Bad News
It was a normal, quiet day. Everyone was gathered in the Pickles' house, watching TV and chatting about the latest news. The only ones not there was Chas' wife, Melinda, and their son, Chuckie.
Angelica, Charlotte and Drew Pickles' two year old daughter, was playing with some toys here parents brought with them. Stu occasionally gave her some handmade toys, because he loves to tinker with some spare parts that he buys or finds around the house.
Suddenly the phone rang. Everyone went quiet and looked at each other. Didi answered the phone.
"Hello? ... Yes... Oh, Chas, its for you." Chaz got the phone from Didi.
"Yes? Wait, what?!? And Chuckie?!? What happened?" It was apparent that Chas' voice was cracking out of sadness. "Yes.... We'll be there..." He hung up and placed the phone down, and started to cry.
"What's wrong Chas?" Didi said, concerned.
"Its my wife, and my son... They're in hospital..." An unearthly silence fell over the room, soon broken by Angelica asking a question.
"Mommy, what happened?"
"Something happened to a close friend. Now, come on darling, put on your coat, and lets go."
"Where are we going, mommy?"
"Um... Visiting a friend."
Everyone got into their cars and drove to the hospital.
Chas was still crying while they went to the reception. The receptionist showed them to Melinda's and Chuckie's room. When they got there, Chas ran to their side. Angelica, who was holding her mother's hand, caught a glimpse of a red-haired boy. She softly let go to see him.
The boy, who was only a year younger than her, lay in the hospital bed, breathing heavily, and eyes shut tight. He had bandages all over his face as well.
After a few minutes of silence and crying from Chas, the doctor beckoned him over.
"Mr. Finster," The doctor started, "I have some bad news."
He followed the doctor out of the room.
"Mr. Finster, your wife and child were in an accident. It was a really bad one, but your wife has a 50% chance of living."
"What about Chuckie?" Chas said, hoping some good news were to come.
"I'm sorry, but he doesn't have much of a chance of living."
He was lost for words. His eyes filled with tears as he ran to his little boy's side, hoping to see him just one more time.
"Will I be alright, daddy?" The young boy said, obviously in pain.
Chas didn't know what to say. He didn't want to lie to his son, but he didn't want to tell the truth.
"Yes Chuckie," He lied "You and mommy will be alright. And when you get better, we will all go out for ice-cream."
The boy smiled. "Okay, I'll try my best to get better, I love you daddy."
Melinda was asleep, knowing she might get better easier that way. Chas didn't disturb her, so he kissed her forehead and quietly whispered "I love you."
They all had to leave, because visiting times were over.
About a week later, everyone was in Stu and Didi's house, like they were the week before.
After a while, the phone rang. Everyone was a little sceptical, and concerned. They beckoned for Chas to pick up the phone.
"H-Hello?" He said, his heart pounding out of nervousness.
"They are both dead," The doctor said on the other line of the phone. "I am sorry, Mr. Finster."
He hung up, and broke down into tears. Everyone surrounded him, not even having to ask what had happened.
"Are they both dead?" Stu said, breaking the silence.
Chas nodded, still crying.
"Mommy," Angelica asked. "What does that mean?"
"Um... It means they've gone to heaven."
"Is it nice there?"
Charlotte looked at her daughter. "Yes." She lied between gritted teeth. "Its wonderful there!"
"Okay, mommy."
About a week later, a funeral was held. Both of the coffins were buried together.
Later that night, Angelica was woken up by someone sitting on top of her, poking her face.
"Huh? Tsk Will you cut that out already?!?" She tured to face who ever was poking her, to see a red-headed boy with glasses on, only looking a year younger than her.
"Who are you?" She asked, grumpy that someone had woken her up in the middle of the night.
"I'm Chuckie Finster." The boy said.
A/N: I am currently obsessed with this theory! And I am re-watching Rugrats, as well. I started at Season 3, episode 26 and am currently up to Season five, episode 10-20 (forgot what number). Its really cute~ Anyways, I saw these pictures one night and got some inspiration. VOCALOID ON~!
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