Edmund Chancellor, Yvonne Kreutz and The Separatists
Back at the Separatist base the team had "taken out", a man in a dark coat walked about the rubble looking at the damages. He turned to his skinny and freezing assistant,
"I think the field test went rather well," he said, "wouldn't you agree, Yvonne?" The man had a thick accent, but it was a little mixed. British, German, Russian, maybe a little Australian.
The young woman glanced around the smoldering remains of the base... "Field test?" Her own accent, deeply German.
"Of course. You didn't think I was actually going to let those filthy Americans get our real bases and top officials?"
"But Ed... If zey veren't zere, who vas?"
"Prisoners of war. Russians, Americans, Koreans, British, French, Afghans, anyone. Everyone. If they have committed crime bad enough to be where they were, then surely they would not be missed if the Avengers were "take them out"..."
"So vhat do ve do now?" Yvonne asked through chattering teeth.
"We rebuild. With the information we have gained, I now know exactly where they are. And that they would not let their pagan spawns anywhere near us,"
"Vhat? More zan za Asgardian?"
"Oh yes, they have acquired a Nephilim. A female. Quite powerful, but still damned. She will burn with the rest,"
"How long have zey been in possession of a Nephilim?" Yvonne asked, as Ed turned to leave.
"Oh, a few years. She's much quieter than the others. Not the 'main attraction' if you will,"
"So she's a play zing for ze Iron Man?" Yvonne crowed getting back in the SUV they had arrived in.
"Our sources say otherwise. The billionaire has a woman, very committed. I think she is still 'flying solo' "
"Flying solo? Come on now Ed, zese puns are beneath you," she chided as the car took off back down the road. He chuckled, and waved her off.
"Vhat of ze other three, ze new ones. Zey veren't accounted for,"
"Not to worry my darling, we learn from our mistakes,"
"You have a plan zen?"
"Of course I do,"
This man is Edmund Chancellor, the leader of The Separatists and quite passionate about his beliefs.
His woman is Yvonne Kreutz, a German millionaire. She grew up in a home following the Christian faith, but fell to the Separatist agenda quickly.
The Separatists are dangerous, and widely dispersed. Their mission, to eradicate.
(AN: I know this probably isn't the update you wanted, but don't worry my loves. All in good time, and you know that I do update relatively frequently)
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