Chapter Thirty-one
As soon as they made it to the gate at the forge Knight-Master Lie bellowed for assistance. Manager Doak took charge of setting up an isolation field while Hae-sung and Song-hee helped carry their team leader to the waiting mat. Chenhui brought a small ebony chest downstairs from where it was stowed under Junseo's bed. Xuiyang and Scout Jia gathered as may silver vessels as they could find then busied themselves with constructing sand circles around the outside of the mat. The boys took up positions at each compass points
Junseo sat in the center of the mat and laid out his stones in a complicated diamond pattern. He started a quick chant and the team members echoed the simple evening mantra. They stayed in unison while light flashed from one set of crystals to another. A low hum rang a counterpoint to the chant then stopped. Everyone could feel the tension lift. Junseo gestured his thanks then wrapped himself in a blanket and went straight to sleep. The boys stood guard for a little while and were eventually coaxed into taking a break.
The group were waiting for an explanation from Knight-Master Lie when a man in multi-colored robes swept into the courtyard and was announced by the pair of palace guards at his side. Rainbow-Maker Mein studied each member of the group one-by-one before asking where the young man who had been attacked by the northern priestess was hiding.
"Not hiding. Trying to recover. He said she disrupted the harmony in his crystals. He had me hold some for part of the trip here and I have to tell you it bordered on torture."
"How many crystals? What's his affinity?"
Knight-Master Lie shrugged and looked at Manager Doak who dug out a notebook. "Tran-jitsu Master Park Junseo has earned over twenty clear quartz and onyx pairs. He has been gifted other stones from his family and most recently registered a pair of amethysts for his training as a healer. We do not know if his affinity has settled."
As he listened to the list, the color left the Rainbow-Maker's face. "This is bad. The dissonance between so many stones would be almost impossible for a full adept to control. If he doesn't even have an affinity..." The man paced back and forth talking mostly to himself before asking, "Where is he now?"
Scout Jia led their visitor to the doorway of the small banquet hall where the isolation field still shimmered. Manager Doak then explained the steps they had taken under Junseo's direction. The Maker asked the boys which mantra they had used and seemed to be satisfied with their answer. He then set up his own set of jade pillars, added another circle of white sand, and stood chanting at the northern most point of the field. Junseo thrashed back and forth without waking and then settled as the chant finished.
"I'm sorry, there is not much more we can do. He will just have to ride it out." Maker Mein shook his head sadly.
"I wanted to keep Park Junseo at my palace apartment and have him treated there but he said he needed to clear the dissonance fields." Knight-Master Lie's face was etched with worry.
"He was absolutely right. We suspect the priestess kept up her attack while the boy stayed in range. It is why I followed you here. The detonators we have been studying have a similar feel." Maker Mein looked back at Junseo and shook his head, "Very nasty business all round." He then took his leave but promised to check in again the following day.
Scout Jia waited until he was certain the party from the palace had left before he voiced his worry. "I know this is far fetched but didn't you just say the Rainbow Makers only leave the palace when they are searching for recruits?"
"Maybe they have heard some of the same rumors as the rest of you but remember they are also involved in tracking the bomb materials." Knight-Master Lie tried to reassure the others but he did not sound at all confident. He wanted to stay longer but was reminded of he was overdue for his other appointments. He penned an elaborate apology to the Dowager and selected a finely wrought hairpin as part of his penance.
"I will ask the Temple-master for suggestions. They know Junseo well enough to want to help. Hae-sung do you want to come with me or stay here?"
The young man looked over at where Junseo rested and back at the training league's leader. He blushed and rubbed his toe in the dirt. "Actually, I have an appointment to tour another yard," he half mumbled.
"Good. Bring back some suggestions for how to improve things here," Scout Jia said to quell the criticisms from the other members of the team.
When Hae-sung still hesitated, Knight-Master Lie said, "No, you should go. Let Junseo rest. I'm sure it will be alright." As a former commander he was accustomed to conveying a confidence he didn't always feel. Not even his closest friends could tell just how rattled the Rainbow-maker's appearance made him and he concentrated on regaining his balance as he made his way to the Sun-temple.
The interview with the Temple-master was straight-forward enough. Knight-master Lie was comfortable with the condition Pange In-Yeon should still participate in morning devotions as long as the boy was amenable. Then they discussed academy options and agreed it would be best if he could attend the same school as the other team members so the boys could travel back to the dorm together.
Throughout the discussion In-Yeon barely said a word and when he did speak his voice was barely about a whisper. Knight-master Lie gave In-Yeon two copies of the contract and asked him to keep one to review and send the other to his family in the south. He also assured the boy there was no rush since he would hold the offer until after the next school term finished. This came as a pleasant surprise to the others and the boy's uncle commented on how generous this seemed.
Once the boy left, Knight-Master Lie asked the Temple-Master, "Is he always this quiet?"
"Only when he doesn't know you. Give him time and you will see he has special strengths."
"Park Junseo said something along those lines before he invited In-Yeon over for a training session." Knight-master Lie's voice caught as he mentioned his first trainee's name.
"Yes, I expected they found resonance together. But why are you so worried?"
When Knight-master Lie explained what had happened the Temple-master agreed it was a serious situation. "I am shocked by these events, and with your permission, I will take this to our senior council. We don't have a stone-master here but the others have more experience. I am sure they will be eager to help our regular visitor."
In his relief, Knight-master Lie did not fully appreciate the depth of the Temple-Master's concern.
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