Gone Far Away From Here
Thor and I were gone. And no one in the tower noticed. Granted there was almost no one around to notice, but the fact remains.
I woke up still in a very dark place, against cold metal that rumbled and bounced. I tried not to panic, but that's very hard to do coming off of a sleeping drug.
The metal surface bounced me up again, and I went flying into something warm and solid. A body. I tried to get away, I didn't know what was going on.
"Daphne," came a voice out of dark. I recognize that voice,
"Thor?" He reaches out for me in the darkness, and finds my shoulder. I grab his hand desperate for some sort of hold on what's going on here.
"Where are we, what happened?" I ask, now holding his forearm.
"I do not know. I think we were shot, back in the tower," he says. I remember now.
"That woman. Who got us for the briefing. She shot us,"
"Yes, yes that sounds right. But why? Who does she work for?"
"I don't know... But I really don't want to find out. We have to get out of here," I say letting go of his arm and trying to stand.
I hit my head on a metal roofing, "Ow!" I crouch back down against the far wall. "Watch your head, you're taller than I am,"
"Cover your ears Daphne, I will try to break the wall," he says.
I cover my ears, and hear a dull clang and a groan. I uncover my ears.
"That was painful," he muttered. I could not see him, but I think he looked at me, "could you become an animal large and heavy enough to stop the car?" He asked
"I-I could... But you would be flattened with how large of an animal I would need to be,"
"Then I am not sure what we can do. I do not have Mjölnir, I can't summon lightning or thunder,"
"So we are stuck here." I said, panic now setting in.
"I'm afraid so..." He says defeated, he sits on the floor with a thunk.
I bring my knees up to my chest, and whisper, "There is one thing I can try.... I could harness my angel grace and release it,"
Thor remains quiet for a long moment, "is it safe?"
"Depends on your definition of safe," I reply.
"What will it do to you?" He asked.
"I don't know, I've only done it twice in my life. I was very young both times,"
"If it is not safe, you shouldn't try it. You might hurt yourself, and I have no way of getting help,"
"But it could be our only-"
"Your dearest love would never forgive me if I allowed you to injure yourself this way. You know this,"
I can not see Thor in this pitch black, but I know he is sincere.
"You're right, it's too dangerous. What's the point of escaping if you die in the process,"
"We will just have to wait until we have stopped. Then- I guess we will find out..."
"That is a grim statement, but a true one nonetheless,"
And with that, we fell into a silence. And waited in the darkness. I don't know how long we sat there, and waited. I don't know if I fell asleep of if I was awake the entire time. Darkness does something to you. You lose sense of passing time, and your navigation skills fade.
After what I judge to be a few hours, I've tousled about so much by the rocking and bouncing of the floor, that I don't know where Thor even is.
Part of me wants to call out to him, just to see if he's still there. But I don't. I deem it to be a bad idea, and keep quiet. I wish I had called out to him, to hear something other than the rumbling below me.
Suddenly we stopped. The ground stopped bouncing and rumbling, but gave a great jolt. Tossing me back a little ways. I could hear footsteps, and a metallic scraping.
Suddenly bright white light burst forth into darkness. Temporarily blinded I released an angry hiss and covered my face. I heard Thor let out a similar noise of protest.
Someone climbed into our metal container, I tried to fight this person but it was difficult because I couldn't really see them and I wasn't thinking clearly.
A metal snap! Snap! Snap! A thick collar was placed around my neck. And handcuffs shackled to my wrists.
I tried to shift my self into a skinnier woman and was met with an electrical shock. I screamed out in pain as the electricity shot down my spine.
I thrashed away from the hands trying to force me out of the darkness. But was met with more electricity.
I was dragged out of the darkness and into the light, where I embraced darkness once again when a club smashed into my temple.
As I passed out of consciousness the boys came back to the tower. All laughing and poking fun, all having had a really great day.
Vision and Pietro went into Wanda's room to say hello.
"Where is Daphne today?" Vision asked the girls.
"We were working on her birthday present, so she was hanging out with Thor in the kitchen," Natasha said.
"I vant to go say hi to her, see you later," he said waving goodbye to his friends. He zipped into the kitchen, and found a plate of cookies and playing cards scattered on the table.
"FRIDAY?" Pietro called to the AI system. No answer. "FRIDAY?" Pietro called again. Still no answer. Pietro zipped down to Tony and Bruce's lab,
"Tony, something is wrong vith FRIDAY," he said at the door.
"Really? Let me see," he said looking up from the pile of scraps he's been tinkering with. "FRIDAY my dear, status report,"
No answer. "FRIDAY?" Tony called out again. "I think I see the problem,"
"Yes, vell I need to find Daphany. Do you know if she vent anyvhere today?"
"No but she was making cookies earlier today," Bruce commented.
"I know that, there's still some in the kitchen. But I can't find her or Thor,"
"That's strange... They were playing cards in the kitchen around 4 when I came up to get a scotch," Tony said while finagling with the AI system.
"Check her room. Or Thor's," Bruce suggested. "If they aren't there, call Jane,"
Pietro nodded and left the lab. He went to Daphne's room and knocked on the door. No answer. He opened it carefully.
"Daphany?" He poked his head in. No one was in the room. His worry began to grow.... He sped down the hall and knocked on Thor's room. No answer. He opened the door. No one was there.
Panic set in, Pietro ran to the kitchen and grabbed the emergency numbers list off the fridge and dialed Jane's cell on the land like phone.
"Hello?" Came Jane's voice.
"Hello, Jane? It's Pietro Maximoff,"
"Hi Pietro, how are you?" She replied cheerily.
"Jane have you heard from Thor today?" He asked.
"No, not today. Why is something wrong?"
"I- I don't know. Ve can't find him. Or Daphany,"
"Oh my god... Pietro I'm sorry I'm in France right now. I-"
"Do not vorry Jane. Ve vill find him and Daphany,"
"When you do, please have him call me," she said.
"Of course. I have to go. Bye Jane," he said hanging up the phone.
Pietro sped down to the lab again. "Tony, they are not here. Is FRIDAY vorking yet?"
"Kid.... You're gonna wanna see this," Tony said stepping away from a screen where FRIDAY was replaying a security camera footage. Bruce was leaning with his head against the wall. Doing his very best to remain calm.
Pietro looked at the screen, he saw Daphne and Thor playing cards and talking casually. There was no audio, so he was a little confused when they both laughed. Then, a woman he had never seen stepped into the kitchen.
"She does not work for me," Tony said. The footage jumped to them in the elevator and then to a conference room.
The conference room door closed. The video continued to show the closed door.... "Then who is she," Pietro demanded.
The door on the video screen opened and she was dragging an unconscious Daphne by her legs.
"A Separatist,"
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