Injuries Be Damned
The team was getting close to the mountain and they were worried about Phantom because of his injuries. He stitched up the wounds on his stomach and Robin bandaged them but he had yet to take care of his leg. He'd fallen asleep before he could and the heroes didn't know if they should wake him up or let him sleep.
When the bio-ship landed Robin walked over and gently shook Phantom to wake him up, Phantom groaned before he opened his eyes. Phantom looked at Robin and the hero smiled, "We're back at the mountain."
Phantom seemed slightly confused before everything that happened in the forest hit like a ton of bricks. Phantom quickly stood up, "Holy shit!"
The heroes were absolutely shocked and Miss Martian spoke, "What, what's wrong?"
Phantom messed up his hair in frustration, "My immense stupidity is what's wrong."
Phantom quickly walked out of the bio-ship and the heroes followed him, Aqualad spoke, "Perhaps you should rest, you are injured."
Phantom didn't even glance at them, "My injuries be damned."
Kid Flash sped in front of Phantom, "Dude, some weird monster thing tried to kill you."
"Yeah, and I knew he was going to try one of these days."
Phantom walked past Kid Flash and the heroes followed once again, Artemis spoke, "Wait, you knew this was going to happen?"
"Yes, no, I mean," Phantom messed up his hair again, "I can only focus on so many things at once. I knew one of them was going to come after me but I didn't know he was there."
Superboy spoke, "Wait, he?"
"Yes, he, at least I'm pretty sure he's a he but it's kind of hard to tell."
Robin grabbed Phantom's hand and Phantom finally stopped and he looked at Robin, "Phantom, just tell us what's going on."
Phantom was quiet for a second, "You wouldn't believe me if I told you, no one else did."
The heroes were now walking into the living room and Miss Martian spoke, "At least take care of your leg, it's still bleeding."
Phantom didn't seem to like the idea but one look from Robin made him cave and he went to the medical bay to quickly take care of his leg. His clothes were still torn so you could see the bandages but at least all his injuries had been taken care of. The zeta tubes then announced Batman's name and not even a minute later he walked into the living room.
The dark knight didn't seem too happy, "What is going on?" He then noticed Phantom's torn clothes and the blood on them as well as the bandages, he looked Phantom in the eye. "You were injured?"
Phantom crossed his arms, "Why the hell would you care?"
Artemis looked at Batman, "Some weird creature attacked him in the forest."
Batman raised an eyebrow, "A creature?"
Phantom spoke, "He's not just some creature, he's the Rake."
Batman looked at Phantom, "The thing you told me about years ago, it's not real."
Kid Flash, "But we saw it, I even took a picture."
Kid Flash took out his phone and handed it to Batman, the older hero looked at the picture, "What is that?"
Phantom spoke, "The Rake, you didn't listen to me when I told you about him before, you said it was just trauma."
Robin spoke, "Wait, Batman knew about this?"
Phantom shrugged, "A little, but I didn't tell him anything else when he didn't believe me."
Aqualad spoke, "But when did you tell Batman, and how do you know this creature at all?"
Phantom sighed, "It's a long story, I found out about the Rake, along with the others, several years ago. They nearly killed me and I managed to get away but I almost bled out, Batman found me by sheer luck. I passed out and when I wake up I told him what happened, he thought my mind had warped and twisted what happened due to trauma."
Robin spoke, "But you said there were others, how many of them are there?"
"They aren't like the Rake, they're killers, each of them with their own hunting ground and method of killing."
Batman looked at the picture for another minute before handing Kid Flash his phone and looking at Phantom. "What do you know about them?"
"Just about everything you need to know."
Batman raised an eyebrow, "Like?"
Phantom paused for a second as he though about what he should do, this was his best shot at getting someone to listen to him. He looked at the heroes, "Follow me."
Phantom left the room and the heroes glanced at each other before following him and the halfa led them to his room. He opened the door and turned on the lights, when the heroes looked inside they were absolutely stunned. There were boards on the walls, each with a name above it and completely covered in pictures, reports, and even some handwritten notes and letters.
There were sticky notes with what the heroes guessed were Phantom's questions and thoughts on the papers. The one for the Rake was the closest to the door, the one directly across from the door had 'Jeff the Killer' above it. There was also Slenderman, Eyeless Jack, Laughing Jack, Ben Drowned, and Smile Dog.
Artemis spoke, "What is all of this?"
Phantom walked over to his desk and wrote something on a sticky note, "Everything I've gathered about them." He stuck the note on the Rake's board, "This isn't all of it either, just the most recent stuff."
Superboy spoke, "Where's the rest of it?"
Phantom pulled out file boxes from under his bed and took out papers from his desk. Each box was labeled and the papers had a sticky note saying which one they corresponded to, it was insane. Each of them had at least one box to their name, how had Phantom been able to do all of this without them knowing?
Phantom looked at them, "I print out as much as I can but most of it's on my laptop, this is what I know."
Batman spoke, "Who are they?"
Phantom shrugged, "It depends, some of them are human, some of them used to be, others never were. I can track some of them back decades, centuries even, others are more recent, I'm sure I still don't have everything."
Miss Martian spoke, "How did you find all of this?"
"It wasn't easy, I can tell you that much, I have everything from first hand accounts to police reports about potential victims. I've gone everywhere to get this stuff, even put myself in harms way more times then I can count. I have a constant scan going on my laptop to find new victims and I track their movements as well as I can."
Aqualad spoke, "Why have you not told anyone about this?"
Phantom glared at him, "I did, they thought I was either messing with them or had gone crazy. Every time I find a new possible victim I send some of this stuff to the police, including pictures and reports, and they ignore it."
The heroes were quiet for a minute before Batman spoke, "Tell me everything you know."
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