I'd Be Dead
Robin left the meeting room as soon as Phantom left the interrogation room and when he got there he found Phantom sitting on the floor with his back to the door. Robin ran over and hugged the halfa, Phantom hugged him back without saying a word. They were silent for a minute before Robin spoke, "Are you okay?"
Phantom nodded, "I will be."
Robin didn't look convinced but chose to stay quiet and after a few minutes they both walked to the meeting room. Most of the League was gone which left the mentors and the team, a few of them looked slightly disturbed by what they just heard. Miss Martian looked at Phantom, "Did all of that really happen?"
Phantom raised an eyebrow, "Which part?"
She hesitated, "Did they really do all of that to you?"
Phantom quietly sighed before taking off one of his gloves and showing her the scar Jeff had been talking about. "It happened years ago but the scars are still there." He put his gloves back on and Robin had him sit down, he was still hurt and he looked tired after talking to Jeff.
The rest of the heroes eventually sat down and Superman looked at Phantom, "Why did you make Jeff so mad, if he manages to get out he could escape and hurt someone."
"And you once again underestimate me, if Jeff gets out he's more likely to try and find me to kill me. But he won't get out, hearing about his family and the incident that caused him to end up like this will knock him off his game. So will the fact that I didn't react when he was talking about what happened to me, he likes fear and not seeing it messes with him."
Aquaman spoke, "But how do you know?"
"I was trapped in a house with them for four months, they kept me alive because they wanted me to be scared. Like Jeff said, they could never make me scream and that's what kept me alive, that's how you survive when you're up against these guys."
The heroes were silent, Phantom leaned back in his seat and rubbed his eyes, he really did look tired. He was happy that he'd finally managed to catch one of the killers he'd been investigating for so long but innocent people died in the process. All of those kids had lost their parents and god knows what was going to happen to them now.
Artemis eventually broke the silence, "So what do we do now?"
Phantom looked at her, "Find someone that'll prosecute Jeff and get him sent somewhere that can hold him. When the others find out Jeff's been taken they'll try to get him back so we'll have to be prepared for that too. Jeff admitted to killing over two hundred people which means we've got more then enough evidence to lock him up already."
Flash spoke, "You really did think of everything."
"I have to, if I didn't I'd be dead."
The heroes felt shivers run up their spines at that statement, they knew it was true, they also felt some respect toward Phantom for it. Superboy eventually spoke, "So why did Jeff call you White Mist?"
"After I escaped and they started looking for me they started calling me White Mist because I always managed to escape, I'm a mystery to them and they can't catch me."
Aqualad spoke, "But why not just call you Phantom?"
"Because they don't know my name, if they do now they're too used to calling me White Mist to call me Phantom."
Batman spoke, "Let's focus, Belle Reve is probably the best place to hold Jeff and I'm sure we can get a judge to prosecute him. The only problem is that we might not be able to keep it from getting out to the public."
Phantom thought for a second, "If people find out about Jeff they'll know about the others. I've been trying to get the police to realize they exist but that much publicity at once could cause a panic. We'll have to be smart about this, first thing's first, we need to make sure he'll be safely contained until he can be prosecuted."
"I know a judge that can arrange a trial and hopefully soon, after that we need to make sure everyone at the prison knows who they're dealing with. He's not your typical villain, he doesn't have powers but he's more dangerous then every single one of them and he damn well knows it. We also need to be ready for the others to try and find him, they won't be happy when they figure out what's going on."
Superman spoke, "I'm sure Belle Reve knows what they're doing."
Phantom didn't look happy, "Slenderman is a several century old creature that hunts people like wild animals. Smile dog makes people go insane and tears them apart, Ben can use electronics to travel anywhere he wants that he's connected to. Eyeless eats organs and knows the human body like the back of his hand and the Rake can make people do what he wants just by talking."
"If they know what they're doing while knowing nothing about these guys I will cut my own arm off, I'm not even joking."
Now that shut them up, after a minute Batman spoke, "What do you think we should do?"
"I'll call the judge and watch Jeff from here, the zeta tubes should be locked down because Ben will get in if they aren't. Jeff needs to be watched at all times, when he leaves here to go to the trial four people need to be watching him as the very least. I'd recommend using something to help keep him in check but it's not entirely necessary."
"Any and every point of entry into the place the trial will be held should be watched, regular check-ins should be established. If they attack someone hopefully the others will know soon enough that we can get everyone out of there and not lose Jeff. Try not to use electronics if you can but if you have to make sure they can't be easily tapped into."
"If we need to use vehicles make sure there are decoys so it'll be harder for them to free Jeff and they all need to be guarded. We can't take chances, we can't assume everything will work out, and we can't underestimate these guys."
The heroes looked at each other, they knew by now that Phantom didn't take chances with these guys. He had a reason for every single precaution, they just had no idea how he'd already thought of all of this. Then they remembered that Phantom had been doing this for three years, he'd done it alone and he'd had time to think about it.
The heroes agreed to keep an eye on Jeff while Phantom made the call and Robin decided to go with him. Phantom was still badly hurt and he was worried that he might pass out or tear his stitches doing something he shouldn't. Phantom stepped out into the hall with Robin close behind, the halfa took out his phone and dialed a number.
He waited while the phone rang before someone picked up, "Hello?"
Phantom spoke, "It's me."
"Oh, Phantom, did something happen?"
"Oh you could definitely say that, remember the whole Smile Dog thing?"
The man on the other end was quiet for a second, "Is this about him?"
"Yes and no, I caught one of his buddies, I've got more then enough to put him away and I've got a plan but I need someone to prosecute him. We need this to stay as quiet as possible for reasons you can probably guess, I could use your help but I won't force you into it."
The man on the other end was quiet for a few seconds, "Okay, I'll do it, but the soonest I can do it is four days, do you think you can hold him until then?"
Phantom nodded, "I can do that, I owe you one."
"No you don't, I owe you a lot more." Without so much as a goodbye the man hung up and Phantom put his phone away, he had to wait four days, he could do that.
Um, surprise?
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