Rumors and such things
Chapter 1: Rumors and Such Things
There's been lots of rumors lately and I can't seem to get them out of my head. The main rumors say that there's a boy in a well that never comes out, another boy who creeps on kids at night, a pig man who eats people, and a robot who kidnaps kids. It's really strange and quite scary. A lot of people say bad things about it and even some people call the police just to get rid of these rumors but even the police don't know if it even exists. I would say that these rumors are real because I would see lots of paranormal things in life. I know it's gotta be true or why else would the rumors spread. I wonder if I'm ever gonna come across the boy in the well and maybe I'll be his friend. I then ponder in deep thought. "Bryce? Bryce? Bryce!" A voice shouted knocking me out of deep thought. "Y-yeah! I'm not dazing off again!" My trembled voice startled while freaking out. "Bryce it's lunch time, come on, let's head to the cafeteria dude." My friend Delirious says calmly chill. "Damn I really daze off a lot." I said out loud while me and Del headed to the cafeteria. "Yeah you sure do, is something on your mind right now?" Delirious questioned. "Yeah but I'll tell you later. Right now we should head to the cafeteria before the line's too long!" I explained running to the cafeteria. "Hey! Wait for me!" Delirious trembled as he ran close next to me.
We then got to the cafeteria and got our lunches we sat down with our gang which are my friends Delirious, Brock, and Mini."Hey guys why is it so quiet here? You guys are usually talking." I questioned, looking at them while me and Delirious ate our food waiting for an answer. "Hey guys..." Mini started. "Have you heard about the rumors? I've been really paranoid by them and I thought about investigating it since it's been on my mind for a while." Mini spoke taking his spoon of yogurt, eating it. "I thought the same too Mini. I'm really interested in the robot rumor. I think I should try to investigate the rumor." Brock honestly said. "You guys too! I thought I was the only one." Delirious spoke, eyes lighting up. "What! All you guys too!" I said in shocked. 'I never thought they would be interested in that.' I thought. "So I guess we're all in the same boat too huh?" Brock stated. We all nodded and smiled at each other. "How about we all investigate together! It'll be awesome!" I said excitedly. All of us smiled more and we fist bumped our hands to agree. "What rumor you guys interested in? I'm interested in the pig man one." Mini says honestly. "The robot one!" Brock excitedly says. "I would say the one with the creeping boy." Delirious says. "I'm really interested in the boy from the well. " I say freaking out excitedly. "Well damn this is gonna hard investigating together but we'll sit this situation out later. Right now let's head back to class, we'll sit this out later." Mini explained as we all threw our trash away and head back to class. Right now I'm on my last period with my friend Marcel.
As I entered the class I spotted Marcel sitting in the back of room, near the window. I then sat next to him as class began to start. "Hey Bryce,did you hear about the rumors?" Marcel asked out of the blue while looking away from me. 'Strange he's usually looking at me when he talks' I thought. "Yeah,why?" I questioned while looking at him. "Don't get to close to them. I don't want any of my friends dying over this rumor or even murdered. Be careful. I'm scared that one of my friends might die by them." Marcel says calmly or worried, I couldn't tell. I looked at him shocked. He's serious isn't he? Who's 'them'? What does he mean by 'them'? As I was about to ask him some questions I was interrupted by the teacher. "Mr. McQuaid I believed your done with your work, isn't that right? If not continue your work until your done, class is almost over." My teacher Mr.Clay says as he continues writing on the board. I let out a long sigh as I continued my work with all these questions in my head unanswered. What did Marcel mean by 'them'? Does he know if the rumors are true?
Oh my god I'm ashamed of not posting any stories. I'm sorry...
I've been busy with the real life world. IM SO SORRY!
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