• Maggie Griffin •
I had an average birthday, a time of celebration but also a time of sadness. A bitter sweet occasion but it was over now and that was fine by me.
But it also was a weird feeling of would dad be proud of the fact that I was deceiving an entire school and sports team which represented said school? I wasn't sure, he had always told me to always stand up and fight no matter how broken or defeated you feel.
Soon it was the weekend for the running meet. I was now Lewis and trying to dot the freckles back in my face in the bathroom. "Stupid eyeliner pen" I threw it into the sink making its draw a jagged line in the sinks white interior. "Screw it" I picked up the pen but didn't bother to clean up the line, I was late already.
The team we were versing were good, apparently they made top six last year but they weren't the best either. I hadn't competed in a meet since the Jets and that was a long time ago now. "Okay you got this..." I walked out of bathroom and began to walk towards the field.
"Oh hello" I was suddenly greeted by none other than Amelia Murphy, standing in front of me twirling her hair. "Oh uh hello?" My mouth might be saying hello but my mind was having a freak out. "What's your name?" She stepped closer to me and I took a tiny step back. "Uhh Lewis, Lewis Abel" I saw a look flicker across her face "ah yes the mystery talent my boyfriend keeps talking about. But he never mentioned...anything else" she looked at me up and down making me avert my eyes.
"I should go to the meet now..." I tried to step around her but she stopped me. "We should walk together, I don't mind" she smiled at me and I realised she wasn't going to take no for an answer especially to a guy she hadn't sunk her teeth into yet (there were rumours about Amelia not being the best girlfriend). We made it to the field and Amelia had stayed quiet the whole time but a few times I noticed some curious glances and a few eyebrow raises.
"Well I better go and warm up" I nodded towards her and Amelia gave me a wave and I could tell for whatever reason she walked with me, it was a test of something I just didn't know what.
Summer Ridge High was close by in Tucson (coincidentally it's also where my grandmother Kaylie Griffin lived) and was captained by George Beaumont, a friendly rival to Will Collins. If we won this meet we'd move on to a school from another district and then after that a team from further away.
I was even more worried about that because how was I going to pull that off? How would I explain those disappearances to my mum? I suddenly felt a wave of panic of how I was going to pull this all off and if I was even making a good calm or if my wounded pride had blinded me.
"It's fine, you can do it" I whispered to myself and walked towards the team, all wearing our team colours. I approached the the team who was stretching and I noticed Will staring blankly into the distance an almost angry quality masking his face.
"Lewis" I snapped to attention at my 'name' and saw Mr McCall walking towards me "sir?" I stepped closer and I noticed him checking and re checking a clipboard. "Your getting out as third runner today - captains special request" I widened my eyes, I was preparing myself to be a alternate since I was a new addition but the fact I was getting put in for the first meet was an honour.
But who's place did I take?
The Meet was ready to start as people were starting to gather around to watch. I could see Rikki, Rosa and Bella in the crowd (the dresses amongst the jeans was an easy spot). I felt myself swell in pride and gratitude at their support because this was my first meet at Thomas High, how could I not be nervous?
The meet was set to start in less than ten minutes and as we all gathered I could see Will exchanging heated words with Nash, what was that all about? The line up was about to start and I watched the six guys saunter up to the starting point ready to compete in our individual events.
I was doing sprints today, one for 200m and another for 100m ( I guess this was me starting off small?) I noticed the lineup included Red, myself and Will and then three other guys from the team but no Nash. What made Will cut out his best friend from the meet?
Ten minutes felt like ten seconds before we had to start. I had to be ready because I was up second against one of the Leo's own start runners. It was my time and my time to prove that Lewis Abel was a great runner and despite I had to hide Maggie from them I was my talent that got me here.
And then the starting gun went off.
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