Home and Hugs
When we got back to New York, Pietro wouldn't even let me walk. He scooped me up into his arms and carried me into the elevator. Jane was waiting on the landing pad. And jumped into Thor's arms the second he placed his foot down.
Pietro handed me over to Nat and Wanda to get me all cleaned up. Before we left though, Thor came over to me and gave me a long hug. I know it is because we did not expect to live.
When we are alone Natasha and Wanda help me make a hot bath and climb in. Although I am alive and my wounds are closed I am still terribly bruised and bloody.
Wanda looks at the crosshatched pattern on my stomach. I can't blame her for staring. I will be stuck with them forever.
Natasha washes the blood out from my hair and tells me of how broken Pietro was when I was found missing. She says things that don't quite fit together. She's babbling... I know she's about to cry.
Wanda helped me get dried off and dressed in a fluffy knit sweater. And leggings. I can see tears in her eyes, and I take her hands. She suddenly bursts into tears and hugs me close.
Natasha comes out from the bathroom. Her eyes are red... She's crying too. And then I'm crying with them. I was going to die. I almost died back there.
He sit back together in my giant bean bag. Holding each other. I love them. They're my best friends. I don't know what I would do if I lost either one of them.
When we are all cried out, I kiss both of their heads in their hair. An affectionate thing we do. I take a deep breath and smile.
"улыбаться вам большой гусь , или кто-то будет думать, что вы больно," I poke Natasha's nose.
"Smile you big goose, you someone will think you're hurt,"
"Да ладно вам глупые утенка . я знаю, вы хотите , чтобы ваш Ди дорогое любовь,"
She replied cheekily.
"come on you silly little duckling. i know you want to see your dearest love,"
"я до сих пор говорят , что я должен быть фрейлиной,"
Wanda commented standing up to help me off the bean bag.
"I still think I should be maid of honor,"
We walk out the door still bickering in Russian.
Meanwhile in the kitchen, my father sat with Pietro at the dinner table.
"Do you guys eat all togther?" My dad asked.
"Yes, big family dinners. Most everything is homemade," Pietro answers earnestly, trying to gain my dad's favor. He doesn't know he already has it.
"Who cooks?"
"Daphany mostly. I try to help as much as I can, but I am no vhere near as skilled as she is,"
"That figures... She's always had a love of good food,"
"Ve all appreciate her love for good food. She keeps us well fed and taken care of,"
"But who takes are of her?" My father meets Pietro's eyes.
"Ve all do. Ve all take care of each other.... But I take care of her. As much as I can," Pietro tried to make the words come out right, but just couldn't convey it properly.
"When she died. And she did die. I met her before her soul could leave. She's been given a second chance and all. But she talked about you,"
Pietro's eyes lit up, and a hopeful smile spread over his lips. "Vhat did she say?"
"That you know about her. And what this world has done to her,"
Pietro's face fell. "Yes. She told me everything. I promised her that I vould never let anything hurt her in that way. I vish I had promised her that nothing at all vould hurt her again,"
"But then you would have lied to her. You couldn't stop this from happening. It's not your fault. But now, you have to prove your promise to her. Are you going to help her through the after effects this event is going to have on her?"
"Of course I vill. I love her!" The words left his mouth without permission. And he immediately regretted them. He had only just me my dad.
But my dad smiled and shook his head... "I remember being love... Daphne's mom actually..."
"Daphany never really forgave herself," Pietro murmured.
"Neither did I," my father answered. "Listen kid, I've been one of the worst fathers in the world. But I love Daphne. She's my baby. I need you to take good care of her. If you really love her, I'll give you my blessing to take your relationship to any level you're both ready for. But you have to keep her safe, I can't always be here to do that myself,"
"I promise I vill,"
"Good, now let's go out to the group. I know she's gonna want to see you,"
Having my family and my dad together I thought was going to be a terrible idea. But it was actually great. Despite the traumatic ordeal, we managed to have a good eveing.
I stayed cuddled up to Pietro's side the whole time. I didn't really have the strength to move much anyway.
Thor on the other hand, he was recovering well. Jane was holding on to him for dear life, but he seemed to be doing rather well. Even participating in some of the "acted out" story telling going on.
When my father decided it was time to leave, he stood before me and offered me a hand. I took it and he helped me up, he led me to the hall way where we could have a conversation in private.
"Did you talk to Pietro?" I ask him.
"Yes, I gave him my blessing. I think you found a good man Daph. He really loves you,"
I smile and nod thinking of my silly wonderful boyfriend.
"I love him too... He makes me so happy. No one's ever made me this happy before,"
"Well when you two land up getting married,"
"Hey. I'm a million years old, I know how love works. WHEN you two get married, call me so I can walk you down the aisle,"
I give my dad a sad smile and hug him around the neck.
"I love you, dad"
"I love you too sweetie," he kissed my head, "I'll see you soon," and he was gone.
I go back to the group and tuck myself into a little ball under Pietro's arm. He leans over and kisses my head.
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