Some people got confused during the last chapter so imma make a few things clear here. Scarlett is PHOENIX. They call her by her code name 'Phoenix' because they want to hide her true identity. Yes, Sami cloned her, but that is for a different reason you will find it in the next couple of chapters.
this is not a spoiler, it just wasn't explained properly because it was from Sami's POV.
Photos of the new cast list will be shown in the A/N at the end of this chapter so check it out!
Happy Reading xxx
H A R R Y 🔫
"Watch where you're going!" A random guy yelled as my shoulder accidentally slammed into his, shoving him to the side as I continued running.
"Sorry mate!" I apologized loudly, only glancing back as I sprinted arms, wrapped around a cardboard box that had the Omega symbol printed on it along with a sign that stated 'fragile'. Probably shouldn't be sprinting with something labelled 'fragile' in my arms but I was panicking.
I knew Valkyrie were already in a meeting, discussing the location of Omega's base with Niall. But I was a bit late as I overslept due to the insomniac phase I've been experiencing again due to my mind running wild on thoughts of Scarlett. I huffed, shaking my head as I finally reached the conference room barging in. Heads shot up, and snapped to the side, curious gazes falling on me as I carefully set the box on the table.
"What is this?" Vlad immediately questioned, beady eyes gazing at the cardboard box warily.
"A package from Omega. They left it by my apartment," I told him in a grim tone, swallowing thickly as I glanced down at the box.
"What if it's a bomb?" Jade whispered all of a sudden, panic flashing in her eyes as she stood up.
"They wouldn't. If anything, they want to take us down themselves instead of just using a bomb. Where's the satisfaction in bombing the top assassin organization without even trying to properly take us down first?" I reasoned, my hands pressing against the table on either side of the box as I sighed.
"I think it's a message," Vicky spoke up quietly, wide eyes staring cautiously at the box.
"A warning," I uttered, before I lifted my hands to rip the tape off.
I looked to the others to see if anyone was going to protest, but they all simply gazed back at me anxiously, waiting for me to open the box. I felt my stomach knotting up as I freed the box from the tape, teeth nibbling on the inside of my cheek as I tucked my fingers under the two cardboard folds that covered the opening of the box. I wasn't sure why I was so anxious and nervous, but I had a bad feeling, my breathing was rapid and shallow and I could feel my pulse pounding in my temples. Without a second thought to it, I flipped the folds over, my eyes darting to what lay inside the box. My face paled at the sight, lips parting in shock.
What lay inside was a butchered head. But not just the head of any random human being, it was Ford's head. The others began to question my reaction, darting out of their seats to come take a look before gasps filled the quiet room. There was no message of any sort in the box, just Ford's butchered head, which was probably a good enough warning to show that Omega was coming for us.
"We still haven't found their base?" I groaned lightly under my breath, my head throbbing from the massive headache I had after over-thinking this entire situation.
"Unfortunately, no," Vlad answered shortly, dropping his head in his hands with his elbows leaning on the table while he sighed.
"Zia isn't taking this well," Jade walked into the conference room with a grimace etched onto her face.
I pressed my lips into a tight line, feeling sympathetic for Zia to find out her father had died in such a tragic way. But she was a tough girl, just like her father. She was to take over her father's position as the leader of The Organization, and I was positive she would do it well. We had to give her a few days to mourn before presenting our plan to her of capturing Scarlett and Sami from Omega.
"The poor girl lost her dad, who could blame her?" Max muttered under his breath, turning the corners of his lips downwards as he twirled a knife between his fingers.
"She's more angry than sad, furious to be honest," Jade mentioned, taking a seat next to me as she folded her arms over the table.
"I would be too, if my father was brutally murdered as a warning sign," Damien shrugged, pursing his lips as he typed away on his laptop, contacting a couple of Ford's friends to check if they knew anything about Omega.
"Anyways," Jade spoke up. "Zia asked to hold another meeting after tomorrow to discuss what to do with Omega."
"What's happening tomorrow again?" Seth questioned with an arch of his brow.
"Ford's funeral you shithead, show some respect," Damien scowled, while Seth glared back.
"Right, show some respect to the man who butchered my friends simply because I egged his car, and who turned me into an assassin against my own will. I think not," Seth snapped sarcastically, causing a thick cloud of tension to settle upon us. We all knew of how Seth had gotten here, but we never expected him to snap about it like that, since he wasn't always comfortable with talking about it.
