Chapter Sixty-nine
San Jin took up a torch and paced around the perimeter of the cavern. He tapped the walls at regular intervals and ventured a few steps into one of the open tunnels before his guards called him back. He picked up a stick and made rough sketches of what he remembered of the lands above asking their guide to estimate where the caves might intersect with the castle's walls.
"Oh. This is easy enough. The tunnels connect up through the lower catacombs. Some of them flooded last year so the Governor sealed them off but it was a shabby job so I doubt the bricks stayed in place with the quakes." She put her hand out for the stick and added a layer to the map. "We might be able to get closer to the castle if we loop back through lower town." She looked critically at their group. "You're going to attract too much attention. Can we lose some of these guards?"
The guards looked offended and their captain shook his head. San Jin sighed heavily and asked, "Is there some other way we might be useful?"
"Why don't you check in at Healer Park's clinic. They probably need a hand with crowd control if they are overrun by folks from the terraces," her voice heavy with sarcasm. When she saw the confused looks, she explained, "The poorer folks here have been beaten down enough they don't complain about service or try to jump ahead of others in a line. Weak sheep, that they are."
In-Yeon was shocked by her harsh attitude and gave San Jin a pleading look. Scout Jia spotted their exchange and decided to make an adjustment to the plan. "Surely you have some disguises for at least one guard and San Jin. The boys can accompany you while I go the to clinic. Healer Park knows me well enough to accept our help and San Jin can help In-Yeon stay grounded." He paused, looked In-Yeon in the eye and said, "I have the feeling it is not going to be a small working."
Their guide reluctantly agreed and dug out some ragged looking cloaks. She told San Jin to wrap up his sword's sheath if he did not want it getting stolen. In-Yeon chuckled at this suggestion. "If it wouldn't delay us, I would love to see someone try."
San Jin grinned at the compliment and worked on looking less noble. He even rubbed some dirt across his nose and chin. Their guide stared critically then muttered, "better," before signally for them to move out.
In-Yeon's relief over returning above ground was short lived. The winds picked up and the cold drizzle seeped through his clothes. The roughly cobbled path became dangerously slick as they made their way down the slope. They skirted the back of the market district and crossed a narrow bridge into lower town. Very few people were out and about. Those who were seemed intent on remaining unnoticed.
They turned into what seemed like a small park. It took In-Yeon a few moments to recognize the funeral mounds for what they were. When he did, he offered a silent thanks to the resting ancestors and wished them peace. Their group stepped carefully through the clutter of offerings at entrance to the catacombs then paused to pick up some torches.
In-Yeon noticed the girl ahead of him starting to shiver so offered his cloak. She declined his offer with a sharp shake of her head and picked up the pace. She marked each tunnel with a piece of chalk and kept reciting a rhyme under her breath. After several twists and turns, they came upon a rough brick wall. There were broken bricks at the base of the wall and deep cracks running diagonally on its face. She took out a short sword and rapped the top of the hilt on one of the bricks causing it to fall through to the other side of the wall.
"Careful," San Jin said and pulled her back as several bricks fell towards them. The dust made them all cough. He stood back and directed his guard to hold the torches higher, then he pointed to the top right-hand corner where the deepest crack seemed to start. "We should work down from there."
The guard nodded and helped gather the rubble into a pile to allowed them to reach. The group formed a chain for the bricks being passed down and soon the hole was large enough for In-Yeon to squeeze through. He helped widen it from the other side and the rest of the group joined him.
"That's weird," their guide said pointing at the stones on In-Yeon's belt. "You are glowing."
"Junseo must be close," San Jin said excitedly.
"Let me try," In-Yeon closed his eyes and focused on each stone. He brought Junseo to mind, picturing the confident smile and strong grip that welcomed him to the group. Then he brought back memories of his recent visions. He tried to locate water sources. He was getting ready to cycle through the element mantra's when he felt San Jin's squeeze on his shoulder.
"Grounding first," San Jin reminded him.
"Right. Thanks." In-Yeon whispered back and collected himself. By the time they finished the ritual they were bathed in light, San Jin with an emerald glow and In-Yeon with a light amber sheen.
"Nobody said you were sorcerers," the guide whispered as she backed up against the wall.
"We're not. This is just lower-level crystal work. The kind you can learn at most dojos." San Jin said looking first to his guard then back to the frightened woman.
"I've known this boy most of his life and can assure you there is nothing much magical about him," the guard's chuckle echoed strangely.
"I'm too young to be much of anything," In-Yeon said before warning, "But I am going to try to find a way to reach Junseo from here. You might want to cover your eyes. It might get a bit bright if these stones align the way they should." He took three measure breaths and once again thought of the boy he admired.
For a moment the clear quartz on the belt outshone the torches then it dimmed. In-Yeon touched the wall and silently sang to the elements. The ground rumbled for a moment then went quiet. In-Yeon felt dampness pooling under his hand so he pulled back. A glistening snake of water ran along the wall and he followed it around the bend. He had to scramble over a rockfall to follow the trickle into another passage. The rest of the group followed cautiously making sure to mark the trail back.
In-Yeon stopped at the edge of a small pool. He took off his boots and waded in, stopping in the middle. He slowly spun round, and round. Ripples flowed out to the edge, returning with enough force to lift him near the dome of the cavern. He jumped to a ledge where he sat cross-legged and started to chant. Small rocks started to bounce along the ground and the pressure built all around. There was a loud crack followed by grinding screeches. Four large boulders crumbled into loose piles of gravel. In-Yeon jumped off his perch to slide down the far side of the nearest pile.
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