//Jess' POV\\
Jin Is currently leading me carefully through the forest, man, I forgot how careful I have to be since I'm pregnant now, but hey! I finally can go outside ether gates without any guards! I gasped at the area Jin lead me to, a small pond lay near the farthest left corner of the clearing, while the grassy terrain was sprinkled with all different colored flowers. Jin chuckled lightly, a giggle of excitement escaped from me as I walked further Into the clearing, plopping down on the soft, green grass next to the pond a huge grin made It's way onto my face. Jin's laugh broke through the silence as he walked up to me, sitting down beside me. "Man, I didn't think you'd be this excited." I giggled again, man, I think these hormones are getting to me. "Of course I would!" I smiled, a figure fell from a tree, cursing some colourful words. They wore a red bandana around their head, dark brown hair.... "Castor!" I yelled out, giggling, Castor stool up, brushing the dirt off of him. "Oh hey, Jin, Jess, didn't expect to see you here." He laughed, strapping his bow to his back before walking over to us. "Dude, do you ever leave that bow?" Jin asked, laying on his back In the grass, Castor chuckled. "Nope, never know when I have to shoot a chicken hut destroyer like Steven!" He raged, his hands curling Into fists before releasing, I burst out laughing at this, that damn memory. "Speaking of which, I do have that memory crystal." Castor mumbled, pulling out a blue memory crystal from his bag. Placing It on the ground In front of him, he sat down, me and Jin sat In a circle beside Castor. Making a swiping motion over the memory crystal, we watched as an hologram popped up, re-playing the memory.
//Memory start\\
"Steven! What the hell did you do?!" Raged a very angry Castor, Steven stood, facing Castor, arms over his chest. "I didn't think I'd actually break It!" Steven argued, If you looked close enough you could see steam literally pooling out of Castor's ears. "Not only that! BUT! You KILLED one of MY CHICKENS!" Castor yelled, Castor equipped his bow, an arrow already loaded Into It, Steven put his hands up In surrender, backing up. "At least we can eat It for dinner?" Stupid Steven suggested, Katz lay on the ground, laughing In the back ground as Jess leant on Sly for support, to help her stand up, or else she'd be In the same situation as Katz. Sly, Jess and Katz were laughing their heads off, poor Alex was asleep and Kala was off In town. "Steven! You done messed up, bro!" Sly yelled over, laughing. Sly had to lean over to stop him from falling over; which sadly caused Jess to fall, Sly turned, and quickly caught Jess with his arm around her waist, both still laughing. Steven glared at the three laughing Idiots. Castor shot a warning arrow at Steven's feet, Steven yelped, jumping back In surprise. Castor smirked, his bow already loaded with another arrow, shooting It at Steven. Steven flew upwards, causing Castor to continue shooting at him. "Get down here, you damn coward!" Castor yelled, shooting an arrow; which was close to hitting the torso, at Steven. Steven yelped, dodging that one arrow, Jess had slightly sobered up, while Katz and Sly were too distracted by laughing, Jess summoned her hammer, and slammed the ground with It. Lightning struck all around her In an circle, all boys yelped out In surprise, causing Sly and Katz to sober up, and Castor and Steven's little 'fight' to end. "Mother f*cker, Jess..." Sly cursed, holding a hand over his heart, Jess smirked, laughing. A yawn made all five turn around, to be met with a sleepy Alex. "What'd I miss..?" Alex mumbled, causing everyone to burst out laughing....
//Memory End\\
Everyone was laughing, even Jin who wasn't there at that time. "Man, Castor, didn't expect you'd actually try to kill Steven!" Jin laughed, Castor shrugged. "I was mad, okay?" He chuckled, scratching the back of his neck. "Hehe, that was way too hilarious back then.." I smiled sadly, I do miss Sly, quite a lot now... Jin poked Castor, Castor poked me, I poked Jin, this continued on for a while us just having a poke war. I was giggling like crazy, I held my hands out, palms facing the sky. Electricity sparked between my fingers, the boys took a step back, but I grinned, standing up, the boys started running, no use, with the flick of my wrists, the electricity was dancing along the air currents towards them. The boys ducked, only to let out yelps of pain and surprise as the electricity crackled against their skin. Jin smirked, his dark amber eyes had a blue hue to them, I gulped, slowly turning around I yelped out as cold water from the pond was poured on me. I burst out laughing alongside the others, that was until Jin halted, looking at me and Castor and mouthing two words. 'Someone's here....' Castor and I halted as well, Castor equipped his bowl a sharpened arrow loaded. Jin raised water In his hand, I flicked my wrist, electricity sparked within the water, waiting to be thrown at someone, to zap that person. I flinched, the skin around my birthmark; which was hidden by my gloves, started to slightly sting, meaning one thing. "Shadow Knight..." I growled out, resisting the urge to zap whoever It was to death. Jin's eyes narrowed and Castor gripped his bow tighter. "Come out, Shadow Knight, before we shoot you out." Castor said dangerously, damn, never seen that side of him before. The presence didn't move, a protective growl came from Castor. "That's It! You've had your chance!" He yelled, Jin released the bubble of water, It zoomed past us and Into the tree near the clearing, a yelp was heard and a figure fell to the ground. Light brown hair, baby blue eyes, stripes shirt... Castor narrowed his eyes as I growled loudly, I'm tired of being hounded by Laurence! I resisted the urge to summon Mijlonir, the hammer was miles away though, plus I'm pregnant. Laurence stood up and narrowed his eyes at Jin and Castor before staring me down. "Oh crap, angry, pregnant, hormonal Jess... Not good..." Castor whispered, I growled. "Want to keep your head, Cas? Good, than shut It." I snapped, lets just say I might've repeatedly kicked Laurence In the nuts after I knocked him out?
A/N Woohoo! Hmm, you guys wouldn't mind the next chapter being a like one month time skip so Jess would be 7 months along, and Sly would be so close to seeing her again! Oh P.S what would Jess and Sly's children look like? And would you rather give them A: Wings or B: Cat ears and a tail?
P.S Obsessed with this song 'Break' by 3DG (Figure that band name out, I love you.)
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