The meeting was a bit less organized from there on, the tension was too thick and everyone was too wrapped up in their own thoughts. The Organization was in mourning after Ford's death, nobody was training, nor was anybody was going on missions. In all honesty, it wasn't like Ford was the nicest person whom we all knew. He caused a lot of pain and misery to the people of The Organization in multiple ways, including forcing some of us to become assassins, basically murderers.
I couldn't help it but force thoughts about him out of my mind, instead thinking of Scarlett. Ever since that night I saw her, the words she spoke when I uttered her name were always being repeated again and again in my head. Right now, I was only thinking of getting her back, and not about how she couldn't remember me. During the nights when all I want to do is sleep, I couldn't help but wonder if she lost her memories during her fall, or maybe she was brainwashed.
If her loss in memories were due to the fall, there was not much I can do to fix that, only to pretend that I had just met her and start over again with our relationship. If that was the case, I could do better this time, treat her better right from the start and etcetera. However, if she couldn't remember was any other reason than a result of the fall, we had to figure out some way to get her memories back. Once again, when we abduct Scarlett and that guy Sami, we'll know for sure what to do
"My deepest sympathies-" I began to say to Zia as she poured herself a drink in the kitchen of my apartment.
"Spare me your pity party, Harry," she muttered bitterly, bringing her small glass of whisky to her lips. I swallowed thickly, looking down at my black leather shoes as I pursed my lips.
Today was the day of Ford's funeral. It was small and personal, Zia and a few family members of Ford's attended along with Vlad, Max and I. I admit; I didn't feel an ounce of grief when I watched his coffin being lowered to the ground. It was after all, him who gave my real father the job at The Organization, which ruined my mother's lives and mine for years. However, I couldn't hold his grudge against him, nor anyone else. That just wasn't me anymore, after all it was because of him The Organization existed, and because of that I never would've met Russell, nor all my friends, nor Scarlett.
"But thank you anyways," Zia spoke up, throwing me a gaze of appreciation before she walked out of the kitchen. "Let's start this damn meeting."
Zia wanted the meeting about Omega to commence quicker than expected. It was set to do the meeting tomorrow, but right after the funeral, she requested to hold it tonight. As the conference room was under construction since the electronic table kind of broke down unexpectedly, we used my apartment. But luckily, Niall backed up all the information stored in it, so we didn't lose any important information on Omega.
"This picture is so sweet," I heard Vicky say as I passed by, her and Spencer smiling down at the photo frame holding the picture of Scarlett and I on our first date night.
"It was our first date," I spoke up from behind them, gazing at the picture over Spencer's shoulder.
"Wish I was there to interrogate you like how her father usually would," Spencer grumbled playfully, as I rolled my eyes.
"Don't worry, Louis took your place," I chuckled lightly; remembering the night just like it was yesterday.
"Now that, I wanna see," Vicky grinned before gazing down at the pic, her smile faltering a little. Her eyes flickered to mine again, this time with slight pity.
I swallowed thickly, waking away as I heard her say to Spencer, 'I feel bad for him'. Clenching my jaw, I walked into the dining room, watching Zia take a seat at the head of the table along with Valkyrie spreading along on the sides. The sight looked somewhat depressing, everyone was dressed formally in black, with grim stony expressions plastered on their faces. Then again, what did I expect? Even if there wasn't a funeral, we'd still be serious because we were paranoid Omega were going to strike any time sooner.
"Okay, Vlad. Explain to me what's the big deal with Omega. My father very briefly explained it all to me before he died," she waved her hand, as Vlad took a deep breath before starting.
"Omega is another assassin organization similar to us, but slightly more powerful. They have one team of super-assassins, and they're main goal is to wipe out all their oppositions so they could be the top assassin organization without having to worry about anyone else," Vlad explained quickly.
"So, lately, they've been inching closer to attacking us. They were going to attack the Obsidian Order the night we flew over there to strike that deal. But instead as soon as we encountered them, they bailed. They will probably be back soon enough, but so far there hasn't been any signs of attacks on any other organizations. They've been laying low for now," Max carried on explaining, as Zia listened attentively, pursing her lips.
"What's this thing I heard about Scarlett being part of Omega, then?" she asked, her eyes flickering to mine as I took a deep breath.
"While we were fighting them, one of their masks came off, revealing the person to be Scarlett. She didn't know who I was, which means she either lost her memories when she fell from the cliff, or they brainwashed. Something like that," I told her, making her nod.
"How will we know for sure?" Zia questioned.
"This is where our plan kicks in," Damien spoke up this time. "Just yesterday I contacted The Comet."
"You did what? Damien!" Vlad scolded, surprised with Damien's actions. The Comet were a strict vicious board of directors whom only spoke to the leaders of the assassin organizations and nobody else.
