Chapter Sixty-seven
Scout Jia tried to reassure the young boy that the Moon Temple should be safe. "I have heard they have a tradition of being independent. We should trust their connection with Junseo but I'm still not going to leave you on your own."
In-Yeon tried to muster up a smile. "A lot of people would start questioning my sanity by now," he admitted.
"You are not the only true dreamer I have met but I will admit it is easier to accept when your foretelling lines up with other information we have in hand. Just remember the potential for allegory. You know being captive in the dark might just mean not being able to see the path forward in a certain situation." Scout Jia said.
In-Yeon swallowed hard holding back expressing his disappointment in this adult rationalization. He muttered, "Hopefully, the Dream Master can clarify things."
The monk at the temple's gate overheard this comment, and bid them welcome. He then summoned an assistant to guide the pair to a small shrine. They made an offering and lit a handful of long incense sticks. In-Yeon knelt and quietly rehearsed the mantras for each element. Scout Jia struggled to stay alert as he stood guard.
After the incense had burned down to the edge of its ceramic holder, two monks appeared. One was wrinkled and stooped over with age. His whispery voice bid them peace. The other monk seemed familiar.
"Master Herbalist, you are here?" In-Yeon jumped up and bowed. Then he remembered to show his respect to the older monk, holding out the small package the shaman had sent.
"Ah. It is dreaming you are after." The old man nodded.
"Not just dreams. I seek connections to help me find a lost friend. I have this token but it did not clarify my vision," In-Yeon turned toward the more familiar monk and pulled out the sparking sash.
"I am just an ordinary gardener here so the Temple-Master should see this and consider your request," the younger monk said.
"Do that while we prepare the chamber." The older monk pointed to Scout Jia who, in turn, looked to In-Yeon.
"It's alright. I am with a friend besides the others know where we were heading," In-Yeon said.
They had only gone a few paces before the stocky monk asked, "Is there reasons you are taking such precautions at our temple?"
"Only how hard it was to get away from the Sun Temple. You have no idea how much things changed after you left." In-Yeon pulled back his sleeve to show the angry scar on his wrist.
"I'm sorry. I thought if I wasn't in the way of his ambition." The monk's voice trailed off.
"It wasn't him. Or should I say just him. There was man claiming to be from the Conclave who seemed far more dangerous," In-Yeon let some of his anger out but then remembered some of the help he had received. "It was a good thing the Mistress of the Dawn got curious. She also kept things locked down after I got away so the team could get me to safety."
"I'm glad to hear she helped, and that you are joining the search. We are more worried about Park Junseo than it might look," the monk explained quietly as they waited outside the temple-master's office.
"Needs called this young man to us," the monk said by way of introduction to the temple-master.
"I have this token to try to connect to our missing colleague but since he made a home here part of the time Park Junseo's family thought you might also have something." In-Yeon explained and showed the men the sparkling belt.
"Of course. It makes sense now. Follow me," the temple-master instructed as he took then through to a room where many jade jars stood on shelves. He took down two jars to give In-Yeon stones set into clasps to attach to the belt's tassels. Once the quartz and onyx were in place, the temple-master encouraged In-Yeon to put on the belt.
Instead, the boy draped the belt over one shoulder and then closed his eyes. He could sense the energy of the stones and willed it to seek a natural anchor. For the briefest moment he felt like he was sitting beside Junseo so was very disoriented when he opened his eye to see two monks staring at him very intently.
"These helped enormously. I sensed him. I don't know where he is but it can't be very far." In-Yeon looked excitedly from one man to the other.
"See what you learn tonight," the temple-master said placidly.
In-Yeon took a breath, ready to argue about the urgency of the situation but then stopped himself. "Thank you for your assistance."
"The juniors should be gathering for their practice. Perhaps learning their set will help ground you," the gardener suggested. When he saw In-Yeon's doubting look he explained, "I believe Junseo was especially fond of this form. He said it was good for his sword work."
In-Yeon yielded to the suggestion and soon found himself in a practice kit struggling to keep up with a new pattern. Most of the moves were familiar, but they did not flow in the same order as the forms he had practiced. The stretches also helped work out some the kinks he had from the hard ride the day before.
Scout Jia accompanied him to dinner with the other temple guests, after which he was guided to the small chamber where the Dream Master waited. In-Yeon and the monk shared a strongly flavored tea before laying on side-by-side pallets. Scout Jia stood guard through the night.
The first thing In-Yeon did after opening his eyes was to ask Scout Jia if his local connections were familiar with the nearby grottos. "I don't know if we will find the passage we need, but it should get me close enough to renew my contact with Junseo."
"He's alive." Scout Jia whispered with relief.
"Barely, and not for long if we don't get to him," In-Yeon answered with a frown.
"I sent a message with San Jin yesterday. Hopefully, my old friends will be in a position to help." Scout Jia gathered up their belongings and offered his sincere thanks to the monks who had taken then in.
They were only a few paces down the path into town before they were met by San Jin and his guards. San Jin had instructions for where they should meet Scout Jia's rebel friends. This turned out to be one of the entrances to the underground network that riddled the western half of the embankment.
In-Yeon became tongue-tied at the sight of the young women in battle gear guiding them to the central chamber in the underground complex. She pointed to the cracks in the ceiling and a collapsed passage.
"This part of the cave system has been in use for centuries," she tried to assure them by adding, "Just so you know, the quake came after the blast."
In-Yeon whispered his question to San Jin who asked, "Is there a hot spring nearby?" He then looked at the young boy for an explanation.
"The sound of running water in my dreams with maybe a trace of sulfur in the air." In-Yeon whispered to San Jin then peaked out from behind his friend.
"We used to pipe water in for the baths over there," she pointed to another blocked passage. "The other quake made them unusable."
"Is there a place where I might touch the spring water?" In-Yeon got brave enough to ask. He had an idea of how he might be able to get to Junseo but didn't dare voice it in front of strangers. He just held his topaz pendant in his hand and hoped for the best.
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