never afford paying back. Mom with youngest siblings is staying with aunt, older ones with their friends and you see. I don't know how we're going to survive this situation"
"I couldn't imagine...that it was this serious" Zhan goes silent and anger slowly covers Yibo's face
"Why? Suddenly you can't trust me too right? The son of criminal, you think I'm the same right?"
"Yibo...when I said that?"
"Didn't you hate me since the beginning? Didn't you say I was low and greedy? You're right, are you happy now Xiao Zhan?" Yibo jumps down and starts hitting his chest, while tears covers his face. Feeling totally helpless Zhan finally manages to catch Yibo's wrists and pulls him down on the bed. Younger one keeps tossing under him, crying, cursing and hitting, but only thing Zhan can see now is his red, bitten lips
"Enough, stop it Yibo enough please" Zhan tries best to control himself, although having Yibo this close, this vulnerable makes his blood boil
"I can't, my heart can't take it anymore. help me, please help me" Yibo sobs out loudly and Zhan loses it, burying face into his neck. Quickly sliding hands under his waist, Zhan brings their bodies as close as possible and lets drunken voice out
"You have me, you still have me. Can't you see how lost, how weak, how whipped I'm for you? I can carry it too, I can share your pain, you just ask" scared to look at him, Zhan closes his eyes and raises his head, blindly touching Yibo's face. Later one shivers, when Zhan gently wipes his tears away and leans closer, locking their foreheads
"What, what are you doing?" Yibo whispers but Zhan puts finger on his lips and deeply breaths in, feeling his insides burning. of course he has that undeniable desire, lust for Yibo, but for this moment Zhan only wants to take it too slow, to enjoy this new emotions wholly, to make sure it isn't wrong, that they both feel the same.
"can I...kiss you?" Zhan finally dares to open his eyes and looks at younger one. he waits for the answer, but Yibo just slides his long fingers in Zhan's hair and slightly smiles. there is such a pureness, such a trust in his eyes and Zhan slowly presses their lips together. Getting no denial he moves them and sucks on Yibo's lower lip, leading him to open the mouth. Latter one lets out moan, feeling Zhan's hand touching his bare skin and slightly pushes him back. Zhan breaks the touch right away and avoids eye contact "I'm sorry, I shouldn't go this far"
"That is ok" Yibo sits up and lowers head, as blush runs on his cheeks "I just..."
"I know it was first for you...I mean with man. Did you hate it? Maybe you feel disgusted? Maybe I forced you?"
"You did ask for my consent right? I truly appreciate it" Yibo makes himself comfortable in front of Zhan and holds his hand "this was just so sudden and I'm confused"
"you want name it?"
"no, this isn't necessary. let's just say that I didn't dislike our was nice and comforting. and the rest, we can take it slowly"
"the fact that I don't disgust you is more than enough for me" Zhan's eyes gets teary and Yibo leans closer, cupping his face. older one gasps feeling soft kiss on his cheek and hugs Yibo's waist "who could imagine, we doing something like this right?"
"it's so easy to like you Zhan, you just need to open up for someone. I love it when soft Zhan only belongs to me"
"I have only you and I'll do anything to help you Yibo. I can endure all hate from my family, but watching you hurt, crying...breaks me the most. having someone this precious scares me, but at the same it's exciting. these tears...I'll take it away"
"I'm so lucky to have you" Yibo hides into his embrace and Zhan softly kisses his hair "now future doesn't look that terrifying anymore.
Zhan leaves sleeping Yibo in the bed and answers the phone
"yes boss it's me. detective just called and told me that he found Mr Wang"
"what about it?"
"I think you're right boss, there is really something wrong with his situation..."
So this was new chapter my dear readers ❤️❤️❤️ I tried to make it emotional, hope you enjoyed 😊😊😊
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