Chapter Sixty-three
Hae-sung expected skepticism from Manager Doak since the ex-soldier was so mater-of-fact when dealing with the team. He hesitated when trying to explain how the team members had manage to confirm all the ingredients in the explosives they tested for General Tan, but Song-hee had no such qualms.
"We have all heard of true dreams and In-Yeon gave us each a way to prove it for ourselves. It is not something I would normally believe but the boy has no guile. You know that as well as I do." Song-hee stuck his chin out.
"One instance, not matter how precise it turned out to be, does not make every dream true." Manager Doak cautioned.
"Yes, but you identified the battles In-Yeon had dreamed about. He and San Jin have figured out a few more since then." Hae-sung hoped this would help clinch their case.
"All in the past, remember. There is no reason to expect the same precision with a foretelling," the man frowned as the other members of the team gathered around. "Look, I know you want to trust the information In-Yeon gets from his dreams but life is seldom that simple."
"Even without the warnings from In-Yeon don't you think it is time for someone checked on Junseo? At least talk it over with the Knight-Master. Please?" Hae-sung rubbed his hands together.
"As long as you boys promise not to do anything on your own." Manager Doak frowned before adding, "Now let's see what Journeyman Yang has lined up for the week." The boys shuffled into the workshop without a word.
Journeyman Yang laid stacks of different materials along the middle of the workbench and asked the boys to identify each piece. He then had them select the best tools for the different projects he had sketched out. After the tools were in order, he put the boys into pairs telling them to make three pieces for the market by the end of the day. Knight-Master Lie checked to see the boys had settled into their tasks before inviting Journeyman Yang to join him for lunch at the Plum Tree Teahouse along with Scout Jia and Manager Doak. The younger man was both grateful and flustered to be included in the meeting with training league's founders.
"Hae-sung is anxious about Junseo, actually the whole team is, and the youngest one's dreams aren't helping" Manager Doak said in a low voice.
"Ah. Yes. It's hard to get your head around all the different talents Pange In-Yeon brings, isn't it?" Knight-Master Lie nodded.
"Well speaking of the boy, you should know Trainee Song-hee's less reputable friends let me know the Sun Temple has watchers at the forge and training yard." Scout Jia said, and seeing Manager Doak raised eyebrow, continued. "I know, you are worried they will want another marker. They say its all covered since the rescue would not be complete if the monks got their hands on the boy again."
"What did the Go's Master-at-arms say?" Manager Doak asked.
"They haven't noticed anything unusual but he figures it is only a matter of time, especially now the boys are riding in the arena. The household staff are always careful but it's not exactly a state secret Pange In-Yeon is there and Madam Go is very taken with him." Scout Jia shrugged.
"Do you know anything about Park Junseo's family in Ilidan and whether there is any reason the Governor and his cronies might be interested in our trainee?" Knight-Master Lie turned to Journeyman Yang.
The man nearly choked on his tea so had to clear his throat a couple of times before saying, "I don't know how far back you want me to go," He paused for a moment. "There wasn't much talk about Healer Park until his father-in-law turned up to help manage the Chinese Ambassador's reception at the Summer Palace. That would have been about three or four years ago. It looked like Healer Park would be made part of the council but there was some sort of falling out over an epidemic in lower-town. Anyway, the family seems to hold themselves apart, even more after their daughter's husband returned from being lost at sea and took in a second-wife. If the Governor has any interest, it would probably be in Park Junseo himself." Journeyman Yang looked expectantly to Scout Jia.
"We already know a bit about the Broken Wheel. You don't need to explain that part." Scout Jia smiled and encouraged Journeyman Yang to continue.
"Of course, you already know how successful your trainee was in open tournaments. Not being from Ilidan you may not understand how revered he was for those early successes, and for his daring as a kite racer." Journeyman Yang paused to wet his dry mouth. "Junseo likes to hide how much he actually gives so he probably wouldn't have told you about his businesses. He funnels a healthy portion into the guild's benevolent association and his team of runners seem to have their own fund. Still anyone checking the guild tax roles would have seen the shifting amounts attributed to the irregulars, and the timing makes it pretty obvious."
"Would there be any reason for someone to check?" Manager Doak asked.
"Well, after the earthquakes there seemed to be agents everywhere and some of the other journeymen were pretty vocal about the way the drop-in table out-produced the regular apprentices." Journeyman Yang looked around the table to see they understood before concluding. "Even if the couple's inclinations were different, it is very likely the Governor would have tracked your boy's progress."
"We have heard the rumors about favorites being picked from the junior classes," Scout Jia did not want to say more.
"It's about as bad as you can imagine. Normally, a graduate would not be young enough to catch the eye of the Governor or his crazy wife," Journeyman Yang shuttered remembering the boys he had seen being escorted to the castle.
Knight-Master Lei frowned, "We don't know how Trainee Junseo might react. He may not have his usual defenses and it's probably too late for laying low to work."
"It might be fine, after all it is not like the boy has classic good looks."
Manager Doak's comment took Journeyman Yang by surprise. "He is still growing into himself," he said. "Besides, it's his energy, not his features, which draws people."
"Is there a tournament to scout?" Knight-Master Lei asked.
"Maybe some inter-school rankings, nothing big," Scout Jia said slowly.
"Big enough to show a junior some of the ropes?"
"Trainee San Jin might not be out of place but I can't picture the others working a recruitment table. Is that who you had in mind?"
"Yes. I think we could also send Trainee In-Yeon along as a groom for Rufus and the mounts Trainee San Jin might pick. I am sure Minister Go will want to add at least one guard." Knight-Master Lei nodded.
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