Gabriel clutched his head as he tried getting his composure. He seemed oblivious of the fact that his colleagues had also reacted in distress as they saw what he did. He did see it. How is it even possible?. Aliens. No way. But he saw it. The 'Earthscope' had just made a groundbreaking discovery. Discovered something that would put an age long argument to bed. Aliens Are real. He hadn't been a fan of their existence either,but here he stood and saw not one, but thousands of spaceships floating in space. And Stein and Miguel are dead sure they were coming for Earth. Was the earth about to be run over by Aliens?, Like an Invasion of sorts?, These were things that only happened in movies. What would it mean to the general public?. Gabriel's mind drifted round plenty possibilities, he doesn't notice when Charles crouches besides him.
"Crazy right?" he asked.
Gabriel turned to him, giving him his bewildered look, "Damn Crazy!"
"You all really need to settle down" Stein urged. He'd notice everyone been downbeat since he and miguel showed them their discovery. He wasn't surprised at their reactions, it was expected, "There are still measures we can take".
" What the hell do you mean?" Craig fired, "we've got aliens coming for US!!".
Professor Stein adjusted his glasses, " i know, if you would calm down and let me explain".
"How long have you known this?" Madison spoke up.
"Miguel and I realized this some years back" Stein explained, "now if you would allow me finish my explanation". Stein moved further into the center of the room, " As i said, it was separated into Five pieces, and kept in five countries, Paris,Germany, Spain, the US of course and Australia. The Slide pops open the pictorial diagram of each country.
"You see" Miguel continued, "The aliens are actually stuck out there in our solar system"
"Stuck?" Cally blurted.
"Yes, stuck" Miguel answered.
"They cannot penetrate our Solar system. So they needed a gate" Stein took over, "We suspect they sent the UFO alongside one of their kind to bring the object here, activate it and open a portal which would serve as a Gate between earth and them,giving them a passage way. However,Their plans didn't go as planned as their ship crash landed here"
"And the object separated into five pieces?" Abby guessed.
"exactly" Stein commended, "if those pieces are brought back together and separated"
"our visitors will have complete access to earth" Miguel completed, "and from the looks of it, they aren't the friendly type".
" But wait " craig spoke out, "the pieces were separated right?, so no problem then".
" oh mr.craig denvers" Stein said disappointed, "You wouldn't have been invited here if there was no problem"
"What do you mean?" Gabriel said.
Stein glanced at Edmond and then to Miguel, Miguel seemed to give his consent.
"well guys" he started, "The piece in Spain has been stolen"
"What!" Cally gasped, "But that means.."
"yea" Stein interjected, "someone wants to open the gate"
Opening a portal that would lead to the invasion of Aliens. Suicidal. But that was what was happening. A part of the Gate had been stolen, Three more pieces left. Stein had told them the Pieces contained a Huge power source, One piece according to Steins explanation was enough to power the Earth for Billions of years. It contained Immense power source formed from a dying star. Who the Aliens where and their intentions needn't be told. It was clearly an invasion.
"This is crazy"
"so where are the other pieces at?" Craig asked.
"we've got one in Berlin.." Miguel answered.
"the other?"
Paris, oh no. Gabriel shuddered at the thought. He catches sight of Charles grinning at him at the far corner.
"fuck you" he mouthed at him.
"Any problems Mr.Gabriel?" Stein asked noticing the abnormality.
"oh nothing" Charles whined.
"so we get going then" stein announced.
He admired the piece in his hands and savoured it's power. This was long overdue, very long overdue. He stared through the piece, The object powering the Piece. The fragments of The Dying Blue Star. The Blue star was an absolute rarity, A star that Appeared Once every Millenia. It Had a great amount of energy and it's said that at the point it's about to explode or Die, it releases tremendous amount of energy. Energy That had to be absorbed for a purpose. He sighs deeply as he held it. Three more Pieces and the Fracas would commence. He'd been searching for over two hundred years and had kept his kind waiting too. Damn humans. Luckily he had beaten them at their own game. Earth will fall. And he was Three Pieces for it. He stood up from his chair while setting the Piece on the table, staring at the busy roads, choppers flying. He picks up his phone and dials a number.
"Annie, whats my schedule for today?"
"so we get going then" Stein announced.
They all were startled as he said that,they'd never thought they'd have to leave so quickly.
"Like right now?" Madison asked bewildered, "you're kidding"
"I'm afraid not" Stein replied, "did any of you listen to what i just explained?"
How could they not get what he told them, this was serious issue and he felt betrayed at the fact that the DEU recruited people who clearly didn't care.
"Guys, each second we waste here is each second we're behind" Miguel added, "i know this is very short notice.And we apologise for that, i know you all have things to attend to.."
Well i don't, Gabriel thought to himself, he indeed didn't have anything to attend to.
"But fact remains that the Earth is working on borrowed time" Stein continued, "if nothing is done, I'm afraid there would be nothing to attend to".
" i Need to make a phone call" Madison got up, already fiddling with his phone.
"phone call?" Edmond asked
"well if the world is ending, i should be able to make contact with my family" he replied before leaving them. Family, Gabriel thought,he once had that.
"Anyone has anyone else they would like to call" Stein asked. Few hands were raised and soon it's just he, Gabriel and Craig left.
"you all don't have anyone you'll like to call?" Stein asked shocked.
"well they don't care about me" Craig spoke up nonchalantly, "so.....".
" how about you mr.Gabriel? "
"well, i said goodbye years back" He replied.
"oh, I'm sorry about that" Stein consoled, "we cannot fail".
" yea, we get it" craig said flatly, "4 pieces blah blah".
It hits gabriel, " wait " he started "they're four pieces right?"
"you mentioned the location of three, what about the fourth?"
"it's here, The US"
"Well where in the US".
Stein remained quiet, he'd tentatively tried avoiding the question.
" Stein?'' Gabriel pressed, "where in the US is it?"
Stein straightened his eyes at Gabriel, he'd hoped he wouldn't need to tell them, but Its no use lying now.
"The last piece" Stein started, "i honestly don't know where in the US it is"
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