<Rihannas fourfive seconds play on the stereo>
The Alarm rings loudly as a voice grunts at it's disturbance. A hand emerges from underneath the sheets and hits the alarm. It stops for a brief moment then starts again.The hand emerges again hitting it severally,it's futile and the hand angrily picks the alarm and sends it flying across the room hitting a pile of other broken alarms. There's brief silence and the broken alarm starts to ringing again. He lets out a long groan before pushing the sheets aside and sitting on the bed. His eyes still told it needed to be shut. He glanced towards the pile of broken alarms lying opposite his medium sized bed, he snorts. why did he even need an alarm?, he wasn't going anywhere, neither was he expecting anyone. He lazily drags himself to his feet before heading to the bathroom. He stared at his reflection, observed his flabby tummy. How did i end up this way?. Oh Yeah, That. He took his toothbrush and brushed his teeth vigorously, he lazily opens the refrigerator, he sees what he's looking for, picking it he stares at the pictures pasted on the door of the refrigerator. His girlfriend and their then three year old soon, Max. They'd taken the picture four years ago at the Disney park. He looked towards him holding his son, staring at the man he used to be.
He shuts the refrigerator and goes to his dinning, sits on his chair and starts to eat.He sees his army uniform and somewhat despised it. it was the reason he ended up this way. His girlfriend never liked his being in the force and he couldn't really blame her, The thought of having your boyfriend go to war and not come back was depressing,he'd tried assuring all was going to be fine but she'd never listen,he was never around for Max's birthday and always forgot his girlfriends birthday,simply put:he was never around. She'd gotten tired and left him and took max along with her. she still loved him, he knew she still did. she'd allowed him call and visit but all changed when she moved to Paris.
He kept on eating his breakfast as his mind wandered round things he hoped to forget. His phone rings bringing him back to reality, he glances towards it and sees the caller id, he sighs and ignores the call. His phone rings again, he checks the id. Same person. you never give up do you?. He ignores it the second time.
The phone rings a third time and he knew if he didn't pick up, this would go on for hours,swallowing the food he picks up the call.
"What's up Charles?" He scoffs.
Director Charles Edmond, Head of the DSS, a sister arm of the FBI. He was a long term to friend of his and was always somewhat of a pain.
"heyyo Gabriel" Charles greeted enthusiastically, "thought you'll never pick up"
"Honestly, I'm shocked i did" Gabriel answered nonchalantly. Charles always never brought good news, and he was indeed shocked he picked his call, it was a sober morning for him, heck!, every morning was a sober one for him.
"well how have you been old friend" Charles asked.
"I've seen better days" Gabriel replied, "what's the issue Charles?"
"urgh, come on Gabriel, can't i call you ask for your welfare" Charles replied sounding offended.
"yea right" Gabriel said, "Spill"
"well you got me there" Charles surrendered, "there's something i need to tell you"
"I'm all ears man"
"oh goody, I'm outside" Charles blurted
"You're what?!"
Gabriel ushered him into his abode as Charles and allowed him scan the place. Charles took his seat and couldn't help himself in teasing Gabriel, "man, you're in a shit hole"
"it's My shit hole" gabriel fired back.
He got seated as charles kept commenting on his living, "what's it you wanted to tell me?"
"okay okay" charles says, "i got an information from the D.E.U, very disturbing".
" The D.E.U?" Gabriel asked shockingly.
The Department of Extraterrestrial Unit,a secret arm of NASA, and more or less a secret organization, many thought never existed. infact only about 5% of Americans knew of it's existence. An organization that knew all secrets about space and kept very sensitive information to themselves and very well funded by NASA. Any information from them was never good news. Never!.
"yup, DEU" Charles reiterated.
Gabriel didn't know if he was to be be alarmed at this, "What did they want?"
"i really don't know much myself, but i was only briefed"
"so,what has that got to do with me?"
"you're coming with me" Charles replied flatly.
"what?!, why?!" Gabriel fired.
"They needed capable guys for this" Charles defended, "and i told them i knew a guy".
" oh shit" Gabriel replied, "what have you dragged me into?"
"just chill"
"Chill?!" Gabriel fired,"you're involving me in planetary issues man"
"come on gab,lets hear them out" Charles pleaded,"there's a whole lot of crazy stuff they need to tell us"
"Not interested" Gabriel says, raising his hands up high. He stands up and is making his way into his room when Charles speaks out, "I'm sure you wouldn't Like the earth blown to bits before max clocks four".
That does enough to stop him in his tracks,he turns to Charles.
" The hell do you mean?"
"Come with me"
A dark figure enters the elevator and clicks on the bottom button. The elevator dings and descends downwards, it dings again after reaching it's floor. The figure steps out of the elevator as it's doors shuts quickly behind him. As soon as the elevator shuts, a huge hologram is displays showing only deep blue eyes.
"Master" the figure acknowledges face bowed. A deep voice replies from the hologram, "Report!".
