Awkward Family Dinners
Everyone was taken aback by the mysterious man with the metal arm.
"Guys, I want you all to meet my good friend Bucky Barnes,"
The dark man mumbled a greeting... He must be shy I suppose. No one spoke so I did as usual...
"Hi, welcome to the tower,"
The man met my eyes and gave me a weak smile. The others followed my lead in saying hello, and introducing themselves.
Once the introductions had been made there was another uncomfortable silence... Which I ended up breaking up again by saying,
"Well dinner should be ready, if you're hungry,"
"That would be great, Daphne,"
Everyone filed into the dining room to eat. I served chicken pot pie(*) and glasses of Martinelli's... Bucky was hesitant to touch anything with his left arm. And Steve kept encouraging him to eat and make make conversation...
Pietro looked at me from across the table... I shrugged my shoulders... I wanted to say something but I didn't know what to say.
"So... um... Mr. Barnes... Tell us about how you and Steve know each other,"
"We were friends as children," he mumbled.
"Oh yes, of-of course..." I trailed off not knowing what to say. I could tell I had made a mistake in my conversation started choice. Tony, who was sitting next to me, piped up.
"So you're obscenely old too,"
Bucky flashed him a deathly glare. I reached over and smacked the back of his head.
"Be nice, you uncivilized monkey," I chided. The whole table laughed, even Bucky. And with that the whole room fell back into an uncomfortable silence.
Although I made a lot of dinner, all of it was gone by the time dinner had ended. I served dessert, and no one spoke beyond saying "This is really good Daphne," or "pass the ice cream"
When dessert concluded... No one moved to leave. Or clear the table. Or even speak.
I caught Natasha's eye, I saw her speaking sign language with one hand just over the table top.
We need to talk
I blinked twice for yes, but still didn't move... I decided someone had to break the silence and stop the "weird looks to your friend" game.
"Um Bucky, if you'd like I can show you to the room we have prepared for you,"
"Erm, thank you," he mumbled then stood up. I led the way out of the dining room. And he followed in silence.
I glanced back at him, "So you will be staying with us?"
"Steve asked me to," he growled defensively
"No need to be so rash," I said turning to face him. "Everyone that lives on this floor, we care about each other. We're family,"
"I'm not like you," he said gruffly.
"I think you're wrong. We've all done bad things. Made mistakes. We all used to be rough around the edges. But not anymore,"
"You saw them in there. They're afraid of me. And they should be. I'm not safe to keep here,"
"You think you're volatile, dangerous. We all were. 40% of this team isn't even full human, myself included. 60% of this team has had some sort of experimentation done to them. Every single one of us has some form of PTSD. What makes you any different from us?"
"If anyone else said that to me I would rip out their lungs," he said, "but for some reason that makes me feel better. Thank you..."
"Daphne... If you're gonna be part of this family, you're gonna learn names. Mine is Daphne,"
"Daphne, thank you Daphne," he said. We continued down the hall in comfortable silence.
I let him into one of the spare rooms, and gave him the basic run down,
"Everyone lives on this floor so quiet time at 10, some of them need their beauty sleep, and if they don't get it they are mean and grouchy. Breakfast is usually fend for yourself unless someone is feeling overly spry by the time everyone is up. Training is at least three times a week with the group, personal work outs and training are advised but optional. No specifications for lunch, eat with people you like or go out. Dinner is cooked by yours truly on most nights. Served just like this evening, family style or buffet style if there's multiple pots. Send laundry down this chute, get it back folded or hung within 24 hours. Pay checks get are sent at the beginning of the month. No rent to stay here, cuz ya work here... And missions get assigned when we are needed. Mission lengths and locations vary, but you will almost always be accompanied by at least two others on the Avengers Team,"
"You talk a lot," he said.
"Did you get all of that?"
"Yes. But you still talk a lot,"
"It's a character flaw, everyone's got at least a few,"
He raised an eyebrow and gave an approving sound. Clearly impressed by my capability to deal with him. This must be a first.
"You can't be much older that 21," he said suddenly.
"You're not supposed to ask a lady her age, but since we are to be family you get the privilege of knowing that I'm 20 years old,"
"You're too young to be involved in stuff like this," he scoffed. I walked by him on my way to the door and patted him chest.
"And you are too old my friend," I glanced over my shoulder and grinned. He shook his head.
I went back to the kitchen, where no one had moved but they were speaking in hushed voices.
I went through the door and leaned on the frame. "You are all terrible people you know that?"
"That's what I said!" Steve growled.
"Oh no, you're in trouble too Spangles,"
"What? Me!"
"Yeah you, ya big dope. What made you think you could just bring in someone new that is, that out of touch around here? If you haven't noticed this one," I pointed at Tony "has zero social graces,"
"Vhat did ve do?" Wanda asked.
"Okay I retract my statement about being terrible people, but not one of you even tried to be nice to him,"
"What were we supposed to say to him, Daphne?" Bruce asked.
"I don't know, but you could have at least tried to show some friendliness," I countered
"Not all of us are as kind hearted as you Daph," Tony said.
"You don't get to say that Tony, you're a permanent asshole,"
"She's not wrong," Clint pointed out.
"So ve'll make an effort to be nice tomorrow. Does that earn us points back?" Pietro asked.
"I expect it. Especially with this guy, he's a little... Well a little warped,"
Everyone nodded, and went off their separate ways. Natasha pulled me off the side in the living room.
"What's going on?" I asked.
"That guy Steve brought in,"
"What about him?"
She lifted her shirt just a little, revealing the bullet wound I've always known she had.
"He gave this to me," She lowered her shirt.
"I know. But he's moved past that, and you're not gonna hold it over him,"
"I wasn't planning on it...." I met her gaze, "you're kind to everyone Daph. Even if they don't deserve it. I want you to be careful,"
I looked at her, "If you're implying I have eyes for the new guy..." I started
"That's exactly what I'm implying," she whispered.
I laughed to myself, "Sorry to break it to you. But there's someone else I have my heart set on,"
Her eyes went wide, and without a word she scooped me up as tossed me over her shoulder.
"Agh! Natasha put me down!" I cried. Pietro, who was sitting on the couch caught my eye and made a face.
I gave him a joking scowl, an put a finger to my lips. Signifying that I wasn't going to tell her.... Even though she's my best friend.
She ran me to her room and threw me on her couch. "FRIDAY, lock the door and let no one in,"
"Yes ma'am," the door locked.
"Tell me. Now."
"Nat, I know you don't wanna hear this. But we have decided not to tell anyone yet,"
"Oh no. No ya don't. I am your best friend,
"I know that,"
"So then tell me," she pounced on me and began tickling my sides.
"No no no! Stop! Natasha!"
"Tell me!"
"Wanda has a secret boyfriend!" I cried.
"Or at least I think she does,"
Natasha glared at me.
"Why won't you tell me?" She pouted.
"Well for starters my significant other and I have decided not tell anyone yet. And second because if it gets out, well..."
She made a face. She knew I was right, but she still wanted to know.
"At least tell me who Wanda's secret boyfriend is,"
"If you can't figure it out, you're blind," I said leaving her room.
She followed me out of the room and down the hall to living area where Clint was texting. Bruce was reading. And Pietro was looking through a sketch book on the coffee table.
I plunked down on the couch in between Bruce and Pietro and pulled out my phone to do some reading of my own.
Natasha took a seat on Clint's couch, and glared at me over her phone. She didn't know her OTP was sitting in front of her.
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