"Hear me out, alright? Apparently, they're just as upset as we are with this whole Omega business. They're paranoid about Omega attacking them too. So we struck a deal, The Organization takes down Omega for something in return," Damien explained.
"What the fuck did you ask in return?" Zia questioned sharply.
"I asked them to hold a grand ball, celebrating their 10th anniversary of ruling all the assassin organizations in the world. I don't know; I left it up to them to decide the reason for this. But anyways, they're going to invite Omega, the whole assassin team, the leader and the head scientist. I asked them to invite a couple other minor organizations from foreign countries, so that Omega will see those as a threat and won't hesitate to attend the ball, only to demolish the lot of them," Damien carried on, walking around the room.
"They can't do that in front of The Comet!" Jade exclaimed, drawing her eyebrows close into a frown.
"They do whatever they want, Jade. Sooner or later they're going to wipe out The Comet as well so that they're the only ones in authority over themselves," Damien responded, reasoning perfectly before carrying on with his explanation.
"Right, that's why they will attend the ball! The ball will be a distraction for everyone so that they can swoop in and finish off those minor organizations along with The Comet. That leaves us, The Organization, the only agency for them to focus on and take down," I spoke up, nodding thoughtfully.
"Exactly," Damien pointed at me with a rare smile. "Now, while Omega is focused on that goal. Our goal is to abduct Scarlett and Sami. Sami, Zia, is Omega's top scientist and the most important person in the agency. Why? It's because he recently invented something that only he can use and control, which the Omega is going to use to take us down," Damien explained, causing our eyes to widen slightly.
"How do you know this Damien?"
"I did a little research on the dude. Turns out he's very skilled in creating machines and objects that no man has been able to create. I don't know for sure what he has invented, but I can tell that he's important to Omega. It's somewhat like how we needed God's Eye and Niall was important for that reason, since he was the only person who knew how to use it," Damien elucidated carefully, making all of us finally understand, some of us nodding our heads and murmuring in response.
"That makes sense, Damien. We'll soon find out what it is once we've abducted him," Max uttered. "So, while Omega focuses on taking down The Comet, we abduct Scarlett and Sami?"
"Precisely. They'll see this as a warning for killing Ford. From then on, perhaps we could trick them into striking a deal or some sort, but I haven't thought about it that far," Damien frowned to himself, making Zia stand up.
"Don't worry about that for now, once we abduct those two and learn the secrets of Omega. We'll know what to do by then," Zia clarified. "Damien, you've done well," she nodded her head in respect towards Damien, who quirked up the corner of his lips into a quick smile.
"If they did mess with Scarlett's head, we'll definitely find out about that through Sami. Omega is quite a small organization, yet utterly powerful because of that one man. He's the one who invented all their suits as well whatever the fuck is in their bones," Damien also mentioned.
"It's settled then, when is this grand ball happening?" Vlad questioned.
"In about two days," Damien responded sharply.
"Right tomorrow morning, we'll get the location details and devise a plan as to how to exactly abduct Scarlett and Sami without drawing much attention to ourselves," Vlad spoke as we all listened attentively.
"Wait a second, The Comet don't know they're being targeted too right?" Vicky spoke up with a frown.
"They do, and they surprisingly agreed to host this ball. But they said they've got their security sorted out for this event. They know about our whole plan and are willing to help out, we just need to ask whenever," Damien answered.
"Right, we're not going to ask for help from anyone. Do I make myself clear? This battle between is Omega and us and we're going to fight it on our own. We're going to make them pay for even thinking about messing with us," Zia snarled, as we all began murmuring in agreement, already feeling the adrenaline rush through us.
It's been a while since The Organization was involved with something big like this, so clearly we were all determined and somewhat excited to get this right and take down those sons of bitches. I couldn't help agree but with Zia, they needed to pay for messing with us, for killing Ford and messing with Scarlett. That was where they crossed the line in the first place.
Hope you guys liked that chapter! The next few ones are gonna be interesting ☺️
Here's the new cast, all the new people from Omega !!!!
👇🏽 Sami: played by Rami Malek
👇🏽Viola: played by Angela Bassett
👇🏽Donovan (A.K.A: Chimaera) : played by Jake Gyllenhaal
👇🏽Ebony (A.K.A. Scylla): played by Charlize Theron
👇🏽 Makoa (A.K.A Cerebus): played by Jason Momoa
👇🏽Ji-yong (A.K.A Hydra): played by Ki Hong Lee
Updates might begin to slow down due to school starting next Sunday so please bear with me ❤️
Until we meet again...
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