The figure straightens up, " we've gotten a part of the Gate" .
"Good" the voice sounded, "four left, we've been out here too long Mjanir"
"understood" The figure replies, "The remaining four parts will be retrieved in time"
"Excellent, Nothing should stand in the way of the Fracas that will befall Earth once the gate is opened" The voice thundered.
"yes Master, the Fracas will commence soon enough"
"How much of an influence have you been able to have in their world?"
The figure smiled broadly,"you wouldn't believe it if i told you"
Gabriel and Col.Charles are in the D.E.U headquarters and are seated in a round table alongside Ten people, The head of the DEU was skeptical in having gabriel at the meeting and he was only admitted to the convening after several assurances from Charles that he was as confidential as they get. Gabriel scanned through the room, he was seated in a round table alongside Charles and Three other people, two males and two females. They hadn't spoken to each other and he guessed they- like him, weren't given much details as to why they're here. He caught one or two of them scrutinizing the others as he did same too.
There was prolong silence and hush tones when one of them spoke up,
"why are we here?" he asked.
"like seriously" the girl seconded.
Gabriel observed both of them, the male looked rough, he could tell he was also a soldier from his tone.
"We apologise" the DEU head pleaded.
An old man walked into the room quite rapidly, he held a briefcase, and greeted everyone hurriedly ."professor Stein" the DEU head greeted. from the manner he was treated, Gabriel could deduce he was the one they'd been waiting for.
About time!
"This is Professor stein,one of the most brilliant minds in the world and head of experiments of the DEU". He really didn't need any introduction, Stein was a living brain. He was largely credited for being among the founders of the DEU, and was literally amongst the smartest minds in the world and his books on space and space exploration where unparalleled. Gabriel concluded that whatever got Stein worried meant catastrophe. What in heavens is going on?. Stein didn't seem to notice anyone of them, he immediately drops his brief case and allowed his dance through everyone in the room.
" first of all" he spoke out, "I'll need you to handover your cellphones and any tech on you". Wow!, this was serious. Gabriel glanced towards Charles who was already tendering his phone, he sighs and reluctantly follows suit. The rest of the company were hesitant but then obliged in doing so. When they were all done, " Good" stein said, "Introductions"
Mosch,head of the DEU speak up, " okay, That's Craig Denver's " he pointed at the tall frail looking man at the end of their table, "Ex-marine" Craig smiled broadly.
"That's Abby Gonzalez" He referred to the lady in black track suit, "expert weapons maker". Stein nodded, " Next we have Madison, representative of NASA, then we've got Gabriel , ex-military personnel, Then we have Miguel, part of the Spanish special Ops and head scientist"
They all exchanged glances as their names were called out, "my assistant, Cally Murphy will join you". The young lady came forward and sat next to Gabriel. Gabriel was somewhat surprised that they were all former military personnel's, it only made what Stein wanted to tell them more sinister.
" I'm aware you don't know why you all were chosen" Stein started, "but once I'm done, you'll realize our world is about to vanish before our very eyes"
"let's hear it man" Craig spoke out.
"November 27, 1800" Stein started, "a UFO crash landed on the borders spaceship, Locals around the vicinity checked on it and found it empty. However, they found this" Stein clicked on his laptop as an image of a huge machine displayed on the slide, "thats what they found. The locals, not knowing what it was accidentally activated it causing a portal to open. However, it closed as soon as it opened but swallowed about five of the locals. It was thereby separated into five separate pieces after it was discovered it was a Gateway".
" gateway?" Gabriel blurted.
"to what!" Abby followed suit
"As at then we didn't know what the gateway led to" Stein explained, "Until two years ago. i carried out extensive studies and with the help of Miguel. We invented the " Earthscope", a machine we used to view things beyond our planets "
"And that's when we saw them" Miguel spoke up for the first time.
"them?" Cally asked dumbfounded.
"Yes, before we go on it's better seen than told" Stein said,"Miguel,if you would do the honours " .
Miguel stood up and pressed a button, The wall gave way mechanically and they saw it, The Earthscope.
"Which one of you would go first" Miguel asked.They were all hesistant, then gabriel stepped forward, "let me"
Miguel motioned for him to sit on the chair of the Earthscope, A pair of huge glasses that shone red are worn on his eyes, just before Miguel activates it, Stein walks up to him, "Mr.Gabriel,you're the first person asides me and Miguel to see this".
Gabriel nods. " Miguel " Stein says,"activate it ".
There's a humming sound from the machine as the Googles worn on him begins to blink red.
" Do you see it mr.Gabriel " Stein asked. There's silence from him and just as they're about to remove the googles, Gabriel screams.
"Hollyyy Shiiit"
He saw them.
"What do you see man" Craig asked a bit frightened.
Gabriel saw a battalion of Alien spaceships hovering round space, too numerous to count. And they were headed for Earth.
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