Chapter Five: Eric's Surprise
Time was running out as Peter hastily visited each student's house in effort of finding one that understands. He hesitated by at the sun, half-thinking if he did, time would speed up that supper was ready. It was not until twenty minutes later (a huge chunk of sun vanished under the skyline), that he visited Eric's house.
He sighed, seeing that he had held Eric back for the last, hoping that a brilliant mind might find a loophole in Andrew's rumors. He finally mustered the courage to take the door sling in hand and trash it against the wall three times. After a minute of so, a pretty teenage girl opened the door, widening her eyes to see Peter. She turned her head around and yelled, "Eric, you have a visitor! It's...Peter--I think." she added, looking back at him. He shook her outstretched hand. Eric's footsteps were not heard, but he could tell that Eric arrived when she glanced back and waved goodbye.
Eric peered at Peter suspiciously, "Whadd'ya want?" Peter slouched finally, realizing all hope was gone. "It's--nothing, I just thought that you would think that I'm innocent." Eric raised his eyebrows, jumped out the door, closing it quietly. "What do you mean?"
"Rumors," said Peter earnestly. Eric replied in an effort to sound indifferent, "Oh, that." He opened the door again and clambered inside, just as Peter stopped him.
"Wait," he desperately wailed. "Come back. I have a feeling that you still like me, somewhere in there! I should know! Only foolish people would believe Andrew's dirty lies!" As he said this, he was reminded of Emma--now a foolish Emma? It couldn't be!
Eric sighed and walked outside. "Fine. Andrew was angry at you for tattling on him." Peter flatly replied, "I worked out that part for myself, thanks." Eric continued, ignoring him, "He said that he would spread that you are schizophrenic and that," he took a deep breath, guiltily saying, "the voices tell you hurt people." Peter gasped like a bullet flew narrowly past him. "But why?" said Peter in anguish. "I just told on him! It wasn't the end of the world!"
"Amen!" a voice behind them said. Eric and Peter threw their heads around simultaneously, seeing Andrew, livid. They gasped under their breaths. "Surprised to see me, are you, Master Paranormal Freak?" Peter let out a long sigh, filled with the words, "I thought you were my friend--my best friend."
"Oh, I was," Andrew said, mock-smiling. "Up until you tattled. It wasn't tattling that upset me; it was the last straw. You've broke the Mischievous Rules several times over starting from the day you interacted with him," he said, gesturing to Eric with a look of disgust on his face. "You will prove your worth on Monday," said Andrew after a long pause, sneering. "Fight me. If you win, the rumors end. If I win, then they continue; stronger than ever." At that moment, Andrew judo-flipped Eric with the force of a young adult. Both were amazed at Andrew's strength. "Better practice." He said, kicking a pebble onto Eric's face. Eric scrambled to his feet, very disturbed at this.
"He's right about one thing, Peter. You better step up your game... And I might have something to help you with."
A/N: The next update will be slightly more graphic; sorry about the low details on Andrew's eavesdropping. I'll do better next chapter.
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